B7048 Portencross Road: Survey and Hazard Identification April 2014 . To be read in conjunction with Portencross Road B7048 Pictorial Survey This work starts at the 30mph sign at the entrance to West Kilbride and runs to the road end at Portencross Road Unless otherwise stated, distances are measured to or from the near edge of a junction. Interval Characterisation Portencross Road runs east–west through a recreational and agricultural and area. This survey starts at the national speed limit sign at West Kilbride and runs to the end of the B7048 at Portencross, an interval of 2.9km / 1.8 miles. It is a very narrow, single-lane rural road, 4.2m – 5.2m wide, and under 5m for about ½ its length (the short interval to the east of the A78 crossroads is much wider, about 7m). It is sufficiently narrow usually to require slowing down when meeting an oncoming vehicle. Along its length up to the car park there are 12 accesses serving 2 farms and about 22 residences, plus a further 6 accesses at Portencross serving about 12 residences. There are also about 20 field accesses. Most of the lateral residential accesses are not conspicuous to approaching traffic; and many have reduced lines of sight when joining the B7048. Due to this and the carriageway narrowness, there are few if any realistic overtaking opportunities. The road is generally straight with a few bends and brows - except for the last 800 meters at Portencross which is bendy (and is more residential in nature, and sees many more pedestrians). Road users include residents, farm traffic, and recreational users; the latter category comprises cyclists, walkers, and equestrian, as well as many visitors to Portencross – to the castle, for fishing, or just for walking about. It is essentially a recreational and local access road. Flows are light but steady. There is a footway the full length of the road from West Kilbride to Portencross. There is a car park at Portencross. Apart from the immediate vicinity of the A78 crossroads there is no street lighting. Hazards and Risks These are ranked according to the rationale set out in Support Package SP C3 Accident History Refer to the Summary Maps, which show individual injury accidents over 17 years (23 years for the accident cluster at the crossroads). The accidents are categorised according to the severity of injuries suffered – slight, serious or fatal. Accident cluster sites are obvious from this map, and there is a clear correlation between these and identified Hazard Areas. ++ Survey and Hazard Identification Portencross Road from 30 mph sign at West Kilbride to Road-End at Portencross Road type and principal characteristics Road Widths Road Usage Junctions and Accesses Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error, Hazard Area Ranking The B7048 Portencross Road runs east – west through a busy recreational and agricultural area. This survey starts at the national speed limit sign at West Kilbride and runs to the end of the B7048 at Portencross - an interval of 2.9km / 1.8 miles. It crosses the A78, and there are many lateral accesses along its length; many of these are not conspicuous to approaching traffic, and most also have reduced lines of sight when joining the B7048. Hazard Area 1: The B7048 / A78 Crossroads The carriageway is generally very narrow, and there are no realistic overtaking opportunities. The hazard and risk levels assigned are Level 9, Severe It is not a through road (it ends at Portencross, Photo 36) and traffic is generally light; this is reflected in the accident record, which is significantly less than West Kilbride’s other rural roads. The status of the junction as Give Way is highlighted as a concern. This is a very narrow, single-lane rural B-road, 4.2m – 5.2m wide, and generally under 5m; the short interval to the east of the A78 crossroads is about 7m wide. It is sufficiently narrow usually to require slowing down when meeting an oncoming vehicle. Road users include residents, farm traffic, and recreational users, which comprise cyclists, walkers, and equestrian as well as many visitors to Portencross – to the castle, for fishing, or just for walking about. It is essentially a recreational and local access road. Flows are light but steady. Along its length there are 2 farm accesses and about 12 residence accesses, plus a further 8 at Portencross. There are also about 20 field accesses This is covered in the hazard management work for the A78 interval from Portencross Road to Highthorne. This crossroads along with its A78 approaches is a significant accident black-spot. The Margin for Error is comparatively low. The main recommendations are: + Reduce the A78 speed limit to 40mph, from the existing national speed limit sign to 100 yards north