GPA Quiz Key 1. In the spring semester, John earned a "B" English 1301, a "C" in History 2301, a "B" in Biology 1401, and an "A" in PE 1101 (a 1-hour weightlifting class). What is his spring GPA? Answer: John’s spring GPA was 2.81. Course English 1301 History 2301 Biology 1401 PE 1101 Grade B C B A subtotals Spring Semester Credit Hours Attempted 3 3 4* 1 Point Value Quality Points 3 2 3 4 9 6 12 4 11 31 quality points ÷ academic hours attempted = GPA 31 ÷ 11 = 2.81** Comments: * Biology 1401 is a four-credit class. Clues for that are 1) the second digit in the course number and 2) the fact that most introductory science courses involve a 1-hour lab in addition to 3-hour lecture component. You could have determined that the PE course was a one-credit class even if I hadn’t have told you based on the same things: the second digit in the course number and the fact that physical education classes are almost always one-credit classes. If you want to be doubly sure of how many credit hours a class is worth, ask your professor. Also, that information is listed in course catalogs and in the syllabus for the class. ** GPAs are traditionally calculated to the hundredth decimal place. (In conversation, you might tell someone that you have a 2.8 GPA, but transcripts will use the more exact mathematical figure.) 2. In the fall, John earned an "A" English 1302, a "C" in History 2302, a "C" in Biology 1402, and an "A" in PE 1103 (a 1-hour water aerobics course). What is John's fall GPA? What is his cumulative GPA for the first two semesters? Answer: John’s fall GPA was 2.72. His cumulative GPA is 2.77. Course Grade English 1302 History 2302 Biology 1402 PE 1103 A C C A subtotals Fall Semester Credit Hours Attempted 3 3 4 1 Point Value Quality Points 4 2 2 4 12 6 8 4 11 30 quality points ÷ academic hours attempted = GPA 30 ÷ 11 = 2.72 Spring semester Fall semester subtotals Credit Hours Attempted 11 11 Quality Points 31 30 22 61 cumulative quality points ÷ cumulative credit hours = cumulative GPA 61 ÷ 22 = 2.77 3. Last semester, Jill attempted 9 credit hours and had a 1.33 GPA, low in part because she made two "C"s and an "F," failing her 3-hour history class. If she were to repeat her history class over a summer session and on the second attempt make a "B," how would that change her GPA? Answer: Jill’s GPA would increase from 1.33 to 2.33, going up a full point by taking the class again and performing better. Course Grade Class X Class Y History C C F subtotals Last Semester Credit Hours attempted 3 3 3 Point Value Quality Points 2 2 0 6 6 0 9 12 quality points ÷ credit hours attempted = GPA 12 ÷ 9 = 1.33 last semester summer semester subtotals Credit Hours attempted 9 0 (3 re-attempted)* Quality Points 12 9** 9 21 cumulative quality points ÷ cumulative credit hours = cumulative GPA 21 ÷ 9= 2.33 *Re-attempted hours literally replace the hours one originally attempted, and so they don’t add to cumulative total of credit hours attempted. ** The new grade changes the old grade in terms of quality points, and usually, this change results in an increase in the cumulative total of quality points. In this example, Jill earned zero quality points for her original grade of “F.” But, by making a “B” the second time around, she adds nine quality points. (Note if she had made a “D” in history last semester (earning three quality points) and the “B” in the summer session, she would have had a net increase of six. But the cumulative GPA after the summer would still be 2.33 because she would still have 9 attempted credit hours and 21 quality points.) 4. Imagine Nadia has taken four 3-hour classes, two college-level in which she has earned a "B" and a "D" and two developmental in which she's earned a "B" and an "F." Her financial aid requires her to maintain a 2.0 GPA. Will she be able to continue with that program? (In your answer, be sure to calculate her GPA.) Answer: If Dev Ed courses are reviewed for the financial Nadia receives, she would not continue to receive financial aid. If they are not, she has the minimum GPA and could continue. Course College-level class 1 College-level class 2 Developmental class 1 Developmental class 2 Grade B D B F subtotals Nadia’s Semester Credit Hours Attempted 3 3 0/3* 0/3* Point Value Quality Points 3 1 3 0 9 3 0/9* 0/0* 6/12 12/21 quality points ÷ academic hours attempted = GPA 12 ÷ 6 = 2.00** 21 ÷ 12 = 1.75*** Comments: * Developmental courses count for institutional credit only and do not calculate into official GPAs. Therefore, only Nadia’s college-level classes would be counted toward her official GPA. With that standard, she has a 2.0 GPA. ** Nadia’s official GPA (Dev Ed classes excluded) *** Nadia’s GPA with Dev Ed classes included Further Note: The continuation of most (but not all) financial aid programs is dependent on GPAs. And of these, it will vary whether the award granted relies solely upon grades in college-level classes or whether it will also factor in grades from developmental classes. A growing number do consider the grades earned in such classes. 5. Jaime is trying to apply for a scholarship that requires a 3.5 GPA. He has earned two "A"s and one "C" in three, three-hour credit classes and two "A"s in two, four-hour developmental classes. Does he have a shot at the scholarship? Why or why not? Answer: Jaime’s GPA of 3.33 is probably not high enough to qualify him for the scholarship, especially since grade-based scholarships are highly competitive, and applications are often initially screened by computers (rather than committees or individuals). And that’s too bad because, with four “A”s and a “C,” Jaime had a pretty strong semester. Course College-level class 1 College-level class 2 College-level class 3 Developmental class 1 Developmental class 2 Grade A A C A A subtotals Jaime’s Semester Credit Hours Attempted 3 3 3 0/4* 0/4* Point Value Quality Points 4 4 2 4 4 12 12 6 0/16* 0/16* 9/17 30/62 quality points ÷ academic hours attempted = GPA 30 ÷ 9 = 3.33** 62 ÷ 17 = 3.64*** Comments: * Developmental courses count for institutional credit only and do not calculate into official GPAs. Therefore, only Jaime’s college-level classes would be counted toward his official GPA. With that standard, he has a 3.33 GPA. ** Jaime’s official GPA (Dev Ed classes excluded) *** Jaime’s GPA with Dev Ed classes included Further Note: Most scholarship programs have rules about one’s GPA for getting the award and, if it is a multi-semester award, more rules about maintaining one’s GPA after receiving it. Unless its rules say otherwise, the vast majority scholarship programs look exclusively at one’s official GPA (and wouldn’t consider Dev Ed grades, whether good or bad). Additional Point: Even some need-based scholarships will look at grades, especially if there are more applicants than available money. If two candidates have equal need, then GPAs might be used to make the award decisions. (And in these cases, Dev Ed grades are probably considered as well as credit-bearing grades.) previous semesters summer semester Credit Hours attempted 36 12 Quality Points 81 48 48 129 subtotals cumulative quality points ÷ cumulative credit hours = cumulative GPA 81 ÷ 36 = 2.25 (previous semesters) 129 ÷ 48 = 2.68 (with the current semester) Course Theater Engl 1301 Hist 2301 Developmental Math Humanties Grade C C C W F subtotals Jaime’s Semester Credit Hours Attempted 3 3 3 0 3 Point Value Quality Points 2 2 2 0 0 6 6 6 0 0 12 quality points ÷ academic hours attempted = GPA 18 ÷ 12 = 1.5 18 Jaime’s Semester