Application for Conference/ Overseas Course/ Research Attachment Leave Instructions: 1. Conference leave applications must be submitted at least 1 month prior to the proposed leave periods. 2. Leave application must also be submitted via myISIS. 3. Upon your return from conference leave, please inform CSI Office the date of return via email. 4. Reimbursement claims must be submitted with the relevant receipts and postgraduate reimbursement form to CSI Office no later than 2 weeks upon your return. without financial assistance with financial assistance (please submit the Application for Conference Funding form) PART I – TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT A. Student’s Particulars Name Student No. Department Supervisor (s) Award Date of Scholarship Expiry Date of Scholarship B. Leave Details Period of Leave for Conference ONLY (Attached Holiday Leave Application Endorsement for personal leave) From to Purpose of Leave (Attach relevant correspondences) Attending the following type of Education Enrichment Activity : Local Conference International Conference Overseas Courses Overseas Research Attachment Education Enrichment Activities Details (Please attach brochure/ abstract/official handout of activities): Title/ Name if Research Institute: Venue: Dates: From To is Nature of Participation (Please attach copies of relevant correspondences) Oral Presentation Poster Presentation A Panel Discussant C. Others; please specify Financial Assistance Details Financial assistance received from outside the University or from research grants Yes (To give details below and attach copies of relevant correspondence) Source: No Amount: Financial assistance requested from the University Airfare by the most economical means & direct route. Accommodation Registration fee Per diem allowance Others, please state: Total: Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM) #12-01, 14 Medical Drive Singapore 117599 Tel: (65) 6516 7287 Fax: (65) 6873 9664 Website: S$ Page 1 of 5 (C_Form_02) 12 August 2013 D. Contact Information While Away Address Fax Signature of Applicant: Telephone Email Date: PART II – TO BE COMPLETED BY SUPERVISOR Application for leave is approved Yes No Reasons/Comments: Signature of Supervisor: Date: PART III – TO BE COMPLETED BY CSI Application for leave is approved : Yes No Application for financial assistance is approved: Yes, for financial assistance of S$ ___________________. No Reasons/Comments: Approved by: __________________________ A/Prof Chng Wee Joo Chair, Graduate Academic Committee National University of Singapore Cancer Science Institute of Singapore Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM) #12-01, 14 Medical Drive Singapore 117599 Tel: (65) 6516 7287 Fax: (65) 6873 9664 Website: ____________________ Date Page 2 of 5 (C_Form_02) 12 August 2013 Guidelines for reimbursement of conference claims 1. Per diem allowance is subject to the following reimbursement arrangement. Reimbursement scheme Airfare: 100% of amount incurred Accommodation: 100% of amount incurred Registration Fee: 100% of amount incurred Visa Application 100% of amount incurred Per Diem Allowance: 20% of daily subsistence allowable Per Diem reimbursement is based on the daily subsistence allowable payable for the country concerned and comply to University policy Please contact CSI Office for the limit allowed on Per Diem. Please manage your budget for conference since Per Diem covers food, local transportation (taxi/bus/train), etc. Ensure that there is no DOUBLE CLAIM on any of this item stated from PI or department. It would be considered as an intention of fraudulent; CSI will take disciplinary action against any student who has been caught in this act. Original Documentation Needed: For airfare, accommodation and registration fee reimbursement, original receipts must be submitted. For per diem, original receipts must be submitted for reimbursement (ie. Hotel bill, local transport/train ticket, etc. 2a. BEFORE attending the conference/overseas course/research attachment - Complete this set of application form ONE month prior(if VISA needed, factor in more time) to conference / overseas course/research attachment Complete “Conference Leave Application” Form; to be attached to this set of application (Not for application of personal leave) Complete “NUS Research Scholars’ Leave System” via for any personal leave on top of conference leave; submit the “Holiday Leave Application Endorsement” an email on approval from supervisor for leave applied (if applicable) Submit the above 3 forms with the following documents: Abstract of Conference / Research attachment Itinerary of Conference/ Research Attachment Information on Registration Fee* (indicate what component does registration includes ie. Meals or accommodation) Quotation of Airfare* (most economical and direct route) Any other documents to support financial assistance application Any other approving/ recommendation letter to attend conference for Oral/Poster presentation * Prior approval from CSI is needed before registration and purchasing of air-ticket. CSI reserve the rights to decline reimbursement for these components if prior approval has not been given. 