P.O. Box 321
Brunswick, OH 44212 www.ovbta.org
The OVBTA awards scholarships to active OVBTA members on a first-come, first-serve and merit basis. The amounts of the available scholarship for 2014 are as follows:
One (1) 2015 GBTA Convention scholarships up to $1,500.
One (1) GBTA Academy Certificate or Certification program scholarships up to $1,300.
Three (3) GBTA Academy Certificate or Certification program scholarships up to $400.
Complete details of the 2015 GBTA Convention July 25-29 to be held in Orlando can be found at: www.gbta.org/convention
Complete details of the GBTA Academy programs can be found at: www.gbta.org/academy
General Scholarship Terms:
1. Scholarships will be awarded to qualified active members of OVBTA to advance their career in the business travel industry.
2. Scholarships will be awarded in various amounts based on need and reimbursed with receipts.
3. Scholarships cannot be applied to courses already completed.
4. Scholarships must be used within one year of acceptance.
5. Scholarships are given to the individual and are not transferable.
6. After completion of the program/course/certificate/certification for which the scholarship was used, recipient must share their experience at the first available OVBTA meeting and/or must write a short article about their experience for the OVBTA newsletter.
Eligibility Requirements:
1. Applicant's company must certify that it endorses the applicant and will allow the applicant necessary time and/or additional funding to attend the courses or programs.
2. Applicants must be a current active member of OVBTA in good standing at the time the application is submitted, the scholarship awarded and the funds dispersed.
3. Applicant must comply with all schedules and requirements pertaining to the scholarship application process.
4. Applicants are eligible to receive no more than $3,000 in a consecutive two year (24 month) period.
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Application Submission Process:
1. Complete and return all forms: a. Application b. Essay - autobiographic essay outlining professional development plan, stating why the applicant is applying for the scholarship and why the applicant should be selected. The essay should be between 500 and 1,000 words in length. c. Certification of employer to endorse applicant’s participation
2. All applications (and questions) are to be sent to education@ovbta.org
and this email address will be maintained by the Education/Scholarship Chairperson Joann Bratka and President
Mary Pelino.
3. Deadline for the ALL Scholarships is Friday, September 19, 2014.
Application Review Process:
1. Full applications are treated as privileged communication and are restricted to: Joann Bratka,
Chairman Education/Scholarship Committee and Mary Pelino, President.
2. The application will be assigned a number and the (numbered) application will be forwarded to the Evaluation Committee.
1. Evaluation Committee shall consist of active Direct and Allied members who are not requesting a scholarship this year.
2. Once the application is reviewed, and either approved or denied, the applicant will be notified by Joann Bratka.
3. See Evaluation form at the end of this document.
3. Scholarships are awarded on a first-come, first-serve and merit basis.
4. The decision of OVBTA to grant or not to grant a scholarship rests within the sole and unfettered discretion of OVBTA, shall be final and binding, and shall not be subject to challenge in any court for any reason.
Scholarship Funds Disbursement:
1. Recipients will have 12 months from the time the scholarship is awarded for the scholarship funds to be used.
2. Recipient must pay for their selected educational program directly and submit proper documentation showing that the course/event was completed.
3. An expense reimburse form will be provided to each recipient. Scholarship funds will apply to tuition, registration and travel expenses of the recipient only. Original or scanned receipts will be required for reimbursement.
4. An OVBTA check will be sent directly to the recipient once proper documentation has been received by the OVBTA Treasurer.
5. Exception: The 2015 GBTA Convention Scholarship recipient/s may submit an expense reimbursement request for the registration fee immediately and/or this fee may be paid directly by OVBTA Treasurer, Sherri Buchanan.
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2015 OVBTA Education Scholarship Application
OVBTA Scholarship Application
Please type your answer on this form. The blank lines/spaces are simply as reference points to put your answers. Please use as much room as necessary to provide your information.
I am applying for the following scholarship (check ONLY one box). Separate application required for each scholarship.
2015 GBTA Convention up to $1,500
GBTA Academy Course/Certification up to $1,300
GBTA Academy Course/Certification up to $400
1. Responsibilities: Describe your responsibilities as they relate to staff supervision, budget, policy, negotiations and other areas.
2. Yrs in Travel Ind. _____ 3. Yrs OVBTA member ____ 4.Yrs NBTA/GBTA Member ___
5. Name of position and years in travel industry organizations: GBTA, Chapter, Other (Officer,
Committees, Speaker, Instructor, etc.)
Organization: Position: Yrs:
7. Education: ____High School _____Some College ____AA _____BA _____MA _____ Ph.D.
8. Travel industry Accomplishments, Awards and certifications:
Affidavit: I certify that all information provided is true and if requested, proof of same will be submitted.
Failure to provide documentation shall invalidate this application and result in termination of any aid granted.
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Each scholarship applicant prepares and submits an essay to the OVBTA
Education & Scholarship Committee for evaluation as part of the selection process.
The essay will provide necessary information to understand the merits, accomplishments, and other reasons as to why the applicant should be selected for a Scholarship. It will be scored anonymously based on organization, clarity, completeness and persuasiveness.
The essay should outline the applicant’s experience, continuing education, personal accomplishments, career goals and objectives, industry activities, job accomplishments and civic activities.
The essay will be type written on standard 8 1/2” x 11” white paper and be between 500 and 1,000 words in length.
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OVBTA Education Scholarship Committee
Name ____________________________________________________________
Title _____________________________________________________________
Company _________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _____________________________________________________
Phone _______________________________ Fax _________________________
We are very pleased that _________________________________________________ is applying for an OVBTA Education Scholarship. Please be assured that we will endorse and support this effort by confirming that we will provide the time necessary for this applicant to attend the courses or events associated with the scholarship.
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Sample evaluation form.
2015 OVBTA – Education/Scholarship Application Review
Scholarship Applicant #: _________________Total Points Awarded: __________________
Application Scoring Form
Criteria Possible Points Score
# of years as OVBTA Member
Less than 1 year
Per year
0 Points
5 Points
# of years as other Chapter Member
Less than 1 year
Each year
0 Points
1 Points
# of years as GBTA Member
Less than 1 year
Each year
0 Points
1 Points
Involvement in OVBTA during the past 10 years
Committee Member
Committee Chair
Elected Office
25 Points
50 Points
75 Points
150 Points
200 Points
Travel Industry Certifications during the past 10 years
25 Points
25 Points
25 Points
25 Points
25 Points
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Applicant Essay Scoring Form
Please score applicant on the following as it relates to their overall ESSAY:
Criteria Possible Points Score
Complete / Thorough
25 Points
25 Points
25 Points
25 Points
II. Please score applicant on the following content from the ESSAY:
Level of Interest in receiving training
Contribution to professional growth
Value to applicant or applicants’ company
Possible Points
50 Points
50 Points
50 Points
Applicant #
Criteria Score
# of years as OVBTA Member
# of years as other Chapter Member
# of years as GBTA member
Involvement in OVBTA
Travel Industry Certifications
Essay Score #1
Essay Score #2
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