Trending Opportunities Spring 2014new .02(1)

Spring 2014 Edition
External Scholarships: Apply for these scholarships by visiting their websites.
The Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship
Google Anita Borg Scholarship recipients will each receive a $10,000 award for the 2014-2015 academic school
year. A group of female undergraduate and graduate students will be chosen from the applicant pool, and
scholarships will be awarded based on the strength of each candidate's academic background and
demonstrated leadership. All scholarship recipients will be invited to attend the Annual Google Scholars'
Retreat in Mountain View, California in 2014.
Value: $10,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Be a female student currently enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student at a university for the 2013-2014 academic
Intend to be enrolled in or accepted as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at a university in the United States for
the 2014-2015 academic year
Majoring in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field
Maintain a strong academic record
Exemplify leadership and demonstrate passion for increasing the involvement of women in computer science
Application Deadline: January 6
To apply, visit:
The Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund
For students from developing countries who are currently studying in the United States or Canada, the MMMF
awards grants of approximately $12,000 each; grants are not renewable. The MMMF also typically invites the
recipients to Washington DC to participate in a three day Awards Program organized in their honor.
Value: $12,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Has a record of service to women and children and a commitment to improve the lives of women and children in
developing countries
Resides in the U.S. or Canada at the time she submits the application
Is enrolled (in residence) at an accredited U.S. or Canadian educational institution for the academic year 2013-14, and
intends to be enrolled for the 2014-15 academic year
Will use the grant toward the completion of her degree
Is a national of a lower or middle income developing member country, as designated by the MMMF Country Eligibility List
Is not a U.S. or Canadian citizen, permanent U.S. resident or Canadian Landed Immigrant
Intends to return to her country (or other developing country) within two years of completing use of the MMMF grant and
perform at least two years of service
Demonstrates financial need and satisfactory academic performance
9. is at least 25 years old by December 31, 2013
10. is not related to a World Bank Group staff member or his/her spouse
Application Deadline: January 15
To apply, visit
Fred M. Young Scholarship
The Young Radiator Company established this scholarship in memory of the company's founder, Fred M.
Young, Sr. Mr. Young started the company in 1927 and saw it grow to become a major force in the field of
Heat Transfer. He had a high regard for the value of engineering in terms of its contribution to the success of
society. Mr. Young felt that the profession's nobility lay in its focus on building rather than allocating the
assets of the world and improving rather than administering the product of our work. Fred M. Young, Sr. was a
life member of SAE and was elected to the Fellow grade of membership in 1982.
Value: $4000
Eligibility Requirements:
U.S. citizenship (not permanent resident).
3.75 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale (required).
Rank in the 90th percentile in both math and critical reading on SAT or composite ACT scores.
Pursuing an engineering degree accredited by ABET.
Application Deadline: January 15, 2014
To apply, visit
Point Foundation Scholarship
Point Scholarships are awarded on a "last provider" basis. Point fills in the gaps and provides funds not
provided by other scholarships, grants, loans, work/study programs, etc. It is the responsibility of those
selected as Point Scholars to secure as much outside funding as possible. Point is not intended to be, and
cannot be, the sole source of support because there is no guarantee that the financial support will be the
same each year, nor will it be provided each year. The scholarship amounts funded by Point each year
depends on other financial support that Point Scholars receive from individuals, other foundations or grants,
as well as the financial health of Point.
Value: Varies
Eligibility Requirements:
Please review the current scholar and alumni bios that are posted on Point's website, as each biography demonstrates the qualities
and experiences that Point looks for in the strongest applicants. Very strong academic performance is one characteristic that Point
seeks in all its applicants and subsequent scholars. Additionally, proven leadership skills and the desire to make a difference in the
world are highly valued. Each person who applies for a Point Scholarship is evaluated on the totality of his or her situation. Financial
need, academic achievement, personal merit, leadership, involvement in the LGBTQ community, professional experiences, personal
and future goals, and marginalization are all taken into consideration.
