Culminating Senior Project - Fontana Unified School District

The purpose of the culminating project is to assure that students are able to apply, analyze, synthesize and
evaluate information and communicate significant knowledge and understanding, which are vital skills for
students to master in the 21st Century. The senior culminating project weaves together a deep exploration of
an area of student interest with the research, writing, organization and presentation skills that they have
developed during their high school years.
Complete a project from any of the following categories: Career Exploration, Community Service/Volunteer,
Personal Interest/Creative/Performing Arts or Curriculum-Related/Extension. Submit your contract proposal
for approval to Mrs. Navas by May 19th.
Required Project Components: Project Contract, Parental Authorization/Release for Participation Form,
Complete a minimum of 20 practicum hours, Complete Mentor Meeting Record, Time Log 6 Student Journals
and Final Presentation.
Portfolio of Documents: Forms will be included with this manual or on the school website. Complete these
documents as the project progresses. These documents will be due prior to presentations. Documents
received after the start of presentations may result in a failure.
Mentor Meeting Record- minimum of three (3) entries.
Time Log- record all hours, working on the project. Do not include time spent writing the papers,
journals, time log, presentation or mentor meetings. Signed by mentor.
Student Journals – Each journal entry is completed as the project progresses. It explains the ongoing
process of the project, dates, activities completed, problems encountered, successes, reflections, etc.
Journal entries will reflect project experiences. One detailed journal entry is required for every 5
practicum hours. Journal entries which lack detail will be returned for resubmission.
Presentation – Students will prepare an organized presentation to display their completed Culminating Project
(CP). Each Student will be expected to answer questions detailing all aspects of their CP. A minimum of 2
original and creative visual aids that demonstrates planning, organization and preparation are required.
Presentation Dates – You will have a choice of two (2) presentation dates
October: 20-24
April: 21-25
You must select which quarter you will present your project so we can schedule your date.
Grade – Presentation will be calculated as a summative assessment and submitted into your senior English
Cheating Policy – No credit will be given for plagiarized projects/papers. Students who plagiarize, fabricate
and/or falsify their work/hours in any way will be required to repeat the Culminating Senior Project.
Student Signature ___________________________________________________
Parent Signature____________________________________________________
Jurupa Hills High School Culminating Senior Project
Final Presentation Expo Instructions
Visuals (minimum of 2)
o Must be an original and creative visual aid that demonstrates planning organization, and preparation.
 Student-produced audio and/or video presentation
 Photos from shadowing bound in a book or as part of a detailed collage are acceptable. Must
include detailed captions and a minimum of 15 photos.
 Self-constructed handouts displaying information about career (Not internet generated or
copied from a brochure).
 Student created slide show with a minimum of 15 slides
 Portfolio of shadowing experience/research
 Visual demonstrations or role playing presentation
 Student created Power Point, Prezi or other multi-media presentation must include graphics or
pictures from shadowing experience – not just text
 Student created posters or tri-fold panels will be accepted
o Must display information related to shadowing and research
o Must include the following for the evaluator to grasp the idea of your project
 Title –
 Summary – a complete summary of your project.
 Goal – What is the purpose of the project? What is your original question or goal? Why was the
project chosen?
 Location –Where was your project performed (if you had a location)?
 Name Techniques
o Neat, professional appearance
o Eye contact with evaluator(s)
o Speaking clearly with appropriate volume, at an even speed throughout
o Reference to visuals during your Q & A session – explaining them or using them to clarify points
o Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm toward your topic
o Correct grammar and avoid pause words (“like,” “you know” and “um”)
o Few distracting mannerisms (fidgeting, swaying, playing with hair, chewing gum)
Be prepared to answer questions about your project
Within 24 hours of the completion of your final presentation you must complete the CEW Skills Inventory
located in Naviance.
Jurupa Hills High School
Culminating Senior Project
Form must be complete or it will not be accepted.
Student Name: Click here to enter text.
Date: Click here to enter text.
Homeroom Teacher: Click here to enter text. Guidance Counselor: Click here to enter text.
Senior English Teacher:
Click here to enter text.
Title of Project: Click here to enter text.
Describe your topic (Be specific and provide as much detail as possible. Please include who, what, where, when, why
and how):
Click here to enter text.
State your goals: What specifically do you want to learn/accomplish?
Main Goal: Click here to enter text.
