Comfort From the Cross Midweek/Holy Week Themes Week 1

Comfort From the Cross Midweek/Holy Week Themes
Week 1—March 5
Text: Luke 22:31-34
“Comfort from His Intercession for Us”
Jesus warned Peter that he was going to be “sifted as wheat” but Jesus’ assured him that He had
already prayed for him so that his faith wouldn’t fail. In the ongoing battle of life, as we are
assaulted by the evil one, we walk forward with the same COMFORT
that Jesus intercedes
for us.
Week 2—March 12
Text: Mark 14:32-42
“Comfort from His Determination to Save Us”
In the Garden, Jesus reflected the difficulty of what He must endure. His prayers took Him into
anguishing wrestling with God. Yet knowing what was at stake, He remained determined not
only to do the Father’s will but to save us. That same determination endures through every
challenge we face. He is determined to see us through
Week 3-March 19
Text: Luke 22:47-52
“Comfort from His Healing Touch”
Many things wound us in our lives. We have scares all over our bodies from injuries and
surgeries. Yet the deeper hurts are those in our hearts as our persons have been torn. We see
Jesus effortlessly put the ear back on and find hope for the healing of all our wounds.
Week 4—March 26
Text: Luke 22:54-62
”Comfort from His Omniscient Look”
We spend so much time hiding ourselves from others, in the way we dress, the way we look, in
the way we act. Much of the burden of life comes from having to hide our burdens and grief
from one another. Very few have the blessing of someone who loves so much that we can
confess our deepest darkest sins and know that we will be safe. Yet even as Peter denied the
Lord as the Lord had predicted, He looked straight at Peter.
We know that we never have to
hide from the Lord because we can’t. Instead, we run to Him and find grace in the arms of the
One who loves us dearly.
Week 5—April 2
Text: John 18:29-38
“Comfort from His Truth”
Pilate struggled to deal with truth. It is in the blurring of truth residents of this world find the
opportunity to distort and use people, ultimately destroying them. Pilate was unaccustomed in
the Roman Empire to anyone resting on truth. He was frustrated by Jesus. Yet he went out and
proclaimed His innocence. Our lives in this world will be frustrated by the distortions of
darkness both outside of us and even in us. Yet we find comfort in the truth, that Jesus is the
innocent one who came to rescue us so that we can live forever.
Week 6—April 9
Text: Matthew 27:27-31a
“Comfort from His Wounds”
We are preoccupied in our culture by avoiding pain of any kind, anywhere. Dentists offer
sedation. Pain meds are pumped out in volumes. Yet Jesus chose pain for us. He had it in the
beating. He had it in the mocking. Yet he wanted it, not because He had
problems where he liked pain. Instead he chose to absorb the wounds of our sin on his body so
that we could become free of it. Armed with that comfort, we can dare to look at the
uncomfortable things of life, in our own lives and others, and not
have to run and hide.
We get to find the healing of His wounds.
Maundy Thursday—April 17
Text: Luke 14:22-33
“Comfort From His Presence”
The world is full of 7 Billion people yet most are dissatisfied with the relationships of their lives.
In the midst of loneliness Jesus says, “Take and Eat…My Body…Drink…My Blood” and in His real
presence we know that we are in His company and that of all the company of Heaven, along
with all who share in the koinonia of His altar.
Good Friday
Text: John 19:28-42
“Comfort From His Finish”
In a high paced, high stress world, there is little opportunity to ever feel like we have
everything done. At the end of a week with endless tasks, Jesus could finally say, “It is
finished,” giving us the confidence of knowing that in our completed salvation found in Him we
will find the ultimate Sabbath.
Text: John 20:11-18
“Comfort From His Voice”
Mary couldn’t help but be upset. Life was on overload. No one could have been prepared for
what she had just witnessed. Yet in the moment when Jesus called her by name she could find
the shear exhilaration of victory and celebration that would now become her life. We find
comfort best in His voice that doesn’t just give us coping tools but living victory.