of Bogriggs Cottage; + Introduce a roundabout at the crossroads; + Establish a no overtaking interval from the crossroads to 100yards north of Bogriggs Cottage; and + Widen the bell-mouth at Bogriggs Cottage to give adequate lines of sight. ++ Hazard Area 2: From the national speed limit sign at West Kilbride to just west of the entrance to Whinhurst Refer to Photo Groups 1 - 13 (total of 31 photos) Specific Contributing Factors Portencross Road from 30 mph sign at West Kilbride to Road-End at Portencross Accidents Accidents for the last 17 years are plotted on the detail of the Ordnance Survey map. Speed Considerations The national speed limit applies, 60mph for cars. The mean speed was measured in July 2013 at 28 mph (22 vehicle transits). Road contours The road can be looked at in 3 segments Road Signs on Portencross Road From West Kilbride to the A78 crossroads, it is wide, gently curving, and downhill; From the crossroads to the turning to Thirdpart, it is narrow, mainly straight, and with some undulations; West from the Thirdpart turning it remains narrow, with minor undulations, and becomes increasingly bendy – until the final approaches to Portencross which are quite bendy. Road Signs from east to west Road Signs from west to east 300 yards before the crossroads is the National Speed Limit sign 110 yards before the west entrance to Yonderfield Farm is a left T-junction sign, Reduce Speed Now 50 yards before the crossroads is a Give Way sign At the crossroads is a second Give Way sign There is a white-on-blue cycle sign (Route to be used by Pedal Cyclists Only) on the B7048 pointing along Wildcat Road 100 yards before the east access to Yonderfield Farm 32 yards before the west access to Yonderfield Farm is an equestrian warning sign Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error, Hazard Area Ranking Singly and in combination: + the posted national speed limit (60mph for cars) compared to a measured mean speed of 28 mph + the narrowness of the carriageway west of the A78 crossroads - see Ordnance Survey detail for spot measurements + the significant level of tourist / recreational traffic, much of which is unfamiliar with the road + the presence of recreational walkers + the presence of cyclists + the presence of equestrians + the access to Wildcat Road is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 (this is used only by farm traffic, cyclists and pedestrians - and is presently unpassable for 4wheel vehicles due to a field ramp at its north end) + the east access to Yonderfield Farm has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the west access toYonderfield Farm is not conspicuous when approaching form the east, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to Garroch House is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048. Margin for Error: generally Low Hazard Area 2 Ranking: Level 7, Serious ++ At the crossroads is a Give Way warning sign Hazard Area 3: From just west of the entrance to Whinhurst along to Longitude 218125 East (after the turning to Ardneil Farm) About 300 yards east of crossroads is the West Kilbride Refer to Photo Groups 14 – 22 (total of 26 photos) Specific Contributing Factors Portencross Road from 30 mph sign at West Kilbride to Road-End at Portencross is a T-junction Warning Sign, Reduce Speed Now 60 yards before the west access to Yonderfield Farm is an equestrian warning sign town sign and the 30mph speed limit sign At west access to Yonderfield Farm is a Footpath to Shore sign At the entrance to the farm road to Thirdpart is a cyclists warning sign Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error, Hazard Area Ranking Singly and in combination: + the posted national speed limit (60mph for cars) compared to a measured mean speed of 28 mph + the narrowness of the carriageway - see Ordnance Survey detail for spot measurements + the significant level of tourist / recreational traffic, much of which is unfamiliar with the road + the presence of recreational walkers + the presence of cyclists + the presence of equestrians Just after the access to Mohr is a cyclists warning sign. + the access to Thirdpart Road is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 At Kirkfield House is a Footpath to Shore sign + the access to Mhor (4 residences and the golf course works access) is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 60 yards from the Car Park exit is an Equestrian Warning Sign + the access to Kirkfield House is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 At the entrance to Portencross Car Park are 2 Ayrshire Coastal Path signs and a pedestrian sign to Portencross Castle At the left exit to Castle is a Portencross Castle pedestrian sign + the access to Ardneil Farm