Competition to Identify Social Enterprise Solutions for Improving Maternal and Newborn Child Health in Sub-Saharan Africa Concept Note Submission Template Proponent details Title of proposal: Lead organisation legal name: Consortium organisation(s) legal name(s), if any: Primary contact person: Primary contact postal address: Primary contact e-mail address: Primary contact telephone number: Details of relevant experience in delivering healthcare to women and children in sub-Saharan Africa: (Please restrict to 200 words) Key proposal details Title of proposal: Target country: Target population: (e.g. women, children, newborns, hard to reach populations) Overview of proposal concept: (Please restrict to 300 words) Enterprise for Development (EfD) Peer House, 8-14 Verulam Street, London WC1X 8LZ Telephone number: +44 (0)20 7539 2660 | Email: Detail on how the proposed concept will provide costeffective health services using a social enterprise model of delivery: (Please restrict to 200 words) Detail on how the concept will be sustainable: (Please restrict to 200 words) Detail on how the affordability of the proposed services to the target population: (Please restrict to 200 words) Detail on the feasibility of scaling up the concept to other populations and regions: (Please restrict to 200 words) Enterprise for Development (EfD) Peer House, 8-14 Verulam Street, London WC1X 8LZ Telephone number: +44 (0)20 7539 2660 | Email: