ANALYSIS OF FATTY ACIDS USING HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY WITH CHARGED AEROSOL DETECTION A Thesis Presented to the faculty of the Department of Chemistry California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Chemistry by Lillian Fua Jaquinod SPRING 2013 © 2013 Lillian Fua Jaquinod ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii ANALYSIS OF FATTY ACIDS USING HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY WITH CHARGED AEROSOL DETECTION A Thesis by Lillian Fua Jaquinod Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Dr. Roy Dixon __________________________________, Second Reader Dr. Mary McCarthy-Hintz __________________________________, Third Reader Dr. Tom Savage ____________________________ Date iii Student: Lillian Fua Jaquinod I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Dr. Susan Crawford Department of Chemistry iv ___________________ Date Abstract of ANALYSIS OF FATTY ACIDS USING HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY WITH CHARGED AEROSOL DETECTION by Lillian Fua Jaquinod A study of parameters (organic content, additives and pH of the mobile phase) to yield good separation and detection of a series of commercially available free fatty acids ranging from C12:0 (lauric acid) to C18:3 (linolenic acid) using HPLC-CAD is undertaken. Working methods using a C18 silica column were assessed by measuring the experimental limit of detection (LOD) and sensitive ranges with consideration to effects of the Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD) temperature and detector voltage. An isocratic method with high content in acetonitrile and low pH was developed that allowed the CAD detection and quantification of the less volatile fatty acids in the range of from around 1 to 5 ng/L to over 200 ng/L. A power fit calibration curve was necessitated since the response of the standards did not display a true linear relationship using linear regression analysis. Conditions or mobile phase additives were not found to increase detection of semi-volatile fatty acids such as lauric acid or myristic acid (C14:0). Column bleed was potentially identified as an unexpected additive that resulted in enhanced peak detection, attributed to the formation or stabilization of bigger aerosol particles. The v isocratic method was tested for an olive oil standard using an acetonitrile: 0.01M TFA (96.5:3.5) mobile phase, ion voltage at -300 V, and CAD heater setting of 35°C. Using those conditions, separation and detection of major C16 to C18 fatty acids were achieved although palmitic and oleic acids were not completely resolved. The olive oil analysis showed that relative recovery of the major fatty acid components is consistent and supports the use of HPLC-CAD system for a rapid detection of fatty acids at trace levels. _______________________, Committee Chair Dr. Roy Dixon _______________________ Date vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dr. Roy Dixon I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Dixon for being my thesis advisor and mentor. I am especially grateful for his expertise, time and dedication in working with me through the years to succeed in the chemistry master’s program. I will miss the bi-weekly discussions on experimental troubleshooting and data interpretation. I gained insight into the importance of research. In research, the interpretation of unexpected or failed results is just as important as achieving successful research as each outcome builds onto the next experiment. I would like to thank him for coaching me on giving a stellar talk of my work with the HPLC-CAD system at the 2013 CSUS Student Research Symposium. Lastly, I would like to thank him for the many valuable reviews of my thesis draft revisions and for preparing me for my thesis presentation and defense. Dr. Mary McCarthy-Hintz I would like to thank Dr. McCarthy-Hintz for being on my graduate committee and supporting my thesis work. It has been a privilege to have presented my thesis work and to have defended my thesis to her. vii Dr. Tom Savage I would like to thank Dr. Savage for being on my graduate committee and supporting my thesis work. It has been an honor to have Dr. Savage present during my thesis presentation and defense. Dr. Cynthia Kellen-Yuen I would like to thank Dr. Kellen-Yuen for providing advice on fatty acid research throughout the graduate program and attending my thesis defense during her sabbatical. My Family I would like to give my special, heartfelt thanks to my husband, Laurent, and my two sons, Jeremy and Corey, for supporting me in my pursuit of this master in chemistry. I hope to have motivated my kids to value the importance of education and to persevere in being the best that they can be. I am especially thankful to my husband for putting up with me during many crunch times as I try to maintain a work/life balance and the life of a student. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... vii List of Tables .............................................................................................................. xi List of Figures ............................................................................................................ xii OBJECTIVES …………………………………………………………………….….. 1 BACKGROUND ………………………………………………………….…...…….. 2 Importance of Fatty Acids ............................................................................... 2 Detection of Fatty Acids .................................................................................. 3 Structure of Fatty Acids ................................................................................... 6 Separation and Analysis of Fatty Acids ............................................................ 8 HPLC Separation of Fatty Acids ...................................................................... 9 Detection by HPLC Configured with Non-Aerosol Based Detectors ............. 9 Detection with Aerosol-Based Universal Detectors ....................................... 11 Detection with Evaporative Light Scattering Detectors (ESLD & CNLSD) . 12 Detection with Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD). ......................................... 14 MATERIALS AND METHODS ................................................................................ 16 HPLC-CAD System ....................................................................................... 16 Calibration Method ........................................................................................ 21 ix Fatty Acid Standards Preparation ................................................................... 21 Isocratic Mobile Phase Preparations .............................................................. 22 Standards Preparation for Olive Oil Analysis ................................................ 23 Olive Oil Saponification without an Internal Standard .................................. 24 Olive Oil Saponification with Spiked Internal Standard ................................ 24 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ................................................................................26 Methodology Development in CAD Detection of Fatty Acids ..................... 26 Optimization of Mobile Phase Parameters ..................................................... 28 A. Variation of acid modifiers .................................................................. 29 B. Variation of TFA concentrations.......................................................... 30 C. Analysis of mobile phase buffered with TFA and amines .................. 32 Methodology of CAD Parameters ................................................................. 34 Evaluation of Optimal Ion Voltage ................................................................ 34 Evaluation of Temperature Parameters for CAD Detection ........................... 38 Quantitative Analysis ..................................................................................... 39 Method Application to Olive Oil Analysis .................................................... 40 CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................... 50 FUTURE WORK ....................................................................................................... 52 References .................................................................................................................. 53 x LIST OF TABLES Tables Page Table 1. Detection of fatty acids using 0.01 M TFA or 0.01 M formic acid modified ACN:H2O (88:12) mobile phase ..……….………………………..……..….29 Table 2. Detection of fatty acids using 0.01 M TFA or 0.01 M acetic acid modified (88:12) ACN:H2O mobile phase .……………….………….…......30 Table 3. Area count comparison of myristic acid (500 ng/L) at -225 V using an ACN:H2O (80:20) mobile phase set at various TFA concentrations ..…...... 31 Table 4. Oleic acid response associated with ion voltages of the EAA ...……....…... 35 Table 5. Baseline values at different ion voltage settings ………………...……..….. 38 Table 6a. Temperature effect on area count and baseline at ion voltage -225 V …… 39 Table 6b. Temperature effect on area count at -225 V and -300 V ….…..….…….... 39 Table 7. Fatty acid composition of olive oil by HPLC-CAD and Sigma GC/FID analyses …………………………..…….………………….….......….……. 46 Table 8. Ratio of CAD:UV peak area count for oleic acid peak .…….….….…....… 48 Table 9. Oleic and palmitic acid absolute recovery based on Sigma-certified percentages and CAD analyses ………….……………..………………...... 48 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page Figure 1. Structural formulas of some saturated and cis- or trans-unsaturated C18 fatty acids ….……………….………………………..…….……………....…7 Figure 2. Diagram of HPLC-CAD process....……………………………….…………17 Figure 3. Nebulizer with custom spray and evaporation chambers ………..…....….... 18 Figure 4. Schematic of the EAA …………………………………….………...….….. 20 Figure 5. Chromatogram of fatty acids separated using 5 m column (Mobile phase: 88:12 acetonitrile: 0.01M trifluoroacetic acid (aq) …………….…………... 27 Figure 6. Proposed scheme for increased peak detection through the formation of less volatile ion pairs of fatty acids ………….……………………….....…......... 33 Figure 7. Oleic acid standard curves from ion voltages of -150 V, -225 V and -300 V using Agilent XDB-C18 (5m) column …...…….………………....…....…. 37 Figure 8. Saponification of triacylglycerol .………………………………….…….…. 40 Figure 9. Chromatogram of a saponified oil sample eluting in the following order: linoleic (C18:2), oleic and palmitic (C16:0), margaric (C17 internal standard), and stearic (C18:0) acids ……….