TUNING OF PID CONTROLLER USING ZEIGLER NICHOLS AND PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION IN AVR SYSTEM Smriti Yadav Vijay Bhuria Electrical Engineering Department Madhav Institute of Technology & Science Gwalior, India nandniy23@gmail.com Electrical Engineering Department Madhav Institute of Technology & Science Gwalior, India Vijay.bhuria@rediffmail.com Abstract-A proportional–integral–derivative (PID) controller is a parameters which is first found by Ziegler Nichols tuning. In general, it is often hard to determine optimal PID parameters with the Ziegler-Nichols formula in many industrial plants. Several new intelligent optimization techniques have been arisen in the past two decades: Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Simulated Annealing (SA) and bacterial Foraging (BF). PSO [16-17] is a population based stochastic optimization algorithm. Swarm intelligence based optimization [18] is also applied to find optimized values. There are many literatures to find the optimum tuning of PID controllers [19-20]. PSO is computationally efficient compared to other optimization techniques. In the PID controller design, the PSO algorithm is applied to search a best PID control parameters. In this paper, PSO based approach to optimal designing of PID controller to AVR is presented. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) was inspired from the social behavior of bird flocking. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Algorithms are effective and intelligent choice at finding the best solution among the space of all feasible solutions. PSO algorithms were used to evaluate the optimum PID controller gain values where performance index Integral square error (ISE) was used as the objective functions. generic feedback controller widely used in industrial control systems, process control, motor drive, and instrumentation. Despite the popularity, the tuning aspect of PID coefficients is a challenge for researchers and plant operators. In this paper, a Ziegler Nichols tuning Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller is designed for an Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) system, so that faster settling to rated voltage is ensured and the instability is avoided. AVR is a closed loop control system compensated with a PID controller. The PID control method is most flexible and simple method. This Paper presents a tuning method based on evolutionary computing approach to determine the Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller parameters in Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) system. The main objective is to increase the step response characteristics and reduce the transient response of AVR systems. This paper described in details how to employ Particle Swarm Optimization Technique (PSO) method to determine the optimal PID controller parameters of an AVR system. The proposed Algorithm can improve the dynamic performance of AVR system. The proposed algorithm can improve the dynamic performance of AVR system. Compared with Ziegler Nichols (Z-N) tuning method, the proposed PSO method has better control system performance. Keywords- AVR system, Proportional-Integral Derivative Controller, Ziegler Nichols method Particle swarm optimization(PSO) I. INTRODUCTION The main function of an AVR system is to hold the magnitude of terminal voltage of a synchronous generator at a specified level. Thus, the stability of the AVR system would seriously affected the security of the power system. The Proportional integral Derivative (PID) [1] controller is chosen compared to other controllers because of its uncomplicated and robust behavior. A simple AVR consist of amplifier, exciter, generator and sensor. The block diagram of AVR with PID controller is shown in Figure (2) [5].The step response of this system without control has oscillation which will reduce the performance of the regulation. Thus, a control technique must be applied to the AVR system. For this reason, the PID block is connected in series with amplifier. Several tuning methods have been proposed for the tuning of control loop performance of the system tuning of PID controllers [4] is imperative. There are many literatures to find the optimum tuning of PID controllers [12].The PID controller is a feedback mechanism widely used in a variety of applications. Industrial plants [13]. To maintain the stability and performance of the system tuning of PID controllers [4] is Imperative. Due to, large range of tuning techniques, the optimum performance cannot be achieved. Ziegler Nichols Method (ZN) is one of the best conventional methods of tuning available now .Several methods for determining the PID II. AUTOMATIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR The role of an AVR is to hold the terminal voltage magnitude of a synchronous generator at a specified level. A simple AVR system comprises four main components, namely amplifier, exciter, generator, and sensor. For mathematical modeling and transfer function of the four components, these