“The SIR” ~ LAKE TAHOE BRANCH 160 ~ CHARTERED APRIL 22, 1991 RETIRED AND SEMI-RETIRED MEN GETTING TOGETHER FOR LUNCH AND ENJOYING OUR VARIOUS ACTIVITIES HIGH MOUNTAIN NEWS JANUARY 2015 We meet the 4th Monday of the month Next reg. meeting – our 292nd………………………Monday JANUARY 26th……….…..We meet at Tep’s Villa Roma Officers & Chairmen……………………………….10:00am.........................................3450 Lake Tahoe Blvd )Hiway50) Social hour…………………………………………..11:00am………………………….South Lake Tahoe, California Luncheon……………………………………………12:00noon………………………..Across from the Bijou Center FROM THE BIG SIR MIKE DAVIS I wanted to wish every one of you a great 2015 and say how glad I am to be a part of this wonderful organization. When I moved to Reno 3-1/2 years ago, I knew only my Daughter, Son-in-law and my lady friend Dee. Through a set of fortunate circumstances I was introduced to and became a part of the SIR organization. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1. FROM THE LITTLE SIR As your new Little Sir for 2015 I'd like to tell you all a little about myself. I have lived in the Lake Tahoe area for the past 40 years and worked as a building contractor in Nevada and California. As an avid outdoorsman, I have enjoyed all this area offers and now that I'm retired, especially fishing and golf. For our January meeting our speaker will be John Lawrence, owner of Autumn Funeral Home in Carson City. I look forward to the year ahead as Little Sir and will have some very interesting speakers to talk to us at our luncheons. If you have any suggestions for speakers, please contact me at (530) 307-0786 and I will do my best to get them signed up! Van Marshall ____________________________________________________________________________ In memoriam Al Bartley 3/1924 – 1/2015 Charter Member Big Sir 1990-1991 Director 1992-1993 Honorary Director 1994-2014 Senior Honorary Life Member 2010 ~NOTICE~ __________________________________________ All travel events and other activities sponsored by Sons In Retirement, Incorporated, or its Branches, are for the convenience and pleasure of its members and their guests who desire to participate. Sons In Retirement, Incorporated, and its Branches do not assume any responsibility for the well-being or safety of the participants or passengers, or their property or any damages whatsoever, in any manner pertaining to said activities Badge drawing winner!!!! Visit the SIR Website at sirinc.org and read “SIR HAPPENINGS”—the SIR State Newsletter. Plus, in living color, BRANCH 160 newsletters on our Website. http://branch160.sirinc2.org (Scroll down to read the newsletter) RON LYNESS FOR THE JANUARY LUNCHEON Come to a meeting, have lunch, hear our guest speaker and have your badge pulled from the bucket for a lunch on the Sir at the next meeting 2. FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2002 Lyell Evans, 2006 Jim Beard, 2014 Mike Sandifer ~Attendance Reminder~ MEMBERS ANNIVERSERY We must not miss 3 consecutive meetings without notifying the Attendance Chairman and being excused. Whether or not we have been “excused”, we still must attend at least half the meetings during the previous 12 months period. Members Dropped (0) Members Added (0) Inactive Members (10) Will Twining, Ken Davis, Bill Challenger, Russ Dow, Bob Hoy, Tom Worrell, Marshall, McCurdy, Robert Pitcock, Dan Wilkerson, Ken Koegel From inactive to active (0) Lake Tahoe Branch 160 Badge Color Scheme Charter Member…RED Honorary Life Member… GOLD New Member…BLUE the rest of us…BLACK When you see a badge with BLUE lettering indicating a NEWER MEMBER, be sure to make him feel Medical Leave (1) Robert Hendry Total Members this report (108) Total Inactive this report (11) Net active members (97) Attendance – active members (30) Guests-Prospective members (0) Visitor/Speaker (0) Visitors-Sir state dignitaries (0) Total present (58) WINTER GOLF Joe Scott and Richard Pike will be putting on our winter golfing this winter on Monday’s and Thursday’s. Give them a call at 775-246-2654 for Joe and 775-266-4633 for Richard. 3. Membership & Luncheon Report Sons In Retirement – Lake Tahoe Branch 160 Your attendance Chairman, Michael Sandifer Don Edwards, Lyell Evans, Will Smith, Joe Scott, George Ramirez, Perry Damon, Dan Gordon, Steven Crabtree, Bobby Silvius, Richard Pike, John Gerard, Robert Clements DECEMBER 2014 Just because Name _______________________________ BADGE #_________ ~NOTICE ON SALE NOW~ SUPPORT “The SIR” ~ DRESS IT UP WITH ROOSTER PINS, HATS AND SHIRTS. SHOW HOW PROUD YOU ARE TO BE A SIR!!! HATS ~ $10 VESTS ~ $29 SHIRTS ~ $17 PINS ~ $2.50 GOLF TOWELS ~ $7 Start looking good! Dave Tiongco ROSTER CHANGES With the new roster coming out shortly. Be sure to check your information in last year’s roster for any errors. Any new Phone numbers, Email addresses or mailing addresses we need to know before going to press. Call Ron Rathbun our attendance chair or Larry Coffman and let them know as soon as possible. TO: SIR BRANCH 160 C/O Sir Chuck Garber Newly installed officers 3422 Princeton Ave. Carson City, NV 89705 I’m enclosing my donation in the amount of $ ___________ For Missed meeting donations Please attend the January meeting if at all possible. I would like to get a complete photo of all the new officers so I can send it to the state bulletin editor for the next state newsletter. Thank you, Larry Coffman I’ll be gone for a while 4. 