The Master Thesis must meet the following requirements :
linguistic correctness; the work should be well-written and properly presented; The thesis should be written in an appropriate formal academic style.
it has to be an empirical or theoretical study
use of scientific methods
a justified and reasonable choice of research method or methods; Selection and application of appropriate methods of analysis
formulation of the probleem (perceived conflict, need for research); the thesis contains a consecutive argument or set of arguments on its topic
concrete and precise definition of the topic and it’s actuality; awareness of the problems of the topic
the aim of the work and objectives, clear specification of objectives
research questions (show the logic of the research)
effective seach of literature
the methods used to achieve the objective, the description of applied methodology
the outline of the thesis, the logic of the structure,divisjon into chapters and sub chapters;
The chapters should have clear descriptive titles.
the introductin of the thesis includes a short survey of the existing literatuure on a topic and
‘pointers’ to particular interest and problems.
definition of the basic concepts, the establishment of theoretical farme (background)
sufficient argumentation of statements, deployment of the evidence of the sources to support the elements in general arguments
referencing of all sources, proper and correct referencing
i nterpretation of results and comparison with pre-existing knowledge; i t should be made clear how the student has approached the topic (subjekt), what conclusions one has reached and, how the conclusions are related to the views of other scholars.
Use APA standard. (APA Style, , , The Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed., 2009))
A thesis must be typewritten on A4 metric size paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm) in a clear and legible font Times or Times New Roman using a laser writer, or some other printing device which gives a clear, legible result. Use the same font for the entire thesis but, if necessary, you may use different fonts within tables, figures, and appendices. Use a standard typeface of 12-point size.
Spacing of the body text must be 1.5 lines and must remain consistent throughout the main text.
Align the text to both left and right margins – justified. Page layout – the margins in top, bottom and right side of the page should be 2,5 cm and 3.0 cm on the left edge.
Single spacing is allowed in certain limited cases: the table of contents, block quotations, headings, table titles, figure captions, tables, appendices. It is also permitted within items in the list of tables, list of figures, bibliography/reference list, and notes, but double spacing must be used between items in these instances.
Do not use italic (script) print except for foreign words, book and journal titles, and special emphasis. If you wish, you may use larger size type for the title of the thesis and for chapter headings, as long as it is not larger than 16 point. Boldface type may also be used on the title page and for headings, as well as in the text for special symbols or for emphasis. Reduced type may be used within tables, figures, and appendices.
Each table and each figure in the text must have a number and caption. Number them consecutively throughout, beginning with 1, or by chapter using a decimal system. In the latter case, the first table in chapter 2, for example, would be table 2.1, the second would be table 2.2, and so on. Tables should be numbered independently from figures.
Captions and legends must be placed on the same page with the figure, graph,table or illustration they describe.
If a figure or table is taken from another source, indicate the source at the bottom, either at the end of the caption or in a note beginning "Source: . . . ." Source notes are not numbered, even if there are other numbered notes. If a figure or table is photocopied from its source, be sure the print is large enough to be readable.
Tables or figures of peripheral importance to the text may be placed in an appendix. All tables and figures must be referred to in the text by number (not by a phrase such as "the following table").
Every page is numbered except the title page, which is counted but not numbered.
the length of the thesis and the number of cited sources a) the length of the original text is from 8000 to 12,000 words; the length of the main text is 44-66 pages. One shouldn’t exceed the maksimum length of the work. b) the thesis should include at least 30 cited scientific sources
Make 2 final copies. Final thesis should be bound.
Format of the Thesis
Title-page (see the examples)
Abstract 1 page up to 250 words.
Abstract written in capital letters, then the title of the thesis, then authors full name. All centered in the middle of the page.
The abstract is written in the present tense. Is a brief overview on the subject, and the key findings of the research probleem.
A table of contents, showing, in sequence, with page numbers, the subdivisions of the thesis.
Titles of chapters and sub sections and appendices should be given.
Clearly state what the purpose of the study is and explain the study's significance. The significance is addressed by discussing how the study adds to the theoretical body of knowledge in the field and the study's practical significance for field being examined. Explain how the research makes an original contribution to the body of knowledge in the discipline.
It is especially critical that introduction be well developed. Without a clearly defined purpose and string theoretical grounding, the thesis is fundamentally flawed from the outset. attention is drawn to the aims and broad argument(s) of the work, and in which any relevant points about sources and obligations to the work of other scholars are made.
Literature review (theoretical background)
The literature review thus describes and analyzes previous research on the topic. This chapter, however, should not merely string together what other researchers have found.
Rather, you should discuss and analyze the body of knowledge with the ultimate goal of determining what is known and is not known about the topic. This determination leads to your research questions and/or hypotheses. In some cases, of course, you may determine that replicating previous research is needed.
Empirical part a.
This chapter describes and justifies the data gathering method used. This chapter also outlines how the data was analyzed. Describe the method chosen and why this method was the most appropriate. Cite reference literature about the method.
Detail every step of the data gathering and analysis process:
description of research design
description of population and description of and justification for type of sample used or method for selecting units of observation
development of instrument (or method for making observations) (e.g., question guide, categories for content analysis) ( pre-test, reliability and validity of instrument or method)
administration of instrument (or method for making observations) (e.g., interviews, observation, content analysis)
coding of data
description of data analysis - statistical analysis and tests performed; identification of themes/categories (qualitative or historical research) b.
This chapter addresses the results from data analysis only. This chapter does not include discussing other research literature or the implications of your findings.
Begin by outlining any descriptive or exploratory/confirmatory analyses (e.g., reliability tests, factor analysis) that were conducted. Next address the results of the tests of hypotheses or answers to research questions You then discuss any ex post facto analysis.
Tables and/or figures should be used to illustrate and summarize all numeric information.
Discussion, Conclusions
The purpose of this chapter is not just to reiterate what you found but rather to discuss what your findings mean in relation to the theoretical body of knowledge on the topic and your profession.
Begin by discussing your findings in relation to the theoretical framework introduced in the literature review. In some cases, you may need to introduce new literature.
This chapter also should address what the findings mean for the field being examined. The chapter should bring out the practical implications of the findings.
This chapter next outlines the limitations of the study. Areas for future research then are proposed. The chapter ends with a brief conclusion that provides closure. A strong final sentence should be written.
The length of the resume is 500 – 800 words. It is a summary of entire thesis in a few pages.
Summarize the findings and briefly explore their implications. May include writer's opinion.
Speculate about broadest possible consequences, both theoretical and practical. Label speculation clearly. Suggestions for future research.
A thesis must include a bibliography or reference section listing all works which are referred to in the text.
These should be used only to convey essential data that cannot be elegantly subsumed within the body of the text. They are particularly appropriate for material which does not count within the word limit of the thesis, such as transcriptions of texts, or catalogues of data.
A useful adress:
example of the thesis title page
Department of Social Sciences
Institute of Industrial Psychology
Name(s) and Family name
Master Thesis
Supervisor(s): title, Name and Family name, degree
Tallinn 2015
example of the thesis title page backside
I hereby declare, that this thesis is entirely the result of my own work and submitted for the Degree of Master of Science in Tallinn University of Technology
For the present thesis no degree has been conferred on me before either in this or in any other university
Author: Name(s) and Family name
“ ….. “ …………… 2015
The work meets the stated requirements for master thesis
Supervisor: title, Name and Family name, degree
“ ..... “ .................... 2015
Approved “ ..… “ ...................... 2015
Master's theses defense committee chairman in the Institute of Industrial Psycholoy:
Professor Mare Teichmann PhD