components must be linear zed, which takes into account the major time constant and ignores the saturation or other nonlinearities. The reasonable transfer function of these components may be represented, respectively. The generator excitation system maintains generator voltage and controls the reactive power flow using an automatic voltage regulator (AVR). The role of an AVR is to hold the terminal voltage magnitude of a synchronous generator at a specified level. Hence, the stability of the AVR system would seriously affect the security of the power system. The problem of dynamic stability of power system has challenged power system engineers recently. In a synchronous generator, the electromechanical coupling between the rotor and the rest of the system causes it to behave in a manner similar to a spring mass damper system, which exhibits an oscillatory behavior around the equilibrium state, following any disturbance, such as sudden change in loads, change in transmission line parameters, fluctuations in the output of turbine and others. Synchronous generator excitation control is one of the most important measures to enhance power system stability and to guarantee the quality of electrical power it pro vides. Essentially, an AVR is to hold the terminal voltage magnitude, V t(s), of a synchronous generator at a specified level. In the linear zed model, the transfer function relating the generator terminal voltage to its field voltage can be represented by a gain Kg and a time constant Tg. The generator transfer function as Kg / (Tg S +1), where Kg depends on load (0.7–1.0) and 1.0 s ≤ Tg ≤ 2.0 s. The same model has been taken in this work. A simplified AVR system comprises four main components, namely amplifier, exciter, generator, and sensor. Block diagram is shown in the figure (1) and the transfer function and their of the component of the AVR is shown in the table (1). Table 1: Transfer Function and Parameter Limits of AVR System Parameters Transfer parameter Parameter function limits Limits value PID controller Amplifier Exciter kp 0.2 k p , ki kd s k d, s ki 2.0 ka 1 sTa ke 1 sTe 10 k a 40 0.02 Ta 0.1 1 k e 10 0.4 Te 1.0 Optimum value k p , k d , ki Generator ka 10 Ta 0.1 ke 1 Te 0.5 Kg depends on Generator kg 1 sTg load 1.0 Tg 2.0 kg 1 Tg 1 Figure (1): Block Diagram of AVR System sensor ks 1 sTs ks 1 0.001 Ts 0.06 Ts 0.02 III. AVR WITH PID CONTROLLER The PID controller is used to improve the dynamic response as well as to reduce or eliminate the steady-state error. The derivative controller adds a finite zero to the open-loop plant transfer function and improves the transient response. The integral controller adds a pole at the origin, thus increasing system type by one and reducing the steady-state error due to a step function to zero. The AVR system with PID controller is shown in a figure (2). Figure (2): A Block Diagram of AVR System using PID controller Figure (3): Block Diagram of PID Controller After mathematical modeling of AVR system they obtained transfer function is given 0.2S + 10 0.001S4 + 0.063S3 + 0.682S2 + 1.62S + 11 (1) The step response curve of the given transfer function without controller is shown in figure 6. IV. PID CONTROLLER The PID controller is used to improve the dynamic response as well as to reduce or eliminate the steady-state error. The derivative controller adds a finite zero to the open-loop plant transfer function and improves the transient response. The integral controller adds a pole at the origin, thus increasing system type by one and reducing the steady-state error due to a step function to zero. The transfer function of PID controller is described by the following equation in the continuous s-domain (Laplace operator) (s) = U(s) Ki = Kp + + Kds E(s) s (2) If we now rearrange that a little we come up with a more conventional transfer function form: GC (s) = V. PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION PID Particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is a population based evolutionary computation technique developed by the inspiration of the social behaviour in bird flocking or fish schooling. K p (Ti Td s2 + Ti s + 1) Ti s (3) Where Kp is the proportional gain, Ti is the integral time constant and Td is the derivative time constant. Such a controller has three different adjustments (Kp, Ti, Td) which interact with each other. For this reason, it can be very difficult and time consuming to tune these three values in order to get the best performance according to the design specifications of the system. Figure (4): PSO based PID Controller It attempts to mimic the natural process of group communication of individual knowledge, to achieve some optimum property. In this method, a population of swarm is initialized with random positions Si and velocities Vi. At the beginning, each particle of the population is scattered randomly throughout the entire search space and with the guidance of the performance criterion, the flying particles dynamically adjust their velocities according to their own flying experience and their