Application Deadline: January 21
To apply, visit
Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation
The Truman is a very competitive national scholarship. Each year, the Foundation reviews over 600
applications for our 55 to 65 Scholarships awarded annually. These 600 applications do not include the
students who compete on their own campus for one of a school's four nominations. Although the award is
competitive, we hope that our application process - while challenging - is straightforward. We hope that by
providing clear information to all prospective applicants we enable everyone to produce the best application
Value: Up to $30,000
Eligibility Requirements:
At the time I apply, I will be a full-time student pursuing a bachelor's degree with junior-level academic standing; I have
senior-level standing in my third year of college enrollment; or I am a senior and a resident of Puerto Rico, the Virgin
Islands, or a Pacific Island. Note: Students who are already attending graduate school are not eligible for the Truman
I am a U.S. citizen (or a U.S. national from a Pacific Island) or I expect to receive my citizenship by the date the Scholarship
will be awarded.
See additional requirements on the website provided below.
Application Deadline: February 4
To apply, visit
John Lennon Scholarship
This scholarship competition is for songwriters and composers who are current students or alumnus/alumni of
a college or university in the United States. To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must have reached their
17th birthday as of February 7, 2014, and be less than 25 years of age as of that date. To apply for this
scholarship, applicants must submit a song with words and/or lyrics written by the applicant(s) either as a sole
or joint author/composer. Both lyrics and music must be original and not based on any prior work. If the
submitted song is co-written, a separate application for each writer much accompany the submission.
Value: $5,000-$10,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Class year: College Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, Master’s level study, Doctoral-level study
Acceptable Majors: Conducting, Jazz/Jazz Studies, Music, Music History, Literature, and Theory, Music Management and
Merchandising, Music Pedagogy, Music Performance, General, Music Teacher Education, Music Theory and Composition,
Music, General, Music, Other, Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Piano and Organ, Violin, Viola, Guitar and Other Stringed
Instruments, Visual and Performing Arts, General, Visual and Performing Arts, Other Voice and Opera Musical Theatre
Music Technology Brass Instruments Woodwind Instruments, Percussion Instruments
Must submit an originated song
Application Deadline: February 7
To apply, visit
Hispanic Scholarship Fund’s/AT&T Foundation Scholarship
The HSF/AT&T Foundation Scholarship Program is designed to assist Hispanic dependents of AT&T employees
attending two-year or four-year colleges obtain an undergraduate degree. The award amount is $1,500 for
two-year colleges, $2,500 for four-year colleges, and $2,000 for one-time honorarium to attend a military
academy. This program is a merit-based program, not need based.
Value: $1,500-$2,500
Eligibility Requirements:
Be of Hispanic heritage
Be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident with a permanent resident card or passport stamped I-551 (not expired) or be
granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
Be 26 years or younger as of February 14, 2014
Must enter the coupon code 14ATT on the first page of the application
Have a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
Must be a high school senior or graduate who plans to enroll and does enroll FULL-TIME in an undergraduate degree
seeking program at a four year U.S. accredited institution or a two year community college during the 2014-2015 academic
Must be a dependent of a regular full-time, actively employed employee of AT&T Inc., or its U.S. subsidiaries, who has
a minimum of one year of employment with the company as of February 14, 2014. For purposes of this scholarship
program, the term dependent is defined according to the same definition of dependent within the company-sponsored
medical plan for which the employee parent is eligible, but does not include spouses or legally recognized partners.
Dependents of senior managers and officers (levels 5 and above) are NOT eligible.
U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents must apply for federal financial aid by completing the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid (FAFSA) in 2014. DACA applicants must submit household income information.
Application Deadline: February 14
To apply, visit
Foundation for Rural Education and Development Scholarship (FRED)
Each year, the FRED awards scholarships to rural America's most accomplished and intelligent students.
Scholarships range from $1,000 to $5,000 and are funded by the FRED Scholarship Endowment and by
donations to the FRED Annual Giving Campaign. The Everette Kneece Return to Rural America
Scholarship honors Mr. Kneece's vital and pioneering efforts on behalf of FRED and is awarded in the amount
of $5,000 to the year's top applicant.
Value: $1,000-$5,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Eligibility for FRED programs is determined by the FRED Donor Circle list. Applicants must have a letter of nomination from a FRED
Donor Circle company for that program year and meet the basic requirements outlined in the scholarship brochure. Only
applications that meet these requirements will be considered. If you are interested in applying for a FRED scholarship, please contact
one of the companies listed in the FRED Donor Circle. FRED does not provide contact information for our donors.
