Competition to Identify Social Enterprise Solutions for Improving

Competition to Identify Social Enterprise Solutions for Improving
Maternal and Newborn Child Health in Sub-Saharan Africa
Concept Note Submission Template
Proponent details
Title of proposal:
Lead organisation legal name:
Consortium organisation(s) legal
name(s), if any:
Primary contact person:
Primary contact postal address:
Primary contact e-mail address:
Primary contact telephone number:
Details of relevant experience in
delivering healthcare to women and
children in sub-Saharan Africa:
(Please restrict to 200 words)
Key proposal details
Title of proposal:
Target country:
Target population:
(e.g. women, children, newborns, hard
to reach populations)
Overview of proposal concept:
(Please restrict to 300 words)
Enterprise for Development (EfD)
Peer House, 8-14 Verulam Street, London WC1X 8LZ
Telephone number: +44 (0)20 7539 2660 | Email:
Detail on how the proposed
concept will provide costeffective health services using a
social enterprise model of
(Please restrict to 200 words)
Detail on how the concept will be
(Please restrict to 200 words)
Detail on how the affordability of
the proposed services to the
target population:
(Please restrict to 200 words)
Detail on the feasibility of scaling
up the concept to other
populations and regions:
(Please restrict to 200 words)
Enterprise for Development (EfD)
Peer House, 8-14 Verulam Street, London WC1X 8LZ
Telephone number: +44 (0)20 7539 2660 | Email: