Project Proposal Feasibility Study Team 6: The Calvin Drain Trust Mike DeWeerd, Matt Schanck, Aaron Venema and Kat Wever Calvin College ENGR 339/340 Senior Design Project December 11, 2015 © 2015, Team 06 and Calvin College II Executive Summary Calvin College’s engineering program requires a capstone design project for senior students. Team 06 is made up of four civil and environmental engineers: Mike DeWeerd, Matt Schanck, Aaron Venema and Katherine (Kat) Wever. Mike DeWeerd also has a minor in business and Kat has a major in French. The team was presented with a project located in Grand Rapids involving the reduction and reuse of stormwater at three different locations on Calvin College’s campus. The three locations on Calvin’s campus are the Knollcrest East Apartments (KE), the Commuter Parking Lots, and the bioswales near the Seminary. After discussing the potential of the project the team decided to accept it due to their interest in stormwater management. There are three problems presented in this project. The first problem is that the well on the eastside of campus is currently working at capacity and will be unable to provide an adequate supply of water if Calvin College decided to expand and develop on that side of campus. The second problem is located in the Commuter Parking Lots. Currently when it rains the water from the parking lot discharges into the Grand Rapids stormwater system; however, due to the uneven surface of the parking lot, water often pools in the low areas of the parking lot. The third problem occurs at the bioswales in front of the Seminary Building. When it rains the stormwater flows through the existing bioswales at a high velocity that does not allow for the proper settlement of particles in the pond before the water is discharged into Plaster Creek. The three main goals were determined to be the reuse of stormwater for irrigation in KE apartments, reduce runoff and prevent standing water in the commuter parking lots, and decrease the velocity of water flowing through the Seminary pond bioswales. The team decided on design norms to be implemented and upheld in their work. These design norms are strongly tied to the team’s Christian values and ideals. The first is sustainability. This is a design norm due to the team’s belief of caring for the world and its resources. The team’s second design norm is caring. This applies to the design options near the KE apartments to ensure the safety of those who live there and the integrity of the team’s design. The third design norm is transparency; due to the public nature of the project and impact in will have on Calvin College. The team seeks to communicate the progress of the project to Calvin College and disclose any issues concerning the safety and health to its community. The team developed a team management strategy before starting the design. The team established weekly meetings and a bimonthly meeting time with its faculty advisor, Professor Masselink. At this time, the team also created a work breakdown schedule. This schedule contained a list of all the individual tasks required throughout the course of the semester. Additionally, the team assigned roles to each member. Mike DeWeerd was chosen to be the project manager and manager of client relations. Matt Schanck was appointed to do the modeling manager. Kat Wever was selected to do the research pertaining to the design alternatives and regulations involved in the project. Aaron Venema was elected to manage the team’s website and assist with research. The team conducted research on Calvin College’s existing stormwater system and the background on the reuse of stormwater. This was important in the understanding how Calvin’s stormwater runoff is currently handled. The team acquired topographical maps and irrigation information from Geoff Van Berkel. This information allowed the team to comprehend the flow of stormwater based on the delineation of the watershed on Calvin’s campus into five sub-basins. The team was also able to comprehend the layout of Calvin’s irrigation system and where valves were located to isolated areas of campus. This data, along with land use and soil type data, helped determine the area of the watershed on Calvin College’s campus. A 24 hour, 25-year storm was selected as the design storm. Although other storms will be modeled, this storm will be used for the design of stormwater reduction and reuse at all three locations on campus. After the team established a complete understanding of the existing conditions, Best Management Practices (BMPs) were analyzed to select an improvement method to be utilized. BMPs are standardized design techniques, which have a low impact on surrounding areas and provide stormwater management benefits. The team will create a decision matrix to determine the best design for each location to reduce and reuse stormwater. Completion of current condition models will take place in January. During the spring of 2016 the team will develop drawings for the BMP designs for each location and perform an estimation of the costs of these designs. Team 06 will present these drawings and results to the Physical Plant and to the Calvin Master Plan board members. ii Table of Contents 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………..1 1.1. Introduction of Team...……….……………………….…………………………………….1 1.2. Current System………….…...……………………………………………………………....2 1.3. Irrigation System…………………………………………………………………….……...3 1.4. Introduction of Project……………...……………………………………………………….3 1.5. Project Objectives……………………………………………………………………………4 2. Project Management………………………………..…………………………..…………………….5 2.1. Team Organization…………………………………..………………………………………5 2.2. Scheduling……………………………...………………………………..……………………5 2.3. Budget…………………………………………………………………………………………6 2.4. Method of Approach…………………………………………………………………………6 3. Modeling……………………………………………………………………………………………….7 3.1. Runoff Areas…………………………………………………...…………………………..…7 3.2. Stormwater System……………………………………..…………………………………..10 4. Design……………………………………………...………………………………………………….11 4.1. Design Norms…..………………………………………………………………….………...11 4.2. Major Design Solutions……………………………………………………………………..11 4.2.1. South Commuter Lot………………………………………………………..…11 4.2.2. Knollcrest East Apartments.…………………………………………………..14 4.2.3. Covenant Fine Arts Center……………………………………………………14 5. Implementation……………………………………………………………………………………....17 5.1. Cost Estimate………………………………………………………………………………..17 5.2. Presentation to Board for Master Plan……………………………………………………17 6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………18 7. Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………………………………..19 8. References……………………………………………………………………………………………20 i Table of Figures Figure 1: Team 06, (left to right) Kat Wever, Aaron Venema, Mike DeWeerd and Matt Schanck….....…1 Figure 2: Watershed Boundaries for Calvin College’s Campus…………………………………………...2 Figure 3: Proposed Project Locations for BMPs…………………………………………………………...3 Figure 4: KE SCS Soils Map……………………………………………………………………………….7 Figure 5: SC Lot SCS Soils Map…………………………………………………………………………...8 Figure 6: KE Subbasin Delineation………………………………………………………………………...9 Figure 7: Porous asphalt vs. regular asphalt………………………………………………………………12 Figure 8: Model of Infiltration Chamber…………………………………………..……………………...12 Figure 9: Example of Bioswale…………………………………………..………………………………..13 Figure 10: Diagram of Porous Piping…..……………………………………..…………………………..13 Figure 11: Example of Weirs…..……………………………………..…………………………………...15 Figure 12: Example of Detention Basin……..…………………………………..………………………...15 Figure 13: Example of Meandering…………………………………………..…………………………...16 Figure 14: Example Rain Garden………………………………………………………………………….16 Table of Tables Table 1: KE Soil Map Legend……………………………………………………………………………...7 Table 2: SC Lot Soil Map Legend………………………………………………………………………….8 Table 3: Area and RCN Numbers of KE…………………………………………………………………..9 Table 4: Run-off volumes for Commuter Lot……………………………………………………………..10 Table 5: Run-off volumes for KE…………………………………………………………………………10 ii 1. Introduction 1.1. Introduction of Team The Calvin Drain Trust is a Senior Design team of four Civil Engineering students. The four group members are Mike DeWeerd, Matt Schanck, Aaron Venema and Kat Wever. Figure 1: Team 06, (left to right) Kat Wever, Aaron Venema, Mike DeWeerd and Matt Schanck The Calvin Drain Trust is a Senior Design team of four Civil Engineering students. The team consists of four team members; Mike DeWeerd, Matt Schanck, Aaron Venema and Kat Wever. Mike is a senior Civil/Environmental Engineering major with a business minor. He was involved in Capella for a year and a half, and is a founding member of uKnighted, a men's acapella group on campus. During the summer between sophomore and junior year, he worked as an intern at Prein & Newhof, and between junior and senior year, he worked at Weaver Consultants Group. He is engaged right now and is getting married in August. His hobbies include music, board games and solving rubix cubes. Matt is a senior civil engineering student from Howell, NJ. He is involved in Calvin's Ballroom and Social Dance Club as well as Dance Guild. The past two summers he has interned at R.C. Burdick Engineering, the summer before he studied in Germany. In his free time, he dances ballroom, writes stories and poems, and crafts metal wire art. 1 Aaron is a senior civil engineering student from Grand Haven, Mi. He is a Calvin swimmer on the Men’s Varsity Swimming and Diving Team, and the founder of the Calvin Cycling Club. In the summer before his junior year Aaron studied in Germany and would love to travel there again. The following summer he worked as an intern for the City of Grand Rapids Engineering Department. Some of his hobbies include cycling, triathlons, board games and crafting projects. Kat is a senior Civil/Environmental Engineering major with a French major. During the summers of after her sophomore year and junior year, she worked as an intern at Prein & Newhof. She worked with the survey department and collected data for the S.A.W. grant work they are performing for various townships surrounding Grand Rapids. Her hobbies include music, drawing and playing intramural volleyball. 