………...……………….…….. 42 xii Figure 10. Chromatogram of the 200 ng/L composite standard eluting in the following order: linolenic (C18:3), linoleic, oleic, palmitic, margaric and stearic acids ……................................………….………..………….. 43 Figure 11. Standard calibration curves of composite standards consisting of stearic, heptadecanoic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, and palmitic acids …..………… 44 Figure 12. Expansion of Figure 9 showing the oleic acid peak with palmitic acid peak eluting at the tailing end ….………………………....……………... 46 xiii 1 OBJECTIVES This master’s study explores the possibility of analyzing underivatized fatty acids by direct analysis by HPLC with charged aerosol detection (CAD). A goal of this work was to develop a simple method for the analysis of fatty acids at low level concentrations which would show that HPLC-CAD can be used in the rapid detection or quantitative analysis of any triglyceride containing oil for non-volatile fatty acids. Buffer composition with consideration to pH and organic content was modified in order to create an efficient separation and to lower the detection threshold. Our goal was to find a reproducible set of parameters that yield conditions ensuring that there is sufficient resolution between fatty acid peaks while allowing the detector to work with high sensitivity and over a useful concentration range and without excessive run times. 2 BACKGROUND Importance of Fatty Acids Lipids are compounds of biological origin ranging from simple molecules such as fatty acids to complex structures such as lipoproteins and biological membranes. They are hydrophobic due to their large hydrocarbon content and are found in oils, vitamins and hormones, or membrane components. They are classified as fatty acids, acylglycerols, glycerophospholipids (the major lipid component of membranes), sphingolipids, steroids (including hormones such as androgens, estrogens and progestins), and 'others' such as waxes, terpenes, eicosanoids. The important functions that lipids play in biology sustain the field of lipid research. Determining fatty acids in food or in biological samples for health reasons remain a challenge and a topic of current research as well. Fats often contain a complex mixture of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, each with a variety of carbon chain lengths linked to form triglycerides.1 Lipids play also a crucial role in food science due to their link to cardiovascular disease. For instance, given the necessity of lipids for proper cellular function and energy storage, bioactivity of lipids such as trans-fats, omega-3 fatty acids, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) are studied. Other current interests remain focused on the development of effective therapeutics for lipid disorders or defects in lipid metabolism which underlie a number of human chronic diseases, obesity and diabetes. 2 Among the different lipid classes, fatty acids and glycerides are best known due to their importance in human health and diet. Many fatty acids are found derived from 3 triglyceride (glycerol esters) or phospholipids and are rarely found in their “free” state. Glycerol esters can contain identical fatty acids or a mixture of two or three different fatty acids. When liquid at room temperature, they are called oils while the solid kinds, which are often of animal origin such as butter and lard, are called fats.3 Fatty acids are important sources of fuel: when metabolized, they yield large quantities of adenosine triphosphates (ATP). Heart or muscle cells metabolize fatty acids for this purpose. A few fatty acids cannot be synthesized by mammals and need to be ingested. For instance, two human essential fatty acids (EFA) are -linolenic acid and linoleic acid (an 6-fatty acid).3 EFA are precursors for the synthesis of eicosanoids such as prostaglandins, which are intracellular hormone-like substances. Cells also require fatty acids for the production of their membrane components. For instance, phospholipids, which are major component of cell membranes, are composed of two fatty acids, a glycerol unit, and a phosphate-containing polar head. When placed in an aqueous environment such as cells, phospholipids assemble into a lipid bilayer with their polar region oriented outward. The bilayer hydrophobic region, consisting of the fatty acid groups, is oriented away from the cytosol and extracellular aqueous fluid.3 Detection of Fatty Acids Fatty acids (FAs) are challenging to analyze as they are made of various length carbon chains that can be saturated, mono or polyunsaturated while containing at best weak UV-absorbing chromophores and are somewhat prone to oxidation. Numerous 4 methods for their analysis have been developed,4 but often require derivatization prior to analysis or require using expensive equipment or detectors. For example, a standard method involves the esterification of fatty acids to their methyl esters (FAMEs)5 followed by analysis using gas chromatography6 with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) or mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS). Unlike the GC-FID method, which is the most common chromatographic method, fatty acid detection by HPLC-UVD method is only suitable provided that the lipids have chromophores detectable in UV wavelength range. Fatty acids can be analyzed without derivatization using HPLC but detection methods using either the UV-detector (for unsaturated fatty acids) or the RI detector are not very sensitive. Aerosol-based detection methods for HPLC do not require fatty acid derivatization and can accommodate a universal detector based on light scattering or on particle charging. Charged aerosol detectors (CAD), which are now commercially available through ESA, a Dionex Corporation,7 were first developed and configured with an HPLC system by Dixon and Peterson.8 (The first detector was named an aerosol charge detector but worked in a very similar manner as the charged aerosol detector. Similarly, the detector will be identified as the charged aerosol detector throughout this thesis.) Since its introduction, its use is increasing, notably in industries where they have been used in impurity profiling for the detection of compounds lacking UV-absorbing moieties.9-11 Charged aerosol detection uses nebulization and evaporation steps like in other aerosolbased detectors such as evaporative light scattering detectors (ELSDs) but rely on charging the resulting aerosol for their detection. Charging the particles can be carried out 5 using different approaches with the initial and commercial versions using the generation of gas phase ions from corona discharge.11 More recently, the Dixon research group has used the spray electrification process that occurs during eluent nebulization as described in detail by Abhyankar.12 While spray electrification produces both positively and negatively charged droplets, this instrument uses an electric field to selectively remove smaller positively and most negatively charged particles to create an aerosol of net positive charge. The universality of the CAD detector, in which response is independent of the chemical properties for non-volatile analyses, has been shown, for instance with active pharmaceutical ingredients having no chromophores such as bisphosphonates or bile acids.13 These works showed that low limits of detection (LODs) were obtained using an ESA CoronaTM CAD. In two publications published in 2006 and 2009, Moreau reports using a charged aerosol detector to analyze a few different classes of lipid components (phytosterol esters, triacylglycerols, free FAs, and free phytosterols in vegetable oils and hexane extracts).14,15 In the following section, some structural information on lipids, notably fatty acids, their nomenclature and some of their uses are reviewed. In a second section, the use of various detectors and notably aerosol-based detectors (ABD) for the HPLC analysis of lipids is introduced. Work in this thesis applies the charged aerosol detection to the reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) separation of fatty acids. We aimed at testing the modified CAD capability to detect low levels of fatty acids by finding HPLC buffers that yield good separations while ultimately facilitating charged particle formation. Methods 6 for detection were tested for a given set of fatty acids under different mobile phase compositions, different mobile phase pH values, and different electric field voltages. Based on the evaluation of the system under different conditions, a method was selected for analyzing samples of olive oil that were saponified to fatty acids. Feasibility of using HPLC-CAD had an ultimate goal to detect and study of trace triglycerides and fatty acids in barbecue smoke or in the environment, which require better selectivity and sensitivity than available HPLC based methods. Structure of Fatty Acids A few important fatty acids are as follows: lauric acid (CH3(CH2)10CO2H), myristic acid (CH3(CH2)12CO2H), palmitic acid (CH3(CH2)14CO2H), stearic acid (CH3(CH2)16CO2H), and oleic acid (CH3(CH2)14(CH)2CO2H). Examples of some saturated and unsaturated C18 fatty acids are shown in Figure 1. There are two main groups of fatty acids, saturated and unsaturated (mono or poly-unsaturated). Triple bonds are rare in fatty acids. The properties of unsaturated fatty acids largely depend on the position of the first double bond relative to the end position. The first site of unsaturation is commonly found between c-9 and c-10 while the second non-conjugated double bond tends to begin with c-12 (as in linoleic acid and linolenic acid).3 When naming fatty acids, number and position of double bonds are indicated. For example, ω-3 fatty acids indicate that the first double bond starts at the third carbon-carbon bond from the terminal CH3 of the chain or omega (ω) end of the chain. 