Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts Deans and Chairs

Edwards College of Humanities and Fine Arts
Deans and Chairs Meeting
August 26, 2010
3 pm
John Beard, Matthieu Chan Tsin, Jim Everett, Ken Martin, Jason Ockert, Paul
Olsen, Bill Richardson, Ken Rogers, Mike Ruse, Don Sloan and Ken Townsend.
Sara Sanders for Carole Osborne, Chair of the English Department. Rita Smith.
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:05pm by Bill Richardson. Rita Smith was in attendance to
take the meeting minutes due to Laura Barr’s absence.
Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting
The minutes from the August 4, 2010 meeting were distributed for the chairs’ review. Ken
Rogers moved to accept the minutes as they were presented; Paul Olsen seconded the motion.
With no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
Academic Integrity (Travis Overton)
Bill Richardson began by announcing that Travis Overton postponed his presentation on
Academic Integrity until the next Deans and Chairs meeting.
Dean’s Updates
Bill brought to the attention of the chairs the information included in the meeting packet:
College Action Plan, Summer II Undergraduate Demographic Report, Undergraduate and
Graduate Enrollment by Major Preliminary Report.
Bill asked that the Chairs review the Undergraduate and Graduate Enrollment by Major
Preliminary Report to verify the number of majors in their departments and relay that
information to him. There are about 1,500 majors in the Humanities and Fine Arts and 9
graduate students in the M.A. in writing program. A discussion ensued with Mike Ruse defining
the differences between a double degree and the double major.
Bill stated that a new Vice President for Philanthropy has been announced, and a meeting with
the Deans will be scheduled to discuss future Philanthropy plans.
Bill introduced Sara Sanders, who was substituting for Carole Osborne who recently has
undergone surgery.
Bill asked the Chairs if they have identified their targeted diversity hires for the slot that is
available for COHFA. He suggested that the Chairs begin their preliminary conversations to
bring candidates to campus and stressed that the appointment will be effective August, 2011.
Bill explained that the Chairs will need to make a compelling argument for their diversity hire
and stated that the position is at the Assistant Professor rank with appropriate CUPA salary. The
candidate will be placed in a pool which the Chairs will review.
The following departments have identified targeted hires:
o Ken Townsend reported that Dr. Marco Robinson is a potential recruit for the
History Department. Ken has asked for evaluations and a writing sample.
o Paul Olsen reported that they have targeted a potential candidate with a solid
background in photography with secondary experience as a gallery director. Paul
stated that he will pursue this interest further and will forward the diversity hire
information to Bill.
o Don Sloan stated that Music has a possibility of two targeted diversity hires.
Prospective Student Travel Requests
Bill informed the Chairs that there is $20,000 available for student travel for 2010-11. This
dollar amount includes travel expenses for both the students and the faculty member
accompanying them. Bill reviewed the amounts that the Chairs submitted and stated that he has
so far received requests for student travel in the amount of $19,000.00.
Retreat Debriefing
Bill stated that he has received the corrections submitted by the Chairs for the 2010-2015 Action
Plan and since issued a revised version dated August 20th. Bill also stated that he has added the
new M.A. in Applied Theater that will begin in the Summer of 2013 and an M. A. of Liberal
Studies that will begin in Fall of 2013.
In addition, Bill reviewed the existing and prospective centers in Humanities and Fine Arts,
which are the Center for Archaeology and Anthropology, the Jackson Center for Values and
Ethics, the Waccamaw Center for Cultural and Historical Studies, and the Center for Peace and
Conflict Studies.
Ken Townsend reviewed the plans for the Center for Peace and Conflict Studies and stated that a
minor will be available in Fall 2011, with a major to follow shortly thereafter. A discussion
ensued on how funding is awarded for the Centers.
Bill inquired as to when the action plan for the Department of Communication will be ready.
Jim Everett stated that the plan should be completed within the next four weeks. Bill defined
September 30th as the date for submission of the plan.
Bill discussed tactics for Chair retreats and asked the Chairs for their recommendation on how to
make the retreats more productive. Mike Ruse suggested meeting later in the semester, possibly
in October, allowing the department and faculty to focus on where they need to be. Don Sloan
suggested not having an ice-breaker. Ken Martin suggested more brainstorming about college
initiatives and less reporting. Don Sloan suggested bringing in an expert to talk about a certain
topic such as grant writing. Bill Richardson suggested changing venues for the meeting, possibly
to the 79th Avenue facility. Jason Ockert reiterated that topics that were reviewed at the retreat
were vague and nothing was truly determined in terms of measurable accomplishments. Jim
Everett stated that he found the retreat informative and stated that he gained insight as to where
other departments are in their goals and objectives.
Brainstorming: Reducing Bureaucracy in the College
Bill initiated a conversation on how to operationally make changes in procedures in our college
that will alleviate bureaucracy.
John Beard informed the Chairs that the Academic Affairs Committee has instituted an
electronic version for the submission of new course additions/changes. He stated that this
program will mimic the Work Flow Program, and the pilot should begin within the month.
John also informed the Chairs that faculty are able to log their annual reports directly to their
blue card allowing them to build their report throughout the year.
John also spoke about the General Petition Committee which consists of the COHFA chairs. The
Chairs are in agreement with allowing petitions to move forward without committee review after
the Chair of Department in which the course is offered has signed off. Bill suggested that the
procedure continue until objections arise.
John reported that the instructions on the ‘Special Permission To Enroll In Class Form’ refers to
college policy for approval and stated that there is not a policy in place for COHFA. He further
stated that during the period between the first day of class and the Monday following, the
Registrar’s Office considers this time as open enrollment and will enroll students into open
classes. Typically, when students present a special permission form, they are sent to the faculty
for permission and signature, and then the chair of the department is asked to approve. John
feels that the college should adopt a policy for the period during the open enrollment. The topic
was deferred for future discussion.
VIII. As May Arise
Jason Ockert reported that the Nancy Smith Committee deadline for proposals is September 3,
2010. Jason stated that he needs two more committee members, one from the Arts and one from
the Humanities.
Jason also reported that he met with Graduate Studies and stated that they are interested in
developing a 2 to 4 year plan for new proposals.
Ken Rogers inquired about the process of how graduate assistants are assigned to faculty
members. He stated that a graduate assistant was assigned to a faculty member in his department
without his knowledge. Ken stated that the College of Education has made changes that the
chairs are not aware of. After a short discussion, Bill suggested that Ken get in touch with Judy
Engelhard to investigate further.
Ken Martin stated he would like to see a workshop dealing with Financial Aid, possibly during a
Chairs meeting. Don Sloan suggested that finding a key contact in the Financial Aid department
would be beneficial.
John Beard thanked the Chairs for their efforts with the justifications for low-enrollment classes.
Paul Olsen invited everyone to a de-installation of the current show in the gallery at 5:00 pm.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Smith,
Administrative Assistant
Dean’s Office, COHFA
EHFA 201