is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + intervals of the road are partially blind due to bends + Occasional road-side telegraph poles feature Margin for Error: generally low Hazard Area 3 Ranking: Level 7 Serious ++ Road Markings About half a century ago, double yellow were painted on both sides of the road from the crossroads to Portencross. These have become very intermittent due to resurfacing work; and in places where road widening has taken place, they are well away from the carriageway edge. They may have been partially redone (in places where there are triple lines). Hazard Area 4: From Longitude 218125 East to the road-end at Portencross Refer to Photo Groups 23 – 38 (total of 36 photos) Specific Contributing Factors Portencross Road from 30 mph sign at West Kilbride to Road-End at Portencross Road Markings from east to west Road Markings from west to east At the crossroads is a Give Way triangle and double broken line across the junction For about 50 yards before the crossorads there is a central hazard warning line. For about 50 yards before the crossroads is a central hazard warning line At crossroads is a double broken line across the junction. Other Traffic Calming features - Road Lighting Apart from the interval of road immediately west of the A78, there is no street lighting. Footways Singly and in combination: + the posted national speed limit (60mph for cars) compared to a measured mean speed of 28 mph + the narrowness of the carriageway - see Ordnance Survey detail for spot measurements + the combination of a long blind bend with residential accesses (see below) which are not conspicuous and have poor lines of sight + the significant level of tourist / recreational traffic, much of which is unfamiliar with the road + the presence of recreational walkers, particularly from the car park to the road end + the presence of cyclists A footway the full length of the road from Portencross to West Kilbride. In a recent NAC safety assessment of pedestrian routes to West Kilbride Primary School, crossing the A78 at Portencross Road was deemed unsafe for regular pedestrian use going to school, due to traffic density and speed. Provision for Cyclists Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error, Hazard Area Ranking There is a white-on-blue cycle sign (Route to be used by Pedal Cyclists Only) on the B7048 pointing along Wildcat Road. There are 2 cyclists warning signs, one at the entrance to the farm road to Thirdpart, and one just after the Mhor access.. There is no cycle way. + the presence of equestrians + the access to Westpoint residence is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to South Bank Coach House is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to South Banks House is not conspicuous coming from the east, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 looking east + at the exit from Auldhill Cottage driveway, the lines of sight along the B7048 are restricted looking east. + the exit from Portencross Car Park has restricted lines of sight + Road-side telegraph poles are a common feature Margin for Error: Low Provision for Equestrian There are equestrian warning signs (there is no bridleway) Hazard Area 4 Ranking: Level 8, Very Serious Portencross Road from 30 mph sign at West Kilbride to Road-End at Portencross Car Parking Working from east to west: People going to the beach sometimes park on the grass verge at the start of the road to Thirdpart, then use the right of way across the golf course by Mhor. Beach users also park on the B7048 verge just after the access to Ardneil Farm Parking is discouraged on the roadways off the B7048 to the west at these 2 locations. Portencross has a good-sized car park Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error, Hazard Area Ranking Risk Assessment Hazard Area, Contributing Factors, Margin for Error, Hazard Area Ranking Possible Events General Points General Points This is a rural B-road with mainly a Lower Tier function, which is signposted with the national speed limit and has a measured mean speed of 28 mph. The following questions run through this risk assessment: In general, the risk of an accident comes from the road characteristics including the branch accesses, in conjunction with driver behaviours, including speed, inattention, errors of judgement. + Which interval of the road is suitable for the national speed limit (60mph for cars, dropping to 40mph for heavy trucks)? Residents along Portencross Road have limited lines of sight when joining the road. They frequently express the view that a significant minority of vehicles regularly travel at excessive speed on this narrow road. Cyclists and walkers must take great care. + What will visitors unfamiliar