ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT Traffix Group Pty Ltd ABN 32 100 481 570 Address: Suite 8, 431 Burke Road, Glen Iris Victoria 3146 Contact: Telephone: 03 9822 2888 Facsimile: 03 9822 7444 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1 EXISTING CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................1 2.1 ADJACENT PROPERTY ACCESS ..................................................................................................2 3 2.2 ON-STREET PARKING .............................................................................................................3 SWEPT PATH ASSESSMENT .........................................................................................................4 4 PROPOSED PARKING CHANGES ...................................................................................................6 5 CONCLUSIONS ...........................................................................................................................6 APPENDIX A: PARKING OCCUPANCY SURVEYS APPENDIX B: 12.5M RIGID TRUCK SWEPT PATH DIAGRAMS APPENDIX C: 19.0M SEMI-TRAILER SWEPT PATH DIAGRAMS APPENDIX D: PROPOSED PARKING CHANGES Our Reference: G18242R-01B VERSION HISTORY Version Date Type Prepared By Approved By A 13/02/2015 Draft Report R. Thomson A. Coyle B 08/04/2015 Final Report R. Thomson A. Coyle COPYRIGHT: The ideas and material contained in this document are the property of Traffix Group (Traffix Group Pty Ltd – ABN 32 100 481 570, Traffix Survey Pty Ltd – ABN 57 120 461 510, Traffix Design Pty Ltd – ABN 41 060 899 443). Use or copying of this document in whole or in part without the written permission of Traffix Group constitutes an infringement of copyright. LIMITATION: This report has been prepared on behalf of and for the exclusive use of Traffix Group’s client, and is subject to and issued in connection with the provisions of the agreement between Traffix Group and its client. Traffix Group accepts no liability or responsibility whatsoever for or in respect of any use of or reliance upon this report by any third party. Document1 Page i ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT 1 INTRODUCTION Traffix Group has been engaged by Maroondah City Council to review truck access to each of the existing industrial properties located in Elsum Avenue, Bayswater North, and to determine potential changes to onstreet parking to better facilitate truck access to each site. It is understood that some of the businesses located in the street have experienced difficulties achieving truck access to and from their properties. 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS Elsum Avenue is an industrial street which runs for a length of 250m to the north-east of Bayfield Road East to a ‘dead-end’ where a small court bowl is located. A locality plan showing Elsum Avenue and its immediate surrounds is presented in Figure 1. ‘Reproduced with permission from Melway Publishing’ Figure 1: Locality Plan Elsum Avenue has a pavement width of 8.4m measured from face of kerb, with unrestricted parallel parking generally permitted on both sides of the street. Document1 Page 1 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT There are a number of existing industrial businesses which take access onto Elsum Avenue including six businesses on the north-west side of the street and eight buildings containing multiple businesses on the south-east side. An aerial photograph presenting the existing conditions on Elsum Avenue is presented at Figure 2. N Source: Google Earth Figure 2: Aerial Photograph 2.1 ADJACENT PROPERTY ACCESS There are 10 vehicle crossovers located on the north-west side of the street which includes three businesses which each have multiple crossovers. On the south-east side of the street there are only 5 crossovers, with most crossovers shared by multiple businesses. Table 1 provides a summary of the existing businesses on the north-west side of Elsum Avenue, the existing access points to each site and the expected truck movements that could reasonably be accommodated based on the site layout and crossover width. The table notes locations where trucks would be required to reverse into the site as there is insufficient room within the site for a truck to turn around. Further details about truck movements to each site are discussed in Section 3 of this report. Table 1: Businesses on North-West Side of Elsum Avenue Property No. Business Crossovers Truck Movements 85 Bayfield Road Hanson Concrete Plant 7.1m 12.5m truck entry movements only 3 Elsum Avenue Toolsharp Engineering 5.0m & 2.95m 12.5m truck reverse entry movement (via wider crossover) 5 Elsum Avenue Rapid Laser 7.85m 12.5m truck reverse entry movement 7 Elsum Avenue Emseal 5.7m 12.5m truck reverse entry movement 9 Elsum Avenue Pacific Flow Technology 6.25m & 6.65m 12.5m truck entry via north access exit via south access 11-13 Elsum Avenue Concrib Constructions 3.6m, 7.1m & 5.1m 19.0m semi-trailer forward