7 CO2H Stearic Acid (octadecanoic acid) CO2H Oleic Acid (cis-9-octadecenoic acid) CO2H Linoleic Acid (cis,cis-9,12-octadecatrienoic acid) CO2H Linolenic Acid (cis,cis,cis-9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid) CO2H Elaidic Acid (trans-9-octadecenoic acid) Figure 1: Structural formulas of some saturated and cis- or trans-unsaturated C18 fatty acids. In addition, unsaturated fatty acids differ by cis/trans configuration of their double bonds; natural sources of unsaturated fatty acids such as liquid vegetable oils are rich in cis-isomers. The cis-configuration of a double bond puts a rigid bend in the carbon chain that interferes with crystal packing which result in lower melting points and oilier physical states. This is needed to produce flexible, fluid membranes and aggregates. On the contrary, a trans-double bond allows the fat molecules to assume a linear conformation and resulting in a denser packing. The production of trans-fatty acids is often the result of food processing. Partial oil hydrogenation converts some of cisisomers into trans-isomers in addition to partial conversion from unsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids. Unlike partially hydrogenated oil, most fully hydrogenated oil 8 does not contain trans-fatty acids. Fats containing saturated fatty acids and, to an even greater extent, trans-fatty acids, have been shown to raise "bad" cholesterol (LDL) while lowering "good" cholesterol (HDL), and, as a result, their use by food manufacturers has greatly decreased. 16 Separation and Analysis of Fatty Acids Work in this thesis describes the use of reversed-phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) for the separation and detection of fatty acids when configured with a charged aerosol detector. Gas Chromatography is a main analytical technique used to analyze fatty acids notably as their fatty acid methyl esters (or FAME).2.17 In their free non-derivatized form, fatty acids are somewhat difficult to analyze by GC due to their strong adsorption on the stationary phase and to their high boiling point. Analysis of free fatty acids by GC often involves polar stationary phase which need to be run at higher temperatures where faster column degradation occurs. Their ester derivatives have reduced polarity and lower boiling point temperatures and provide quick and quantitative samples for GC analysis. To achieve high accuracy and nanomolar detection levels, their volatile methyl ester derivatives are often prepared (using an alkylation derivatization reagent, such as methanol, in the presence of a catalyst). Although gas chromatography is a predominant analysis technique for fatty acids, the use of HPLC offers advantages when treating rare or unstable samples as it operates at or near ambient temperature and thus minimizes sample degradation. Another advantage from HPLC is that it does not necessitate derivatization which can result in faster total analysis time and greater sample recovery. 9 I am aiming at finding the charged aerosol detector capability to detect low levels of fatty acids and focus on HPLC buffer parameters that result in optimal performance in the detection system we use that involves particle charging through the spray electrification rather than corona discharge in the commercial CAD instrument. HPLC Separation of Fatty Acids High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) consists of a solvent delivery system, a sample injection valve, a high pressure column and a detector. A chromatographic run starts by injecting at the front of the column a mixture to analyze. Elution of the mixture components occurs as the mobile phase is pumped under high pressure through a stationary phase packed in the chromatographic column. Detection of the eluting species can be either selective or universal, a choice that ultimately depends on the response of the detector to the analytes being studied. The detector response of each eluting component is saved and is displayed in a chromatogram showing retention time and peak intensity. The choice and the availability of a detector ultimately dictate the HPLC method requirements to consider when separating fatty acids; some of those requirements are reviewed notably for aerosol based detectors. Detection by HPLC Configured with Non-Aerosol Based Detectors HPLC systems are associated with a broad range of detectors comprising UVdetector, refractive index, fluorescence and mass spectrometry. A method using HPLC to separate underivatized fatty acids and using a refractive index detector has been 10 reported.18 Samples are detected upon measuring a change in refractive index of the column effluent passing through the flow-cell (i.e. the deflection of a light beam is changed when the composition in the sample flow-cell changes). To avoid rapid changes of refractive index with time, elution is carried out under isocratic elution. A main drawback comes from poor sensitivity when small difference in refractive index between sample and mobile phase exist. The UV-detector is useful to detect compounds having high extinction coefficients. For those compounds, the detection limits are found within the 0.1 to 1 ng range.19 However, fatty acids have poor to very weak absorptions. Their absorption is generally attributed to the presence of double bonds, which limits UV-detection when used as a non derivatization method to unsaturated lipids or those naturally containing UV-absorbing chromophores. More sensitive UV-based methods require prior derivatization of fatty acids through esterification with chromophore-containing reagents such as 2-bromoacetophenone.20 Likewise, derivatization of fatty acids in esters bearing groups such as 5-bromomethylfluorescein or 2-nitrophenylhydrazine enhances their detection (to a sub-nanomolar range) when analyzed by UV-detection or laser-induced fluorescence.21 Derivatization methods using HPLC-UV do not compare well to GC methodology. Both methods require a derivatization step prior analysis but the convenience of preparing methyl ester derivatives and the better GC resolution performance make the FAME method the favorable choice over fluorescence methods despite their sensitivity and selectivity. 11 Detection with Aerosol-Based Universal Detectors Non-derivatization methods are being sought and explain the need of universal detectors such as HPLC-CAD. There are three types of aerosol-based detectors that can be coupled to an HPLC system: the evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD),22,23 the condensation nucleation light scattering detector (CNLSD),22,24-26 and the charged aerosol detector (CAD).7,8,27 Those detectors are universal in their applicability as they are largely independent of the type of solutes studied as long as they are not highly volatile. Such universal detectors that can be sensitive to traces of fatty acids without the need for derivatization are highly desired. The three aerosol based detectors differ in their mode of detection but rely on similar pre-detection steps: i) nebulization or spraying of the HPLC column effluent into a fine mist of droplets and ii) evaporation of the mobile phase and additives at a temperature that does not evaporate the analytes to yield solid or liquid particles made from unevaporated residue to be detected. However, while related to the quantity of analyte in the effluent and the subsequent solid particles generated, the three detector responses rarely follow a linear calibration curve over their full detection range. For instance, at low analyte concentrations, the resulting particle sizes are too small to scatter light efficiently and lower the sensitivity of ELSD detectors.26 Custom-built or commercial CAD instruments tend to be close to linear in detector response for polar solvents at lower concentrations.8, 27 12 Detection with Evaporative Light Scattering Detectors (ESLD and CNLSD) An evaporative light scattering detector detects analytes that are significantly less volatile than the mobile phase.22-26 Buffers used in the analysis of lipids by HPLC-ELSD are restricted to those that readily evaporate and can contain low concentration of acetic, formic, or trifluoroacetic acid, ammonium acetate, ammonia, or triethylamine. The HPLC column effluent is typically nebulized with nitrogen gas in a concentric nebulizer. Solvent is evaporated from the resulting dispersion of droplets in the heated drift tube yielding fine particles. ELSD works by detection of those particles through scattering of light, typically at a forward angle, to a photodetector. The detector response is dependent upon the size of the particles which is a function of the analyte concentration.26 As the concentration of analytes decreases, particle sizes decrease until they reach a threshold under which light scattering switches from efficient Mie scattering to inefficient Rayleigh scattering. HPLC-ELSD was introduced by Christie23 for lipids detection and was also used to analyze FAMEs.28 Results are dependent on volatility, molecular weight and light-scattering properties. Limits of detections were generally above 1 g/mL, making it difficult to quantify lipids at lower levels. Short chain FAMEs (lauric and myristic) were detected but at higher concentrations than the long chain FAMEs such as oleic and linolenic which had LOD of 1.5 and 2.4 g/mL, respectively. Marcato and Cecchin simultaneously separated and analyzed glycerides and fatty acids by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipped with an evaporative light-scattering detector.29 A C8 column and a mobile phase made of two consecutive binary gradients consisting of acetonitrile-water plus acetic acid (0.1%, v/v) and 13 acetonitrile-methylene chloride were used. The addition of acetic acid did not impair ELSD detection but eliminated peak broadening and tailing that the author attributed to the simultaneous occurrence of both associated (HA) and dissociated (A-) forms of fatty acids. Limits of detection (LOD) of the fatty acids were not discussed but chromatograms were obtained with 1 to 2 g of injection of fatty acids such as lauric acid or palmitic acid. Gerard et al reported the separation and quantification of a series of mono-, di- or tri-hydroxy and epoxy fatty acids by HPLC with an evaporative light scattering detector.30 Separation was carried out using a normal phase Lichrosorb Si 60 silica column using a gradient of hexane and isopropanol and 0.2% of acetic acid. They reported a minimum limit of detection of 1 g and linearity for mass to ratio signal in the 10 to 200 g range. They applied their methodology to the quantitative analysis of underivatized fatty acid monomers with different degree of unsaturation obtained by saponifying Soxhlet extracts of cutins from various fruit seeds.31 Standards curves that were constructed for several cutin monomers in the 0 to 50 g range, showed different response for each monomer; this implies that a standard curve has to be constructed for each monomer being analyzed. Hydroxy-fatty acids were identified upon analysis by GCMS which required a double derivatization prior to this analysis (i.e. methylation with methanol in the presence of BF3 then silylation of the hydroxyl group with N,Obistrimethylsilylacetamide for 30 min at room temperature). The condensation nucleation light scattering detection (CNLSD) utilizes light scattering as well but relies on an additional step of condensing water vapor on the 14 aerosol particles to increase their size and ultimately their light scattering detection. 