What are erosion & deposition?
What are the agents of erosion?
What is a glacier?
Erosion= pick up & carry soil and rock from one place to another
Sediment= bits of rock & substances carried by erosion & created by weathering
Deposition= drop sediment in a different place
Geologic cycle= E&D changes the Earth’s surface by carrying sediment to diff. places and drops it…work as sculptors of the Earth…ssslllloooooooooow repeating process
“agent”= force that causes E&D
1) Running water & waves
2) Glaciers (ice)
3) Gravity
4) Wind
* from strongest to weakest*
Glacier= ginormous, colossal chunk of ice that moves slowly over the land.
Form when lots of snow packs
together and compresses into ice several 100 feet deep
Form where more snow falls than can melt…high mountains
& the polar regions
2 types of glacier:
1) Continental glacier= glacier that covers a continent
Ice ages cause them to expand over more land surface
Cover 10% of Earth’s land today…Greenland &
Spread out like pancake batter or an egg
BIGGEST glaciers!
AKA ice caps
Melt back & reform w/ the seasons
2) Valley glacier= long narrow glaciers that form in high altitude valleys
Can be up to 10 km long
Cannot spread in all directions b/c of the mtns
How do glaciers erode the land?
What are some landforms caused by glacial erosion?
What are some landforms caused by glacial deposition?
Flow-move as much as 6 km/yr
Move a few cm’s a day
1) Plucking= glaciers picking/pulling up loose rock which then flow w/the glacier b/c they freeze to the bottom
2) Abrasion= rocks scraping against bedrock, wearing & carving it down
The rocks are “tools” for carving the ground under the glacier
Horn= pointy mtn peak carved by a glacier
Cirque= bowl-shaped place where a glacier started…origin of a glacier: tarn= cirque lake
Arệte= sharp, pointy ridge btwn cirques
U-shaped valley= bowl-like valley
Glaciers melt to deposit sediment
Till= sediment dropped by a
What is gravity? glacier…ALL glacial deposition landforms are made of till
Moraine= perpendicular mound of till
Drumlin= parallel mound of till; formed w/the flow
Kettle= bowl depression left after a chunk of glacial ice melts
Kettle can fill w/H
O making a kettle lake
Fjord= coastal glacier carved valley that fills with sea water after the glacier melts.
Terminus=the front end of the glacier
Calving= when chunks fall off a glacier-creates ice bergs
Erratic= random boulder dropped by a glacier in an odd spot
Kame= random mound of till
Esker= winding hill of till left by a stream in or under a glacier…like a snake
Gravity= force that pulls things down toward the center of the
How does gravity erode the land?
(diagram of each in margin)
What are gravity erosional landforms? earth.
Gravity makes all other agents of erosion work b/c deposition is putting something down
Mass movement= mvmt of sediment downhill; big chunks all @ once! Or slow slip of small pieces!
3 types:
1) Land/mud/rockslide= unpredictable, dangerous, rapid flow of material down a hill which can happen after earthquakes & big storms
2) Slump= a chunk of land that releases & “sits” in one quick motion
3) Creep= SSLLOOOWWWW slip of ground downhill which causes trees to tilt, roads to bend, power lines to get crooked
Sinkhole= sudden ground collapse caused by ground water eroding away supporting
What are depositional landforms?
What did I learn from the video,
What are ocean waves? layers of dirt
Landscarp…land scar= mark left
by a landslide or slump
Rubble= pile of rock & dirt left behind by gravitational erosion
How do waves erode
& deposit?
What are wave erosional landforms?
Ocean waves= mass of water that moves forward and back on a beach, carrying sediment
Created by winds which push the water, giving it energy
Erode by impact on rocks which break them up
Erode by abrasion on rock which grinds them away
Deposit by slowing down which causes sediment to drop
Works like a claw against the coast line
1) Sea cave= hollowed out space in a cliff
2) Sea arch= a carved path through a headland=a piece of
land jutting out into the ocean
3) Sea stack= tower where a sea arch broke off