entry (via central crossover) Document1 Page 2 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT The table shows that three of the businesses located on the north-west side of the street require a truck to reverse into the site from Elsum Avenue as there is insufficient internal room on the sites for a truck to turn around. It is noted that trucks that enter the Hanson Concrete Plant from Elsum Avenue exit the site via a separate location to Bayfield Road. Only the Concrib Constructions site has sufficient room to accommodate 19.0m semi-trailers without driving over kerbs to access the site. Table 2 provides a similar summary for the businesses on the south-east side of the street. Table 2: Businesses on South-East Side of Elsum Avenue Property No. Business Crossovers Truck Movements 2A Elsum Avenue Fire Protection Services 5.85m 12.5m truck reverse entry movement 2-4 Elsum Avenue Multiple Businesses 6.1m 12.5m truck forward entry 6 & 8 Elsum Avenue Rockwell Engineering & A & D Motor Garage 6.25m (Shared crossover) 12.5m truck forward entry 10 & 12 Elsum Avenue Concept Sheet Metal & Adico Industries 5.95m 12.5m truck forward entry 14m Elsum Avenue Multiple Businesses 5.9m 12.5m truck forward entry All of the sites on the south-east side of the street, with the exception of the Fire Protection Services site at 2A Elsum Avenue, appear to have sufficient room within them for a 12.5m rigid truck to turn around. Accordingly, it is likely that only the site at 2A Elsum Avenue would require a truck to reverse in from Elsum Avenue. 2.2 ON-STREET PARKING On-street parking is currently permitted on both sides of Elsum Avenue for the entire length of the street apart from the 25m section at the north-eastern end near the court bowl adjacent to the Concrib Constructions site on the north-west side of the street and to the north-east of the access to the businesses at 10 & 12 Elsum Avenue on the south-east side of the street. All on-street parking in Elsum Avenue is unrestricted and has been measured to include up to 23 spaces on the north-west side of the street and 28 spaces on the south-east side of the street, resulting in a total number of 51 spaces. Traffix Group undertook spot parking surveys on three separate occasions during weekday business hours in February 2015. The surveys found that on each occasion no more than 24 vehicles were observed to parking in the street. Full details of the results of the parking surveys are attached at Appendix A. It is noted that some of the businesses on Elsum Avenue contain substantial space to accommodate on-site parking within their properties where as others have limited opportunities to accommodate on-site parking. Document1 Page 3 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT 3 SWEPT PATH ASSESSMENT Traffix Group has undertaken a swept path assessment using AutoTurn software to simulate access by a 12.5m rigid truck to and from each of the properties along both sides of Elsum Avenue. The swept path diagrams are attached at Appendix B. The following information is represented in these diagrams: The yellow paths represent 12.5m trucks entering the properties on the north-west side of the street (noting that trucks reverse into the properties at No. 3, No. 5 and No. 7 Elsum Avenue. The pale green paths represent 12.5m trucks exiting the properties on the north-west side of the street. The blue paths represent 12.5m trucks entering the properties on the south-east of the street. The dark green paths represent 12.5m trucks exiting the properties on the south-east of the street. The white dashed lines indicate where on-street parking is currently permitted to occur along the street. The swept path diagrams reveal a number of locations along Elsum Avenue where existing on-street parking conflicts with truck access to and from adjacent properties. The locations where these conflicts occur impacting properties on the north-west side of Elsum Avenue are presented in Table 3. Table 3: North-West Side Property Parking Conflicts Property No. Business Parking Conflicts 85 Bayfield Road Hanson Concrete Plant No parking conflicts identified. 3 Elsum Avenue Toolsharp Engineering Parking on south-east side immediately to the north-east of the access to the businesses at 2-4 Elsum Avenue restricts the reverse in movement. Parking on the south-east side immediately to the southwest of the access to the businesses at 2-4 Elsum Avenue restricts the right out exit movement. 5 Elsum Avenue Rapid Laser Parking on the south-east side of the street for the entire length opposite the property restrict truck entry and exit movements. 7 Elsum Avenue Emseal Parking on the south-east side of the street for the entire length opposite the property restrict truck entry and exit movements. 9 Elsum Avenue Pacific Flow Technology Parking on the south-east side of the street to the southwest opposite the south-western property access conflicts with the right out exit movement. 