Potential ‘next steps’ for proposed sediment quality management areas (SQMAs) Sediment Quality Management Area Parameter Group No. of TEL exceedances No. of PEL exceedances A Metals 67 12 Multicolor Creek portion of PAHS 274 131 Suggested next steps Identify and address existing sources Implement appropriate stormwater BMPs Evaluate sediment remediation options Ongoing or Planned Projects Pitch Pine Lumber (Bay Drum) -> EPC will request EPA rescoring of site for potential clean-up funds (As & PAHs) Enhanced SQG inspections and education (COT MS4 proactive inspections and EPC) Stall Knocker Ranch & Farm supplies ($2million escrow funding for clean-up?) -> Status of clean-up efforts FDOT (Site 18a) SW pond NE McKay Bay B SE corner of NE McKay Bay C Mid portion of NE McKay Bay PCBS Pesticides Metals PAHS PCBS Pesticides 6 72 18 47 2 13 0 20 3 11 0 0 Metals PAHS PCBS Pesticides 25 98 2 33 3 12 1 8 D East shoreline of NW McKay Bay Metals PAHS PCBS Pesticides 8 29 0 10 0 1 0 6 E McKay Bay dredged hole Metals PAHS PCBS Pesticides 54 111 3 30 3 8 1 6 Identify sources (legacy or existing?) Address any existing sources Evaluate sediment remediation options Identify and address existing sources Implement appropriate stormwater BMPs Evaluate sediment remediation options Identify and address existing sources Implement appropriate stormwater BMPs Evaluate sediment remediation options Evaluate sediment remediation options If hole is partially filled in near-term, consider retaining CSX/Kimmins land for regional SW treatment? Sediment Quality Management Area F North-central portion of NW McKay Bay Parameter Group Metals PAHS PCBS Pesticides No. of TEL exceedances 16 114 3 18 No. of PEL exceedances 0 8 0 3 Suggested next steps G Metals 19 1 NE portion of PAHS 82 5 NE McKay Bay PCBS 0 0 a long-term sump area to be filled later Identify and address existing sources Implement appropriate stormwater BMPs Evaluate sediment remediation options Identify and address existing sources Implement appropriate stormwater BMPs Evaluate sediment remediation options Ongoing or Planned Projects CSX/Kimmins land for regional SW treatment? Pitch Pine Lumber (Bay Drum) -> EPC will request EPA rescoring of site for potential clean-up funds Enhanced SQG inspections and education (COT MS4 proactive inspections and EPC) Sump clean-up at outfall New baseflow/sw sampling to determine progress H SW portion of NW McKay Bay Pesticides Metals PAHS PCBS Pesticides 15 26 61 0 8 2 0 2 0 2 I Southern portion of McKay Bay Metals PAHS PCBS Pesticides 59 54 1 11 0 0 0 3 Continue/enhance P2 and watershed mgmt Implement appropriate stormwater BMPs Evaluate sediment remediation options Continue/enhance P2 and watershed mgmt Implement appropriate stormwater BMPs Evaluate sediment remediation options Throughout Area: *Coal-based sealants as a source of PAHs -> alternatives available, use City of Austin examples -Directed sampling to identify PAH sources * EPA Brownfield Coalition Grant for Greenspace & regional SW treatment benefits *Optimizing intertidal habitats where foraging most likely (decreasing wildlife risk to exposure) -Where sumps and treatment proposed within MB, ensure wildlife not attracted to treatment areas *Risk-based tissue sampling of biota within system *Consider additional sediment contaminant sampling techniques & parameters Ongoing Projects: *FDOT Multicolor Creek / Crosstown Connector modifications and SW treatment potential -Additional controls after reconfiguration (COT and other partners?) *30th & Hillsborough SW Permit -> potential for discharge to Multicolor Creek basin *2 COT Parks -> public land but not considered areas where additional controls could be implemented *USF Project (Dr. Mia Trotts)-East Tampa Redevelopment Area SW pond contaminants- Education programs associated with project *Status of Continental Can Clean-Up Site (N of Adamo) *Incinerator Fly-ash Pond remediation ->enhance intertidal area -Fill must meet marine WQ criteria *TPA modification of peninsula into tidal creek system (dredging project on-hold) *SWFWMD MB Dredged Hole Assessment->placement of material limited to N portion of dredged hole *COT 30-day sump inspection and maintenance as needed based on inspections *SWFWMD Spoil disposal sites -> marsh enhancements and exotic removals (out to bid Feb. 2011) -Need to maintain spoil disposal areas may preclude certain restoration options *SWFWMD Drainage enhancements to spoil disposal areas (2 pond systems east of site) Potential Projects: *CSX/Kimmins land for regional SW treatment? ->existing contaminants and amount of fill (is it useable material?) on site may be problematic -May be on SWFWMD site acquisition list -Local government acquisition->SWFWMD could match funding for sw or habitat enhancement project -Fill could be used for capping material for incinerator pond or dredged hole??->Probably warrants additional contaminant sampling *COT sump draining to SQMA F -> additional SW/baseflow sampling COT and EPC? *319(h) funding for additional sump maintenance within area? *Land acquisition at old drive-in site (Currently private land N of Causeway Blvd -> SE McKay Bay) -Funding sources for acquisition (TBC)? -Funding sources for restoration (TPA, FDOT, private entity mitigation?) -SWFWMD Conceptual plans available Remediation Efforts to Consider: *Additional discussion needed on potential remediation efforts (risk-based assessments may be needed to refine options) -FDEP leveraging sample collection in area for risk assessments from wq