
Abiotic Factors
What are abiotic factors?
o “a” means __________ or without
o “biotic” means ________________
o These are the nonliving things in an organism’s _____________________
o Essential to the survival of organisms
o ______________________-air that surrounds Earth
Made up of the following:
______% Nitrogen
______% Oxygen
______% Argon
______% Carbon Dioxide
Tiny amounts of other elements
o Carbon dioxide and oxygen
Part of the processes of photosynthesis and respiration
Plants take in ____________________ from the atmosphere
o They produce oxygen in the process of __________________
Most other organisms take in ________________ from the atmosphere
o They produce ____________________ during cellular respiration
o Essential to life on Earth
All organisms need water
Plants need it for ___________________ and to avoid _____________
Animals need it to avoid __________________
o Most organisms are ____________% water
o Mixture of several things:
__________ and rock particles
Remains of _______________________
o Topmost layer of Earth’s _________________
Supports ________________________
o Contains life (bacteria, fungi, insects, worms)
o Essential for photosynthesis
o Helps keep temperatures in range that _____________________________
o Responsible for weather on earth
Climate refers to _____________________________
Includes temperature, wind, and precipitation
o All are caused by _____________________
o Precipitation
Part of The Water Cycle
o Wind
Results from sunlight heating ___________________
Warm air ___________, cool air ____________
o The cool air coming back down to the surface causes ________________
o Temperature
Result of _____________ striking the Earth’s surface
Most organisms can survive from ______________________________________
___________________ determines how much light strikes the surface
At the ____________, sunlight is direct. At the __________, it is spread over a
wider area (Flashlight demo)
___________________ also affects temperature
There are fewer air molecules higher in the atmosphere, so the temperature is
_______________ (colder)
It is typically warmer nearer the bottom of mountain than the top
Cycles in Nature
o Water cycle
____________________-water turns to water vapor and rises (think of boiling water on
a stove)
_____________________-Plants release water into atmosphere
_____________________-Water vapor droplets come together to form clouds
_____________________-Clouds get too heavy, and liquid water falls to surface
_____________________-Water runs along, and either goes into the ground or into
lakes. rivers, streams, oceans, etc.
____________________-Water that is located beneath Earth’s surface
o Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen is released into the ground through 2 processes
___________ or dead organisms
____________ (feces and urine) from organisms
Nitrogen fixation-conversion of nitrogen to ________________ (fertilizers)
Plants use the nitrogen to _______________________
Animals get the nitrogen by ____________________________
Plants and animals die and decay, releasing the nitrogen back into the soil
The cycle repeats
o Carbon Cycle
Carbon is released to the atmosphere by:
Burning _____________________ (coal, oil, etc.) which are remains of dead
Dead and dying organisms being ____________________
Carbon enters the __________________ portion of Earth by plants taking it in during