Application Deadline: February 14
To apply, visit
DAR National Society Scholarships
The DAR Scholarship Committee awards scholarships to qualified applicants regardless of race, religion, sex or national
origin. All multi-year scholarships, typically renewable up to four years, must be for consecutive years of attendance at
an accredited college or university in the United States. The only exception is the American Indian Scholarship that is
available for students pursuing vocational training.
Value: varies per scholarship
Eligibility Requirements:
All applicants must be citizens of the United States and must attend or plan to attend an accredited college or university
in the United States. DAR chapter sponsorship is not required; however, a chapter or state chairman may work with the
applicant to put the information together to send to the DAR Scholarship Committee. Each different DAR National
Society has a specific set of requirements differing in choice of major as well as ethnicity.
Application Deadline: February 15, 2014
To apply, visit
Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship
The Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship of $6,000 is available for award in 2014 to an upperdivision undergraduate or graduate student of public administration, (governmental) accounting, finance,
political science, economics, or business administration (with a specific focus on government or nonprofit
management). The purpose of the Minorities in Government Finance Scholarship is to recognize outstanding
performance by minority students preparing for careers in state and local government finance. Tyler
Technologies fund this scholarship.
Value: $6,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Currently a full- or part-time upper-division undergraduate or graduate student in public administration, governmental
accounting, finance, political science, economics, or business administration (with a specific focus on government or
nonprofit management)
Belong to one of the following groups (as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau): Black or African American, American Indian or
Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino.
Citizen or permanent resident of the United States or Canada
Recommendation by student’s academic advisor, department chair (undergraduate students), or dean of the graduate
program (graduate students).
Student has not been a past winner of a scholarship program administered by the GFOA.
Application Deadline: February 21
To apply, visit
OSIA: National Leadership Grants
Through the Sons of Italy Foundation (SIF) with hundreds of thousands of family members located in all fifty
states and the District of Columbia, the Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) has awarded nearly $57 million in
scholarships to date.
In past years, the SIF has offered 10 to 12 merit-based scholarships (National Leadership Grants), ranging from
$4,000 to $25,000, in a nationwide competition. These figures and the number of scholarships may vary
according to funding each year.
Value: Varies
Eligibility Requirements:
U.S. citizens of Italian descent (at least one Italian or Italian American grandparent) enrolled in an under-graduate or
graduate program at a four-year, accredited academic institution for the 2014 fall term. Previous SIF scholarship winners
are not eligible. (Please note: Additional eligibility requirements may apply to specific scholarships.)
Application Deadline: February 28
To apply, visit
LAGRANT Foundation Scholarship
The LAGRANT Foundation (TLF), a nonprofit 501(c) (3) organization based in Los Angeles, was established in
1998 by Mr. Kim L. Hunter to address the lack of diversity in the advertising, marketing and public relations
fields. TLF provides scholarships, career development workshops, professional development, mentors and
internships to African American/Black, American Indian/Native American, Asian American/Pacific Islander and
Hispanic/Latino undergraduate and graduate students.
Value: $2500
Eligibility Requirements for Undergraduate Students:
Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
Must be a member of one of the following ethnic groups: African American/Black, Asian American/Pacific Islander,
Hispanic/Latino or Native American/American Indian
Must be a full-time student at a four-year, accredited institution, carrying a total of 12 units or more per semester/quarter
*Must have a minimum of 2.75 GPA (if you do not meet this requirement, please see the application checklist below)
MUST major in a field of study that has an emphasis on public relations, marketing or advertising
Additional majors that also qualify are art, anthropology, communications, English, graphic design and sociology - while
demonstrating a career path in advertising, marketing or public relations.
Must have at least one year to complete his/her degree from the time the scholarships are awarded
If chosen, the applicant MUST attend TLF’s career development workshop AND awards reception to receive the
scholarship. The applicant must make a one-year commitment to maintain contact with TLF to receive professional
guidance and academic support.
Application Deadline: February 28
To apply, visit
Zombie Apocalypse Scholarship
This scholarship, as well as many others with the same eligibility requirements is offered by The
essay topic of this particular scholarship is as followed. “Not every gift has to be expensive or extravagant. In fact,
sometimes it’s the sweet and simple things that make a real difference in our lives. Think back and tell us about
something you received as a gift and why it meant so much to you.”