1.2 Current System Currently a large portion of stormwater surface runoff is not contained within Calvin College’s campus. The infiltration of stormwater into the soil on Calvin's campus is severely limited by loamy clay, with the exception of the Knollcrest East apartments which has a primarily sandy soil with higher infiltration rates. Because the majority of campus experiences low infiltration rates, the campus is prone to puddling water where there are no catch basins or underdrain to capture and transport stormwater. To monitor the flow of stormwater the team has delineated the campus into five watershed runoff zones as seen in Figure 1. Figure 2: Watershed Boundaries for Calvin College’s Campus 2 The first zone is the northeast side of campus, divided by the road between the Prince Conference Center and Knollcrest East apartments and the east beltline. The runoff discharges into a series of ponds in a constructed marshlands. The runoff water in this zone is treated as the ponds allow time for settling of particles. The second zone is the southeast side of campus. In this zone, water gathers quickly due to steep ground surfaces. The storm water here either infiltrates in the sandy soil or flows into the Grand Rapids stormwater system. The volume of water that comes out of this can cause flooding issues for larger storm events. The third zone is the west side of campus, which includes parking lots 1-5 on the south west corner of campus. This zone contains underdrain and catch basins to capture storm water. Runoff collected from these basins enters the Grand Rapids stormwater system through storm drains on the south end of campus. The next zone is directly east and extends to the Beltline. The runoff water in this zone discharges to the seminary pond. The pond is designed to allow for particles to settle before the water exits over a weir on the south end of the pond and is discharged to Plaster Creek. During larger rainfall events this does not happen. The water flows through the seminary pond with a high velocity that prevents settling of the particles. The last zone contains the remainder of the northwest side of campus. The water from this zone enters the Calvin’s north pond on the North West corner of campus. An underdrain pipe connects Calvin’s north pond to a series of marshland and ponds that eventually lead to Reeds Lake. 1.3. Irrigation System Part of the appeal of Calvin College is the pleasant aesthetics around the campus. One of the contributing factors to the aesthetic appeal is the lush green grass. Keeping the campus maintained at this standard requires upwards of 33 million gallons of water a year for irrigation. The water is currently being drawn from wells on campus. The wells draw the local water table down and contain metallic ions that can cause issues for irrigation. Additionally, the current well water supply is not sustainable for long term irrigation needs. Calvin is looking to expand the east side of campus and irrigation wells will not be capable of supplying additional water for irrigation. To continue irrigating Calvin’s campus to the same quality standards the college will eventually need to invest in an additional water supply for irrigation. 1.4. Introduction of Project The team’s goal is to reduce runoff water entering the Grand Rapids storm water system, limit pollutants entering Plaster Creek watershed and increase the irrigation systems capacity. To help understand the project goals the team has established Geoffrey Van Berkel, irrigation specialist of Calvin College, as our representative to our client Calvin College. To assist in designing, comparing design alternatives, and general guidance. The team has also established Travis Vruggink from GMB Engineering as our industrial consultant for the project. This project is part of an Engineering Senior Design class at Calvin College. This gives the team two semester to complete the project before the deadline. The team will use the first semester to collect rainfall data, perform simulations, visit existing sites, research and meet with professionals for guidance. The second semester the team will design the system and request to be approved as part of master campus plan. 3 1.5. Project Objectives The objective of this project is to reduce runoff water entering the Grand Rapids storm water system, limit pollutants entering Plaster Creek watershed, increase the irrigation systems capacity and meet the master campus plan requirements. Based on stormwater outflow location and irrigation needs the team has identified the three key zones; Parking lots 1-5, the bioswales near the Seminary pond, and the KE apartments. Figure 3: Proposed Project Locations for BMPs The team plans to find a solution to meet future irrigation needs, limit outflow and reduce pollutant discharge. The team will investigate the reuse of runoff storm water and drilling another well as alternatives for additional irrigation. The team must find suitable locations to collect and store the water and perform water quality tests to ensure adequate water quality. In the case of reusing rainwater or drawing from the pond a method for isolating the rainwater from the well will have to be found. DEQ regulations do not allow for an open connection between a well and rainwater. Additionally, the team will research and evaluate methods of removing pollutants and increasing infiltration for stormwater runoff The end result of the project is to get approved and have this project used in the future. The campus master plan includes reducing the campus runoff. Part of being good stewards includes responsible management of our campus. The team plans to use Professor Wunder in assistance of getting master plan approval. 