Minutes of The Third ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees

3rd ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees Meeting, 24 September 2014
Minutes of
The Third
ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees
Meeting date:
24 September 2014
9:00 – 12:30
The-K Seoul Hotel, Seoul, Korea
Korea Concrete Institute (KCI)
Asian Concrete Federation
3rd ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees Meeting, 24 September 2014
List of Attendees
Prof Taketo Uomoto: Public Works Research Institute, Japan
Dr Dai Jian-Guo: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Prof Ekasit Limsuwan: Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Prof Takafumi Noguchi: The University of Tokyo, Japan
Prof Somnuk Tangtermsirikul: Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thailand
Prof Takafumi Sugiyama: Hokkaido University, Japan
Dr Chalermchai Wanichlamlert: Construction and Maintenance Technology Research Center
(CONTEC), Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thailand
3rd ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees Meeting, 24 September 2014
Prof Hiroshi Yokota: Hokkaido University, Japan
Dr Takuya Hasegawa: Hokkaido University, Japan
Other Participants:
Prof Manyop Han: Ajou University, Korea
Prof. Jongsung Sim, Hanyang University, Korea
Prof Oh Sang Keun: Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
Prof Jeffrey Chiang: The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia
Dr Krittiya Kaewmanee: ACF Secretary General
3rd ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees Meeting, 24 September 2014
1. TB Chair TB Prof Uomoto called the meeting at 10:00. Participants introduced
2. The Minutes of last TC/TB meetings in Sapporo was approved (refer to the
attached minutes)
3. The agenda was approved.
4. Dr Krittiya, the ACF Secretary General, was appointed as the minutes drafter.
5. Prof Uomoto reviewed the ACF TB activities since the Sapporo meeting (refer to
Prof Uomoto’s report).
There were 5 new Sub-Technical Committees (STC) proposed by groups of members
in 2013. Two of them were approved to be funded by ACF which are “Subcommittee
for Young Concrete Professionals (YCP-STC)” proposed by Dr Dai and “Effective
Utilization of Concrete with High Volume Supplementary Cementitious Materials
in Asian Region” proposed by Prof Noguchi.
6. Selection of TC and TB Chairs
Prof Uomoto called the selection of Chairman of TCs and Chairman of Technical
Board and Editorial Committee for the next term (2015-16). The results were
announced at the meeting as follows;
TC1 Chairman: Dr. Dai Jian-Guo (Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)
TC2 Chairman: Dr Boonchai Satitmannaitham (Chulalongkorn University,
TC3 Chairman: Prof Hiroshi Yokota (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Chairman of Technical Board: Prof Takafumi Sugiyama (Hokkaido University,
Editorial Committee: Dr Sanaul Chowdhury (Griffith University, Australia)
7. Prof Somnuk updated the TB activities on technical issues (refer to Prof
Somnuk’s report)
7.1. ACF Journal
3rd ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees Meeting, 24 September 2014
The progress on the launch of ACF International Journal was reported.
The name of ACF Journal is changed to Journal of Asian Concrete Federation (or
ACF Journal in short). The first issue of the Journal will be published in early 2015
on ACF homepage. The subscription fee is waived for the first year (2015). The first
Chief Editor is Prof Choi and Vice editor-in-chief is Prof Vajay Kulkarni. ACF will
spend some budget to develop a web-base system for ACF Journal and hire an
editor (part-time employee with English speaking ability) until web-base system is
completed. ACF Secretary General becomes the editor of ACF Journal after the
web-base system is completed.
7.2. Recommended Papers from 5th ACF International Conference to ACT
Prof Somnuk reported that there were 14 selected papers from the 5th ACF
International Conference in which the authors were invited to extend the paper for
publication in JACT. Only 5 papers were submitted. Two papers had already been
accepted and published in JACT and two papers were still under the review process
(one review result of each has been obtained). It was unfortunate that one paper
was rejected by reviewers.
7.3. Joint Events (VCA-ACF Joint Seminar)
Prof Somnuk reported the VCA-ACF Joint Seminar, held on 21 November 2013 in
Vietnam. The topic was “New technologies for production of precast products,
construction and maintenance of concrete structures”. There were approximately
150 participants and 14 presentations. Dr. Hiroshi Watanabe representing Japan
Concrete Institute (JCI) and Prof. Dr. Somnuk Tangtermsirikul representing
Thailand Concrete Association (TCA) were 2 speakers from ACF. Dr. Hiroshi
Watanabe gave the presentation on “Maintenance of Existing Concrete Bridges
Deteriorated by Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel” and Prof. Dr. Somnuk
Tangtermsirikul gave the presentation on “Durability Problems and Service Life
Design for Sustainable Construction in Thailand”.