Value: $1500
Eligibility Requirements:
Be thirteen (13) years of age or older at the time of application
Be legal residents of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia
Be currently enrolled (or enroll no later than the fall of 2020) in an accredited post-secondary institution of higher
Application Deadline: February 28, 2014
To apply, visit
Buick Achievers Scholarship
You are making a difference in your classroom and in your community. If you have the passion to succeed—
especially in fields of study important to the automotive and related industries—the Buick Achievers
Scholarship Program is looking for you. This year, we will award 100 renewable scholarships of up to $25,000
per year.
Value: $25,000 renewable
Eligibility Requirements:
Be high school seniors or graduates or be current undergraduate students
Plan to enroll in full-time undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or university based in the U.S. or Puerto
Rico for the entire 2013–14 academic year (excluding proprietary and online schools)
Plan to major in a specified course of study that focuses on Engineering/Technology or select Design and Business-related
programs of study. See the list of eligible majors.
Be interested in pursuing a career in the automotive or related industries
Be U.S. citizens and have permanent residence in the United States or Puerto Rico
Application Deadline: February 28 (the application will not be open until January 7)
To apply, visit
Leavitt Machinery Scholarship Program
African American, Native American and Hispanic students planning to pursue full-time study in a chemicallyrelated field with outstanding academic records and a desire to pursue a career in the chemical sciences can
apply for an ACS Scholars Award.
Value: $2,500 for freshmen, $3,000 for sophomores, $5,000 for juniors and seniors
Eligibility Requirements:
High school seniors entering college and planning to pursue full-time study in a chemically-related field
College freshmen, sophomores or juniors currently pursuing or planning to pursue full-time study in a chemically related
Community college students majoring in a two-year chemical technology program or planning to transfer to a four-year
Application Deadline: March 1, 2014
To apply, visit
National Italian American Foundation
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) annually awards scholarships to outstanding students in the
summer for use during the following academic year.
Value: Varies
Eligibility Requirements:
Be a member of NIAF or have a parent or guardian who is a member of NIAF
Be enrolled in an US accredited institution of higher education for the Fall 2014.
Have a grade-point average of at least 3.5 out of 4.0 (or the equivalent).
Be a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien.
Fit into one of the two NIAF scholarship categories.
For the purposes of the NIAF Scholarship Program, to be “Italian American” the student must have at least one ancestor
who has immigrated from Italy.
Application Deadline: March 1, 2014
To apply, visit
American Chemical Society Scholars Program
The American Chemical Society Scholars Program awards renewable scholarships of up to $5,000 to
underrepresented minority students who want to enter the fields of chemistry or chemistry-related fields,
such as environmental science, toxicology and chemical technology. High school seniors and college freshmen,
sophomores, or juniors are eligible to apply.
Value: $5,000 renewable
Eligibility Requirements:
Be African-American, Hispanic/Latino, or American Indian
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent U.S. resident
Be a full-time student at a high school or accredited college, university, or community college
Demonstrate high academic achievement in chemistry or science (Grade Point Average 3.0, "B" or better)
Demonstrate financial need according to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid form (FAFSA) and the Student Aid
Report (SAR) form
Be a graduating high school senior or college freshman, sophomore or junior intending to or already majoring in chemistry,
biochemistry, chemical engineering or a chemically-related science OR intending to or already pursuing a degree in
chemical technology
Be planning a career in the chemical sciences.
Application Deadline: March 1
To apply, visit
NPPF Scholarships
NPPF scholarships are awarded to encourage those with talent and dedication to photojournalism who need
financial help to continue their studies. The awards are directed to students who are studying full-time or who
are returning to college.
Value: $500-$2,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Be currently enrolled full-time in an accredited four-year college or university in the U.S. or Canada or
have been accepted at a four-year institution to complete suspended studies.
Provide evidence of an aptitude for photojournalism as well as academic ability and financial need.
Provide grade point average as an indication that applicant can successfully complete college studies.
Explain financial need.
Use the scholarship at the beginning of the next semester. Otherwise, it will be forfeited and
awarded to an alternate candidate.
A letter of recommendation your advisor is required. The letter should be emailed directly to the Scholarship chairperson.