4 2. Project Management 2.1. Team Organization The team has four members, as well as a faculty advisor, industrial consultant, client and other mentors for the project. The team’s faculty advisor is Robert Masselink. The team’s industrial consultant is Travis Vruggink from GMB. The team’s client for the project is Calvin College, and the team’s main contact is Geoff Van Berkel. Other mentors that we have consulted with on this project are Scott Davidson from Frederick Meijer Gardens, and Mike Herrema from Cornerstone University. Both Scott and Mike have similar systems in place and the team met with each to discuss how their system works and some things they would like to improve. Each team member has a set section of the project that they focus on. Mike has been working with the communication with clients, mentors and setting up meetings with different people and coordinating trips to certain places such as Frederick Meijer Gardens and Cornerstone University. Mike has also been working on the team management and schedule management by making sure that each of the assignments are completed on time as well as making sure that the work that is submitted is correct and well done. Mike has also been the main person behind each of the presentations that were given in class by preparing the PowerPoints and the speech. Matt has been focusing on the design aspect of the project. He has worked with AutoCAD modeling each of the drainage areas. He also looked at the soil types in each location. Matt has also figured out the peak discharges for each section. The more detailed account of his work can be seen in section 3. Aaron is the webmaster and has been working with optimizing the website, making sure that it is up to date and making it look good. Aaron is also involved in the design of the South Commuter lot and the design implications from that project. Kat has been doing the research for the project by focusing on the EPA regulations as well as DEQ and design options for the Knollcrest East Apartments, the parking lots, and the seminary pond. The team scheduled a regular weekly meeting for around 1 hour as well as meetings when needed. A few of the meetings were spent traveling to Frederick Meijer Gardens, Cornerstone University, meeting with Travis from GMB, multiple meetings with Geoff Van Berkel, as well as other different meetings. Each member would work on different projects throughout the week and report how each of the projects were going. All of our documents, including project documents, meeting notes, and other documents are stored in a Google Drive folder that is shared between us. This has many different sections including project documents, project presentations, research, organization and meeting notes. Within these sections, there are the emails, budget and other things. 2.2. Scheduling Scheduling is an essential part of a senior design project. The process from the start of the project to the research to the modeling and completion of the project. The planning for the project has to be firm, but still be flexible enough to adjust if the requirements are not met in time or met before time. The schedule is managed by Mike mainly using Excel and Word to help allocate tasks. The schedule is updated every meeting to accommodate what the team is working on during that week. 5 2.3. Budget The budget of our senior design project is $500. So far we have not spent any of the money on equipment. If we spend money, Mike is in charge of the budget, which will be managed by using Excel. 2.4. Method of Approach While working on this project, the team approaches each section of design through team collaboration. The team would discuss different design alternatives and figure out which one we thought was best. The team did a lot of collaboration to think of different design alternatives and things to research, and each member contributed thoroughly to the goal. The primary research methods used include use of case studies from all over the country and EPA regulations, in order to retrieve bioretention principles and ideas. According to the EPA stormwater needs little to no further filtration before being used for irrigation. Also if the stormwater is kept in a cistern the capture water must be used in a timely fashion. The team also examined Chapter 7 in the Low Impact Development (LID) Manuel for Michigan to obtain design guidelines for bioswales, bioretention, check dams, porous pavement, infiltration practices, detention basins, and capture reuse. Many resources were found via online databases; Glenn Remelts of Calvin College’s Hekman Library trained us in the use of these databases and provided some research ideas. Team communication is kept open, with opportunities to share new ideas ranging from minor editorial preferences to major alterations in scope definition. Efforts are made to respect the suggestions of team members, even when making decisions which lack universal agreement. Team members are flexible in the decision making process, which creates less friction during team meetings and task completion. Disagreements are not taken personally but are recognized as mere differences in project ideas. 