Christmas On The Homefront---British Ration Recipes from 1944

Christmas On The Homefront---British Ration Recipes from 1944
These historical recipes were distributed by Britain's Ministry of Food during World War II. "Food Facts" leaflets
helped the citizens cope with rationing.
Rationing in Great Britain during World War II began early in the conflict in 1940 and continued some years after
the war, ending in 1954. According to the The Old Foodie blog, "Rationing was eased very slightly on some foods
in the weeks leading up to Christmas – the authorities being well aware of the morale-boost that this would
Holidays on the homefront represented more than just the annual customs. The foods served at this time of
year took on a different meaning, acting as a constant in a time of uncertainty. In Great Britain the traditional
Christmas Pudding and Christmas Cake were not entirely safe from rationing, but thanks to the "Food Facts"
leaflets released by the Ministry of Food, citizens were able to prepare the beloved holiday dishes.
Food Facts # 232 - Christmas Cake
1/2 lb. margarine
1/2 lb. sugar (brown if possible)
5 dried eggs
10 tbsp. water
1/2 tsp. almond essence
1/2 tsp. vanilla essence
3/4 lb. plain flour
1 level tsp. bicarbonate soda
1/2 level tsp. salt
2 level tsp. mixed spice
2 lb. mixed dried fruit
3-4 tbsp. ale, stout, or milk
Cream margarine and sugar, adding dried eggs and water gradually. Beat until white and creamy. Add essences.
Sift flour, soda, salt and spices together and add to mixture. Add prepared fruit and lastly the liquid, to make a
fairly stiff mixture. Mix thoroughly. Put in a cake tin lined with paper, and bake in a slow oven for 3 hours. Leave
in tin to cool.
The icing used on this cake was sent in an additional leaflet.
Food Facts # 233 - Icing made with ordinary Sugar and Household Milk
Ingredients: 4 level dessertspoons sugar, 6 level tablespoons Household Milk, dry [i.e milk powder], 2
tablespoons water, colouring and flavouring.
Directions: Mix sugar and milk together. Add water and beat till smooth.Add colouring and flavouring and
sperad on top of cake.
Food Facts #232 - Christmas Pudding
2 oz. plain flour
½ level teaspoon baking powder
½ level teaspoon salt
¼ level teaspoon grated nutmeg
¼ level teaspoon salt
¼ level teaspoon cinnamon
1 level teaspoon mixed spice
4 oz suet or fat
3 oz. sugar
1 lb. mixed dried fruit
4 oz. breadcrumbs
1 level tablespoon marmalade
2 dried eggs, reconstituted
¼ pint pale ale, stout or milk. (Enough for 4-5 people)
Sift flour, baking powder, salt and spices together. Add sugar, fruit, and breadcrumbs and grated suet or melted
fat. Mix with the marmalade, eggs and liquid. Mix very thoroughly. Put in a greased basin, 2 pint size. Cover with
greased paper and steam for 4 hours. Remove paper and cover with a fresh piece and a clean cloth. Store in a
cool place. Steam 2 or 3 hours before serving.
Read more at Suite101: Christmas On The Homefront: British Ration Recipes from 1944