Application deadline: March 2, 2014
To apply, visit
Minute Clinic/ UNCF Family Nurse Practitioner Graduate Scholarship
MinuteClinic is the largest provider of retail health care in the nation and continues to be reaccredited by The
Joint Commission. MinuteClinic's unique structure and approach to health care offers a rewarding alternative
to the traditional patient care practice, focused on autonomy, empowerment, education and evidence-based
patient care. MinuteClinic operates the most retail clinics in the nation, employs the most Nurse Practitioners
and is partnered with some of the largest healthcare systems in the country.
Value: $5000
Eligibility Requirements:
● Minimum GPA of 3.0
Be enrolled in a Masters of Nursing program, specializing as a Family Nurse Practitioner
Completed a clinical rotation at MinuteClinc with a minimum of 120 hours.
Application deadline: March 3, 2014
To apply, visit
Udall Scholarship
The Udall Scholarship offers scholarships to Native Americans and Alaska Native students pursuing careers
related to tribal public policy, Native health, or the environment. In 2014, the Foundation expects to award 50
scholarships of up to $5000 and 50 honorable mentions to sophomore and junior level college students
committed to careers related to the environment, tribal public policy, or Native American health care.
Value: Up to $5,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Be committed to a career related to the environment, OR committed to a career in tribal public policy OR Native American
health care
Be a sophomore or junior-level student, enrolled full-time at a two-year or four-year accredited institution of higher
education in the United States, pursuing a bachelor's or associate's degree during the 2013-2014 academic year
Have a college grade-point average of at least a "B" or the equivalent.
Be pursuing full-time study during the 2014-2015 academic year.
Be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. permanent resident.
*For the purposes of the Scholarship Program, a Native American or Alaska Native is any individual who is:
A member of an Indian tribe or band, as membership is defined by the tribe or band, including any tribe or band terminated
since 1940 and any tribe recognized by the state in which the tribe or band resides;
A descendant in first or second degree of a member of an Indian tribe or band, as membership is defined by the tribe or
band, who can demonstrate affiliation with the tribal community according to criteria set by the Foundation;
Considered by the Secretary of the Interior to be an Indian for any purpose;
An Eskimo, Aleut, or other Alaska Native;
A permanent U.S. resident who is a member of the First Nations of Canada
Application Deadline: March 5
To apply, visit
Fisher House Foundation
The "Heroes' Legacy Scholarships" program honors not only those who have fallen in battle, but all who have
died or have become disabled through their active military service since September 11, 2001. The program is
open to their dependent unmarried children under age 23. A disability is defined as one that results in the
service member being eligible for, and receiving, Traumatic Service members' Group Life Insurance (TSGLI) or
a permanent and total disability compensation rating of 100%.
Value: $5,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Dependent unmarried children under age 23 of active duty personnel, Reserve/Guard and retired military members, or survivors of
service members who died while on active duty may apply for a Heroes' Legacy Scholarship if they meet one of the following
additional criteria:
● One of the parents died while serving on active duty on or after September 11, 2001 in any branch or component of the U.
S. Armed Forces OR
● One of the parents, while serving on active duty on or after September 11, 2001, became disabled - meaning that the
parent qualified for receipt of Traumatic Service members' Group Life Insurance (TSGLI) OR
● One of the parents, who was on active duty on or after September 11, 2001, received a permanent and total compensation
rating of 100% from the Department of Defense or Department of Veterans Affairs.
Application Deadline: March 15
To apply, visit
Worldstudio AIGA Scholarships
Each year, Worldstudio AIGA Scholarships receives hundreds of applications from young people in this very
predicament – desperate to influence the world with their amazing talents but without the financial means to
do so. Fortunately, with the support of generous individuals, organizations and corporations, Worldstudio
AIGA Scholarships allow young people from minority and economically disadvantaged backgrounds not only to
realize their artistic dreams, but also to give back to their communities.
Value: $500-$6,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must be citizens of the United States or be in possession of a Green Card (formally known as a Permanent
Resident Card or Form I-551)
Applicants must be pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree in one of the design/arts disciplines listed under “areas
of study” - and plan to enter a career in the creative professions.
Applicants must be matriculated (or planning to matriculate) at accredited colleges and universities in the United States for
the Fall 2014/Spring 2015 academic year and intend on maintaining full-time status for the entire year.
Incoming students who have yet to enroll must submit proof of acceptance from school of choice.
Though not a requirement, minority status is a significant factor considered in jury decisions.