6 3. Modeling When approaching the problem of modelling the two major areas (namely the Knollcrest East [KE] Apartments, and the South Commuter [SC] Lot), the initial work was applied to determining the division of the land into drainage subbasins that would be focused on. The subbasins for KE were centered around storm drains that were depicted in the map that we were given with the addition of three storm drains that were not depicted on the drawing. The delineation of the subbasins was very approximate and based on both contour elevation maps and physical onsite observation for the KE apartments, these delineations are shown in Figure 3-1. The delineation of the SC Lot was not done for initial volume runoff calculations, since the parking lot is the only surface considered therefore the curve number is the same. A future consideration for the delineation of the SC Lot area will be determining what surrounding areas contribute to the stormwater system in that area. Figure 4: KE SCS Soils Map Table 1: KE Soil Map Legend Map Unit Symbol Hydrologic Soil Rating Acres in AOI 18B Glynwood loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes Map Unit Name D 0.4 18C Glynwood loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes D 3.4 45B Perrinton loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes C 4.9 C 13.5 75 Udorthents, loamy 78 Urban land 82B 0.2 Urban land-Perrinton complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes 7 1.9 Figure 5: SC Lot SCS Soils Map Table 2: SC Lot Soil Map Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Hydrologic Soil Rating Acres in AOI 18B Glynwood loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes D 6.2 18C Glynwood loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes D 0.4 78 Urban land 82B 2.5 Urban land-Perrinton complex, 0 to 8 percent slopes D 27.7 After the sites are delineated, the team had to determine runoff curve numbers to calculate the surface runoff volume. The first step was to determine the hydraulic soil type for each sub-basin. The hydraulic soil type for most of the area around KE apartments was type C, a moderately well drained soil. A small portion of the KE apartments was type D, which is a poorly drained soil, the SCS Soil Map for KE is shown in Figure 3-2 and the corresponding soil legend is in Table 3-1. The hydraulic soil type for the SC 8 Lot was type D, the SCS Soil Map for SC Lot is shown in Figure 3-3 and the corresponding soil legend is in Table 3-2. The next step is determining the land usage of each area. The KE apartments land usage consists of woods in poor conditions, meadows, and impervious land. The SC Lot is mostly impervious surface and some meadow land. Using the information of the land usage and soil types, the team determined the runoff curve numbers, the breakdown of the Curve Number for the Subbasins in the KE apartments is shown in Table 3-3. The Curve Method was used to determining the runoff volume for specific rain events. Figure 6: KE Sub basin Delineation Table 3: Areas and Runoff curve numbers for KE Apartments Sub Basin Area RCN Sq ft units 16666 96.63 1 32252 87.96 2 27164 97.07 3 132216 80.48 4 37100 80.65 5 54741 84.77 6 6705 98 7 23290 78.35 8 35147 75.49 9 25751 73.41 10 14242 98 11 6058 98 12 7655 93.89 13 16146 83.06 14 3485 78.93 15 24047 95.23 16 27448 93.92 17 15546 93.86 18 12225 74.01 19 9 The same thing applies for SC Lot, which has a curve number of 98 with an area of 287,487. Then the team used the ungauged watershed document to determine an initial runoff volume. The runoff volumes for a 1 year, 2 year, 25 year, and 100 year 24 hour storm are shown for the Commuter Lot and the entire KE area as well as the basin area, where the team plans on placing the storage unit, in Table 3-4. The final modelling will be done in EPA SWMM which requires the subbasins to be rectangular area with a set channel in the middle of it. The channel drains into a drain at the end of the sub basin and the slope is a constant value. 3.2. Stormwater System The project is dealing with an existing stormwater pipe network that transports the water towards a central outflow for each section (there are some variations in our project, which will be discussed in the sections discussing the area where the variations occur). The team will be using the existing stormwater system as a means of conveyance for each of the subbasins into the storage and retention areas that will be designed. Since this system is important to the design of the project, the stormwater system must be modelled with the subbasins and this modelling requirement makes EPA SWMM as the better modeling system that could be used. Table 4: Run-off volumes for Commuter Lot Commuter Lot Storm year Yr 1 2 25 100 Precipitation in 2.22 2.57 4.7 6.34 Volume cubic ft 47,737 56,068 106,937 146,175 