Department of Evolution & Ecology Courses with Teaching Assistantships and/or Readerships Course Offering for Fall 2012 - Spring 2013 (Updated: 03/05/2012) Note: Teaching faculty are subject to change. BIS 2B: "Principles of Ecology and Evolution" Instructors: Susan Keen and Sharon Strauss (Fall 2012); Instructors: Jay Rosenheim and TBA (Winter 2013); Instructors: Rick Grosberg and Jay Stachowicz (Spring 2013) 5 units: 4 classroom hours (3 hrs lecture/1 hr discussion) and a 3 hours lab. Offered each quarter of each year. Catalog description: "Introduction to basic principles of ecology and evolutionary biology, focusing on the fundamental mechanisms that generate and maintain biological diversity across scales ranging from molecules and genes to global processes and patterns." BIS 122P: (see Bodega Marine Laboratory Program) "Population Biology and Ecology/Advanced Laboratory Topics" Instructor: Steven Morgan 5 units: Lab - 12 hours; discussion - 1 hour Offered Spring Quarter each year Catalog description: "Residence at Bodega Marine Laboratory required. Training in scientific research, from hypothesis testing to publication, including methods of library research. Research related to topic covered in course 122. Final presentation both oral and written." EVE 12: "Life in the Sea" Instructor: Susan Williams 3 units: Offered Spring Quarter 2013 Catalog description: "Diversity of life in the sea; adaptations to physical/chemical ocean environment; marine science research methods; utilization of living marine resources by humans; factors and processes that influence diversity of sea life, including humans." EVE 100: "Introduction to Evolution" Instructors: TBN (Fall 2012); Graham Coop (Winter 2013); David Begun (Spring 2013). 4 units: Lecture - 3 hours; discussion - 1 hour Offered each quarter each year Catalog description: "A general survey of the origins of biological diversity and evolutionary mechanisms." EVE 101: "Introduction to Ecology" Instructors: Thomas Schoener (Fall 2012); Sebastian Schreiber (Winter 2013); Brian Gaylord (Spring 2013) 4 units: Lecture - 3 hours; discussion - 1 hour Offered each quarter each year Catalog description: "A general survey of the principles of ecology." EVE 102: "Population and Quantitative Genetics" Instructor: Charles Langley 4 units: Offered Fall quarter 2012 Catalog description: "Evolution as caused by random mating, genetic drift, natural selection, inbreeding, migration, and mutation in theory and actuality. The resemblance between relatives and consequences of selection for quantitative traits. Application of these ideas to topics such as the evolution of sex. " EVE 105: "Phylogenetic Analysis of Vertebrate Structure" Instructor: Peter Wainwright 4 units: Offered Winter quarter 2013 Catalog description: "The structure of the classes and subclasses of vertebrates is described and interpreted in terms of phylogeny." EVE 108: (cross-listed as Plant Biology PLB 108) "Systematics and Evolution of Angiosperms" Instructor: James Doyle 5 units: Lecture - 3 hours; Lab - 6 hours Offered Spring Quarter each year Catalog description: "Diversity and classification of angiosperms (flowering plants) on a world scale, and current understanding of the origin of angiosperms and evolutionary relationships and trends within them based on morphological and molecular evidence." EVE 115: "Marine Ecology" Instructor: Jay Stachowicz 4 units: Offered Winter quarter 2013 Catalog description: "Processes affecting the distribution, abundance, and diversity of plant and animal life in the sea. Introduction to marine habitat diversity and human impacts on marine ecosystems." EVE 117: (cross-listed as Plant Biology PLB 117), "Plant Ecology" Instructor: Andrew Latimer 4 units: Lecture - 3 hours; fieldwork - 3 hours Offered Fall Quarter each year Catalog description: "The study of the interactions between plants, plant populations or vegetation types, and their physical and biological environment. Special emphasis on California. Four full-day field trips and brief write-up of class project required." EVE 119: (cross-listed as Plant Biology 119), "Population Biology of Weeds". Instructor: Marcel Rejmanek 3 units: Lecture - 2 hours; lab - 3 hours Offered Spring 2013 Catalog description: "Origin and evolution of weeds, reproduction and dispersal, seed ecology, modeling of population dynamics, interactions of weeds and crops, biological control. Laboratories emphasize design of competition experiments and identification of weedy species." EVE 120: "Global Change Ecology" Instructor: Donald Strong 3 units: Offered Winter quarter 2013 Catalog description: "Treatment of historical evolution of the biosphere resulting from physical, chemical, and biological influences. Special focus upon changes caused by humans. Topics pertain to biodiversity, resources, conservation, and ecosystem services." EVE 140: "Paleobotany" Instructor: James Doyle 4 units: Offered Winer quarter 2013 Catalog description: "Introduction to plant fossil record, beginning with the invation of land in the Silurian, emphasizing origin and evolution of major groups and adaptations and changing composition and distribution of floras in relation to plate tectonics and climatic change." EVE 180A: "Experimental Ecology and Evolution in the Field" Instructor: Louie Yang 4 units: Lecture/lab - 3 hrs; fieldwork - 3 hrs. Offered Winter quarter 2013 Catalog description: "Experimental design in field ecology. Students will critique primary literature, design project, gather and analyze data. Students required to write original research paper based on field experiments." EVE 180B: "Experimental Ecology and Evolution in the Field" Instructor: Louie Yang 4 units: Lecture/lab - 3 hrs; fieldwork - 3 hrs. Offered Spring quarter 2013 Catalog description: "Experimental design in field ecology. Students will critique primary literature, design project, gather and analyze data. Students required to write original research paper based on field experiments."