24-26 Lipid analysis has not been extensively studied with CNLSD. For analysis of neutral lipids (such as triglycerides) and phospholipids (polar lipid) using microbore highpressure liquid chromatography, the LOD of phospholipid was found below 100 ng/mL and LODs were even lower for neutral lipids at 12 ng/mL.32 LOD values attained with CNLSD are better than with ELSD. Detection with Charged Aerosol Detector (CAD) Charged aerosol detectors rely on identical nebulizing techniques of the HPLC column effluent, followed by evaporation of the solvent in the resulting droplets, but the detection occurs by detecting the charge of the resulting particles with an electrometer.7,8 Particle charging is efficient for the small particles produced at lower concentrations. Charging can be created by passing the particles through a region in which gas phase ions have been produced from a corona discharge source. Particles can also be charged during the process in which the HPLC column effluent is nebulized and sprayed out. In the present work of fatty acid identification and analysis, the latter charging that does not utilize a corona discharge is being explored. The benefit of particle charging is that their detection is less influenced by the droplet size; the CAD shows improved response linearity and lower LODs over that of the ESLD. Linear or non-linear response usually depends on the solvent and the concentration range of the analytes being studied. A prototype detector was first tested using direct flow injection with water as the mobile phase and sodium sulfate as analyte.8 15 Linearity was observed over a concentration range of 0.2 to 100 ng/l. Linearity was also observed for the direct quantitation of triacylglycerols from plant oils using gradient compensation.34 Linearity was not achieved on a series of active pharmaceutical separated by reversed-phase liquid chromatography with corona-CAD Detectors.35 The authors further stress that compared to a UV calibration that theoretically only needs a two point linear calibration curve, a main disadvantage of the CAD was its non-linear response behavior forbids the use of linear regression for drawing calibration curves. During the course of this thesis work, Moreau published studies on the CAD detection of triacylglycerols, diacylglycerols, glycolipids, phospholipids, and sterols when using reversed and normal phase HPLC analysis.14,15 Moreau showed that FAMEs were not detected, probably because their higher volatility led to their complete evaporation and did not result in charged aerosol particles. Lower molecular weight fatty acids were detected but with low intensity peaks. The minimum limits of detection varied with different mobile phase solvents, with the best detection being observed with hexane (e.g. in normal phase HPLC) while reversed phase HPLC solvents such as methanol, isopropanol, and acetonitrile contributed to higher levels of CAD background noise. Mostly linear mass-to-peak area relationships were found for many types of lipids. The LODs of triacylglycerols were found around 1 ng per injection and their mass-to-peak area ratio was nearly linear from a range of about 1 ng to 20 ng per injection. 16 MATERIALS AND METHODS In order to carry out the stated objectives, optimization of the analytical method includes a review of the analytical hardware; the following being considered: (i) an inlaboratory built charged aerosol detector and (ii) separation parameters using HPLC. The preparation of composite standards, procedure of olive oil saponification and analysis are subsequently detailed. HPLC-CAD System The system is composed of an Agilent (Santa Clara, CA) 1100 HPLC system equipped with a G1312A binary gradient pump, G1313A autosampler, G1316 Column Heater, G1100 Degasser, and G1314A VWD UV detector and is configured to the custom-made aerosol detector consisting of the Meinhard (Golden, CO) nebulizer with Glass Expansion (West Melbourne, Australia) spray and evaporation (temperaturecontrolled) chambers and a TSI (Shoreview, MN) Electrical Aerosol Size Analyzer (EAA), Model 3030. In addition, the nebulizer utilizes compressed nitrogen for the nebulization, a vacuum pump to pull air through the EAA, a liquid waste bottle, and a temperature controller for the evaporation chamber. See Figure 4 for a block diagram and Figure 5 for a picture of the spray and evaporation chambers. The HPLC system is controlled by Chemstation software. The HPLC-CAD system was used to detect certain fatty acids of carbon chain lengths C:12 through C:18 and develop a method for quantifying non-volatile or semi-volatile fatty acid. The Agilent Zorbax Eclipse XDBC18 column (150 x 4.6 mm - 5µm particle size) was used for the study of optimizing the 17 detection method. Due to the Eclipse XDB column deterioration and unavailability of an exact replacement, a Grace column (150 x 4.6 mm - 3µm particle size) was used to analyze the saponification of olive oil. Figure 2 depicts the configuration of the HPLC-CAD system in which the effluent passes through the 1100 Agilent system via standard HPLC tubing to the Meinhard (Golden, CO) nebulizer. evaporation chamber Figure 2: Diagram of HPLC-CAD process. The effluent passes through the inner tube of the glass nebulizer with aid of flowing nitrogen gas supplied by the nitrogen cylinder regulated between 58 to 60 psi, flowing in the region between the inner tube and the outer tube of the nebulizer. The outlet of the spray chamber is attached to tubing leading to the evaporation chamber. The evaporation chamber was heated by an electrical heater (located near the fan in Figure 3) that was controlled by an external Omega temperature control unit. These units are 18 designed to convert the naturally charged spray leaving the spray chamber into an aerosol. Figure 3: Nebulizer with custom spray and evaporation chambers. Detection by CAD occurs as follows: a) nebulization of the sample-containing eluent passing from the HPLC column at the concentric nebulizer into the spray chamber. Previous research has shown that spontaneous charging of the liquid droplets formed through nebulization occurs in a process known as spray electrification,12 b) evaporation of the nebulized spray into an aerosol, c) modification to the charged aerosol in an electrical field within the EAA and d) collection of the charged aerosol particles on a filter connected to an electrometer for current measurement, also in the EAA. A significant difference of this study from earlier work with custom-built or commercial CAD instruments is that it occurred during the nebulization and spray process and not through the use of a corona discharge. The components for the nebulization and 19 evaporation steps are shown in Figure 3. The charging of the aerosol in this study from earlier work with custom-built or commercial CAD instruments7,8 is that it occurred during the nebulization and spray process and not through use of a corona discharge. Past research in our group has shown that this passive charging provides excellent sensitivity in the analysis of carbohydrates using a variety of different mobile phases.36,37 After the spray and evaporation chambers, the aerosol flows into the EAA. Figure 4 depicts the EAA, which, it should be noted, is cylindrical in shape. The EAA is designed to impart particle charging in the corona discharge region (top region of EAA in Figure 4). However, the corona discharge voltage supply was disconnected for this work. The lower part of the EAA consists of an ion filter, formed from a negative voltage placed on the rod housing sheath air flow 2. This filter is designed to selectively remove smaller positively charged particles formed in the corona discharge region from passing to the aerosol filter. Under my use with spray electrification and without the corona discharge, this region is believed to both remove smaller positively charged aerosol particles and most negatively charged aerosol particles. The greater efficiency for removing negatively charged particles is due to the shorter travel distance to the outer walls as the aerosol enters the cylinder close to the outer wall. The outer wall is grounded and thus positive relative to the negatively charged rod and attracts the negatively charged particles. Charged particles passing through the ion filter reach the aerosol filter and then pass a current to the electrometer based on the net (positive minus negative) charge flux from charged particles hitting the filter. The net effect of the electric field region is to pass only the largest negatively charged particles and all but the 20 smallest positively charged particles. The size of the charged particles passing through the ion filter and affecting the output signal is controlled by the adjustment settings of the ion voltage on the EAA. The more negative or higher output of the electric field voltage, the more particles will be removed in this section. Less negative values may be desired for increasing sensitivity. Figure 4: Schematic of the EAA. 21 Calibration Method A non-linear calibration analysis was used since the response of the fatty acid standards did not display a true linear relationship associated with the traditional linear equation (y = mx + b). Therefore, response curves were fitted using the power-fit model as is commonly used with aerosol based detectors using the equation as follows: y = ACb (1) wherein y is the peak area, C is the concentration in µg/mL, and ‘A’ and ‘b’ values are fixed parameters that are derived from the calibration power-fit equations. The power-fit also represents a linear fit of response and concentration once those data are transformed through use of logarithms. The need for the non-linear power-fit model was demonstrated by ‘b’ terms (power variable) possessing values significantly greater than 1.0 (as will be described in the results later). With this non-linear calibration scheme, concentrations of components observed in olive oil samples were determined by rearranging the power fit equations obtained for the fatty acid standard curves to solve for