with the road make of the national speed limit sign – in daylight?, in darkness? + What speed would responsible drivers with local knowledge use as they approach lateral hazards? + Do road marking s and signs send a consistent message? And do they allow a margin for error? Possible Outcomes Hazard Area Risk Level Relative Likelihood Manageability Hazard Area Risk Levels vary. Possible Outcomes and Relative Likelihood vary - see each individual Hazard Area The manageability is generally reported as High - and without heavy expenditure. Hazard Area 1: The B7048 / A78 Crossroads This is covered in the hazard management work for the A78 interval from Portencross Road to Highthorne. This crossroads along with its A78 approaches is a significant accident black-spot. The Margin for Error is comparatively low. The hazard and risk levels assigned are Level 9, Severe The status of the junction as Give Way is highlighted as a concern. The main recommendations are: + Reduce the A78 speed limit to 40mph, from the existing national speed limit sign to 100 yards north of Bogriggs Cottage; + Introduce a roundabout at the crossroads; + Establish a no overtaking interval from the crossroads to 100yards north of Bogriggs Cottage; and + Widen the bell-mouth at Bogriggs Cottage to give adequate lines of sight. Hazard Area 2: From the national speed limit sign at West Kilbride to just west of the entrance to Whinhurst Refer to Photo Groups 1 - 13 (total of 31 photos) Specific Contributing Factors Singly and in combination: + the posted national speed limit (60mph for cars) compared to a measured mean speed of 28 mph + the narrowness of the carriageway west of the A78 crossroads - see Ordnance Survey detail for spot measurements + the significant level of tourist / recreational traffic, much of which is unfamiliar with the road + the presence of recreational walkers + the presence of cyclists Possible Events centre on unfamiliar road users taking a prompt from the national speed limit sign, travelling a bit too fast along a narrow road with inconspicuous lateral accesses where exiting traffic must encroach on the carriageway to establish an adequate line of sight. + Fast-travelling east- or west-bound vehicle encounters vehicle exiting from one of the 2 Yonderfield Farm accesses, or the Garroch residence access + Insufficient allowance is made by a road user when meeting another road user – vehicle, cyclist, pedestrian, equestrian; this would be compounded on a narrower interval of carriageway. Possible Outcomes Any of these events could result in collision, or swerve and running off the road. Could involve other road user(s), including farm vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist, or other vehicle, resulting in Near miss, Injury , Death Relative Likelihood For the possible events shown, the relative likelihood is categorised as Medium. Considering the range of hazards, the mix of road users, and the relative likelihood of outcomes, the Area 2 Risk is Level 7-, Serious. 7- is assigned as it is a relatively quiet road. The manageability is high, and without heavy expenditure; see Hazard Management and Mitigation + the presence of equestrians + the access to Wildcat Road is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 (this is used only by farm traffic, cyclists and pedestrians - and is presently unpassable for 4-wheel vehicles due to a field ramp at its north end) + the east access to Yonderfield Farm has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the west access toYonderfield Farm is not conspicuous when approaching form the east, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to Garroch House is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048. Margin for Error: generally Low Hazard Area 2 Ranking: Level 7, Serious Hazard Area 3: From just west of the entrance to Whinhurst along to Longitude 218125 East (after the turning to Ardneil Farm) Refer to Photo Groups 14 – 22 (total of 26 photos) Specific Contributing Factors Singly and in combination: + the posted national speed limit (60mph for cars) compared to a measured mean speed of 28 mph + the narrowness of the carriageway - see Ordnance Survey detail for spot measurements + the significant level of tourist / recreational traffic, much of which is unfamiliar with the road + the presence of recreational walkers + the presence of cyclists + the presence of equestrians + the access to Thirdpart Road is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to Mhor (4 residences and the golf course As for Hazard Area 2, Possible Events centre on unfamiliar road users taking a prompt from the national speed limit sign, travelling a bit too fast along a narrow road with inconspicuous lateral accesses where