Volume Gallon 357,095 419,419 799,946 1,093,468 Table 5: Run-off volumes for KE Storm year yr 1 2 25 100 Storm year yr 1 2 25 100 KE Area Total Precipitation Volume in cubic ft 2.22 44,593 2.56 55,849 4.7 134,682 6.33 199,378 KE Area Basin Precipitation Volume in cubic ft 2.22 32,624 2.56 41,265 4.7 102,660 6.33 153,525 10 Volume Gallon 333,581 417,781 1,007,491 1,491,453 Volume Gallon 244,042 308,682 767,949 1,148,448 4. Design 4.1. Design Norms For the design criteria, we had a few considerations that we are focusing on for this project. One thing that the team is focusing on is reducing runoff water for Calvin College’s campus. The team’s goals for the project this semester was to analyze the current capacity of Calvin’s stormwater systems, determine soil and ground surface types around campus, determine drain regions around campus, take a look at possible addition of buildings in the future and how they might affect runoff. The team focused on three different design norms while designing this project: sustainability, caring and transparency. Sustainability is the quality of not being harmful to the environment or depleting natural resources. The team’s project is looking to be sustainable by not being harmful to the environment or ecosystem that is in place at Calvin. The team is looking to keep the water that flows at Calvin stay at Calvin. This is keeping the watershed sustainable and able to be the same throughout the project. Another design norm that the team is focusing on for the project is caring. Caring is important to the project because the project should care for Calvin’s campus and the people who are on the campus. The project will care for the campus by helping use the water that is on the campus, and not transport it to other areas. The project is also focusing on caring by helping to meet the needs of the current irrigation system, and improving the system. The new design system still has to fulfil the needs of the current irrigation system, and it is important to care for the project and focus on it. Our third design norm that the team focused on was transparency. The team wants to be as transparent as possible in the making of this project, whether it is with the EPA, DEQ or Calvin, the team wants to be as transparent as possible and be able to show the progress that the team is making, as well as making sure that the data that is needed is available to be used. 4.2. Design Solutions 4.2.1. South Commuter Lot The south commuter lot on campus contains parking lots 1-5. Currently the parking lot discharges runoff water directly into the city of Grand Rapids stormwater system. Another issue is the uneven parking lot surface that promotes standing water after rainfall events and snow melt. A project objective is to redesign the parking lot to eliminate runoff water entering the Grand Rapids stormwater system for a 2year 24 hour storm event and minimize standing water. Design Criteria The goals of redesigning the south commuter lot is to increase parking capacity, reduce stormwater outflow to the city of Grand Rapids stormwater system and prevent standing water. To prevent standing water and increase parking capacity a reconstruction of the parking lot must be done. The standing water is caused by poor initial grading of the parking lot. This means the team must redefine the parameters of the parking lot and design a more efficient parking solution. To reduce the runoff stormwater entering the Grand Rapids stormwater system the team must determine a solution to either reduce, reuse or reallocate runoff stormwater. 11 Design Alternatives The design alternatives for the commuter lot consist of methods to reduce, reuse or reallocate the stormwater runoff. Currently the team is considering porous asphalt, infiltration chambers, bioswales and porous pipes as methods to reduce the stormwater runoff, underdrain to reallocate the stormwater runoff and irrigation to reuse the stormwater runoff. Porous Asphalt Porous asphalt would cover the entire parking lot, allowing a large surface for infiltration to occur. One drawback for porous asphalt is upkeep; it’s typically recommend to be vacuumed anywhere from twice a year to biannually. Porous asphalt also has a risk factor because the long term durability is unproven. The major drawback to this solution is the loamy clay underneath the parking lot will severely limit infiltration rates. The loamy clay underneath the parking lot turns this into a collection system rather than an infiltration system. Figure 7: Porous Pavement Example Infiltration Chambers Collecting water in these chambers allows for a few points throughout the parking to collect all of the runoff water. The benefits being the limited space and resources this requires. The water head created during storm events increases infiltration rates. The drawback to this solution being the percolation may decrease over time. Over time as fine silt sediments enter the loamy clay the soil mixture will become less permeable. Figure 8: Model of Infiltration Chamber 12 Bioswales Creating bioswales around the parking lot will remove silt and pollutants from the surface stormwater runoff before infiltrating