Franciscan Newsletter: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

SCRIPTURE NOTE: This Sunday’s first reading prepares us to
understand the true meaning of this incident, for in his wonderful cures
Jesus is fulfilling that prophecy of Isaiah. Jesus’ activity, as he goes
around ‘doing all things well’, manifests the coming of God into the
world, that Day of the Lord when the tongues of the dumb will sing for
joy. Jesus is the sacrament of God. In him God is active in the world,
bringing peace, healing and joy. In him people met and experienced
God. His gestures (of putting his fingers into the man’s ears and
touching his tongue with spittle) are affectionate ways of showing that
God is physically at work in him. In a modern hygiene-conscious world
such actions might be frowned upon. But if we are truly acting as the
members of Christ’s body in the world, we cannot hold back, and from
time to time we will be involved physically and totally in helping others.
One such famous, courageous gesture was Princess Diana’s handshake
with an AIDS-sufferer when it was still thought that the condition was
physically contagious. We too can bring Christ’s healing in countless
simple (but often costly and courageous) ways.
What do we learn about God from the gestures and words of Jesus in
today’s Gospel?
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
277 Sandygate Road, Sheffield S10 5SD
Telephone 0114 263 0383
Registered Charity No. 512021
Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Thornton
Parish Deacon: Stephen Parker
Mass book pg 129. Preface I pg 54
Eucharistic Prayer I pg 18
9:00 am (People of the Parish)
11:00 am (Yorkshire Brethren Society)
REFLECTION: Precious gifts
The gift of hearing is a precious gift. But it is only with the heart that we
can hear rightly. The cry of a needy person may reach our ears, but
unless it reaches our heart we will not feel the person’s pain, and it is
unlikely that we will respond. And the gift of speech is a precious gift. But
again it is only with the heart that we can speak rightly. For our words to
ring true, they must come from the heart. If they come only from the lips
they will have a hollow sound and will have little effect. They will be like
a wind that ruffles the surface of the water but leaves the depths
untouched. But words that come from the heart, enter the heart.
10:00 am (Maxine Crookes)
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (St
7:30 pm
Francis Dead List)
10:00 am (St Francis Dead List)
10:00 am (St Francis Dead List)
10:00 am (St Francis Dead List)
12 11.15-11.45 Sacrament of Reconciliation
Most Holy Name of Mary (Loretto
12:00 noon
Heavenly Father, pour down on our Church your Holy Spirit, the fire of
your love. Give us the courage, the wisdom and the faith to be salt for
the earth and light for the world.
Help us to build warm and welcoming communities of faith in our
families, our neighbourhoods, our Parish. May we carry the Good News
by word and action into all our environments, especially those which are
hostile and hurting.
Together with Mary, the first evangeliser we entrust all our efforts into
the care of the Divine Spirit, who fills and renews the face of the earth.
Thank you for last week's OFFERTORY COLLECTION.
PLEASE PRAY for Alan, Alexander, Alison, AM, Fr Antony Hayne,
Benjamin Lewis, Brian Dwyer, David Skinner, Eileen Jones, Ellen
Dalton, Ian Baxter, Jim Foley, John Denzil Joseph, John Rowan, Sr Julia
Duignan, J&E.D, JTD, Karen Kilbride, KC, Leonora, Margaret Paget,
Mary Hunt, Mary Rigby, Maura Kay, May Leonard, Michael Hulley,
Nancy Lennon, Rachel Grace, Roger Kemp, Fr Roy Pannell, Ruth Hill,
Teresa Kenyon, Tony Mulchrone, Willow Grist and Yvonne Reaney, who
are sick, and for all whose anniversaries occur about this time.
Please donate more TEA, COFFEE and SUGAR for St. Wilfrid’s.
the Palm Court Trio at 7:15pm on Friday 11th September at Mother of
God Church. It will to raise funds for the National Shrine. Tickets £5
including refreshments (wine 50p extra) from Mrs. McGloin.
There will be a QUIET DAY at Sacred Heart Parish on Saturday 12th
September from 10am to 2pm. The theme will be around 'the joy of the
gospel in Parish Life', creating space and centring ourselves with
mediation, talks, visual resources and Mass. You can email for a booking form. There are also
some in the narthex.
There will be CHARITY RACE NIGHT at St Wilfrid's School on Saturday
12th September in aid of The Pilgrimage Trust (HCPT). Tickets £5
including supper. Details and tickets from Tim Elliott.
Alex Krzyz and members of his family will be running the GREAT
NORTH RUN on the 13th September in aid of Motor Neurone Disease
Association (MNDA). Some of you met his friend Salv Xerri, who has
been diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease, at the Iconography Class
in Hynings. If you would like to sponsor Alex, please go to or talk to Alex directly.
The Parish INSPIR PRAYER GROUP will meet again on Monday 14th
September from 10am until 12 noon. New members most welcome.
Please contact Jacinta Campbell on for more
information and location details.
The next JUSTICE & PEACE GROUP MEETING will be Monday 14th
September at 8pm in the presbytery. Any interested parishioners are
invited to join us. We aim to keep our meetings short and sweet.
on Monday 14th September in the parish rooms at St Marie’s Cathedral.
The next PARISH COUNCIL MEETING will be held on Tuesday 15th
September at 8pm in the Upper Room. All parishioners are very
welcome to attend. The draft agenda is:
1. Approval of last minutes and matters arising
2. Reports from each section
3. Changes to information on webpages and constitution
4. Election of deputy chair
5. Any other business
Free copies of the HALLAM NEWS are available in the narthex.
40 DAYS FOR LIFE will be holding a prayerful vigil between 23rd
September and 1st November outside the Doncaster BPAS Abortion
clinic (123 Thorne Road, Doncaster).
TEACH US HOW TO PRAY. A special event on prayer will be held at St
Francis Church on Saturday 26th September from 9am to 12.30pm
(followed by Mass.) Join Bishop Ralph and others to learn a little more
about bringing prayer to life and helping us to follow Jesus example.
Event, 'Changing our World' will be on Saturday 26th September from
9.30am to 2pm at St Patrick’s Church, S5. Contact Jo Pearson on if you wish to attend.
Hallam Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission AUTUMN
CONFERENCE will be on Saturday 3rd October from 9.30am to 1pm at
Hallam Pastoral Centre, St Charles Street. The theme will be 'the
relationship of the Church to other religions'. Speakers include Bishop
Ralph Heskett and members of the Muslim community. Its primary
endeavour is the task of dialogue - dialogue of life; dialogue of action;
dialogue of discourse and dialogue of religious experience. All welcome.
The Diocese of Hallam PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND, led by
Bishop Ralph Heskett, will run from 7th to 14th March 2016. Cost £1,300
per person based on 2 sharing - single rooms £255 extra. See poster in
narthex for more details.
The Hallam Diocesan PILGRIMAGE TO ROME will run from 29th
September to 6th October 2016 and will be led by Bishop Ralph. Halfboard accommodation in a 4* hotel in Rome’s historic centre. Return
flights and excursions are included. Cost £1145 single; £1095 twin; £995
triple (per person). Further details from
Bishop John Rawsthorne is returning on Friday 11th September to lead
the 17th ANNUAL WALK in aid of St Wilfrid’s. Bishop Ralph Heskett and
his dog Molly will also take part in some of the walk. Sponsor forms are
on the notice board.
We need more volunteers to help with CHURCH CLEANING. If you can
help, please contact Sue Shirt on
On Friday 11th September, the House of Commons will vote on a Bill to
legalise ASSISTED SUICIDE. Please contact your MP, urging them to
vote against the Bill. You can send an e-mail via the Catholic Bishops’
Conference website (