2015 DRAFT SIR State Golf Schedule Divisions, Areas and Branches should hold Golf meetings to spread the word of their 2015 Schedules. Division and Area Golf Chairmen should work together to coordinate these events. April 20 &21 Spring Time in Napa, two-day tournament at Eagle Vines GC & Chardonnay GC (Ladies Welcome) May 1 thru June 30 Area Team Qualifying Period (Reports and Results to State Chairman by July 7) JUNE Reno Tournaments, Week 1: 6/15/15 thru 6/19/15, Week 2: 6/22/15 thru 6/26/15 At the Atlantis and three great courses! Summerset, Lakeridge, and Redhawk July 1 and July 31 Individual Area Qualifying Period Area Tournaments held between (reports to Divisions by 8/7/15) August 7 and September 7 Division Qualifying Tournaments held between (reports to State by 9/25/15) Location of Division Tournaments will be posted on golf.sirinc2.org State Team Championship Tournament (“The Chairman’s Tournament”) Monday, August 10 (location to be announced) (See the State Golf Manual for new handicap formula) September 13th to 17th, 2015 The Fall Classic is a Member/Guest Event (Courses to be announced) you and your spouse can have a dream fall vacation in September. OCTOBER 27th and 28th Individual State Championship and Open Play Two days of fun on and around the Monterey Peninsula at Poppy Hills Golf Course. DAY 1 WILL BE OPEN PLAY – DAY 2 WILL BE THE CHAMPIONSHIP & OPEN PLAY 9:30 AM SHOTGUN BOTH DAYS. Golf Etiquette 101 Play with the The Spirit of the Game. Unlike many sports, golf is played, for the most part, without the supervision of a referee or umpire. The game relies on the integrity of the individual to show consideration for other players and to abide by the Rules. All players should conduct themselves in a disciplined manner, demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship at all times, irrespective of how competitive they may be. This is the spirit of the game of golf. ______________________________________________________________________________ 5. January 2015 Notes from Tim Hall, SIR Branch 160 Bowling Tournament Manager. Please note that while SIR bowling tournaments are held throughout the year, the local tournament season sponsored by our Carson Country Bowling Association runs each year from October through the first part of April. Support your local bowling business in 2015! 1. 2015 CCUSBC Annual Senior Championship Tournament at Carson Lanes, Carson City, Nevada, on Saturday January 24 and Sunday January 25. This is a singles event consisting of TWO three-game blocks of singles. Applications can be found on the CCUSBC web site (ccusbc.net) or by contacting Chrissy Hall, CCUSBC Association Manager, at (775) 246-1022. 2. SIR Napa Classic held at Napa Bowl in Napa, California, on Monday January 26 and Wednesday January 28. This tournament is for SIRs and their guests and includes singles, doubles and all events. Applications can be found on the SIR web site (sirinc.org) or by contacting the Tournament Manager, SIR Keith Knox, at (707) 479-6381. 3. SIR Bowling Tournament held at Granada Bowl in Livermore, California, on Tuesday February 10 and Wednesday February 11. This tournament is for SIRs and their guests and includes singles, doubles and all events. Applications can be found on the SIR web site (sirinc.org) or by contacting the Tournament Manager, SIR Braden, at (925) 455-8633. BOWL ON! __________________________________________________________________ Things to do this winter? We have golf on Monday and Thursday. Be sure and let Joe Scott and/or Richard Pike know if you would like to play. So far the weather has been holding. We also have bowling at the Lake Tahoe Bowl on the 2nd Friday of each month. On the 4th Friday of each month there is bowling at Gold Dust Lanes in Carson City at 12 noon. For more information on bowling contact Bobby Silvius. 