exiting traffic must encroach on the carriageway to establish an adequate line of sight. + Fast-travelling east- or west-bound vehicle encounters vehicle exiting from the farm road to Thirdpart the Mhor access / works access to Golf Course the Kirkfield House access the Ardneil Farm access + Insufficient allowance is made by a road user when meeting another road user – vehicle, cyclist, pedestrian, equestrian; this would be compounded on a narrower interval of carriageway. + Vehicle travelling too fast makes insufficient allowance for the partially blind bend at Mhor or at Ardneil Farm / Kirkland House accesses Possible Outcomes Any of these events could result in collision, or swerve and running off the road. Could involve other road user(s), including farm vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist, or other vehicle, resulting in Near miss, Injury , Death Relative Likelihood For the possible events shown, the relative likelihood is categorised as Medium. Considering the range of hazards, the mix of road users, and the relative likelihood of outcomes, the Area 3 Risk is Level 7-, Serious. 7- is assigned as it is a relatively quiet road. The manageability is high, and without heavy expenditure; see Hazard Management and Mitigation works access) is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to Kirkfield House is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to Ardneil Farm is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + intervals of the road are partially blind due to bends + Occasional road-side telegraph poles feature Margin for Error: generally low Hazard Area 3 Ranking: Level 7 Serious Hazard Area 4: From Longitude 218125 East to the end of the road at Portencross Refer to Photo Groups 23 – 38 (total of 36 photos) Specific Contributing Factors Singly and in combination: + the posted national speed limit (60mph for cars) compared to a measured mean speed of 28 mph + the narrowness of the carriageway - see Ordnance Survey detail for spot measurements + the combination of a long blind bend with residential accesses which are not conspicuous and have poor lines of sight + the significant level of tourist / recreational traffic, much of which is unfamiliar with the road + the presence of recreational walkers, particularly from the car park to the road end + the presence of cyclists + the presence of equestrians + the access to Westpoint residence is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to South Bank Coach House is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 As for Hazard Areas 2 and 3, Possible Events centre on unfamiliar road users taking a prompt from the national speed limit sign, travelling a bit too fast along a narrow road with inconspicuous lateral accesses where exiting traffic must encroach on the carriageway to establish an adequate line of sight. + Fast-travelling east- or west-bound vehicle encounters vehicle exiting from the Westpoint access the South Bank Coach House access the South Banks House access the Auldhill House access + Insufficient allowance is made by a road user when meeting another road user – vehicle, cyclist, pedestrian, equestrian; this would be compounded on a narrower interval of carriageway. + Vehicle travelling too fast makes insufficient allowance for the long blind bend from Westpoint along to South Banks House + A vehicle approaching the car park from the east meets a vehicle exiting the car park + A pedestrian – possibly a child – walks onto the road adjacent to the pathway from the Castle, and is struck by a passing vehicle; it is common practice for pedestrians to use the carriageway on the last straight stretch from just north of the car park along to the road-end. Possible Outcomes Any of these events could result in collision, or swerve and running off the road. Could involve other road user(s), including farm vehicle, pedestrian, cyclist, or other vehicle, resulting in Near miss, Injury , Death Relative Likelihood For the possible events shown, the relative likelihood is categorised as Medium to Higher Considering the range of hazards, the mix of road users, and the relative likelihood of outcomes, the Area 4 Risk is Level 8, Serious. Level 8 rather than 8- reflects the numbers of pedestrians moving about at Portencross. The manageability is high, and without heavy expenditure; see Hazard Management and Mitigation + the access to South Banks House is not conspicuous coming from the east, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 looking east + at the exit from Auldhill Cottage driveway, the lines of sight along the B7048 are restricted looking east. + the exit from Portencross Car Park has restricted lines of sight + Road-side telegraph poles are a common feature