3b. AFTER attending the conference/overseas course/research attachment - Complete the “Conference Allowance Reimbursement” Form (available on the CSI website) Submit the above form, together with the following documents Conference itinerary/ agenda/ programme outline Air-tickets (e.g. boarding pass & e-ticket or tax invoice) Original receipts & registration fee invoice/receipt. If registration of conference is via email, student is required to submit a copy of his/her bank/credit card statement. A 1-page conference report, using the “Conference Report” Form (available on the CSI website) Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM) #12-01, 14 Medical Drive Singapore 117599 Tel: (65) 6516 7287 Fax: (65) 6873 9664 Website: Page 3 of 5 (C_Form_02) 12 August 2013 SOP For STUDENT'S CONFERENCE APPLICATION & CLAIM Apply and submit the official leave with Education Allowance for Conference Application to CSI Student Team, minimum 1-monthi notice prior to the conference. ↓ Conference Review Committee (ANY CSI Academic Committee Member) to evaluate and approve the individual submission. Proposal for Conference Reimbursement: 100% - Airfareii 100% - Accommodationiii 100% - Registration Fee 100% - Visa Application 20% - Per diemiv (for Conference Period ONLY) based on the daily subsistence allowance payable for country concerned ↓ Once CSI Office has approved the application, official notification to reach applicant at least 2 weeks before the conference, copied to CSI Finance. ↓ Within 1 week from the return date, student to submit Reimbursement form, along with these documents: - Original Application for Conference / Overseas Course/ Research Attachment Leave Form (with CSI Office) - Original Application for Financial Assistance (with CSI Office) - Original receipt for Registration Feev - Original Boarding Pass, Airfare Invoice & Receipt, Hotel Invoice, Local Transport/Trainvi - A short report on the conference ↓ Reimbursement to be processed upon receipt of all documents and forms duly completed and submitted ↓ Students to receive reimbursements within 2 months from submission of claims (provided required forms/documents are completevii) Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM) #12-01, 14 Medical Drive Singapore 117599 Tel: (65) 6516 7287 Fax: (65) 6873 9664 Website: Page 4 of 5 (C_Form_02) 12 August 2013 Important Documents needed to complete application or claims: Air-ticket Official appointed agent is (Pacific Arena), Invoice of the airfare will be billed to student w.e.f. 1 April 2009. Student has to make the payment and CSI will reimburse the student the amount incurred. Most economical and direct round trip ie. Travel from A to B to C, return from C to B to A No Open Jaw Ticket ie. Travel from A to B, return from C to A External travel agent used must be cheaper than or airfare by airline Official Agent Quotation Quotation from is encouraged. Students can contact PriceBreakers at for quotations. Alternative airfare by airlines can be used: Electronic tickets/registration receipt Write on the reverse of the E-ticket/ E-registration receipt/other E-receipt together with your signature: “I certify that these expenses were incurred for official purposes and in compliance with University guidelines. Electronic receipts enclosed have not been submitted previously for claiming." Official Receipts Only official receipts will be accepted along with the payment statement ie Credit Card or Bank statement. VISA slips, NETS transaction slips etc will NOT be accepted. i If VISA is needed, apply VISA first or send in form much in advance Air ticket by appointed agent - Pacific Arena or by airline directly iii Accommodation allowance is only provided for overseas conference. Accommodation based on moderate class hotel (3 or 4 star) or conference hotel rates, as applicable iv Exact amount reimburse will be based on Conference Program v Registration receipt with payment statement (bank/credit card) vi Boarding tab and air ticket payment statement (bank/credit card), Hotel invoice, Local transport/train vii Refer to page 1 for the list of documents required for submission; maximum amount to be reimbursed for each (local/overseas) conference is S$3,300. ii Centre for Translational Medicine (CeTM) #12-01, 14 Medical Drive Singapore 117599 Tel: (65) 6516 7287 Fax: (65) 6873 9664 Website: Page 5 of 5 (C_Form_02) 12 August 2013