Students must have at least a 2.0 GPA.
Scholarships are only awarded to those students who are in financial need. Applicants must provide complete Financial Aid
information on the scholarship form and have the form signed by his/her Financial Aid Officer.
Application Deadline: March 28
To apply, visit
Outlaw Student: Minority Scholarship
This scholarship offer four scholarships a year exclusively to college students (and soon-to-be college students)
who are members of racial or ethnic minority groups. Outlaw Student is committed to creating educational
opportunities for those to whom traditional opportunities have been closed in the past. This scholarship
awards $500 every three months.
Eligibility Requirements:
Enrolled or are prospective students of a community college, university, technical/vocational schools, and continuing
education program.
Application Deadline: March 30, 2014
To apply, visit
College Jumpstart Scholarship
The College JumpStart Scholarship is an annual, merit-based competition -- financial need is not considered -that is open to 10th-12th graders, college students and non-traditional students. The main requirement is that
you are committed to going to school and can express your goals for getting a higher education. The first place
prize is a $1,500 scholarship to help cover educational expenses. This award can be used at any college or
university in the United States.
Value: Up to $1,500
Eligibility Requirements:
High school 10th-12th grader, college student or non-traditional student
U.S. citizen or legal resident
Attend or plan to attend an accredited 2-year, 4-year or vocational / trade school in the U.S.
Be committed to using education to better your life and that of your family and/or community.
Application Deadline: April 15
To apply, visit
CHCI Scholarship
The mission of CHCI Scholarship Program is to provide critical financial assistance that will increase graduation
rates among Latino students in post-secondary education.
Value: $1,000-$5,000
Eligibility Requirements:
Full-time enrollment in a United States Department of Education accredited community college, four-year university, or
graduate/professional program during the period for which scholarship is requested.
Demonstrated financial need.
Consistent, active participation in public and/or community service activities.
Strong writing skills.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens, lawful permanent residents, asylees, or individuals who are lawfully authorized to work
full-time without restriction for any U.S. employer and who, at the time of application, possess lawful evidence of
employment authorization.
Award deadline: April 16, 2014
To apply, visit
Little People of America Scholarship
Little People of America, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that provides support and information to people of
short stature and their families. Membership is offered to those people who are usually no taller than 4'10" in
height. One of the more than 200 generally causes their short stature medical conditions known as dwarfism.
Membership is also available to relatives and interested professionals who work with short statured
individuals. As part of our service to people with dwarfism and the community at large, LPA offers educational
scholarships to prospective and current students attending college or vocational school in the United States.
Value: $250-$1000
Eligibility Requirements:
Members of LPA who have a medically diagnosed form of dwarfism
immediate family members of dwarfs who are also paid members of LPA
people with dwarfism who are not members of LPA
disabled students in general
non-disabled students who can demonstrate a need for financial educational assistance
Application Deadline: April 22, 2014
To apply, visit
Alma S. Adams Scholarship
Applications are now being accepted for the Dr. Alma S. Adams Scholarship for Outreach and Health
Communications to reduce tobacco use among "priority populations." Priority populations are those
populations that are disproportionately targeted by the tobacco industry, or who often lack the tools and
resources to combat smoking in their communities.
Value: $1,000 and up
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicants must provide evidence of community service activities in an underserved community setting.
Service activities may include activism, outreach, or peer counseling in tobacco prevention or control. The
community service activity should be described in the personal statement and
Applicants must submit documentation of financial need for scholarship funds (SAR report).
Students pursuing a course of study in public health, communications, social work, education, liberal arts or
a related field will be considered eligible.
Applicants must have a Grade Point Average of at least a 3.0 (B average) for the most recent academic year.
Award deadline: April 30, 2014
To apply, visit
HENACC Scholarship
HENAAC scholarship recipients continue to pave the way for future generations of Hispanics and lead by
example to empower our communities and enhance our nation’s professional technical workforce. Since its
inception thirteen years ago, the HENAAC Scholars Program has experienced tremendous growth. In 2008,
through the generous support of our program sponsors, we passed the one million dollar amount in
scholarship dollars awarded.
Value: $500-$10,000
Applicants must demonstrate leadership through academic achievements and campus/community
Applicants must be Science, Technology, Engineering or Math related majors.
