Register of Interests – University Court & Executive at Oct 2015 Main Employer Appointments, Offices and Directorships Details of Kinship Relationships Dr Morag Ferguson AHoD SERE, GCU None President Scotland of the UCU from May 2015, President of the GCU branch of UCU from December 2011 Deputy Lieutenant for the City of Glasgow, Ex Dean of Guild of the Merchants House of Glasgow, Chairman of Royal Society for the Support of Women of Scotland, Governor of Hutchesons Grammar School, Trustee of Hutchesons Educational Trust, Director & Vice-Chairman of the Association for the Relief of Incurables in Glasgow and the West of Scotland, Chairman of the Scottish Cremation Society, Member of the Local Valuation Panel for Argyll & Bute, Dunbartonshire and Glasgow, Trustee of Glasgow Nursing & Medical Relief Association, Trustee of Western Recreation Trust None None None John Chapman None Glasgow Caledonian University None Professor Pamela Gillies CBE Glasgow Caledonian University Laura Gordon Corporate Connections International Ltd Hazel Brooke Dr Douglas Chalmers Membership of Professional Bodies and Trade Unions None Member of University and College Union Significant Shareholdings in public/private companies None None Involvement in Contracts None None Formal Positions/ connections with other HE institutions None None Any other Material Interest None None None None None None None None None Fellow of HEA, member of Institute of Physics, fellow of IESIS None None None None Founding Trustee of Grameen Scotland Foundation None Fellow of the Faculty of Public Health; Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts: Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh IoD, EMCC None None None None Chair, Institute of Directors West of Scotland: Director of Scottish North American Business Council None None None None None Ian Gracie Tom Halpin Jan Hulme Gordon Jack Director, Ian Gracie Associates Limited, Construction Industry, Business and Management Consultant Sacro Chartered Institute of Building – Scotland Branch Chair None Member of Institution of Civil Engineers, Member of Chartered Institute of Building. Ian Gracie Associates Ltd Construction Recovery Solutions Ltd None None None Trustee Lloyds TSB Foundation, Member of Scotland Committee, IOD, Director CCPS None FIOD None None None Glasgow Caledonian University None None None AHUA None None Occasional External Assessor roles Mr Graham Paterson consulting in GCU is a Director of SACRO – no business connection with GCU role None Trustee and Vice Chair: ICAS Foundation; Chair: ICAS TPE Board; Panel Member: Financial Reporting Council Disciplinary Tribunal, Director: Festival City Theatres Trust, Honorary Governor: The Glasgow Academy Member of the Scottish Teachers Pension Scheme Advisory Board and member of the Scottish Living Wage Leadership Group. Director of Austin Lafferty Ltd and Director of Bailey Park Productions Ltd None Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, Institute of Taxation None None None None None None None Lay member of UoE People Committee None None Chartered Fellow, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development Law Society of Scotland None None None None Governor of The Glasgow Academy and Trustee of The Glasgow Academicals War Memorial Trust None None None None NHS Lanarkshire works with other HE institutions, offering health related qualifications/ research opportunities None Alex Killick Glasgow Caledonian University Austin Lafferty Self-employed in private practice Chair of NHS Lanarkshire Health Board (by dint of office, Trustee of NHS Lanarkshire endowments fund) Neena Mahal Professor Mike Mannion Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow Caledonian University None Board member of SCIAF, Board member of Higher Education Academy None Director, Scottish Disability Sport and Director of 4 GCU subsidiary companies (GCUAL, GCUCL, GCUIL, GCUNC) Trustee Nottingham Contemporary, Trustee Broadway Media None Glasgow Caledonian University GCU New York None None None None Mr Michael Stephenson Glasgow Caledonian University None David Wallace Student Loan Company Student trustee of NUS Scotland Charitable Services. Council member, National Executive Committee Member and Company director for the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists. Director of MacDonald Wallace Ltd Alistair Webster None Director and Trustee (Treasurer) of the Eric Liddell Centre None Professor Valerie Webster Glasgow Caledonian University None None Gerry Milne Professor Ann Priest Davena Rankin Cara Smyth None None Member of British Computer Society, IEEE, ACM Fellow Chartered & Certified Accountants, Unison member Fellow Textile Institute, Fellow Royal Society of Arts Unison, Institute of Knowledge Transfer None None None None None None None None None None Hon Professorship NTU, Harbin E.U None None None None None Fashion Group International, 92Y NYCEDC Fashion Fellows Mentor Member of the Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists. None None None None None None None None Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, Scotland, Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Bankers in Scotland Fellow of Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, Fellow of Higher Education Academy, Member Health & Social Care Professions Council, Member EIS 100% of above company None None None None None None none None None None None Bob Winter Retired Stephanie Young Director, Origin HR Solutions (UK) Ltd, Occupational Assessment Tests and Services Director and chair of grants committee, Merchant House of Glasgow; Chair Scottish Professional Football League Trust; Committee Member Poverty Truth Commission; Committee member Scottish Kinship Care, Member West End Festival Board Director, Origin HR Solutions (UK) Ltd, Director, Wise Group, Trustee, Borders Forest Trust, Chair Glasgow Clyde Education Foundation None None None None Connection Hon Doctorate Strathclyde University/ Strathclyde University Alumni Honorary F.R.C.S. (Glasgow) Member Labour Party None CIPD Origin HR Solutions (UK) Ltd None Honorary Professor, University of Glasgow Member of IoD, National Trust, RSA, Enterprising Women