11-13 Elsum Avenue Concrib Constructions No parking conflicts identified as area near property access is already designated as ‘No Stopping’. Document1 Page 4 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT The locations where these conflicts occur impacting properties on the south-east side of Elsum Avenue are presented in Table 4. Table 4: South-East Side Property Parking Conflicts Property No. Business Parking Conflicts 2A Elsum Avenue Fire Protection Services Parking on the north-west side of the street to the northeast of the access to the Hanson Concrete Plant site restricts access for trucks to turn in and out of the site. 2-4 Elsum Avenue Multiple Businesses Parking on the north-west side of the street to the southwest opposite the property access restricts trucks from turning left to exit the site. 6 & 8 Elsum Avenue Rockwell Engineering & A & D Motor Garage Parking on the north-west side of the street adjacent to the Rapid Laser site restricts trucks from turning left to exit the site. 10 & 12 Elsum Avenue Concept Sheet Metal & Adico Industries No parking conflicts identified as there are existing crossovers on the north-west side of the street in the area where trucks require the full width of Elsum Avenue to turn in and out of the site. 14m Elsum Avenue Multiple Businesses No parking conflicts identified as area near property access is already designated as ‘No Stopping’. The swept path movements for 19.0m semi-trailers to access each site were also checked. However it was found that apart from Concrib Constructions at 11-13 Elsum Avenue, semi-trailers were not able to access the remaining sites without driving over kerbs. The swept path diagrams showing semi-trailer access to and from the Concrib Constructions site are attached at Appendix C. The diagrams illustrate that semi-trailer access to this property is achievable subject to the existing ‘No Stopping’ restrictions which apply to the north-eastern end of the street. Document1 Page 5 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT 4 PROPOSED PARKING CHANGES In order to facilitate access to truck access requirements discussed in Section 3 of this report, a number of changes to parking restrictions are proposed to remove existing conflicts between truck turning areas and onstreet parking. Plans detailing the locations where parking is proposed to be prohibited are attached at Appendix D. The main areas where parking is proposed to be prohibited are also noted below. NORTH-WEST SIDE OF STREET Parking prohibited between Hanson Concrete Plant access and south-western access to Toolsharp Engineering. Parking prohibited along the frontage of Rapid Laser to the north-east of the property access. SOUTH-EAST SIDE OF STREET Parking prohibited opposite the area between the two access points to Toolsharp Engineering and for 10m to the south-west of the access to 2-4 Elsum Avenue. Parking prohibited opposite Rapid Laser. Parking prohibited opposite Emseal. The above changes would result in the amount of on-street parking in Elsum Avenue being reduced from the existing 51 spaces to a total of 23 spaces including 10 spaces on the north-west side of the street and 13 spaces on the south-east side. This reduced number of parking spaces is slightly below (by one space) the existing maximum amount of on-street parking that was observed to occur the street. The proposed changes would therefore result in the need for some on-street parking that is currently occurring in Elsum Avenue to be relocated to off-street locations. Alternatively, some on-street parking may transfer to Bayfield Road. 5 CONCLUSIONS From our assessment of truck access and parking in Elsum Avenue it is concluded that: a) There are currently up to 51 unrestricted parking spaces located along Elsum Avenue. b) There were observed to be up to 24 vehicles currently parking in Elsum Avenue. c) Existing on-street parking in Elsum Avenue restricts access for 12.5m rigid trucks to a number of the adjacent businesses. d) Access for 19.0m semi-trailers is currently only possible to the Concrib Constructions site without requiring trucks to drive over kerbs. e) In order to maintain access for 12.5m rigid trucks to access properties in Elsum Avenue it would be necessary to reduce the existing parking supply to 23 spaces as presented in the drawings at Appendix D. f) The reduced parking supply would be marginally less than the existing on-street parking demand although observations suggest it may be possible for some of the parking to transfer to off-street locations. Document1 Page 6 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT APPENDIX A PARKING OCCUPANCY SURVEYS Document1 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT APPENDIX B 12.5M RIGID TRUCK SWEPT PATH DIAGRAMS Document1 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT APPENDIX C 19.0M SEMI-TRAILER SWEPT PATH DIAGRAMS Document1 ELSUM AVENUE, BAYSWATER NORTH TRUCK ACCESS & PARKING ASSESSMENT APPENDIX D PROPOSED PARKING CHANGES Document1