the water. The benefit to this solution is the prevention of silt from entering the loamy clay, which if mixed will lower percolation rates over time. The need for increased parking capacity makes the main drawback the space required for the bioswales. Figure 9: Example of Bioswale Porous Pipes The porous pipes will run underneath the parking lot. These pipes contain a large storage area for runoff water along with a large surface area that allows for infiltration. To construct these underneath the parking lot the site must be excavated several feet deep to create a boundary layer between the asphalt and pipes as well as sand soil around the pipes. Making the main drawback for this solution the cost of excavating the entire parking lot. Figure 10: Diagram of Porous Pipes Underdrain This design solution is meant to reallocate the storm water. The stormwater catch basins would be connected to underdrain that extends to the north pond on campus. During rainfall events the pollutants from the parking lot surfaces would be sent directly into the north pond. The benefit being this is a simple solution, but with the drawback of not actually eliminating the issue, only reallocating the issue. Irrigation The final solution is to find a way to reuse the stormwater runoff. This solution would require underdrain connecting catch basins to a storage tank. After rainfall events, collected water could be used for irrigation. This solution would increase the irrigation systems capacity. The drawback for this solution is the pollutants from the parking lot surface being used as irrigation and preventing the runoff water in the irrigation system from having a direct connection to the wells used for irrigation. 13 4.2.2. Knollcrest East Apartments The KE Apartments are apartments that are owned and operated by the campus and are located on the east side of the East Beltline. The land consists of several parking lots, pathways, and apartment buildings as well as open grassland. Currently the stormwater system drains into the City of Grand Rapids stormwater system. The main objective in dealing with the KE Apartments is to reduce the stormwater and to reuse the stormwater for irrigation with the minimum design storm of a 2 year 24-hour rain storm. Design Criteria Since the main objective for the KE apartments is to reuse the stormwater running off of the KE Apartments most of the design alternatives are storage based, though reduction based methods were considered as well. Another major design criteria for this area is space because there is not a lot of free open area certain design alternatives are less feasible than others. The final major design criteria is safety, since the KE Apartments is home to seminary students and undergraduate students, the former having the potential of having kids. The existence of children in this area means that very little water can be stored above ground in areas accessible to children. Design Alternatives Some design alternatives considered for the KE apartments were detention ponds, underground storage, and irrigation. Detention pond This design method would work as an effective means of storing the stormwater in the KE Apartments while not taking up a large amount of space and still allowing for some drainage. Underground Storage This design method involves an underground tank system either in the form of tanks or stormwater chambers that can hold a large volume of water without requiring a large amount of aboveground space. The major downside is ease of maintenance, which would be relatively difficult and relatively infrequent if filters were applied before the water went underground. This solution would be an ideal method to apply in the KE apartments. Irrigation This method will take some of the storm water stored in the detention pond or in the underground storage and reuse if for irrigation, which is the primary objective of the project in this section. 4.2.3. Covenant Fine Arts Center Design Criteria In order to allow for particles to settle in the seminary pond properly in water being discharged into the pond must be slowed. Currently when a large storms occurs the amount of runoff that accumulates from the Covenant Fine Arts Center (CFAC) parking lot and surrounding roads flow through the bioswales is too large and does not allow for water to be retained in the bioswales to allow for the proper settlement of particles once the water reaches the pond. Figure X shows the flow of water to the seminary pond. The water then flows through the pond into Whiskey Creek without the proper settlement of particles. To slow down the flow of water it is necessary to redesign the area where the two bioswales are located. 