NDRRA restoration works throughout McKinlay Frequently Asked

NDRRA restoration works throughout McKinlay
Frequently Asked Questions
July 2015
What is McKinlay Shire Council doing to repair the damage to the roads following the natural disasters of
the last couple of years?
What is the NDRRA program?
What Information is needed to demonstrate that full payment can be made?
Which roads are scheduled for repairs?
Why are only some roads being repaired?
Who determines which roads will get priority for repairs under the NDRRA program?
Why are roads not being upgraded at the same time as the repairs?
How long will the repairs take to complete?
What standards are being used for the road repairs?
How is this program being managed locally?
How can I find out about subcontracting/or working on this program?
How can I keep up to date with what is going on with the road works?
How do I report a compliment or concern?
McKinlay Shire Council NDRRA Restoration Works has been made possible with funding provided by the Australian (75%) and
Queensland (25%) Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements”
What is MSC doing to repair the damage to the roads from the last couple of years?
Extensive repairs to McKinlay Shire’s vast road and drainage network are required as a result of the severe
weather events in 2013 and more recently again in 2014, and 2015.
McKinlay Shire Council is undertaking a significant flood restoration program throughout the region. The
2013 event works have been completed in mid 2015.
The 2014 event program of works is being delivered under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery
Arrangements (NDRRA), a joint federal and state initiative.
AECOM is currently working with Council to repair the damage resulting from the monsoonal trough that hit
the McKinlay region during February 2014. Damage assessment activities for the 2015 event will lead to
an assessment from Queensland Reconstruction Authority to Council.
What is the NDRRA program?
The Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) is a joint federal (75%) and state (25%)
initiative. It provides funding to rebuild Queensland after the recent disasters in the last several years.
Around $14 billion has been committed to Queensland through this program, with more than $12 billion of
works in progress or delivered.
So far over $8 million has been committed for road repairs in the McKinlay Shire for the 2013 event
damage. The 2014 event has a recommended value of over $5M
What information is needed to demonstrate that full payment can be made?
Both State and Commonwealth Governments provide funding and each are involved in the claim review
process. Detailed tracking and reporting of costs is important to be able to demonstrate eligible expenses.
McKinlay Shire Council NDRRA Restoration Works has been made possible with funding provided by the Australian (75%) and
Queensland (25%) Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements”
Eligibility must be demonstrated for the particular activities, individual assets and specific expenditure
Which roads are scheduled for repairs?
Over 20 roads are scheduled for repair throughout the McKinlay Shire. Works will take place throughout
the Shire including the following assets:
Baroona Road
Beenfields Road
Bezuma Road
Byrimine Road
Etta Plains Road
Eulolo Road
Euraba Road
Gilliat-McKinlay Road
Gladevale Road
Ivellen Road
Julia Creek Airport
Julia Ck - Taldora Road
Kelloshiel Rd
Kynuna-Middleton Road
Malpas - Trenton (Glenmore) Road
Minamere Road
Nelia-Bunda Road
Old Normanton Road
Oontoo Road
Oorindi Road
Trenton - Woodstock Road
Percol Road
Punchbowl - Nelia Rd
Punchbowl Road
Zonia Downs Rd
Why are only some roads being repaired?
Funding for road repairs in the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) program
comes through the Queensland Reconstruction Authority. There are strict criteria that determine which
roads and sections of roads may be repaired. To be eligible for funding, damage to the road (or any
essential community asset) must have occurred as a direct consequence of a declared national disaster.
McKinlay Shire Council NDRRA Restoration Works has been made possible with funding provided by the Australian (75%) and
Queensland (25%) Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements”
Who determines which roads will get priority for repairs under the program?
McKinlay Shire Council’s first priority is to ensure the safety of the community. The priorities for repairing
roads are guided by a number of factors including safety requirements, levels of road usage (traffic
volumes) and the level of damage on the road.
Why are roads not being upgraded at the same time as the repairs?
NDRRA restoration work will be undertaken separately and in parallel with Council’s continuing normal
capital works and maintenance works program.
The Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements
(NDRRA) program is required to abide by Queensland Reconstruction Authority guidelines. For restoration
works, these specify that roads (and other assets) can only be restored to their pre-disaster condition.
How long will the repairs take to complete?
The entire 2014 works program is scheduled to be completed by the end of June 2016.
What standards are being used for the road repairs?
In line with Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) requirements, road repairs
(treatments) are developed using Queensland Reconstruction Authority guidelines. The treatment
standards adopted are generally in accordance with previous practices within the Council area, and
incorporate processes from TMR and AUSTROADs where suitable.
How is this program being managed locally?
McKinlay Shire Council has engaged the engineering firm AECOM’s Townsville team to manage delivery of
the NDDRA works. AECOM is taking on the role of program manager for the delivery of 2014 event works
and associated construction management of the flood restoration works across the region.
McKinlay Shire Council NDRRA Restoration Works has been made possible with funding provided by the Australian (75%) and
Queensland (25%) Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements”
Local industry participation in the program is beneficial economically, and positively contributes to the
region’s workforce skills and knowledge. Council utilise local sub-contractors and suppliers who are
registered in a standing offer arrangement with Council, for the provision of plant, equipment and materials.
How can I provide feedback on the road damage?
Community members are being encouraged to help assess the damage by providing photographs and
information on the location, extent and source of road damage. Not all road damage will be related to
natural disasters, however the involvement of the community is encouraged to assist Council in delivering
and maintaining an efficient road network.
Feedback and information can be provided via an online feedback form which is available on Council’s
website www.mckinlay.qld.gov.au/roads. The feedback form asks for information on:
Source of damage
Type of damage
When the damage occurred
Location of the damage
You can also provide feedback directly to Council by contacting Council’s Administration Office on 4746
4210 or email at alana.verhoeven@mckinlay.qld.gov.au
Why is Council asking the community to provide ‘wish list’ items for infrastructure improvements?
Council is interested in understanding the community’s priorities for infrastructure improvements in the
region. The website’s feedback form mentioned above can be used to provide your ideas.
The feedback received will be used by Council to help make decisions about potential future infrastructure
investment and works.
McKinlay Shire Council NDRRA Restoration Works has been made possible with funding provided by the Australian (75%) and
Queensland (25%) Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements”
The prioritisation of any works will be determined by a number of factors including safety requirements and
How can I find out about subcontracting/or working on this program?
You can contact Council to find out more by calling Council’s Administration Office on 4746 4210.
How can I keep up to date with what is going on with the road works?
We will be providing regular updates to the community through Council’s website
www.mckinlay.qld.gov.au/roads and Facebook page www.facebook.com/mckinlayshire.council
Information will also be sent via Council’s community email database. Please make sure Council has your
preferred contact details to ensure you receive updates, as this is a great way to stay informed.
You can also contact Council on 4746 4210 or email at alana.verhoeven@mckinlay.qld.gov.au
How do I report a compliment or concern?
Please contact the MSC NDRRA team on 4746 4210 or email at alana.verhoeven@mckinlay.qld.gov.au
McKinlay Shire Council NDRRA Restoration Works has been made possible with funding provided by the Australian (75%) and
Queensland (25%) Governments under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements”