Connected Mathematics

Mathematics Department
Pre-Algebra 8
Course Syllabus
Instructor: Alyssa DiEdwardo
E-mail: (Preferred)
Phone: 973-228-1200 X794
A. Grading Policy – course work will be graded as follows:
a. Summative Assessments (test, quizzes, projects) – 90% of grade
b. Formative Assessments (homework) – 10% of grade
c. All grades should be verified in Genesis on a regular basis.
d. It’s the students’ and parents’ responsibility to check genesis. ***
B. Classroom
a. Rules of Conduct
i. Follow all Classroom and School Procedures
ii. Come prepared to class with all materials
iii. No cell phones
iv. No food or drinks
b. Required Material
i. Textbook
ii. Pencils/Pens
iii. Graphing Calculator (TI 84 Plus Silver)
iv. 1.5 in Blue Binder and Loose Leaf Paper
v. Completed assignment
c. Homework
i. All homework will be posted on the teacher’s school website.
ii. Students are permitted and encouraged to make-up any homework
zeroes during the 1st marking period for full credit within one week of
being assigned. After the 1st marking period, any missed homework
assignments will be counted as zeroes and may NOT be made up.
iii. Student is responsible for submitting missing assignments
iv. All missed homework should be made-up for understanding of concepts
d. Attendance
i. Follow all rules as stated in student handbook
ii. Student receives one day per day absent to make up missed assignments
iii. Work assigned prior to absence(s) will be due on the first day back
iv. Student is responsible for making arrangements to make up missed
assessments in a timely manner.
v. Missed assessments will not be administered during regular class period
e. Academic Integrity
i. Students are to hand-in their own work
1. Receiving assistance is different from copying
ii. Cheating will result in a zero on the assessment and a call home to the
f. After School Help
i. Available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays afternoon until 3:15pm.
ii. If unavailable, notice will be posted in classroom and students may seek
extra help from another 8th Grade Mathematics teacher: Mrs. Morrissey
(Room 226) and/or Mrs. Smith (Room 206).
C. Course Description
This course presents an integrated mathematics curriculum in preparation for
In the Connected Math Program, important mathematical ideas are embedded in the
context of interesting problems. The mathematical content in Connected
Mathematics covers number sense, geometry, measurement, statistics, probability,
combinatorics and algebra appropriate for the middle grades.
As students explore a series of connected problems, they discover mathematical
content and theories beyond symbolic manipulation as they use problem solving
strategies and creative thinking. Students learn mathematics and they learn how to
learn mathematics.
D. Course Objectives
This course has been designed with respect to and in compliance with the
expectations set forth in the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards.
Overarching Objectives - Students will be able to:
a. Linear and Nonlinear Relationships: Recognize and model patterns in bivariate
i. Represent data patterns using graphs, tables, word descriptions, and
algebraic expressions
ii. Investigate the nature of linear functions in contexts
iii. Use mathematical models to answer questions about linear relationships
iv. Write linear functions from tables, graphs, and verbal contexts
v. Analyze and solve linear equations
vi. Model situations with inequalities expressed as “at most” and “at least”
vii. Investigate the nature of inverse variation in contexts
viii. Use mathematical models to answer questions about inverse variation
ix. Compare inverse variation relationships with linear relationships
Data Analysis: Measure variation in data and strength of association in
bivariate data
i. Use data to make predictions
ii. Fit a line to data that show a linear trend and measure closeness of fit
iii. Analyze scatter plots of bivariate data to determine the strength of the
linear association between two variables
iv. Use correlation coefficients informally to describe the strength of the
linear association illustrated by scatter plots
v. Use standard deviation to measure variability in univariate distributions
vi. Distinguish between categorical and numerical variables
Take square roots and the Pythagorean Theorem, make connections with
coordinates, slope, distance, and area
i. Relate the area of a square to the length of a side of the square
ii. Estimate square roots
iii. Develop strategies for finding the distance between two points on a
coordinate grid
iv. Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem
v. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve a variety of problems
Recognize and represent exponential growth and decay in tables, graphs,
words, and symbols; understand the rules of exponents and scientific notation
i. Recognize situations where one variable is an exponential function of
another variable
ii. Recognize the connections between exponential equations and growth
patterns in tables and graphs of those relations
iii. Construct equations to express exponential patterns that appear in data
tables, graphs, and problem conditions
iv. Understand and apply the rules for operating on numerical expressions
with exponents
v. Solve problems about exponential growth and decay in a variety of
situations such as science or business
vi. Compare exponential and linear relationships
Recognize and represent quadratic functions in tables, graphs, words, and
symbols and factor simple quadratic expressions
i. Recognize the patterns of change for quadratic relationships in a table,
graph, equation, and problem situation
ii. Construct equations to express quadratic relationships that appear in
tables, graphs and problem situations
iii. Recognize the connections between quadratic equations and patterns in
tables and graphs of those relationships
iv. Use tables, graphs, and equations of quadratic relationships to locate
maximum and minimum values of a dependent variable and the x- and yintercepts and other important features of parabolas.