1. Click here to enter text.
2. Click here to enter text.
3. Click here to enter text.
4. Click here to enter text.
5. Click here to enter text.
6. Click here to enter text.
7. Click here to enter text.
8. Click here to enter text.
9. Click here to enter text.
10. Click here to enter text.
What Resources (people, material, places, etc.) do you need to complete you project?
Click here to enter text.
Who will be your mentor?
Mentor Qualifications -
Name: Click here to enter text. Phone Number: Click here to enter text.
Mentor Email: Click here to enter text.
I have received the Mentor Guidelines: ________________________________________
Mentor Signature
Commitment/Authenticity Oath:
“I understand all of my responsibilities in completing this project, including meeting all deadlines, meeting with my
mentor, handing in my completed portfolio and written reports, and completing the final presentation. Furthermore, I
am responsible for attaining all goals listed in my proposal. I agree that each goal represents a requirement in
completing my Culminating Project and none of these goals are optional. If I discover a goal is/was not attainable, I will
promptly notify Mrs. Navas and, with her assistance, an appropriate change will be made. I will then complete a
“Change of Goal” form. I also understand that all work on my Culminating Project must be my original work. I will
properly cite all sources used in accordance with school district policy. Any plagiarism will invalidate my project and will
jeopardize my senior English grade.
Once completed and approved, no changes may be made to the contract/proposal without the approval of the
Have you discussed this project with you parent/guardian? (please circle) YES
Student Signature: _________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________
Parental Authorization/Release for Participation
The undersigned being the parent or guardian of above student, hereby authorizes
student to attend and participate in the Jurupa Hills High School Senior Culminating Project for the current school year.
It is hereby understood and agreed that transportation for student to and from the
location of the Culminating Project site is the responsibility of the student and the parent (s) and
guardian(s). The undersigned acknowledges that there is insurance coverage provided by
student, parent, or guardian for student while traveling to and from the location of the Culminating Project site and that
the amount of this coverage is satisfactory to the undersigned.
In consideration of the training and experience which student will receive through
this program, the undersigned agrees to release and to indemnify, defend and hold harmless,
including reasonable attorneys’ fees, the Fontana Unified School District and its employees
and representatives and the employer of outside facilitator and their employees,
agents and representatives from any claims or liability of any kind arising out of this
program including, without limitation, injuries to student, or third parties, as a result of
action or inaction of student.
Intending to be legally bound hereby, the undersigned executes this Authorization
and Release on the date indicated below.
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Senior Graduation Project Goal Change Form
Student Name: ________________________
Homeroom Teacher: ______________________
Original Goal: ______________________________________________________________
New Goal: _________________________________________________________________
Reason for change (please explain in detail why you need to change your original goal):
Student Signature: _________________________ Date: ___/___/___
Parent Signature: __________________________ Date: ___/___/___
Coordinator Signature: _________________________ Date: ___/___/___
Goal Changed: Approved or Not Approved
***This form must be completed in its entirety and signed off on by the Culminating Project Coordinator
BEFORE any work may be started on the new goal. Once approval has been received, staple this sheet to the
original Contract Proposal Sheet.
Teacher Name: ____________________
Teacher Email: _____________________
Guidelines For Mentors – Mentoring is considered to be one of the critical elements of the Culminating Project at
Jurupa Hills High School. Each student must choose a mentor for his or her Project who will serve as a consultant
throughout the experience. Although the role of the mentor may vary in each student-planned Project, the following
are general statements regarding the role of the mentor within this Project.
 Mentors serve as a resource for students and should have experience or expertise in the student’s focus area.
 Mentors verify the completion of the student work and hours.
 Mentors are required to have a minimum of three (3) contacts with the mentee during the course of their
interactive/hands-on experience (either summer or semester).
 Mentors should contact the work site and/or person involved with supervising your mentee
three (3) times – this can be done via telephone or email. If a student is working independently than obviously
only the mentor/mentee meeting is needed.
 Mentors should attempt to guide the student through the experience, to encourage different possibilities to
solving problems, to model appropriate skills and knowledge, and to assist the student in planning various
aspects of the Project.
 Mentors, particularly community service supervisors, should ensure that students are exposed to diverse
experiences. Community service projects should have an educational value for the individual student, as well as
a significant benefit to the community.
