SECTION L – DAIRY GOATS Entries to the Convenor Robyne Coe by Friday 17 April 2015 Showing on th Sunday 26 April – Enquiries Robyne Coe 9397 0376 Entry Fee: $2 Judge: Dave Robinson Prize money: First $8, Second $4 Penning time: 9.00am Judging Time: 9.30am All entries must be from certified CAE free herds Trophies Supreme Exhibit – Betdale Stud Junior Champion Doe – Margaret Dell Memorial TrophyChampion Kid DGSWA Sashes Supreme Champion, Senior Champion Doe, Reserve Senior Champion Doe, Doe with Best Udder, JuniorChampion, Champion Doe Kid, Champion Goatling Dairy Goat Classes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Veteran Doe – over 6 years, in milk Type and 24 hour Production Doe. Open to Does tested during the last 12 months. Figures to be submitted to convenor. Saanen Doe, over 3 years and under 6 years, in milk Toggenburg Doe, over 3 years and under 6 years, in milk British Alpine Doe, over 3 years and under 6 years, in milk Anglo Nubian Doe, over 3 years and under 6 years, in milk Saanen Doe, 1-3 years, in milk Toggenburg Doe, 1-3 years, in milk British Alpine Doe, 1-3 years, in milk Anglo Nubian Doe, 1-3 years, in milk Any Dairy Breed Doe, dry, over 2 years, must have kidded at least once Doe with best udder, first lactation Doe with best udder, second and subsequent lactation Doe with Best Udder Senior Champion Doe Reserve Senior Champion Doe 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Saanen Goatling, 12-24 months, unkidded Toggenburg Goatline, 12-24 months, unkidded British Alpine Goatling, 12-24 months, unkidded Anglo Nubian Goatling, 12-24 months, unkidded Saanen Doe Kid, 6-12 months Toggenburg Doe Kid, 6-12 months British Alpine Doe Kid, 6-12 months Anglo Nubian Doe Kid, 6-12 months Any Dairy Breed Doe Kid, under 6 months Champion Doe Kid Champion Goatling Junior Champion Supreme Champion 23. 24. 25. Dam and daughter, any age Sire’s progeny, any age, not full sisters, Sire’s name to be shown on entry form Breeders Trio