6. Monday, November 19, 2014 SIR Branch 160 Board of Directors/Executive Committee Meeting South Lake Tahoe, CA. The scheduled meeting of SIR Branch 160 for September was held at Tep’s Villa Roma restaurant. Tom Sawyer on behalf of Bill Sluka called the meeting to order at 10:30 AM. A quorum of the Branch Executive Committee (BEC) was verified to be present. The minutes for the September, 2014 meeting was tabled for review and comment. A motion to approve the minutes as they stood was made and approved by the membership. Treasurer’s Report: Mike Davis handed out copies of Form 28 Cash Balances for October. The beginning cash balance for October was $2304.58 with the month end cash balance $2594.07. Big Sir Report: Absent Little Sir Report: Bill Sluka announced that our guest speaker for today would be David Borges of Borges Chiropractic. The presentation would be on the history of Nevada as it relates the Battle Born state. Activities Report: Dave Dugan is resigning as the activities chair and we are seeking a volunteer for the position. Please step forward as it was announced this position needed to be filled as part of the Sirs regulations. Membership Report: George Ramirez was absent. It was noted that we have two new members Steven Crabtree and George Barber. A motion to approve their membership was passed unanimously. Bill Sluka signed the certificates for Messrs. Crabtree and Barber Attendance: Mike Sandifer states we have a total of 106 members. Sunshine Report: It was noted that our dear long time member Al Bartley was not doing well. Bowling Report: Bobby Silvius reports that activities are slowing for the winter months with an exception of bowling planned for the second Fridays. Golf Report: Sig Heidemann announced he is ordering the trophy for the annual most improved golfer for presentation at the general luncheon meeting. Sig also noted that he has lined up 29 outings for the 2015 golfing schedule and noted that bargaining with the course had gone well. Website: Bob Fleischer appealed to the other chairs for photos of activities to spice up the website. Old Business: None New Business: Dave Tiongco proposed that in our Sirs Branch 1060 roster booklet we record in remembrance our former members of the Branch. A motion was made to do this and passed unanimously. A bonus for Teps staff of 20% was tabled and the motion was passed unanimously. Branch audit committee: Was not set up and would be done with the 2015 new business. HLM: Need forms from the State Sirs website and their approval. The executive board meeting was adjourned by Bill Sluka at 11:14 AM. 7. …NEWSLETTER… LAKE TAHOE BRANCH 160 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BIG SIR----------------------MIKE DAVIS------------------775-388-4990 LITTLE SIR-----------------VAN MARSHALL-------------530-307-0786 SECRETARY----------------DEREK SMITH---------------775-246-0574 ASST. SECRETARY--------JOHN GERARD---------------530-542-2867 TREASURER----------------CHARLES GARBER----------775-267-3032 ASST. TREASURER--------VERN FLIKLIN---------------530-600-0918 DIRECTOR-----------------LARRY COFFMAN---------------530-577-0328 DIRECTOR-----------------TOM SAWYER-------------------775-852-8675 DIRECTOR-----------------RON RATHBUN-----------------530-541-0603 DIRECTOR………………….GEORGE RAMIREZ--------------530-541-0641 DIRECTOR-----------------DAVE DUGAN--------------------530-573-1052 DIRETOR------------------RON THOMPSON----------------775-848-1402 HONORARY DIRECTORS KEN KOEGL-----------------------------------530-544-2961 MIKE VADNAIS------------------------------------775-546-0810 JACK POST------------------------------------530-570-8063 DAVE TIONGCO-----------------------------------775-265-9448 DOM DELCENIO--------------------------------------------530-544-5997 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN ATTENDANCE-------------MICHAEL SANDIFIER----------775- 241-2372 ASST GOLF---------------JOE SCOTT---------------------775-246-2654 ASST. ATTENDANCE-----RON RATHBUN------------------530-541-0603 MEMBERSHIP…………..GEORGE RAMIREZ------------530-541-0641 ACTIVITIED-----------------------------------------------------TBD NEWSLETTER-----------LARRY COFFMAN-------------530-577-0328 BOWLING-------------------BOBBY SILVIUS-----------------530-318-6167 PUBLIC RELATIONS---------------------------------------TBD CALLER----------------------RON ST. THOMAS--------------775-575-0881 ROOSTER SALES--------DAVE TIONGCO---------------775-265-9448 CHAPLAIN------------------CURT EMRIE---------------------530-544-2374 RECRUITER-------------------------------------------------TBD GOLF-------------------------SIG HEIDEMANN---------------775-265-4810 SUNSHINE----------------MIKE VADNAIS---------------775-546-0810 WEB MASTER ROBERT FLEISCHER…. E-Mail: snowbum6@yahoo.com BRANCH OFFICIAL E-MAIL CONTACT VAN MARSHALL…E-Mail: VLMsit@aol.com Area 19 Governor – Charles Wilson 530-644-2692 - Region 2 Director – Russell Salazar 530-644-3809 - State President–B. Hairston __________________________________________________________________________________________ SIR Branch 160 Newsletter 1655 Bakersfield St. So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150