C, concentration, as follows: C = (y/A) 1/b (2) Fatty Acid Standards Preparation Linoleic acid (C18:2), linolenic acid (C18:3) and tristearin were manufactured by Sigma (St. Louis, MO). The fatty acid standard obtained from Mallinckrodt was oleic acid (C18:1). Fatty acids standards manufactured by Matheson, Coleman and Bell (East Rutherford, NJ) included azelaic (C9:0), lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), palmitic 22 (C16:0), stearic (C18:0) acids. The fatty acid standard obtained from MP Biomedicals (Santa Ana, CA) was margaric acid (C17:0). HPLC grade solvents used are listed as follows: acetonitrile (Fisher Scientific, Hanover Park, IL), methanol (Fisher Scientific, Hanover Park, IL), concentrated ACS grade ammonium hydroxide (EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ) and NaOH (EM Science, Gibbstown, NJ). Trifluoroacetic Acid was obtained from Fluka (Milwaukee, WI). The fatty acid standards were solubilized in 100% ethanol (200 proof, ACS/USP grade, from Pharmco-Aaper, CT) at stock concentrations of 2000 g mL-1. Composite standards, made from the stock solutions at 0.5, 2, 5, 20, 50, and 200 g mL-1, were pipetted into HPLC auto sampler vials and loaded into the HPLC auto sampler. For the method optimization, all above standards were used but linoleic and linolenic acids which are less stable overtime and very expensive were only used in the olive oil experiments. All standard solutions were stored at 4oC. Isocratic Mobile Phase Preparations For standard calibration curve analysis of standards, mobile phases consisted of 88% acetonitrile (from HPLC bottle C) and 12 % aqueous solution (from HPLC bottle B), wherein bottle C consisted of pure acetonitrile (from Fisher Scientific) and Bottle B consisted of water containing trifluoroacetic acid at 10-2, 10-3 or 10-4 M concentrations. For instance, a 10-2 M TFA aqueous solution was prepared by diluting 0.383 mL of TFA (MW = 114.02 g/mol, d = 1.489 g/mol) with nanopure water in a 500 mL volumetric flask. After selecting the 88:12 acetonitrile:0.01M aq trifluoroacetic acid as the mobile 23 phase, EAA ion voltages were varied at -150 V, -225 V and – 300 V to find optimal ion voltage for best peak sensitivity and linearity. The 12% aqueous solutions were also prepared containing 0.01M acetic acid and 0.01M formic acid. Glacial acetic acid and formic acid (ACS grade) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich and from Chemical MFG, respectively. Finally, two 12% aqueous solutions containing 5.5mM TFA:5.0 mM NH4OH or 11 mM TFA:10 mM NH4OH) were prepared; pH readings were observed at 3.31 and 2.84, respectively. Working molarity of ammonium hydroxide solutions (28.0 to 30.0 % NH3 content) was first determined by titration with a 1 M HCl solution standard. Standards Preparation for Olive Oil Analysis Composite standards consisting of oleic, palmitic, stearic, C17, linoleic and linolenic acid were prepared in the 0.5 ppm to 200 ppm range as above. Due to instability of linoleic and linolenic acid standards, standards limited to a one-time use analysis after which the standards were spent and/or discarded. Tristearin and margaric acid (C17) were used as internal standards to test for recovery in the saponification. Margaric acid tests the recovery of fatty acids released upon saponification of the olive oil and does not interfere because essentially all natural fatty acids have even chain lengths. Tristearin, which is a triglyceride containing only stearic acid, tests for the recovery of fatty acids initially present as triglycerides. However, because stearic acid is present in olive oil, to be effective, olive oil must be analyzed both with and without addition of tristearin. 24 Olive Oil Saponification without an Internal Standard Certified Olive Oil Standard (Product O1514) was obtained from Sigma (St. Louis, MO); it included a certificate of analysis released in September 2006 that reports oil composition in percentage values obtained by GC-FID analysis. Three independent saponification experiments were prepared in three 20 mL-vials by mixing a SigmaAldrich certified olive oil [100 mg (Sample #1 and #2) or 250 mg (Sample #3)] with a prepared solution of 5% of NaOH (w/v) in ethanol/water (85:15). Two mL of the NaOH solution were added to sample #1 and #2 and 5 mL were added to sample #3. The three vials were capped and heated for 40 min at 40◦C then 5 min at 60◦C in a water bath. After cooling, the unsaponified material was extracted with 2 washings of 5 ml hexane each. The hexane washings were discarded. The aqueous layer was acidified with a 1M solution of HCl. Three mL of HCl were added to samples #1 and #2, while six mL of HCl were added to sample #3. The fatty acids were then extracted with two washings of hexane (2 x 5 mL). The combined hexane solutions were rotary evaporated to dryness and the resulting fatty acids were stored in a freezer prior analysis. Fatty acids were resolubilized in 100% proof ethanol at the approximate concentrations of 200 g mL-1 concentrations prior HPLC analysis at 1 L injection. Olive Oil Saponification with Spiked Internal Standard HPLC analysis of the fatty acids from the olive oil, saponified in the presence of added internal standards permits identification and quantification simultaneously. The 25 response factors for each fatty acid in the oil sample were determined in relation to (a C17 fatty acid). The saponification experiments were carried out by mixing 10 milligram weights of margaric acid (C17) and a second standard tristearin with three samples of unfiltered olive oil (100 mg or 250 mg) in a 20 mL vial. Solutions of 5% NaOH in ethanol/water (85:15) were added (2 or 5 ml for 100 or 250 mg oil sample, respectively). The vial was tightly capped and the reaction mixture was heated for 1 hr 30 min at 40oC and then for an additional 1 hr 30 min at 60oC to ensure complete saponification of the tristearin standard. Additional heating time vs. the non-spiked saponification experiments was needed due to the low solubility of tristearin in the aqueous ethanol solution. During the heating process, the sample vials were periodically vortexed and the cap loosened to relieve pressure buildup. After cooling, the non-saponified materials were extracted with two washings of 5 mL hexane, which were discarded. The aqueous layer was acidified with a 1 M solution of HCl; specifically 3 mL were added to the 100 mg samples (#4 and #5) and 6 mL was added to the 250 mg sample (#6). The acidified aqueous layers were then extracted with hexane (2 x 5 mL). The combined hexane solutions were evaporated to dryness and the resulting fatty acids were stored in a freezer prior to analysis. Fatty acids were resolubilized in 100% proof ethanol at the approximate concentrations of 200 g mL-1 concentrations prior HPLC analysis at 1 L injection. 26 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Methodology Development in CAD Detection of Fatty Acids Modifying the mobile phase composition, eluent flow rates, or nebulizer internal pressure will alter the detector response of the fatty acids. In addition, shifts in retention time and resolution, which are controlled by change in eluent strength, are also to be expected. Peak area is used for calibration while peak height is important at looking at sensitivity. HPLC mobile phase composition was first studied. Its content in acetonitrile was varied in order to obtain good separations of fatty acids standards (consisting of oleic, palmitic, stearic, margaric, linoleic and linolenic acid) with a minimal (1.5) resolution for the two closest eluting peaks while minimizing run time to less than 15 minutes. Mobile phase composition containing high organic percentages is required to elute hydrophobic fatty acids on a reverse-phase column. Two types of column packed with 3 mor 5 mC18-silica beads diameters were tested. Method development runs were carried out with acetonitrile ranging from 80 and 95% using the Agilent Eclipse 5 m column. Azelaic (C9-dicarboxylic acid) was selected as the unretained peak marker (See Figure 5). A run with 88% of ACN gave a resolution of 2 between the two closest eluting peaks oleic (C18:1) and palmitic (C16:0) within a 15 minute time. This satisfied our HPLC goal which led to keep this % of ACN for the subsequent studies of HPLC parameters on CAD peak detection. When switching to a column from another manufacturer, stearic acid, the last eluting compound, eluted at later retention time when using the 88% ACN. To shorten the run time, ACN percentage was increased to 96.5%. 27 It was observed that palmitic acid (C16:0) eluted after oleic acid (C18:1). The two fatty acids were not baseline resolved at low concentrations and eluted with less than ideal resolution at 200 g/mL concentration as detailed in later section on olive oil analysis. C9-di acid C14:0 C16:0 C18:1 C18:0 Figure 5: Chromatogram of fatty acids separated using 5 m column (Mobile phase: 88:12 acetonitrile: 0.01M trifluoroacetic acid (aq). Method development was then focused on finding modifier content and pH that would maintain the fatty acids in the acid form and not in the anion form as well as favor formation of solid charged particles to improve the aerosol detector response. The addition of acid was shown in previous ELSD studies to eliminate peak broadening that is attributed to the simultaneous occurrence of both associated (HA) and dissociated (A-) forms of fatty acids. Acid and base modifiers (formic acid, acetic acid, trifluoroacetic acid, and ammonium hydroxide) were used in various mobile phases in testing the given set of fatty acids. Secondly, the electric field voltage of the EAA with the corona discharge turned off, was performed at the analyzer voltages of -150 V, -225 V and -300 V. The analyzer voltage affects discrimination of residual particles based on size and charge with more negative voltages reducing the signal but also noise. This allowed us to identify optimal 28 voltages for detector sensitivity, detector linearity, and detector range. In addition, temperature settings of the evaporation chamber in the CAD detector were varied (30oC, 35oC and 45oC) at -225V to study their impact on the detection of oleic and palmitic acid. Thirdly, once a working mobile phase composition using C18 columns was established, composite standards were prepared and tested for their retention time and detector response. Response curves were drawn using power fit regression. Optimization of Mobile Phase Parameters An isocratic method was sought, as it keeps the