Obesity outline.C version

Obese or not Obese
(An Outline)
Introductory Paragraph
You may begin with an interesting quotation or description related to
obesity / childhood obesity. For example, you may write: It is
observed that “Life expectancy for today’s children will drop by two
years by 2030 if Australia’s obesity epidemic goes unchecked.” The
nation’s preventative health taskforce warns in its inaugural report.
(Jenkins, M 2008).
Define obesity/childhood obesity. Obesity is a health condition where
a person has an excess of body fat.
Set the report scope. Define what you are going to cover in your
report. Include the purpose of your paper/significance/why there is an
urgent need to address this problem: a national health priority,
demonstrating your understanding of the subject.
Then end the introductory paragraph with your thesis statement, a
clear and comprehensive statement of your report in relation to the set
topic. It prepares your reader for what follows, i.e. signposts how you
present your report.
Thesis statement example:
It is reported that obesity is a result of unhealthy dietary, genetics,
and sedentary lifestyle. Obesity leads to a range of weight related
health problems to individuals, costly burden to society and an
undesirable psychological effect.
Body Paragraph 1
Suggested subheading: Unhealthy Dietary
sentence for your subheading.)
(Use phrases, not a complete
Topic sentence for paragraph:
Obesity is a result of unhealthy dietary.
Find evidence - like facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back
it up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence, e.g. unhealthy
eating refers to “Energy intake is greater than energy expenditure.”
Another example that shows dietary is...
Find more evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that
back up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence.
Body Paragraph 2
Suggested subheading: Genetics
Topic sentence for paragraph:
Obesity is a result of genetics.
Find evidence - like facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back
up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence.
Another example that shows that genetics is...
Find more evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that
back up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence.
Body Paragraph 3
Suggested subheading: Sedentary Lifestyle
Topic sentence for paragraph:
Most importantly, obesity is a result of sedentary lifestyle.
Find evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back up
or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence.
Another example that shows that sedentary lifestyle is...
Find more evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that
back up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence.
Transition Paragraph
Transit to a range of effects, by naming them:
Obesity leads to a range of weight related diseases to individuals, costly
burden to society and an undesirable psychological effect.
Body Paragraph 1
Suggested subheading: Weight Related Health Problems
Topic sentence for paragraph:
Obesity leads to a range of weight related health problems to
individuals, such as heart disease, diabetes, dental disease, bowel
cancer and reproductive problems for women.
Find evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back up
or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence.
Another example that shows weight related disease is...
Find more evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that
back up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence.
Body Paragraph 2
Suggested subheading: Costly Social Problem
Topic sentence for paragraph:
Obesity is a growing costly epidemic problem to our society.
Find evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics, e.g. “If
obesity rate continues to grow, it will cost the public purse $7 billion
by 2032” (Jenkins, M 2008). This statistics figure backs up and
supports the topic sentence of the paragraph.
Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence.
Another example that shows that how costly it is to our society as Australia
is in the progression into an overweight society...
Find more evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that
back up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence.
Body Paragraph 3
Suggested subheading: Psychological Effect
Topic sentence for paragraph:
Most importantly, obesity can lead to psychological depression if
Find evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that back up
or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how your evidence supports the topic sentence.
Another example that shows that obesity related psychological depression
leads emotional and behavioral concerns at school, at work and at home.
Find more evidence - facts, examples, quotations, or statistics that
back up or support the topic sentence of this paragraph.
Explain how this second piece of evidence supports the topic sentence.
How to tackle the problem
Obesity can become a preventable disease through changes of
dietary: discussion on healthy food groups, shopping habits… etc.
lifestyle: discussion on physical and outdoor activities, becoming more
physically active, limit sedentary activities…etc.
what can government / community do (levels): giving out healthy
lifestyle messages, education programs, advertisements, playground,
swimming pools, health subsidies for gym memberships…etc.
In conclusion, obesity is a result of three main factors, namely dietary,
genetics, and sedentary lifestyle. Obesity leads to undesirable damage to
individual’s health, huge cost to the community and lingering psychological
effect on affected individuals.
Now you will return to your opening attention-getter from the
 Then end your report with a strong concluding sentence.