Chemistry Study Guide - Boone County Schools

Changes in Matter Study Guide
1. Matter is anything that has _____________ and takes up______________________. (Pg. 6)
2. _________________________ is another word for taking up space. (in notebook- Pg.8)
3. Four examples of physical properties are; ______________________,
________________________, __________________________, and
_______________________. (Pg. 8 and in notebook-Pg6)
4. A physical property describes how a substances_____________________ (looks / acts). A
chemical property describes the ability of a substance
5. Density is a ________________________ property of matter. (physical property / chemical
6. To find the density of an object, you use the following formula: (in notebook- Pg 8)
7. Explain how to find the VOLUME of a square or rectangular object: (in notebook-Pg. 8)
8. Explain how to find the VOLUME of an irregular shaped object like a cap eraser or a marble. (in
notebook-Pg 8)
9. How do you find the mass of an object? (in notebook- Pg. 8)
10. Five chemical properties of matter are _______________, ____________________,
__________________, ______________________, and ______________________. (Pg 9and in
notebook- Pg. 6)
11. Elements are _________(pure /small) substances made up of
12. Elements are organized in the ____________________ Table. (Pg. 183)
13. Compounds are two or more ________________ bonded together.(pg 12 and in notebook-Pg
14. Compounds can only be taken apart with another ________________________. (chemical
reaction / physical change)
15. Two examples of compounds would be __________________ and _____________________.
(hand organizer in notebook-Pg. 12)
16. Mixtures can be physically __________________________. (pg 13)
17. Three examples of mixtures are __________________, ___________________, and
_________________.(hand organizer in notebook 13)
18. A heterogeneous mixture is one where you can see the different _______________________.
(Pg 13 and in notebook Pg- 16)
19. Two examples of heterogeneous mixtures are _________________ and ___________________.
(Pg 13 and in notebook Pg. 16)
20. A homogenous mixture is one that looks the _____________ throughout.(pg 13 and in notebook
Pg- 16)
21. Two examples of a homogeneous mixture would be:_____________________ and
_____________. (Pg 13 and in notebook)
22. Define solute and give an example.(in notebook Pg. 16)
23. Define solvent and give an example: (in notebook Pg. 16)
24. The solute and solvent combine to make a ____________________________. (compound /
25. How would you separate the following mixtures;
a. Oil and Vinegar- (magnet / density)
b. Trail Mix- (chemically / physically )
c. Salt and Iron Filings (magnet / chemically)
26. Clues to a chemical reaction are ________________,
27. Three examples of a chemical change are ______________________,
_______________________ and ________________________. ( page 24)
28. Three examples of a physical change are ____________________, ______________________,
and __________________________.(Page 23)
29. Explain the difference between a physical and a chemical change. (Pg. 23 and 24)
30. Draw and label the parts of an atom…including the charge on each part.(Pg 11 and in notebook
Pg. 10)
31. What part of the atom is responsible for forming new substances? (Pg. 11)
32. The number of ________________ in an atom determines the type of atom/element that it is.
(Pg 11)
33. Draw the particles in a solid, liquid, and gas. ( Pg. 44, 45, 47 and in triangle organizer in
34. How does the behavior of atoms differ in a solid, liquid, and gas?
Calculate density: Don’t forget the units. (Pg. 19,20 and in notebook)
a. Mass = 40g and Volume = 15ml
b. Mass = 150g and Volume = 200 cm3
c. Mass = 10 g and Volume= 2ml
36. Particles are moving fastest in a ________________________. (solid / gas)
37. Particles are moving slowest in a ________________________. (solid / gas)
38. When you add energy to a solid, it becomes a _________________. (gas / liquid)
39. When you take energy away from a liquid, it becomes a ____________________________. (gas
/ solid)
40. ____________________ is when a solid turns straight into a gas. (condensation / sublimation)
41. Dew is an example of _____________________________________. (condensation /
42. You should know the names of the following elements; (Pg. 182)
a. C
b. H
c. O
d. Cl
e. Na