companions flying experience. In PSO, each single solution is a “bird” in the search space; this is referred to as a “particle”. The swarm is modelled as particles in a multidimensional space, which have positions and velocities. These particles have two essential capabilities: their memory of their own best position and knowledge of the global best [14]. Each particle remembers its best position obtained so far, which is denoted as pbest (Pit ). It also receives the globally best position achieved by any particle in the population, which is denoted as gbest (Git ). The updated velocity of each particle can be calculated using the present velocity and the distances from pbest and gbest as given by the following equations: Vit+1 = W t ∙ Vit + C1 ∙ R1 ∙ (Pit − Sit ) + C2 ∙ R 2 ∙ (Git − Sit ) (4) Sit+1 = Sit + Vit+1 (5) W t = (Wmax − Iter) × [ (Wmax −Wmin ) Itermax ] (6) Figure.6 Shows the optimized values of Kp, Ki and Kd for different iterations The updated velocity and the position are given in (4) and (5), respectively. Equation (6) shows the inertia weight. B. PSO-Based PID Controller Optimization 1) PSO Tuning Parameters The values in the Table III describe the PSO settings used for this work TABLE 2: PSO Tuning Parameters PARAMETERS Lower bound [Kp Ki Kd] Upper bound [Kp Ki Kd] Max Iterations Population Size Inertial weight [Wmax, Wmin] VALUES [0 0 0] [150 150 150] 10 90 [0.8,0.4] Acceleration coefficients [c1, c2] [2 2] 2) Steps in PSO-Based PID Controller Optimization Step 1 Assign values for the PSO parameters Initialize: swarm (N) and step size; learning rate (C1, C2) ; inertia Weight (W); Figure (5): Convergence of Kp , Ki and Kd for PSO tuned PID using ISE Step 2 Initialize Swarm Velocities and Position Step 3 Evaluate the objective function of every particle and record each particle’s Pit andGit .Evaluate the desired optimization fitness function in D dimension variables. Pit Step 4 Compare the fitness of particle with its replace the local best value as given below. for i=1: N If current fitness (i) < local best fitness (i); Then local best fitness = current fitness; local best position = current position (i); end and Step 5 Change the current velocity and position of the particle group according to (4) and (5). Step 6 Steps 2–5 are repeated until the predefined value of the function or the number of iterations has been reached. Record the optimized Kp, Ki and Kd values Step 7 Perform closed-loop test with the optimized values of controller parameters and calculate the time domain specification for the system. If the values are within the allowable limit, consider the current Kp, Ki and Kd values. Otherwise perform the retuning operation for Ki, by replacing the optimized numerical values for Kp and Kd. VI. SIMULATION WORK To improve the performance of the AVR system under transient and steady state condition, a PID controller is inserted into the forward path as shown in Figure 2. The parameters of the PID controller are now adjusted by using evolutionary technique i.e. Particle Swarm Optimization method and by Ziegler Nichols method and the response obtained for the AVR system is evaluated. The controller gains obtained from the methods are listed in Table 3. Figure (6): Close loop Step Response of AVR System without Controller TABLE 3: Comparison of Steady State Responses of AVR System Step Response With PID Controller 1.6 1.4 Without PID ZN-PID PSO_PID Kp 0 4.19 0.8379 Ki 0 7.07 123.7462 Kd 0 0.62 80.6982 Rise Time(sec) 0.2837 0.1080 0.1449 Settling Tim(sec) 9.2395 2.7525 0.5226 % Overshoot 68.5448 53.9320 10.7519 Peak Time (sec) 0.8233 0.4636 0.3262 Parameter 1.2 Amplitude 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 Time Figure (7): Close loop Step Response of AVR System with ZN tuned PID controller VII. Figure (8): Close loop Step Response of AVR System with PSO tuned PID controller Figure 8 shows the corresponding step responses of without PID controller and PSO-based PID systems. It can be clearly seen that PSO tuned system shows improved response with respect to the overshoot as compared to that of ZN tuned PID controller system. Rise time and setting time are obtained by PSO tuned PID Controller are a bit on higher side but are in acceptable limit. The comparative output responses of the system tune using PSO-based PID controller and ZN tuned PID controller is shown in Table (3). The PSO tuned system shows greatly reduced overshoot. CONCLUSION There are several methods such as Z-N,and PSO algorithms for designing the parameters of the PID controller. The aim of this paper is to find the optimum parameters of PID controller using the PSO algorithm. The PID parameters searched by this method results in better optimal parameters and accuracy compared to other methods. The proposed algorithm is compared with Z-N tuning method, the simulation results of AVR system validates that the PSO algorithm is more superior compared to other optimization techniques and has better performance also requires less time to be performed. 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