Auxiliary Material Submission for “Revisiting the Meteor 1925-27 hydrographic dataset reveals centennial full-depth changes in the Atlantic Ocean”. Viktor Gouretski (University of Hamburg, KlimaCampus, Hamburg) Johann H. Jungclaus und Helmuth Haak (Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg) Geophysical Research Letters, 2013 Introduction The historical data set used in this study contains profile hydrographic data obtained on several cruises in the South Atlantic Ocean between 1872 and 1927. For the German Atlantic Expedition (1925-27) vertically interpolated temperature, salinity and in situ density values (10-meter vertical resolution) are given in the table_s2.txt. For other historical cruises only temperature profiles were used and these have been divided into separate files: table_s3.txt (Challenger and Gazelle cruises, 1872-1876), table_s4.txt (Planet cruise, 1906), table_s5.txt (cruises of Deutschland, Moewe and Stephan, 1911). For these cruises the observed level data are specified in the tables. For each historical dataset the respective mean contemporary values of temperature and salinity are also provided along with the respective differences (contemporary value minus historical value). Changes of climate relevant parameters since the German Atlantic Expedition (GAE) calculated for the area covered by the GAE survey are summarized in the table_s1.txt. The Challenger dataset was taken from Roemmich et al., [2012], temperature profiles from the Stephan cruise were obtained from Gilles Reverdin (personal communication), and all other historical data were taken from the World Ocean Database 2009 [Boyer et al., 2009]. The dataset of the German Atlantic Expedition was added by the near-bottom temperature and salinity measurements given in [Wüst et al., 1932]. 1. Table_s1.txt Changes of climate relevant parameters since 1925-27 calculated for the area covered by the GAE survey. Rows represent parameters and columns correspond to the respective levels or layers (in meters) 2. Table_s2.txt In situ temperature, salinity, and sea water density observed in 1925-27 and after 1985 with respective differences Columns: 2.1 - Sequential Station # 2.2 - Original Station # 2.3 - Latitude (degr.) 2.4 - Longitude (degr.) 2.5 - Year 2.6 - Month 2.7 - Day 2.8 - Depth (m) 2.9 - T-in-situ (degr. C) 2.10 - Salinity (PSU) 2.11 - In-situ density (kg m^-3) 2.12 - Mean Contemporary Hydrographic temperature (Argo, CTD, Bottles) interpolated to METEOR locations (degr. C) 2.13 - Mean Contemporary Hydrographic salinity (Argo, CTD, Bottles) interpolated to METEOR locations (PSU) 2.14 - Mean Contemporary Hydrographic in-situ density (Argo, CTD, Bottles) interpolated to METEOR locations (kg m^-3) 2.15 - Temperature Difference: Mean_Contemporary_Hydrography minus METEOR (degr. C) 2.16 - SALINITY Difference: Mean_Contemporary_Hydrography minus METEOR (PSU) 2.17 - In-situ Density Difference: Mean_Contemporary_Hydrography minus METEOR (kg m^-3) 2.18 - Number of contemporary temperature profiles 2.19 - Number of contemporary salinity profiles 2.20 - Mean Year for the contemporary hydrography 2.21 - Shipname (METEOR)ifferences 3.Table_s3.txt In situ temperature observed on Challenger and Gazelle cruises (1872-76) and during the last decade with respective differences Columns: 3.1 - Sequential Station # 3.2 - Original Station # 3.3 - Latitude (degr.) 3.4 - Longitude (degr.) 3.5 - Year 3.6 - Month 3.7 - Day 3.8 - Observed Depth (m) 3.9 - Observed T-in-situ (degr. C) 3.10 - Mean Contemporary temperature (degr. C, from Argo, CTD, Bottles) interpolated to Challenger or Gazelle location 3.11 - Temperature Difference (degr. C): Mean_Contemporary_Hydrography minus Challenger/Gazelle 3.12 - Number of contemporary hydrographic profiles 3.13 - Mean Year for the contemporary hydrography 3.14 - Shipname (CHALLENGER or GAZELLE) 4. Table_s4.txt In situ temperature observed on Planet cruise in 1906 and during the last decade with respective differences Columns: 4.1 - Sequential Station # 4.2 - Original Station # 4.3 - Latitude (degr.) 4.4 - Longitude (degr.) 4.5 - Year 4.6 - Month 4.7 - Day 4.8 - Observed Depth (m) 4.9 - Observed T-in-situ 4.10 - Mean Contemporary temperature (degr. C, from Argo, CTD, Bottles) interpolated to Planet location 4.11 - Temperature Difference (degr. C): Mean_Contemporary_Hydrography minus PLANET 4.12 - Number of contemporary temperature profiles 4.13 - Mean Year for the contemporary hydrography 4.14 - Shipname (PLANET) 5. Table_s5.txt In situ temperature observed on German cruises in 1911 and during the last decade with respective differences Columns: 5.1 - Sequential Station # 5.2 - Original Station # 5.3 - Latitude (degr.) 5.4 - Longitude (degr.) 5.5 - Year 5.6 - Month 5.7 - Day 5.8 - Observed Depth (m) 5.9 - Observed T-in-situ (degr. C) 5.10 - Mean Contemporary temperature (degr. C, from Argo, CTD, Bottles) interpolated to Deutschland, Moewe, or Stephan location 5.11 - Temperature Difference (degr. C): Mean_Contemporary_Hydrography minus DEUTSCHLAND, MOEWE or STEPHAN 5.12 - Number of contemporary hydrographic profiles 5.13 - Mean Year for the contemporary hydrography 5.14 - Shipname (DEUTSCHLAND, MOEWE or STEPHAN) Captions for auxillary material figures: 1. figure_s1.jpeg Locations of hydrographic stations used in the study: red dots – GAE, green dots – Argo profiling floats, blue dots – conventional hydrographic stations. 2. figure_s2.jpeg Spatially lagged temperature anomaly auto-covariance averaged for the upper 500meter layer over 14 GAE sections. 3. figure_s3.jpeg (a) Map of the GAE stations for which salinity adjustments were obtained (red – positive adjustments, blue – negative adjustments); station numbers (green) are centred on the respective station locations. (b) Magnitude of salinity offsets determined for the GAE stations. 4. figure_s4.jpeg Results from three realizations of the historical (1850-2005) simulations with the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model at Mixed Resolution (MPI-ESM-MR). Layer averaged temperature differences between the decade 1995-2005 minus the decade 1920-1929 for (a, c, e) the 0-2000m layer, and (b, d, f) the layer 2000m – bottom. The simulated data were interpolated from the 0.4° model grid onto the GAE station locations. Experiment identifiers are (a, b) MPI-ESM-MR_historical_r1i1p1, (c,d) MPI-ESM-MR_historical_r2i1p1, and (e, f) MPI-ESM-MR_historical_r3i1p1. 5. figure_s5.jpeg Results from three realizations of the historical (1850-2005) simulations with MPIESM-MR. Zonal averages between 70W and 20E in the Atlantic sector for temperature (left column) and salinity (right column). Displayed are differences between the decade 1995-2005 minus the decade 19201929. Gray shading indicates regions, where the differences do not exceed twice the standard deviation of decadal means from a 1000-yr unforced pre-industrial control experiment. Experiment identifiers are (a, b) MPI-ESM-MR_historical_r1i1p1, (c, d) MPI-ESM-MR_historical_r2i1p1, and (e, f) MPI-ESMMR_historical_r3i1p. Experiment identifier for the pre-industrial control experiment is MPI-ESMMR_piControl_r1i1p1.