LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Name: Dr. A. A. Obadofin 1. Obadofin, A.A. and Finlayson, D.G. (1977) Interaction of several insecticides and a carabid predator (Bembidion lampros) (Herbst) and their effects on the cabbage maggot (Hylemya brassicae) (Bouche). Canadian Journal of Plant Science 57: 11211126 2. Gerber, G.H. and Obadofin, A.A (1981) Growth, Development and Survival of the larvae of the red turnip beetle, Entomoscelis americana Brown (Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae). Can. Entomol. 113:396-406 3. Gerber, G.H. and Obadofin, A.A (1981) The suitability of nine species of Cruciferae as hosts for the larvae of the turnip beetle, Entomoscelis americana Brown (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Can. Entomol. 113:407-411 4. Omoloye, A.A., Joda, A.O., Obadofin, A.A., Tobin, F.O., Bamikole, O.A and Adegbite, A.A (2002): Comparative effects of monocrotophos, deltametrin, lambdacyhalothrin and kernel solution of Azadirachta indica A. Juss and Jatroph agossypifolia L. on Hemipteran bugs of rainfed lowland rice. Nigeria Journal of Entomology 21: 28-34 5. Omoloye, A.A., Joda, A.O., Obadofin, A.A., Tobin, F.O., Bamikole, O.A and Adegbite, A.A (2002): Comparative effects of monocrotophos, deltametrin, lambdacyhalothrin and kernel solution of Azadirachta indica A. Juss and Jatroph agossypifolia L. on Hemipteran bugs of rainfed lowland rice. Nigeria Journal of Entomology 21: 28-34 6. Joda, A.O., Omoloye, A.A., and Obadofin, A.A. (2005) Susceptibility of some soyabean varieties to Mirperus jaculus (Hemiptera : Alydidae): Need for farmers awareness in South West Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Management and Rural Development Vol. 11:190-201 7. Obadofin, A.A. and Ademola, A.O. (2006) Effect of Botanicals on cowpea storage weevil, Callosobrus maculatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Gateway Journal of Apiculture and Entomological Research Vol. 1: 32-39 8. Obadofin, A.A., Dada, A.O. and Oyebode, B.I. (2006). The Control of Insect pests of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) (L) (Walp) (thrips and bugs) with extracts of Azadirachta indica and Occimum gratissimum. International Journal of Applied Agricultural and Apicultural research. Vol. 3(2): 164-177. 9. Obadofin, A.A., A.O. and Dada, A.O. (2007) Field evaluation of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) (L) (Walp) varieties for resistance to some major insect pests in AgoIwoye, South Westerb Nigeria. Moor Journal of Agriculture Research. Vol.8, No. 1:105-109. 10. Benson, G.A.S., Obadofin, A.A., Sosanya, O.S and Joda, A.O. (2008) Dissipation and Residue of Lambda-cyhalothrin, Ageratum conyzoides, Cassia hirsuta and Occimum grattissimum on Okra and the control of okra flea beetle. Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Home Management (JOTHMA). Vol. 2, No. 1 pp. 136-142 11. Obadofin, A.A., Fayinminnu O.O., Wintola, A.P.O and Awoyemi, O.S. (2008) Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Cassava root extract in the control of okra flea beetles (Podagrica uniformis). Journal of Research in Education and Rural Development (JORED) Vol.5, No. 1:80-86 12. Joda, A.O., A.A. Obadofin and A.A. Omoleye. (2009). Effects of varietal resistance in soyabean, Glycine max (L.) Merril on life history and damage potential of Mirperus Jaculus in a rainforest ecosystem of Southwest Nigeria. Africa Journal of General Agriculture Vol. 5, No2 pp 85-91. 13. Obadofin, A.A., Fayinminu, O.O. Wintota, A.P.O. and Rabiu, T.A. 2009. Efficiency of two plant extracts in the control of watermelon aphids. International Journal of Scientific Reports and Developmental issues Vol.2 No 1 pp 105-109. 14. Obadofin, A.A., Fayinminnu O.O. and Joda, A.O. (2010) Chemical Control of major insect pests of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp in Ago-Iwoye. International Journal of Renewable Resources 2: 18-33. 15. *Obadofin, A.A. (2012) Motivation for Enrollment in Higher Institution-Based Agricultural Education as Expressed by Agriculture Students. Ontario Journal of Africa Educational Research. Vol. 12: 103-114 16. Obadofin, A.A. (2012) Youth and Agriculture: Factors hindering youth involvement in Agriculture. Africa-American Journal of Contemporary issues in Education. Vol.2, Issue 2,pg. 87-94 17. *Obadofin, A.A. and Bisi Obadofin, (2012) Guiding Agriculture Students about various career opportunities available in the world of work. Africa Journal of Educational Studies, Johannesburg, South Africa vol.2. pg. 107-118. 18. *Obadofin, A.A., Joda, A.O. and Oluitan, J.A. (2013) Market Survey of Insect Pest infestation of dried root and tuber products across Nigeria-Benin Land Border. International Journal of Applied of science and Technology, Vol.3 (No.5), Philadelphia, U.S.A. 19. *Obadofin, A.A., Joda, A.O. and Oluitan, J.A. (2013) Assessment of Insect pest infestation of stored maize and cowpea grains across Nigeria-Benin border. Biological and Environmental Science Journal for the Tropics (BEST). Vol. 10 (2): Pg. 223-227