Margin for Error: Low Hazard Area 4 Ranking: Level 8, Very Serious Hazard Management and Mitigation Contributing Factors Hazard Area Hazard Ranking Margin for Error Risk Level Singly and in combination: Controllable Variables / Road Management Options Pros / Cons Suggested Best-Fit This set of options is a cost-effective management package to address the hazard features. It avoids a substantial expenditure on road realignment and / or widening. The following actions are in line with Setting Local Speed Limits and are costconscious: Hazard Area 1: The B7048 / A78 Crossroads This is covered in the hazard management work for the A78 interval from Portencross Road to Highthorne. This crossroads along with its A78 approaches is a significant accident black-spot. The Margin for Error is comparatively low. The hazard and risk levels assigned are Level 9, Severe The status of the junction as Give Way is highlighted as a concern. The main recommendations are: + Reduce the A78 speed limit to 40mph, from the existing national speed limit sign to 100 yards north of Bogriggs Cottage; + Introduce a roundabout at the crossroads; + Establish a no overtaking interval from the crossroads to 100yards north of Bogriggs Cottage; and + Widen the bell-mouth at Bogriggs Cottage to give adequate lines of sight. Hazard Area 2: From the national speed limit sign at West Kilbride to just west of the entrance to Whinhurst + the posted national speed limit (60mph for cars) compared to a measured mean speed of 28 mph Reduce speed limit to 40mph in step with measured mean speed of 28 mph Refer to Photo Groups 1 - 13 (total of 31 photos) + the narrowness of the carriageway west of the A78 crossroads - see Ordnance Survey detail for spot measurements As a separate sign, or incorporated in the 40mph sign, signpost the following message just west of the crossroads: Margin for Error: generally Low Hazard Area 2 Ranking: Level 7, Serious Hazard Area 2 Risk is Level 7-, Serious. + the significant level of tourist / recreational traffic, much of which is unfamiliar with the road + Reduce speed limit to 40mph in step with measured mean speed of 28 mph; + the presence of recreational walkers AGRICULTURAL TRAFFIC + the presence of cyclists PEDESTRIANS CYCLISTS EQUESTRIAN + As a separate sign, or incorporated in the 40mph sign, signpost the following message just west of the crossroads: NARROW ROAD SLOW FOR 2 MILES LATERAL ACCESSES AGRICULTURAL + the presence of equestrians + the access to Wildcat Road is not conspicuous, and it has restricted SLOW FOR 2 MILES Contributing Factors Hazard Area Hazard Ranking Margin for Error Risk Level Singly and in combination: lines of sight along the B7048 (this is used only by farm traffic, cyclists and pedestrians - and is presently unpassable for 4-wheel vehicles due to a field ramp at its north end) + the east access to Yonderfield Farm has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the west access toYonderfield Farm is not conspicuous when approaching form the east, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to Garroch House is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048. Controllable Variables / Road Management Options Pros / Cons Suggested Best-Fit TRAFFIC Establish an improved bellmouth to give improved line of sight when exiting + both Yonderfield Farm acceses + the access to Garroch House In carrying out the bell-mouth work, incorporate improved visibility from the B7048 of these accesses PEDESTRIANS CYCLISTS EQUESTRIAN NARROW ROAD LATERAL ACCESSES Establish an improved bell-mouth to give improved line of sight when exiting + both Yonderfield Farm accesses + the access to Garroch House: and In carrying out the bell-mouth work, incorporate improved visibility from the B7048 of these accesses Contributing Factors Hazard Area Hazard Ranking Margin for Error Risk Level Hazard Area 3: From just west of the entrance to Whinhurst along to Longitude 218125 East (after the turning to Ardneil Farm) Refer to Photo Groups 14 – 22 (total of 26 photos) Margin for Error: generally low Hazard Area 3 Ranking: Level 7 Serious Hazard Area 3 Risk is Level 7-, Serious Singly and in combination: Controllable Variables / Road Management Options + the posted national speed limit (60mph for cars) compared to a measured mean speed of 28 mph Reduce speed limit to 40mph in step with measured mean speed of 28 mph + the narrowness of the carriageway - see Ordnance Survey detail for spot measurements Establish an improved bellmouth to give improved line of sight when exiting + the significant level of tourist / recreational traffic, much of which is unfamiliar with the road + the Mhor access + the presence of recreational walkers + the presence of cyclists + the presence of