Coffee Ministry Guidelines


Coffee Ministry Guidelines

8:30 a.m. Mass Servers

Check in at kitchen by 7:45 a.m.

Make apple and orange juice, 1 container juice to 3 containers of water.

Pour 6 trays of juice and 4 pitchers of juice for refills.

Make Coffee (instructions on coffee machine)

Set two tables with sugar, creamer, tea bags, stir sticks, cups and napkins

Leave Mass after Communion

Put coffee containers on a roller cart at the center of the two serving tables. Use two pitchers of regular coffee and one pitcher of decaf on each table to pour coffee into cups.

Put one pot with hot water for tea

Put out one box of donuts and one box of cookies on each table.

Put two pitchers of ice water on each table.

After main rush has come through, collect the money, put in bank bag and deposit into the locked drop box in the sacristy.

Wipe tables

Cover Cookies and donuts

Start juice trays for next Mass

10:30 a.m. Mass Servers

Check in at kitchen by 10:00 a.m.

Make apple and orange juice, same as above. Pour 6 trays of juice and 4 pitchers of juice for refills.

Leave Mass after Communion

Coffee, hot water, donuts/cookies same as above.

After main rush has come through, collect the money, put in bank bag and deposit into the locked drop box in the sacristy.

Wipe tables.


Place cookies and donuts in original boxes and place in freezer

Put juice in plastic pitchers in refrigerators. Cover pitchers with plastic so it can be used on

Monday. Otherwise, by law it must be thrown away.

Put sugar, cream, tea bags back in to the Coffee supply cabinet ( very back of kitchen above sink )

Drain out remaining coffee from the coffee dispensers and rinse. Dump grounds in the garbage.

Wipe off all tables and push chairs in – don’t worry about crumbs on the floor

Wash juice trays and pitchers and return to shelves.

Wipe up counters in kitchen and tidy up.

Drain dishwasher and turn off.