buffer composition reaching the CAD detector constant. This is a preferred method in the absence of gradient mobile phase compensation34 or in the absence of a known standard for the analyte of interest. In the isocratic method, a mobile phase with a constant composition is pumped through the column during the whole analysis. A gradient method can reduce the analysis time while giving narrow peaks, but it usually requires a greater total time when including the longer time required to stabilize the column before injection of next sample. Most optimization parameters were carried out using an ACN:H2O (88:12) isocratic mobile phase and were subsequently applied to the mobile phase used for the olive oil analysis, although with a higher ACN content. Without the addition of a mobile phase modifier, separation of fatty acids was achieved but did not yield good peak shapes (data not shown). The addition of acidic modifiers improved peak shapes while enhancing peak detection and lowering limit of detections. Variability in fatty acid response is largely a function of the volatility of the fatty acids: large peak area is 29 observed for stearic acid, small peak area is observed for myristic acid and no peak area for lauric acid is observed. A. Variation of acid modifiers The (88:12) acetonitrile:H2O mobile phase was modified with TFA, formic acid or acetic acid which, by lowering the mobile phase pH, keep fatty acids uncharged. Table 1 and 2 compare peak areas and baselines observed for composite standards made of palmitic, oleic and stearic acids run in each of the mobile phase at an ion voltage of -225 V. The acid modifier content was set at 10-2 M. 0.01 M TFA Area Counts 0.01 M Formic Acid Area Counts Composite Standard (ng/L) Baseline (mV) Palmitic (6.75 min) Oleic 7.20 min) Stearic (12.38 min) Baseline (mV) Palmitic (6.78 min) Oleic (7.23 min) Stearic (12.43 min) 200 50 20 5 2 0.5 25.3 25.2 25.0 24.9 24.8 24.7 2620 208 44.9 6.9 ND ND 1390 173 48.8 5.8 ND ND 7260 824 176 24.2 5 ND 27.0 26.5 25.3 25.1 25.3 25.5 3520 419 65.8 2.8 ND ND 2080 233 52.6 4.9 ND ND 8890 1380 242 34.4 13.4 ND Table 1: Detection of fatty acids using 0.01 M TFA or 0.01 M formic acid modified ACN:H2O (88:12) mobile phase. ND = not detected. Tables 1 and 2 summarize data from runs on two different days and show day-today variability (e.g. in the TFA results, which were repeated), probably due to differences in column equilibration or fluctuations in detector response. Non-volatile fatty acids were detected as low as 2 ng/L, using either 0.01M TFA, formic acid, or acetic acid as the 12% modified buffer component in the mobile phase. Since the signal to noise ratio 30 was generally better with TFA than with formic or acetic acid buffers at the lower fatty acid concentrations, TFA as an acidic modifier was chosen. The higher baseline for TFA in Table 2 vs. Table 1 may be attributed to insufficient time for column equilibration (as shown by the decreasing baseline in a series of runs). However, the baseline difference was minimal and did not impact integration of peak for area count quantitation. Composite Standard Baseline (ng/L) (mV) 200 50 20 5 2 0.5 28.2 27.5 26.1 25.7 25.6 25.5 0.01 M TFA Area Counts 0.01 M Acetic Acid Area Counts Palmitic (6.61 min) Oleic 7.05 min) Stearic (12.12 min) Baseline (mV) Palmitic (6.77 min) Oleic (7.22 min) Stearic (12.39 min) 2830 478 121 22 4.7 ND 1900 377 95 16 4.4 ND 7440 1019 253 42 15 ND 25.9 25.1 23.5 23.1 23.1 23.0 2970 435 53 4.1 0.6 ND 820 273 39 5.1 1.6 ND 8496 1115 184 17.8 3.5 ND Table 2: Detection of fatty acids using 0.01 M TFA or 0.01 M acetic acid modified (88:12) ACN:H2O mobile phase. B. Variation of TFA concentrations A comparison of baseline changes and peak area counts of a volatile myristic acid standard (500 ng/L) was analyzed at ion voltage -225 V using mobile phases containing TFA at 10-2, 10-3 or 10-4 M concentrations. Table 3 indicates that increasing TFA concentration from 10-4 to 10-3 M increased the myristic acid peak area count by a sevenfold factor. 31 TFA (mol/L) Baseline (mv) Area count Peak Height 10-4 10-3 10-2 24.5 64.3 657 163 1162 Off scale 22.8 54.1 Off scale Table 3: Area count comparison of myristic acid (500 ng/L) at -225 V using an ACN:H2O (80:20) mobile phase set at various TFA concentrations. Increasing TFA concentration significantly enhances the detection of volatile fatty acids but led to an increase in baseline. Varying ion voltage output can help bring the fatty acid on scale when higher baselines are recorded. In this set of runs, higher TFA concentration led to higher baseline noise, which is inconsistent with the baselines reported in Table 1 and 2. Higher baselines could stem from a larger column bleed, particularly because in this instance, the eluent was not pumped through for an extensive time period. Such column bleeding, which is the silica bonded phase breaking down and leaving the column, is often associated with high acid concentration. High column bleed often occurs when first switching to higher acid concentration, though, and it is expected that this is the reason for higher baseline values. Interestingly, an unexpected increase of the resulting detection signal of semi-volatile compounds could also be traced to this column bleed that could help in forming or stabilizing aerosol. Increased sensitivity can be expected due to the non-linear response in which the ‘b’ term in y = ACb (equation 1) is larger than 1 (this is discussed further in future sections). Additionally, for more volatile fatty acids, low response, particularly at low concentrations, is due to small particles formed and the greater vapor pressure over curved than flat surfaces (known as the Kelvin effect.38 As the non-volatile concentration increases, larger particles form, 32 resulting in a greater fraction of semi-volatile fatty acids existing in the aerosol particles (as opposed to the gas phase). This can explain the greater sensitivity observed when column bleed occurred. To determine whether this decreases LODs, you also would need to look at noise levels (not just area counts). C. Analysis of mobile phase buffered with TFA and amines Solvent and modifier choice were also guided by the need of sufficient volatility for evaporation in the detector under conditions that could favor formation of ion pairs such as species 1 (see Figure 6), which would not be expected to evaporate and results in increased peak detection. As much lower sensitivities were observed for the more volatile fatty acids, this could improve the detection of such acid. Experiments were carried out using an ammonium-containing mobile phase [88ACN:12(5.5mM TFA:5.0mM NH4OH)] and [88ACN:12(11mM TFA:10mM NH4OH)]. While the addition of trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) to the mobile phase improved peak shape, the addition of ammonia (NH3) was intended to increase the equilibrium toward forming presumably less volatile ammonium carboxylate salts and, thus, reach lower detection thresholds. Ammonia choice was also guided by the need of for sufficient volatility of the mobile phase for evaporation in the detector in order to minimize the baseline and to provide conditions that could minimize the formation of gas phase analyte molecules such as species 2 (see Figure 8), which do not contribute to the detected signal. Mobile phases containing 11mM TFA: 10mM NH4OH or 5.5mM FTA: 5.0mM NH4OH were used in order to favor the formation of ion pairs such as 1, which would not 33 evaporate, and result in increased peak detection. Both mobile phases were kept acidic (pH at 2.84 and 3.31, respectively) in order to ensure column retention of the smaller fatty acids during the HPLC step. An ammonia additive did not improve detection of volatile lauric and myristic acids; other standard C16 and C18 fatty acids were observed. Chromatograms show that lauric acid and myristic acid (at 400 ng L-1) may have been detected as negative peaks at 2.45 minutes and 4.41 min, respectively. (1) (2) CF3CO2H + NH3 H2O/ACN [NH4+ CF3CO2-](s) Detected (higher baseline): Not desired (3) [NH4+CH3(CH2)nCO2-](s) 1 Detected: desired Higher Peak NH4+ + CF3CO2NH3(g) + CF3CO2H(g) Not detected: desired NH3(g) + CH3(CH2)nCO2H (g) 2 CH3(CH2)nCO2H (s) Detected: desired Figure 6: Proposed scheme for increased peak detection through the formation of less volatile ion pairs of fatty acids. Those negative peaks could be artifacts and had very small area count. Therefore, this approach of charge contributions from charged mobile phase additives to enhance semi-volatile fatty acid detection was discontinued. 34 When another base modifier, methylamine, was used to replace ammonia, the baseline was observed off scale, exceeding the maximum recordable signal at 1000 mV. The mobile phase may have formed non-volatile particles and had a detrimental effect on the detector baseline. Another possibility is that the pH was greater than 8, resulting in increased column bleed. Methodology of CAD Parameters After having optimized buffers that gave reproducible separations on the C18columns, the ion filter voltage of the EAA was adjusted in order to reduce the baseline or increase the signal to noise ratio. This allowed us to determine the approximate limit of detection of some common fatty acids (i.e. detection limit is the concentration of analyte that gives a specified signal-to-noise ratio, typically greater than three). The fatty acids could have been directly pumped into the detector to assess their individual LOD. In order to take into account that bleeding from a silica based column can have a significant impact on the CAD baseline and increase the limit of detection, a direct approach was not pursued. Evaluation of Optimal Ion Voltage The ion voltage settings on the TSA Electrical Aerosol Analyzer (EAA) can be adjusted such that the concentration ranges of sample analytes are detected on scale. Calibration standards from 0.5 to 200 ng/L were analyzed for all FAs at ion voltages of -150 V, -225 V and -300 V to find the best fit for quantifying samples in that calibration 35 range. All FAs have similar non-linear regression curves with b values greater than 1 and yield the same conclusions. As an example, table 4 summarizes the observed peak height and LOD values for oleic acid that were used in determining the dynamic range defined as the log of the range of FA concentration over which the CAD-detector responds to changes in FA concentration (from the minimum detectable concentration to the concentration in which the maximum recordable signal is reached). LODs at each of the ion voltages were determined using non-linear extrapolation to the lowest detected peak distinguishable from noise. Oleic Acid 200 ng/L 50 ng/L 20 ng/L 5 ng/L 2 ng/L 0.5 ng/L S/N Ratio at 5 ng/L Noise (6*Standard Deviation) 3Noise ([6*SD]/2) LOD (in ng) Mass in ng (maximum quantified in Linear Range) Dynamic Range Peak Height (mV) measured with the EAA at: -150 V 287 54.3 21.5 4.7 1.6 0.67 8.0 -225 V 163 23.4 7.7 1.6 0.51 NQ 11.4 -300 V 80.1 7.4 2.1 0.51 ND ND 1.08 1.18 0.28 0.80** 0.59 0.6 0.14 1 0.40 10 1300 5200 5200 3 4 3 Table 4: Oleic acid response associated with ion voltages of the EAA. NQ = non quantifiable. ND = non detected. (** Higher noise due to enhanced baseline spikes.) 