Walk the County Part 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. - Do all of the following Do some map reading – relevant to your section’s abilities Know what equipment you need to take on a walk Know what sort of clothing you should wear for a walk Know the Countryside Code Know and practise some basic first aid & know what to have with you in a first aid kit 6. Know what to do in an emergency – emergency phone numbers, map references, distress calls etc 7. Go for a walk – Rainbows at least 1-2 miles, Brownies at least 2-3 miles, Guides and older at least 4-5 miles Part 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. – Do at least two of the following Design a new flag for your Guiding county Make a poster, play, song or dance about your county Take part in or make up a quiz about your county Try a traditional food or drink from your county Find out about and celebrate our county of North Yorkshire Part 3 – Do at least one of the following 1. Make your walk a sponsored walk 2. Learn about the plants you may find in your area and see how many you can see on your walk 3. Learn about the birds and animals you may find in your area and see how many you can see on your walk 4. Find out about historic buildings or structures in your area and base your walk around them 5. Incorporate finding a Geocache (or several) into your walk Badge order form Unit: _________________________________________________________________________ Leader’s Name: ________________________________________________________________ Address where badges should be sent: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Tel No or email (in case of queries):_______________________________________________ Number of badges required at £1.00 each: _________________________________________ Please add postage of £1.50 to your order for up to 30 badges, over 30 badges please email and we will obtain a quote for postage. Total amount enclosed: _________________________________________________________ Post to: Charlotte Turner 32 Victoria Street, Settle, BD24 9HD Email any queries to walkthecounty@gmail.com All cheques should be made payable to ‘Girlguiding North Yorkshire West’ please. Notes for Guiders 1. Do some map reading – relevant to your section’s abilities – information can be found here a. http://mapzone.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/mapzone/PagesHomeworkHelp/docs /easypeasy.pdf b. http://www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk/education-research/teachingresources/index.html c. http://www.ramblers.org.uk/go-walking/advice-for-walkers/maps-guidesand-navigation/map-reading.aspx 2. Know what equipment you need to take on a walk a. Everyone should have a rucksack containing some of the following depending on the time of year, the type of country and the length of the walk – waterproofs, woolly hat or sunhat, sun cream, gloves, scarf, spare sweater, spare socks, food and drink for the walk, extra food, health form, money, notebook & pencil, first aid kit. b. Group items to be carried by the leader or spread out among the group – maps, compass, whistle, watch, group first aid kit, survival bags or group shelter, torch & spare batteries, extra food in case of emergencies, flask of hot drink, or the ability to make one, mobile telephone (while recognising that this may not work), paperwork – e.g. health forms, home contact details etc c. If going out into remote country, additional items such as a sleeping bag (for emergency use) may be necessary. 3. Know what sort of clothing you should wear a. Everyone should wear appropriate footwear and socks, trousers or shorts (not jeans), shirt or T-shirt and a sweater or fleece. b. Why not bring in a collection of clothes, some appropriate and some inappropriate and ask the girls to dress one girl appropriately and one inappropriately, then discuss the implications. 4. Know the Countryside Code – this can be downloaded from Natural England a. http://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/publication/987819?category=38 017 5. Know and practise some basic first aid & know what to have with you in a first aid kit. Ask around at work, church, village halls, school etc for out of date bandages and items for practising with the girls. Girlguiding Walking Scheme (2008 edition) suggests the following for guidance, appropriate to the age of the group and kept in a waterproof container. a. disposable gloves b. resuscitation shield c. plasters, including hypo-allergenic ones, in several sizes d. triangular bandages e. sterile unmedicated dressings e.g. melolin in several sizes f. sterile unmedicated eye-pads g. sterile gauze squares h. crepe roller bandages i. temporary burn dressings j. medical tape k. safety pins l. scissors m. tweezers n. antiseptic wipes o. p. q. r. s. t. u. small container of water antihistamine cream or spray sanitary towel paper and pencil details of doctors, dentists etc in the area coins details of the route being taken with six figure grid references, telephone number and address of home contact. v. In addition, if heading out into open or remote country consider steristrip plasters, painkillers and sunblock. 6. Know what to do in an emergency – emergency phone numbers, map references, distress calls etc a. Stop and assess the situation b. prevent further injury to yourself, the group or any casualties c. Render first aid to injured d. If the casualty can be moved, move to a sheltered spot, if not create shelter where you are e. check the condition of the rest of the group f. reassure the casualty and the group g. decide what to do next i. rest and continue on ii. cut the walk short using a planned escape route iii. stay where you are and get help h. If you need help – write down the following, then try using a mobile phone – call 112 or 999. i. Write down the grid reference and description of where you are ii. Details of the accident & how many injured and with what injuries iii. Name of the casualty iv. Group details v. Equipment carried e.g. orange emergency shelter vi. Home contact and phone number i. If the mobile phone does not work i. send two people for help with the details above & keep the rest together with the casualty ii. decide where to send them – inhabited area, where there is a mobile signal, road to flag down a car etc iii. get them to inform the home contact after contacting the emergency services j. The group with the casualty needs to be kept together, keep everyone warm and make the site as visible as possible. Attract attention using the International Distress Signal – 6 blasts with a whistle then a minute’s silence. Listen for a reply of 3 blasts, but keep repeating the 6 blasts until found. 7. Go for a walk – Rainbows – whatever they can manage, Brownies at least 2-3 miles, Guides and older at least 4-5 miles General information and Girlguiding regulations can be found in the manual here http://guidingmanual.guk.org.uk/default.aspx?page=580 Consider completing one of the Girlguiding Walking Schemes – details can be found here https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/default.aspx?page=1049 this include a download for writing a route card.