8. Prof Somnuk reported the progress on ACMC 2014 (refer to Prof Somnuk’s
Prof Somnuk showed the draft of ACMC 2014. He reported that according to the
EC&GA Meetings in Seoul on 21 September 2014, the draft of ACMC 2014 would be
sent to EC, TB and Editorial members for comments. The final circulation would
take about 1 month. After the final circulation, the ACMC 2014 will be published.
3rd ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees Meeting, 24 September 2014
9. Prof Somnuk reported that two Level 2 documents (Thailand Standards) have
been published:
1. Thailand Standard for Materials and Construction – Guidelines for materials and
construction of concrete structures based on Thai Standard specification
2. Thailand Standard for Durability and Service Life Design
10. Report on former ICCMC funded project “ACF-TG6: Survey on Statistical Data
of Constituent Materials and Production of Concrete in Asian Countries”
Prof Noguchi reported that the Survey on Statistical Data of Constituent Materials
and Production of Concrete in Asian Countries (former TG6) was started in 2011. It
has been done together with the Survey on Sustainability Forum. The Japanese
group prepared the questionnaire and send to many countries to collect data. The
data has been processed and the report has been prepared.
11. Prof Somnuk reported on former ICCMC funded project “Complete Set of Level 3
Documents for ACMC” (refer to Prof Somnuk’s report)
Prof Somnuk informed that the complete set of Level 3 documents for ACMC was
finished and it has already been on the ACF website. The detail was as follows;
TC1 : The design part of "JSCE Standard Specifications of Concrete Structures" (i.e.
in English) was proposed as an example of the full set of Level 3 documents of
TC2 : The already published Standard Specification for Materials and Construction
(JSCE) and the just published “Thailand Standard Specification for Materials and
Construction (TCA) were the examples of Level 3 documents of ACMC.
TC3 : The already published Vietnamese standard and the two Japanese guidelines,
one for carbonation and another for chloride attack, were used as the examples of
Level 3 documents of ACMC.
12. Report on “Subcommittee for Young Concrete Professionals (YCP-STC)”
Dr Dai reported that YRGS 2014, one of the activities of Subcommittee for Young
Concrete Professionals (YCP-STC), was successfully held on 31 July - 1 August 2014
at Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thailand. ACF regularly
funded and granted the ‘ACF Best Paper Award’ for the most outstanding technical
articles presented at the YRGS symposium. The next YRGS will be held at the
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2015.
3rd ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees Meeting, 24 September 2014
13. Report on “Asian Concrete Vision 2030 Forum”
Prof Han reported that since the proposed subcommittee on “Asian Concrete Vision
2030 Forum” was not approved to be funded by ACF, there was no activity.
14. Report on “Promotion of the Asian Concrete Model Code in the Asian Region”
(refer to Prof Sim’s report)
Prof Sim reported that although the proposed subcommittee on “Promotion of the
Asian Concrete Model Code in the Asian Region” was not approved to be funded by
ACF, he carried on the activities to promote Asian Concrete Model Code.
15. Report on “Effective Utilization of Concrete with High Volume Supplementary
Cementitious Materials in Asian Region”
Prof Noguchi reported that there were not many activities because the mirror
committee in JCI rarely met.
16. Report on “Systematization of Electrochemical Measurements Based on
Physicochemical Theory”
Prof Noguchi reported that there were not many activities because the mirror
committee in JCI rarely met.
17. Update on TC1 activities by TC1 Chair (refer to Dr Dai’s report)
Dr Dai reported the activities of TC1.
18. Update on TC2 activities by TC2 Chair
Prof Noguchi reported that there were not many activities within the last 2 years
because the structure of ACF has changed. The mirror committee in Japan also had
no activities since there was no meeting for almost 1 year. There were many
activities formerly set in ICCMC. For example, Level 2 documents (formerly
designated as Level 3 document) on Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC), on High
Strength Concrete and on Mass Concrete. Decisions should be made on which
activities should be continued or discontinued. Prof Somnuk commented that Level
2 documents on Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC) and on Mass Concrete should be
3rd ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees Meeting, 24 September 2014
continued. He added that TCA was drafting a standard on Mass Concrete and could
help to prepare some materials.
Prof Noguchi will discuss with TC2 members and decide.
19. Update on TC3 activities by TC3 Chair (refer to Prof Yokota’s report)
Prof Yokota reported the activities of TC3.
Prof Uomoto commented that JCI has formed a special committee and that the work
done by TCs should be publicized.
Prof Sim recommended that Prof Oh could help preparing work item in TC3.
20. Plan on the next meeting
Next TB/TCs meetings were tentatively scheduled to be held on 8 October 2015 in
conjunction with the 1st ACF Symposium in Kolkata, India.
21. AOB
22. Prof Uomoto adjourned the meeting at 12:30 a.m.
(Minutes taken by Dr Krittiya Kaewmanee)
3rd ACF Technical Board / Technical Committees Meeting, 24 September 2014