Note: To complete this form, MS Application for recognition The KidsMatter Primary recognition process acknowledges schools that use the KidsMatter framework in strategic ways to improve student and mental health and wellbeing. To be recognised, schools demonstrate that they have embedded a whole-school approach to mental health and wellbeing in an ongoing cycle of improvement over an extended period of time. Each application is assessed on its merits and takes into account the school context. Note: To complete this form, MS Word may ask you to ‘enable active content’. Please select Options and enable. Applicant details School Name: State/Territory: School Address: Post Code: Applicant Name: Phone/Mobile: Applicant Email: Position: Evidence of an established Action Team Our Action Team has attended Getting Started (or equivalent) Evidence of whole-staff professional learning We have completed whole-staff professional learning for: Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4 School background: Please provide some background information about your school Evidence of whole-school implementation: Tell us your story Evidence of whole-school implementation Tell the story about your school community’s achievements within KidsMatter Component – what you did in this area, how you did it, and the outcomes. When telling your story, construct the evidence that will clearly highlight the journey your school community has taken. It may be helpful to: Reflect on: Your school component plans The guiding principles The whole school approach KidsMatter target areas and goals KidsMatter Implementation Map Think about: Changes to policies, procedures and practices The use of data to measure change (eg. Staff Surveys) Improvements in the environment Attitudinal shifts of the school community Curriculum, teaching and learning Partnerships – internal and external Evidence of whole-school implementation: Tell us your story Evidence of Component 1 whole school engagement (250-300 words max) Prior to implementing the KidsMatter Framework, describe your school’s situation in this component. What did you do? How did things change and improve? Evidence of Component 2 whole school engagement (250-300 words max) Prior to implementing the KidsMatter Framework, describe your school’s situation in this component. What did you do? How did things change and improve? Evidence of Component 3 whole school engagement (250-300 words max) Prior to implementing the KidsMatter Framework, describe your school’s situation in this component. What did you do? How did things change and improve? Evidence of Component 4 whole school engagement (250-300 words max) Prior to implementing the KidsMatter Framework, describe your school’s situation in this component. What did you do? How did things change and improve? School leadership summary The school principal is invited to provide a summary statement of the broad impact and future of KidsMatter within and beyond the school. ☐Application is approved by the Principal Principal’s signature: Principal’s name Email this completed application along with supported documentation to your local KidsMatter team. We will contact you if we require further information about your application. For additional information, please contact your local state representative.