equestrians + the access to Thirdpart Road is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to Mhor (4 residences and the golf course works access) is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to Kirkfield House is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + the access to Ardneil Farm is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 + intervals of the road are partially blind due to bends + Occasional road-side telegraph poles feature + the Ardneil Farm and Kirkfield House accesses In carrying out the bell-mouth work, incorporate improved visibility from the B7048 of these accesses Install a VAS between the Mhor and Kirkfield House accesses Pros / Cons Suggested Best-Fit This set of options is a cost-effective management package to address the hazard features. It avoids a substantial expenditure on road realignment and / or widening. The following actions are in line with Setting Local Speed Limits and are costconscious: Reduce speed limit to 40mph in step with measured mean speed of 28 mph; Establish an improved bell-mouth to give improved line of sight when exiting + the Mhor access + the Ardneil Farm and Kirkfield House accesses; In carrying out the bell-mouth work, incorporate improved visibility from the B7048 of these accesses; and Install a VAS between the Mhor and Kirkfield House accesses Contributing Factors Hazard Area Hazard Ranking Margin for Error Risk Level Singly and in combination: Hazard Area 4: From Longitude 218125 East to the end of the road at Portencross Refer to Photo Groups 23 – 38 (total of 36 photos) Margin for Error: Low Hazard Area 4 Ranking: Level 8, Very Serious Hazard Area 4 Risk is Level 8, Very Serious Hazard Area 4: From Longitude 218125 East to the end of the road at Portencross Refer to Photo Groups 23 – 38 (total of 36 photos) Specific Contributing Factors Singly and in combination: + the posted national speed limit (60mph for cars) compared to a measured mean speed of 28 mph + the narrowness of the carriageway - see Ordnance Survey detail for spot measurements + the combination of a long blind bend with residential accesses which are not conspicuous and have poor lines of sight + the significant level of tourist / recreational traffic, much of which is unfamiliar with the road + the presence of recreational walkers, particularly from the car park to the road end + the presence of cyclists + the presence of equestrians + the access to Westpoint residence is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 Controllable Variables / Road Management Options Maintain the reduced 40 mph speed limit and install a SLOW VAS at the start of the left-hand bend before Westpoint residence Establish an improved bellmouth to give improved line of sight when exiting + the Westpoint access + the South Bank Coach House access + the South Banks House access + the Auldhill Cottage access + the Car Park exit a mirror may be an option at the most severely restricted ones + In carrying out the bellmouth work, incorporate improved visibility from the B7048 of these accesses; + Establish a 20’s Plenty zone from just before the car park along past the Castle turning up to the road end. Pros / Cons Suggested Best-Fit This set of options is a cost-effective management package to address the hazard features. It avoids a substantial expenditure on road realignment and / or widening. The following actions are in line with Setting Local Speed Limits and are costconscious: Maintain the reduced 40 mph speed limit and install a SLOW VAS at the start of the left-hand bend before Westpoint residence; Establish an improved bell-mouth to give improved line of sight when exiting + the Westpoint access + the South Bank Coach House access + the South Banks House access + the Auldhill Cottage access + the Car Park exit; a mirror may be an option at the most severely restricted ones + the access to South Bank Coach House is not conspicuous, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 In carrying out the bell-mouth work, incorporate improved visibility from the B7048 of these accesses; and + the access to South Banks House Establish a 20’s Contributing Factors Hazard Area Hazard Ranking Margin for Error Risk Level Singly and in combination: Controllable Variables / Road Management Options is not conspicuous coming from the east, and it has restricted lines of sight along the B7048 looking east Pros / Cons Suggested Best-Fit Plenty zone from just before the car park along past the Castle turning up to the road end. + at the exit from Auldhill Cottage driveway, the lines of sight along the B7048 are restricted looking east. + the exit from Portencross Car Park has restricted lines of sight + Road-side telegraph poles are a common feature ++