36 Comparison of results showed higher peak height for the same sample concentration, and strong signal-to-noise ratios at the lower ion voltage scale of -150 V. The signal to noise ratios at -300 V were less than optimal due to intermittent electronic spikes in the baseline. Typically, noise is magnified at the lower ion voltage strengths at standard concentrations near to the LOD; increasing signal to noise ratios with increasing ion voltages is expected. Table 4 depicts signal to noise ratios for the 5 ng/L standard since low level peaks at 0.5ng/L were not quantifiable at -225 V and -300 V. The LOD value, determined by non-linear extrapolation to the lowest detectable concentration at each ion voltage, ranged from 0.6 to 10 ng. However, the maximum detectable concentration, fit to the maximum detectable signal, was estimated at 1300 ng/L for the -150 V ion voltage, resulting in more off-scale measurements for the more concentrated samples. At -300 V, results showed even smaller peaks for the same sample concentration range and smaller signal-to-noise ratios. The calculated FA mass ranged from 10 to 5200 ng at -300 V which is favorable for higher mass, but less favorable when concerned about low concentrations. For best sensitivity, the -150 V is the optimal ion voltage. Better linear response was observed at ion voltage at -150 V, in which the calibration power fit was observed with a “b” value close to 1 (Figure 7). Both calibration curves at -150 V and at -225 V were well represented by power fit curves as shown by r2 values of > 0.99 (b values of 1 indicate linear response; r2 gives goodness of fit). The greatest span of detectable concentrations was observed at -225 V with four orders of magnitude for the dynamic range. The -300 V ion voltage was selected for testing the method on an olive oil analysis 37 since the major oil component peak (oleic acid) could be off scale if a lower ion voltage was used. Based on the greatest dynamic range at -225 V, a lower ion voltage could have been the best ion voltage to use. Figure 7: Oleic acid standard curves from ion voltages of -150 V, -225 V and -300 V using Agilent XDB-C18 (5m) column. Note dynamic range was observed at three orders of magnitude for ion voltages of -150 V and -300 V. Table 5 shows that baseline shifts were minimal at the different ion voltage scales. In increasing the ion voltage of the EAA of CAD detector from -150 V to -300 V, the baseline dropped from 31 mV to 23 mV. Overall, baseline shift is not significant since baseline readings at 23 to 25 mV depict zero level of the detector output. However, such a small change in baseline could be significant (from zero to non-zero) but would not be expected to affect the noise. The higher noise seen at -300 V in Table 4 may be due to greater “spikiness” (probably just due to random changes in nebulization characteristics). 38 Baseline (mV) measured at Composite Standard (ng/L) -150 V -225 V -300 V 200 31.6 24.5 23.2 50 31.8 24.5 23.1 20 31.9 24.3 23.1 5 31.5 24.2 23.0 2 31.2 24.3 23.2 0.5 31.6 24. 3 23.1 Table 5: Baseline values at different ion voltage settings. Evaluation of Temperature Parameters for CAD Detection Temperature changes to the oven used to evaporate spray droplets were analyzed at the baseline ion voltage setting of -225 V. Composite standards (made of palmitic, oleic and stearic acids) were analyzed using (88:12) ACN:0.01M TFA at three different CAD temperatures (30oC, 35oC, and 45oC) at ion voltage -225 V (see Table 6a). In increasing the temperature, a small baseline shift from 25 mV to 24 mV was observed, showing no significant impact. Area counts of the fatty acid components in the 50 ng/L and 200 ng/L composite standards showed a decrease in area counts with increased temperature conditions supporting the increased volatility and loss of detection of the fatty acids by the CAD. At standard operating condition of 35oC, it was observed that the 39 area counts of the components in the composite 50 and 200 ng/L standards were higher at the -225 V scale than at the -300 V scale as shown in Table 6b, which is due to the fact that higher ion voltage outputs deflect a higher number of charged particles from entering into the CAD detection stream. This is more pronounced for more volatile compounds (C16 vs. C18) and at lower concentrations (50 vs. 200 ng/L), as is expected. Area Counts Composite Standard (ng/L) CAD Temperature (oC) 200 50 200 50 200 50 30 30 35 35 45 45 Palmitic (6.66 min) Oleic (7.11 min) Stearic (12.17 min) 3270 391 1920 155 482 71 1970 311 1190 141 538 86 7980 936 6600 682 3945 459 Baseline (mV) at -225 V 25.3 24.9 24.2 24.3 24.3 24.3 Table 6a: Temperature effect on area count and baseline at ion voltage -225 V. Area Counts Ion Voltage - 225 V - 300 V Composite Standard (ng/L) CAD Temperature (oC) 200 Palmitic (6.66 min) Oleic (7.11 min) Stearic (12.17 min) Baseline (mV) at -225 V 35 1920 1190 6600 24.2 50 35 155 141 682 24.3 200 35 1340 77 3740 23.2 50 35 93 78 295 23.1 Table 6b: Temperature effect on area count at -225 V and -300 V. Quantitative Analysis Once the mobile phase gave satisfactory separations, the CAD was tested in quantitative analysis by calibrating with a series of fatty acid standards using the 40 optimized operating parameters for the detector (ion voltage, temperature). With most fatty acids, the response of the CAD using power fit represented the data well in the range 5 to 200 ng/L of the calibration study for the olive oil analysis at -300 V (see next section). Method Application to Olive Oil Analysis The saponification of an olive oil standard to determine its fatty acid content was used to test the effectiveness of the HPLC-CAD methodology on a realistic sample. Triacylglycerols contained in the olive oil yield upon saponification a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (see Fig 9) which were analyzed using HPLC-CAD. Saponification was carried out at mild temperature in order to minimize double bond isomerization and/or oxidation.18 Figure 8: Saponification of triacylglycerol. 41 A first wash with hexane of the saponified solution extracts any unsaponified organic material present in the oil sample. Then upon neutralization of the aqueous layer with an HCl solution, a second wash with hexane extracts the fatty acids. For four saponification experiments, hexane extractions and washing steps were directly carried out in the saponification vials. Fractions of the hexane layer containing the fatty acids were pipetted out and evaporated for analyses. Those experiments were used to determine the relative oil composition. Two saponification experiments (Sample #3 and #6) were worked up using separatory funnels. This allowed a complete recovery of the hexane layer containing the fatty acids from the acidified aqueous layer. Those experiments were used to calculate relative oil composition and total recovery yield based on the quantity of weighed olive oil (see Table 9). Of the six olive oil saponification experiments, three of them (samples #4 to #6) were carried out with addition of two internal standards. Saponified samples #1 to #6 were separated using a 3m C18 column using an acetonitrile: 0.01M TFA (96.5:3.5) mobile phase. The mobile phase had a higher ACN content than the mobile phase optimized on a 5m C18 column; other HPLC-CAD parameters were identical to the method developed using the 5m C18 column. Saponified olive oil samples showed peaks at 3.83 (linoleic acid), 5.56 (oleic acid), 7.28 (heptadecanoic – an added internal standard) and 9.29 (stearic acid) minutes in their CAD chromatograms. The oleic peak was the major peak. Figure 9 is a representative chromatogram of a saponified olive oil sample with C17 internal and tristearin standard. 42 C18:1 &C16:0) C18:2 C18:2 C17:0 C18:0 C18:1 Figure 9: Chromatogram of a saponified oil sample eluting in the following order: linoleic (C18:2), oleic and palmitic (C16:0), margaric (C17 internal standard), and stearic (C18:0) acids. (upper trace CAD signal; lower trace UV signal). Calibration curves were constructed for the fatty acids found in olive oil from composite standards (ranging from 0.5 ng/L to 200 ng/L). The composite standard contained also a C17 standard which allows us to further quantify using a recovery normalization procedure, all fatty acid components being expected to be extracted and recovered homogeneously. Figure 10 is a representative CAD-chromatogram from the 200 ng/L composite standard containing the C17 standard. The lower trace shows the corresponding UV chromatogram. At high fatty acid concentrations (200 g/mL), fatty acids containing one to three alkene bonds (C18:1 to C18:3) were detected by the UV- 43 detector. At 5 g/mL, oleic acid (C18:1) could not be detected. Only linolenic acid (C18:3) could be detected in the composite standard prepared at the lowest concentration with a LOD similar to those attained by the CAD-detector. The mass of fatty acid components in the olive oil can be calculated using their corresponding FA calibration curves normalized with the actual spiked standard C17 recovery. A recovery factor for C17 is calculated based on its known starting amount of C17 vs. the calculated recovered C17 based on its calibration curves. Essentially, this accounts for any losses (or gains) of fatty acids that can be attributed to the work-up procedures. C18:3 C18:2 C16:0 C18:1 C18:3 C17:0 C18:0 C18:2 Figure 10: Chromatogram of the 200 ng/L composite standard eluting in the following order: linolenic (C18:3), linoleic, oleic, palmitic, margaric and stearic acids (Upper trace CAD signal; lower trace UV signal). 