LEARNING ACTIVITY Student worksheet Annex 1. Propaganda posters Austria-Hungary, 1917 (National Library of France) War Bonds for 1917 – Get 5 ½ % free Applications will be accepted by the loan bank of Landskron on original conditions. Information will gladly be provided Britain, 1914, (Imperial War Museum) Austria-Hungary, 1916 (National Library of France) Sign Up War Bonds Britain, 1915 (Imperial War Museum) How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 1 of 10 LEARNING ACTIVITY Britain, 1915 (Imperial War Museums) Britain, 1918, (Library of Congress) Britain, 1916( Imperial War Museums) France 1916, (National Library of France) 2me Emprunt de la Defense Nationale En avant armee de l'epargne, c'est pour la patrie 2nd National Defence Loan Forward army of saviours, it is for the fatherland How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 2 of 10 LEARNING ACTIVITY France, 1917 (National Library of France) France, 1919 (National Library of France) 1914 - 1918 Par deux fois j'ai tenu et vaincu sur la Marne, Civilian, mon frere, La sournoise offensive de la "paix blanche" va t'assaillir Comme moi, tu dois tenir et vaincre, sois fort et malin. Mefie-toi de l'hypocrisie boche Journee des Régions Liberees Que votre aide a nos frere malheureux soit generouse Day of the liberated regions Your help to our unfortunate brothers is generous On ne passe pas! They shall not pass! 1914 - 1918 The soldier says he has defeated the Germans twice and that he needs other French people to be strong and stand with him as the enemy is sneaky, hypocritical and strong. How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 3 of 10 LEARNING ACTIVITY Germany, 1917, (Imperial War Museums) Germany, 1918 (Library of Congress) Germany and its enemies at the end of the third year of War 1 kilo bread costs in Germany 40/Russia 43/England 55 1 kilo sugar costs in Germany 64/England 104/France 111/Russia 119? 1 kilo potatoes costs in Germany 13/ England 31/ France 40 The loss of ships by the Entente Merchant ships War ships 926 888 The entire American fleet consists of 910 000 Increase of the freight rate in England Price per ton The loss of humans by the Entente Prisoners Over 3 million men Approximately the entire population of Switzerland Dead and wounded Russians French English Italian Belgians, Serbs and Romanians Approximately as much as the entire population of Belgium, Holland and Switzerland The enemy loss of artillery aircraft until the end of July 1917 2298 enemy aircraft have been shot down so far Enemy territory occupied by Germany The entire German empire measures 540 500 square km 9000 square km occupied by the enemies Your fatherland is in danger Sign up! Infantry division Voluntary acceptance – Berlin Conditions – Mobile Salary 5 Marks daily addition – field rations Free clothing and quarters – short contract termination period – discharge pay How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 4 of 10 LEARNING ACTIVITY Germany, 1919 (Library of Congress) Enter border protection East. Protect the home [heimat] against Bolshevism! Report to closest garrison or regional command Italy, 1915 (Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico) Roman Committee for the civil organization during the war How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 5 of 10 LEARNING ACTIVITY Italy, 1916 (Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico) Watch out! The German snake is near! Now one must rip out the fangs! Italy, 1918 (Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico) The Austrian offensive and the harvest… of grain in Italy How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 6 of 10 LEARNING ACTIVITY Italy, 1918 (Istituto centrale per il catalogo unico) The German Peace Russia, 1916 (National Library of France) 5 ½ % Bond Those who have relatives and friends serving in the army, are encouraged to show them help by buying bonds. How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 7 of 10 LEARNING ACTIVITY Russia, 1916 (National Library of France) Russia, 1917 (Library of Congress) Bond of independence or loans for independence. War until victory is gained! 5 ½ % Bond Help the Army How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 8 of 10 LEARNING ACTIVITY United States, (Library of Congress) United States, 1918, (Library of Congress) United States, 1917, (Library of Congress) United States, 1917, (Library of Congress) How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 9 of 10 LEARNING ACTIVITY Annex 2. The techniques of propaganda (as identified by the British Library exhibition ‘Power and Persuasion’ exhibition in 2013) Establish authority Establish a leadership cult Exploit existing beliefs Appeal to patriotism Use humour Imply everyone agrees Hammer it home Make false connections Be selective about the truth Create fear Disguise the source How does propaganda work? | Helen Snelson | Page 10 of 10