
Accreditation Artifacts List- Bright Horizons School
Standard 1: Purpose and Direction
Examples of communications to stakeholders about the school’s purpose (i.e. website,
newsletters, annual report, student handbook) School newsletter, website, home notes
Communication plan to stakeholders regarding the school's purpose School’s Mission
Statement posted on website and handbook
Agendas and/or minutes that reference a commitment to the components of the school's
statement of purpose SAC agenda and minutes
The school data profile School report
Communication plan and artifacts that show two way communication to staff and stakeholders
Annual parent survey, newsletters, intra-school email
Standard 2: Governance and Leadership
Governing body policies, procedures, and practices Staff handbook
Governing body minutes relating to training Master PLC calendar
Communication plan to inform all staff on code of ethics, responsibilities, conflict of interest 1st
day packet to staff
List of assigned staff for compliance Class lists
Assurances, certifications Teacher records
Findings of internal and external reviews of compliance with laws, regulations, and policies
Audit results
Governing code of ethics Code of conduct brochure, Code of Ethics pamphlet
Roles and responsibilities of school leadership Job descriptions
School improvement plan developed by the school SIP
Stakeholder input and feedback parent survey
Communications regarding board actions website, intra-school email to staff, memos to
Agendas and minutes of meetings SAC minutes/agendas
Examples of collaboration and shared leadership Leadership Team/Team leader minutes
Examples of decisions in support of the school's continuous improvement plan SAC
Involvement of stakeholders in a school improvement plan SAC minutes/agendas
Examples of professional development offerings and plans tied specifically to the results from
supervision and evaluation PLC
Governing body policy on supervision and evaluation SBBC Mandated policies/Marzano
Job specific criteria Job descriptions
Representative supervision and evaluation reports End of year evaluations
Standard 3: Teaching and Assessing for Learning
Lesson plans Lesson Plans/ curriculum boards
Learning expectations for different courses curriculum boards
Posted learning objectives curriculum boards
Descriptions of instructional techniques Lesson Plans/ curriculum boards
Common assessments FAA, Unique monthly pre/post test
Lesson plans aligned to the curriculum Lesson Plans/ curriculum boards
Teacher evaluation criteria SBBC Mandated policies/Marzano
Professional development focused on these strategies School-wide PLCs
Authentic assessments Data collection, Unique pre/post testing
Examples of teacher use of technology as an instructional resource Marzano
documentation/lesson plans
Examples of student use of technology as a learning tool Marzano documentation/lesson plans
Student work demonstrating the application of knowledge Marzano documentation/lesson
Findings from supervisor walk-thrus and observations Marzano documentation
Documentation of collection of lesson plans and grade books Quarterly collection of lesson
plans, data, gradebooks
Supervision and evaluation procedures SBBC Mandated policies/Marzano
Peer or mentoring opportunities and interactions PLCs, lesson study, team activities
Examples of improvements to instructional practices resulting from the evaluation process
Marzano follow-up meetings
Administrative classroom observation protocols and logsv SBBC Mandated policies/Marzano
Common language, protocols and reporting tools Common curriculum, pre/post test
Calendar/schedule of learning community meetings PLC master calender
Peer coaching guidelines and procedures PLCs, lesson study, team activities
Examples of improvements to content and instructional practice resulting from collaboration
Marzano follow-up meetings
Examples of learning expectations and standards of performance Marzano
Samples of exemplars used to guide and inform student learning Marzano
Records of meetings and walk thrus/feedback sessions Marzano documentation/feedback
Professional learning calendar with activities for instructional support of new staff Master PLC
calendar/NESS coaches
List of varied activities and communications modes with families, e.g., info portal, online,
newsletters, parent centers, academic nights, open house, early release days Parent memo,
website, Open House, information board
Calendar outlining when and how families are provided information on child's progress
Quarterly progress reports/report cards, daily notes
Parental/family/caregiver involvement plan including activities, timeframes, and evaluation
process Annual IEP meetings, daily notes, parent survey
List of students matched to adult advocate Class list
Master schedule with time for formal adult advocate structure Master schedule, class list
Evaluation process for grading and reporting practices Quarterly progress reports/report
cards, data collection
Sample communications to stakeholders about grading and reporting Quarterly progress
reports/report cards, data collection
Policies, processes, and procedures on grading and reporting Mandated quarterly progress
reporting on IEP goals, quarterly report cards
Quarterly IEP Progress Reports Quarterly progress reports/report cards,
Results of evaluation of professional learning program. Marzano evaluations
Evaluation tools for professional learning Marzano iObservation
Brief explanation of alignment between professional learning and identified needs
List of learning support services and student population served by such services Master
schedule/support services reports
Training and professional learning related to research on unique characteristics of learning
Team PLCs
Data used to identify unique learning needs of students FAA report, Unique pre/post test
results, IEP data
Standard 4: Resources and Support Systems
School budgets for the last three years Budget report
Policies, processes, procedures and other documentation related to the hiring, placement and
retention of professional and support staff SBBC rules/job descriptions/budget
Assessments of staffing needs Budget tool
Documentation of highly qualified staff certification documentation
Examples of efforts of school leaders to secure necessary material and fiscal resources Budget
School schedule Master schedule
Alignment of budget with school purpose and direction Budget tool
School calendar School calendar/planner
Documentation of compliance with local and state inspections requirements Inspection reports
Documentation of emergency procedures such as fire drills, evacuation and other emergency
procedures. Safety plan
Maintenance schedules Custodian records
Budget related to media and information resource acquisition Technology/AAC devices
Data on media and information resources available to students and staff Inventory list
Policies relative to technology use SBBC policy
Student assessment system for identifying student needs AAC evaluations
List of support services available to students Master schedule/Service report
List of services available related to counseling, assessment, referral, educational, and career
planning IEP service reports
Description of IEP process SBBC policy
Description of referral process SBBC policy
Standard 5: Using Results for Continuous Improvement
Documentation or description of evaluation tools/protocols IEP data, FAA results, Unique
pre/post test
Examples of use of data to design, implement, and evaluate continuous improvement plans and
apply learning PLC, IEP data, FAA results, Unique pre/post test
List of data sources related to student learning, instruction, program effectiveness, and
conditions that support learning FAA, IEP data, Progress notes
Policies specific to data training Team PLC, Master PLC schedule
Professional learning schedule specific to the use of data Team PLC, Master PLC schedule
Documentation of attendance and training related to data use PLC minutes
Training materials specific to the evaluation, interpretation, and use of data Team PLCs,
Marzano allignment
Agendas, minutes of meetings related to analysis of data Team PLCs
Examples of use of results to evaluate continuous improvement action plans Leadership PLC
data analysis
Evidence of student growth Leadership PLC data analysis
Communication plan regarding student learning, conditions that support learning, and
achievement of school improvement goals to stakeholders SIP, Team Leader meetings,
Leadership Team
School quality control procedures for monitoring information about student learning, conditions
that support learning, and the achievement of school improvement goals SIP, Team Leader
meetings, Leadership Team