44 Figure 11 shows the different standard curves of the five olive oil fatty acids and the C17 standard plotted on the same graph. The strong divergence of the calibration curves shows that a quantitative analysis based on the relative peak areas without the knowledge of the response factor would be, at best, approximate. Calibration curves required plotting using a power fit standard calibration curve analysis in an EXCEL sheet with correlation coefficient of 0.995 and better found for all analyzed fatty acids (See calibration method section). Linear fit calibrations yielded low correlation coefficients (around 0.85) and were not considered further. 6000 5000 Peak Area 4000 3000 y = 3.3758x1.373 R² = 0.9957 y = 2.0726x1.3796 R² = 0.999 y = 1.9178x1.4316 R² = 0.9967 y = 2.2325x1.3712 R² = 0.9981 y = 1.1301x1.3659 R² = 0.9994 y = 0.4398x1.576 R² = 0.9965 Stearic Acid (C18:0) Heptadecanoic Acid (C17:0) Oleic Acid (C18:1) 2000 Linoleic Acid (C18:2) 1000 Linolenic Acid (C18:3) 0 Palmitic Acid 0 50 100 150 200 250 (C16:0) Concentration (ng/L) Figure 11: Standard calibration curves of composite standards consisting of stearic, heptadecanoic, oleic (with their corresponding regression equations in the first column) and linoleic, linolenic, and palmitic acids (with their corresponding regression equations in the second column). 45 Relative fatty acid composition of the six saponified samples with respect to the sum of the components in each olive oil sample was consistent (see Table 7). This showed that sample handling and recovery were consistent. HPLC separation of the saponified Sigma Olive Oil standard shows the composition as 90% oleic, 8% linoleic, and 1-2% stearic compared to the GC/FID analysis by Sigma with their composition values of 67.3% oleic, 12% linoleic, and 2.9% stearic. Components expected but not clearly observed were palmitic acid and linolenic acid. Linolenic was observable in some of the HPLC-CAD plots but at levels close to the detection limit; lower CAD-measured concentrations of linolenic acid could be due to the degradation of the olive oil standard manufactured by Sigma in Sept. 2006. Stearic acid was lower in samples #1 though #3 than expected (composition percentage per the manufacturer is 2.9%). This is could be attributed to quantitation with a wider standard concentration range for the calibration curve analysis than the effective sample concentration range appropriate to the actual stearic acid content. A reason for the HPLC-CAD overestimate of oleic acid and missing of palmitic acid is likely to be due to the overlapping of the two fatty acids in the HPLC method used. Chromatograms of the composite standards showed that oleic acid (RT of 5.54 minutes) is not baseline resolved from palmitic acid (RT of 5.71). Palmitic (expected at an 11.8% percentage composition per Sigma) is probably co-integrated with the oleic peak. An enlargement of this region of the chromatograms shows a tailing at the end of the oleic acid peak while all of the other peaks showed only fronting. 46 Mass Percentage Sample C18:2 C18:1 C18:0 # CAD GC/FID CAD GC/FID CAD 1 8.4 91.6 ND 2 7.8 89.6 1.6 3 8.1 91.1 0.8 4 7.6 90.1 11.5 GC/FID 2.2* 67.3 2.9 5 7.8 89.3 2.9* 6 7.1 89.8 2.9* Average 7.8 90.3 N/A SD 0.4 0.9 N/A Table 7: Fatty acid composition of olive oil by HPLC-CAD and Sigma GC/FID analyses. * Samples 4 to 6 were spiked with tristearin which is saponified to stearic acid (C18:0). Figure 12: Expansion of Figure 9 showing the oleic acid peak with palmitic acid peak eluting at the tailing end. 47 The higher sensitivity of HPLC-CAD vs. HPLC-UV is clearly shown in chromatogram figures 9 and 10, notably for saturated fatty acids. Oleic acid was detected as a very small peak in the UV trace that could be integrated. Area counts were used to calculate a (CAD area count)/(UV area count) ratio that allows the comparison of oleic peaks in different sample analyses (A/B in Table 8). For example, oleic acid UV area counts in sample #6 and in the 100 ng/mL composite are reported in Table 8. The ratio of oleic acid in sample # 6 is 1.43 times bigger than that of the 100 ng/mL composite standard. This indicates that roughly 1/1.43 or 70% of the oleic acid CAD response peak is actually from oleic acid (with the rest from co-eluting palmitic acid). Such difference in ratios presumably accounts for the differing oleic percentages between the experimental and Sigma-certified values. Adjusting the average oleic experimental content value (90.3%) by the 70% corrective factor gave a 63% actual oleic content. This is close to the Sigma value supporting further that palmitic acid co-eluted with the oleic acid peak. However, it would also indicate that palmitic acid is ~27% (i.e. the difference between 90.3 and 63%) of the total mass, which is too high. The validity of this ratio approach assumed the sensitivity for palmitic and oleic acids to be identical and that their overlapping peaks had no effect on the calibration curves obtained from the injections of the composite standards. These are very approximate assumptions since the two FA curve shapes are different and overlapping peaks make prediction less reliable in the case of non-linear calibration. An alternative method to comparing CAD:UV ratios in order to confirm co-elution would be to inject a mixture a C18:1 and C16:0 prepared in a ~6:1 ratio and observe for the oleic peak with a tailing shoulder. 48 Sample Oleic CAD Retention Time Oleic CAD Area Count = (A) Oleic UV Retention Time Oleic UV Area Count = (B) Ratio (A)/(B) 100 ng/L Composite 5.54 606 5.41 4.2 144 #6 5.57 639 5.44 3.1 206 Table 8: Ratio of CAD:UV peak area count for oleic acid peak. Sample # Olive Oil Weight (in mg) CAD-Quantified mass of C18:1 and C16:0 (in mg) 3 6 254.5 245.7 226 262 Expected mass of C18:1 and C16:0 based on Sigma found content (in mg) 202 195 % Recovery 112 134 Table 9: Oleic and palmitic acid absolute recovery based on Sigma-certified percentages and CAD analyses. % Recovery = mass of CAD-quantitated FA/expected amount of FA. Table 9 displays the actual recoveries of oleic and palmitic acid for samples #3 and #6 based on the CAD quantified mass of C18:1 and C16:0. The assumption is made that palmitic and oleic acids co-eluted and the expected mass calculated is based on their combined 79.2% (67.3 +11.8%) manufacturer content. The CAD-quantified mass of combined C18:1 and C16:0 were calculated using their respective calibration curve according to their peak areas. The calculated combined mass were higher than the starting olive oil weight (which is an artifact, the olive oil samples being weighted accurately) or higher than the expected mass that was calculated based on the Sigma certified content (Sample #3). The large mass deviation of the coeluted peaks (observed vs. expected) is an 49 indication that the standard calibration curves may require a better power fit in order to provide more accurate quantitation. 50 CONCLUSION To avoid base-line drift during a chromatographic run and CAD detection, an isocratic RP-HPLC method that yields good separation of non-volatile, free fatty acids was sought. Efforts were focused on finding aqueous modifier content and pH that favor efficient separation and formation of solid particles in order to improve the aerosol detector response. The proposed isocratic method was also designed with consideration of the effects of CAD temperature and detector voltage. The actual system functionality was assessed by measuring the experimental LOD and sensitive ranges. A preferred method, using a 3 or 5 m C18 silica column and a mobile phase containing a few percent of an acid modifier, allowed the CAD detection and quantification of the less volatile fatty acids in the range of from around 1 to 5 ng/L to over 200 ng/L utilizing power fit curve analysis. The isocratic method used for the olive oil standard utilized an acetonitrile: 0.01M TFA (96.5:3.5) mobile phase, ion voltage at -300V, and CAD heater setting of 35°C. Using those running conditions, separation and detection of major C16 to C18 fatty acids were achieved although palmitic and oleic acids were not completely resolved. Conditions or mobile phase additives were not found to increase detection of the more volatile fatty acids such as lauric or myristic acids. However, column bleed was tentatively identified as an unexpected source of peak enhancement, which was attributed to the formation or stabilization of bigger aerosol particles. Siloxane containing chemicals that are known to bleed from columns could be at the origin of the higher peak detection. Finding siloxane additives that could enhance peak detection could warrant further studies. 51 Evaluation of the method applied to olive oil analysis showed that relative recovery of the major fatty acid components is consistent and supports the use of HPLCCAD system for a rapid detection of fatty acids at trace levels. Reproducible data were obtained when calculating the relative recoveries of major, nonvolatile fatty acid components but in instances of co-eluting peaks, additional data from the HPLC UVdetector were required. This points to further improvements needed in the proposed HPLC method. The HPLC-CAD system could still achieve rapid, qualitative detection of non-volatile fatty acids at levels as low as 0.5 ng under ideal conditions. 52 FUTURE WORK The proposed method shows that mobile phase organic to aqueous acid ratio is an important factor in providing a natural charging of the analyte as well influencing shorter elution times. With further development of the method by varying the organic constituent and mobile phase modifiers while still considering impact on the baseline, a more robust method could be developed for the HPLC-CAD analysis, most notably of volatile fatty acids. Notably, mimicking column bleed with the use of additives in the mobile phase could confirm the hypothesis that column bleed is potentially responsible for the increase in peak area. Such additives will have similar chemical structures to those being released by the column when first switching to high TFA concentration. For instance, addition of siloxane additives such as octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane or polydimethylsiloxane to the mobile phase could enhance aerosol formation and yield better FA or other analyte detection. Such studies will also need to examine effects on baseline values and associated noise, which would be expected to increase. Besides analysis of fatty acids, HPLC-CAD also has the potential to detect triacylglycerides, allowing more complete analysis of oil samples. Such compounds are difficult to analyze by GC because very high temperatures are required. 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