14 Design Alternatives There are many possible solutions to slow down the velocity of water through the bioswales. The following design options for BMPs have to capability to slow down the flow of water and allow for the proper settlement of particles. Weirs A weir is a barrier across a moving water feature designed to alter the flow characteristics of the water. In most cases a weir causes the water upstream to rise and regulates the flow of water, as a result of this regulated follow there will be an adequate amount of time for particles to settle. Figure x displays a weir. Figure 11: Example of Weirs Detention Basins A detention basin is a stormwater storage area that fills and holds water to reduce downstream flow. There are various types of detention basins such as dry ponds, wet ponds, and constructed wetlands. The main purpose of a detention basin is to reduce runoff peaks during storm events. Figure x displays a detention basin. Figure 12: Example of Detention Basin Meandering Meandering water is water that flows in a winding path or course. When a stream or river meanders it allows particles in the water to be deposited in the inside corners of the stream and increases the time water flows before it reaches body of water it empties into. Figure 13 displays a meandering river. 15 Figure 13: Meandering River Rain Gardens A rain garden is a garden which takes advantage of rainfall and storm water runoff in its design and plant selection. Usually, it is a small garden which is designed to withstand the extremes of moisture and concentrations of nutrients, particularly Nitrogen and Phosphorus, which are found in stormwater runoff. Figure 14: Example of Rain Garden 16 5. Implementation 5.1. Cost Estimate The cost estimate that has been made so far is in the beginning stage, and has a high yield. The construction costs include the price of the storage tanks, as well as excavation and other construction costs. A detailed cost estimate will be made in the spring along with the design specifications. 5.2. Presentation to Board for Master Plan The group is in the process of looking at the current master plan for Calvin’s campus and looking to how the group’s design can be implemented into the new master plan. 17 6. Conclusion The ultimate goal for this project is to reduce runoff water, limit pollution entering Plaster Creek watershed and increase the irrigation systems capacity. This will be accomplished through responsible time management, following our design norms, and determining design locations and their design alternatives The first semester will be used to collect rainfall data, perform simulations, visit existing sites, research, and meet with professionals for guidance. While the second semester we will design the system and request to be approved as part of master campus plan. The structure of the semesters will keep the team members responsible and knowledge of their responsibilities. Following our design norms this will keep our team accountable. Sustainability will hold the team members responsible for developing an effective system that does what we intend. Caring will help ensure that we develop a system that is safe. Transparency will allow our peers to see and offer constructive criticism of our project. The design norms create a responsibility for the team that will hold us to a higher standard. To meet the project goal the team will focus on the three key zones; Parking lots 1-5, the bioswales near the Seminary pond, and the KE apartments. The different designs alternatives will be evaluated for each section. The team has the responsibility of weighing each design alternative and determining a solution that will best serve the needs of Calvin College. By following the time management structure, design norms, and weighing the design alternative the team will decide the best solution and design a system that will reduce runoff water, limit pollution entering Plaster Creek watershed and increase the irrigation systems capacity. The system once finished will then be requested to become a part of Calvin’s master campus plan. 18 7. Acknowledgements Team 06 would like to those who have assisted us in creating our project proposal and feasibility study. We would like to thank our advisor Professor Masselink for raising valuable question to take into consideration over the course of the project. His guidance helped deepen our team’s understanding of our project and ensure the best result can be produced by the end of the year. Team 06 would also like to thank Travis Vruggink for being the team’s industrial consultant and critiquing ideas during the development of the project. Travis was able to provide meaningful insight for improving the weak points of the project. Finally, thanks to Geoff Van Berkel from Calvin’s Physical Plant for being our client and providing us with valuable information about how Calvin’s irrigation system operates and where storm water runoff drains to. 19 8. References "Rain Garden - Plants." PennState Extension. Ed. Lauri Danko. N.p., Mar. 2005. Web. 15 Nov. 2015. < gardens>. EPA . Green Parking Lot Resource Guide. N.p.: Environmental Protection Agency, 2008. Print. HighDRO®-Pure Rainwater Harvesting System:. Highland Tank & Manufacturing Company, Inc., 2015. Web. 15 Nov. 2015. <>. Kloss, Christopher. "Rainwater Harvesting Policies." Managing Wet Weather with Green Infrastructure Municipal Handbook(2008). Print. Rain Garden Design Templates. Low Impact Development Center, 2007. Web. 15 Nov. 2015. <>. STORMCHAMBER. N.p., 2015. Web. 15 Nov. 2015. <>. STORMTECH Subsurface Stormwater Management. StormTech International, 2012. Web. 15 Nov. 2015. <>. 20