v. Recognize equivalent symbolic expressions for the dependent variable in
quadratic relationships
vi. Use the distributive property to write equivalent quadratic expressions in
factored form or expanded form
vii. Use tables, graphs, and equations of quadratic relations to solve
problems in a variety of situations from geometry, science, and business
viii. Compare properties of quadratic, linear, and exponential relationships
f. Use samples to reason about populations and make predictions, compare
samples and sample distributions, investigate relationships among attributes in
data sets
i. Revisit and use the process of statistical investigation to explore
ii. Compare sample distributions using measures of center (mean or
median), measures of dispersion (range or percentiles), and data displays
that group data (histograms and box-and-whisker plots)
iii. Explore relationships between paired values of numerical attributes
g. Investigate symmetries of designs, perform symmetry transformations and
i. Understand important properties of symmetry
ii. Recognize and describe symmetries of figures
iii. Use tools to examine symmetries and transformations
iv. Make figures with specified symmetries
v. Identify basic design elements that can be used to replicate a given
vi. Perform symmetry transformations of figures, including reflections,
translations, and rotations
vii. Examine and describe the symmetries of a design made from a figure
and its image(s) under a symmetry transformation
viii. Give precise mathematical directions for performing reflections,
rotations, and translations
ix. Understand that figures with the same shape and size are congruent
x. 10. Use symmetry transformations to explore whether two figures are
h. Create equivalent expressions, substituted and combined expressions
i. Model situations with symbolic statements
ii. Write equivalent expressions
iii. Determine if different symbolic expressions are mathematically
iv. Interpret the information equivalent expressions represent in a given
v. Determine which equivalent expression to use to answer particular
vi. Solve linear equations involving parentheses
vii. Use equations to make predictions and decisions
viii. Analyze equations to determine the patterns of change in the tables and
graphs that the equation represents
i. Recognize situations in which various counting techniques apply
i. Construct organized lists of outcomes for complex processes and
uncover patterns that help in counting the outcomes of those processes
ii. Use diagrams, tables, and symbolic expressions to organize examples in
listing and counting tasks
iii. Analyze the usefulness of counting trees and use counting trees
iv. Use mental arithmetic to make estimates in multiplication and division
v. Invent strategies for solving problems that involve counting
vi. Analyze counting problems involving choices in various contexts
vii. Differentiate among situations in which order does and does not matter
and in which repeats are and are not allowed
viii. Analyze the number of paths through a network
ix. Compare the structures of networks with problems involving
x. Create networks that satisfy given constraints
E. Text(s)/resources/Software: Instructional Resources for all students:
Connected Math 2. Glends Lappan, James T. Fey, et al. Prentice Hall, Boston MA 2006
F. Supplemental work for NJASK8
a. New Jersey ASK8 Coach
b. Prentice Hall Brief Review for New Jersey Grade 8 ASK Math
G. Technology
c. TI-84 Graphing Calculator
d. SmartBoard
e. Smart Calculator