Applicants must have an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
Recipients must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program for the fall 2014 fall semester.
Applicants must be of Hispanic origin and/or must significantly participate in and promote
organizations and activities in the Hispanic community.
Application Deadline: April 30, 2014
To apply, visit
Dr. Alma S. Adams Scholarship for Outreach and Health Communications
The Dr. Alma S. Adams Scholarship for Outreach and Health Communications awards scholarships to students
pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree at an accredited institution of higher education.
Applicants should have a record of commitment to community service on behalf of an underserved
community, preferably related to tobacco prevention and/or control. Applicants must also show use of the
visual arts, media, creative writing or other creative endeavor to convey culturally appropriate health
messages aimed at raising awareness of tobacco’s harmful impact.
Value: $5000
Eligibility Requirements:
A record of commitment to community service on behalf underserved community, preferably related to tobacco prevention
and/or control
the best use of the visual arts, media, creative writing or other creative endeavor to convey culturally appropriate health
messages aimed at raising awareness of tobacco’s harmful impact
Application Deadline: April 30, 2014
To apply, visit
Goedeker’s College Scholarship
Goedeker’s believes in your potential and would love to see you flourish. That is why we are offering a $500
grand prize scholarship toward costly college textbooks. Write an essay about why attending college and your
field of study are important to you. Give us some insight into your personal background, your philosophy
about learning, why you chose your field in particular, and any other information you feel is relevant. These
will be judged based on originality, creativity, organization of thought, and proper spelling, punctuation, and
Value: $500 for books, two $100 for books
Eligibility Requirements:
Any student that is enrolled in an accredited college is eligible to participate. This includes any grade level, freshman to
senior; undergrad and graduate alike are eligible. Even if you are a transfer student, non-traditional student, or taking
classes online, you can enter. Any major or field of study is acceptable.
High school seniors that are enrolled in an accredited college, either for a dual credit program or for an upcoming semester,
are eligible to enter as well.
Application Deadline: April 31, 2014
To apply, visit
SHPE Foundation Scholarship
This program awards both merit-based and need-based scholarships to deserving Latino/a high school
graduating seniors, undergraduate students, and graduate students who demonstrate both significant
motivation and aptitude for a career in science, technology, engineering or mathematics.
Value: $1000-5000
Eligibility Requirements:
Application Form
Scholarship Certification Form
Personal Statement (completed through the online application)
Recommendation Letter from a teacher or faculty
Personal Resume
Application Deadline: May 1, 2014
To apply, visit
Korean American Scholarship Foundation
The Korean American Scholarship Foundation (KASF) is a non-profit 501(c)(3), volunteer-managed organization
established to:
1. Provide scholarships to the Korean American students,
2. Encourage community and civic service as an integral part of leadership development, and
3. Nurture the sense of pride and confidence in Korean cultural heritage and tradition.
Value: $1000
Eligibility Requirements:
Undergraduate, graduate, and high school students enrolled full time during the scholarship application year.
Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Students with a Korean heritage studying in the United States regardless of citizenship status (including Korean Nationals).
If extra funds are available, other students (non-Korean) may qualify for some scholarships.
Application Deadline: May 31, 2014
To apply, visit
Leavitt Machinery Scholarship Program
This scholarship will provide a scholarship to a deserving student who meets the following qualifications. You
must be able to express your ideas in an essay about safety, where you or a friend was injured because of
proper safety procedures were not in place.
Value: $500
Eligibility Requirements:
Currently enrolled in a minimum two-year degree program by September 2014
Institutional 3.0 GPA or higher.
Students must be a U.S. or Canadian Citizen and attend a university within the U.S. or Canada.
Submit an answer to the essay question posted on the application.
Application Deadline: May 31, 2014
To apply, visit
National Pathfinder Scholarship
The National Federation of Republican Women established the National Pathfinder Scholarship Fund in 1985
in honor of First Lady Nancy Reagan. The three annual scholarships of $2,500 provide financial assistance and
support to women seeking undergraduate or graduate degrees. Undergraduate sophomores, juniors and
seniors, as well as students enrolled in a master's degree program, are eligible to apply for the scholarship.
Recent high school graduates and undergraduate freshmen are not eligible. Scholarship winners may not
Value: $2,500
Application Deadline: May 31, 2014
To apply, visit