 Mentors may attend the final assessment of the student’s project as an observer and resource for the assessment
Mentors are not expected to be familiar with the procedural aspects and student responsibilities required by the
Fontana Unified School District unless the student has chosen a faculty or staff member. It is also important to stress
that mentors should always keep in mind that the Culminating Project is intended to be a student-directed learning
experience. Mentors, therefore, are not expected or permitted to complete work for students or to significantly aid the
student in completing tasks, which should be the responsibility of the student. It is likely that mentors will be contacted
at some point during the Culminating Project process. Mentors are strongly encouraged to attend the final presentation
by the student whenever possible.
PARENTS AS MENTORS - Although parental involvement in the Culminating Project process is critical and
encouraged, a parent may not act as a project mentor except under special circumstances. Such circumstances must first
be approved by the Culminating Project Coordinator before submitting a formal declaration. One of the fundamental
goals of the Project is to expose students to the world outside of the classroom and the home. It must be remembered
that mentoring is viewed as much more than monitoring hours and student work. Mentors should have experience in a
student’s chosen field. Additionally, even when parents and students have similar interests it may be more beneficial to
students to gain exposure to others working within that field to provide for a more well rounded experience for the
TECH TEACHERS AS MENTORS – If a student selects a Vocational Tech project and asks you to act as a mentor, please be
aware of the following; All Culminating Projects must demonstrate work above and beyond the normal curriculum. If a
project, portfolio, or experience is an assigned part of your curriculum it cannot be used as a Culminating. Project.
However, it is very possible and encouraged to either enhance a project to meet the requirements of the Culminating
Project or choose a related experience.
Jurupa Hills High School
Culminating Senior Project
Student Name: ______________________________________________________
Mentor Name: ______________________________________________________
Title of Project: _____________________________________________________
Location Of
Student Comments/Discussion
Jurupa Hills High School
Culminating Senior Project
Student Journal/Log
Directions: As part of your Culminating Senior Project, you must submit a journal that depicts and comments on the
progress/experiences of your 20 practicum hours (1 entry for every 5 practicum hours). The journal should explain the
ongoing process of the project, important dates, activities completed, problems encountered, successes, reflections, etc.
The journals must be typed on this form and will be included in your completed Portfolio of Documents.
Student Name: _________________________________________________________
Project Title: __________________________________________________________
Journal Entry
Culminating Senior Project Time Log
Name:_____________________ Homeroom Teacher:____________________
Do not include time spent writing research and reflection papers, journals, time log, or the final presentation.
Time of
Hours of
Met with cast and crew members
Set up practice/rehearsal schedule
Mentor’s Signature after completion:__________________________________________________
Jurupa Hills High School
Culminating Senior Project
Parental Authorization/Release for Participation
This completed form is to be returned by __________________ to the CP Coordinator.
Student: _________________________________________________________________
Parental Authorization/Release for Participation
The undersigned being the parent or guardian of above student, hereby authorizes
student to attend and participate in the Jurupa Hills High School Culminating Senior Project for the current school year.
It is hereby understood and agreed that transportation for student to and from the
location of the Graduation Project site is the responsibility of the student and the parent (s) and
guardian(s). The undersigned acknowledges that there is insurance coverage provided by
student, parent, or guardian for student while traveling to and from the location of the Culminating Project site and that
the amount of this coverage is satisfactory to the undersigned.
In consideration of the training and experience which student will receive through
this program, the undersigned agrees to release and to indemnify, defend and hold harmless,
including reasonable attorneys’ fees, the Fontana Unified School District and its employees
and representatives and the employer of outside facilitator and their employees,
agents and representatives from any claims or liability of any kind arising out of this
program including, without limitation, injuries to student, or third parties, as a result of
action or inaction of student.
Intending to be legally bound hereby, the undersigned executes this Authorization
and Release on the date indicated below.
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Presentation Evaluation
Exemplary 100-85
Proficient 84-70
Satisfactory 69-55
Unsatisfactory 55-40
Organization Introduction/Conclusion (if one exists without the other, average)
Exemplary—Both introduction and conclusion were engaging with a
sense of purpose and direction
Proficient—Introduction is well organized and effectively prepares
the audience while the conclusion summarizes and effectively ends
the presentation
Satisfactory—Introduction is clear with some detail and conclusion
Unsatisfactory—Introduction and conclusion are simplistic with some
information lacking
Unacceptable—Introduction and conclusion unclear and or lacking
Unacceptable 39-0
Grade 0-100%
Organization Content—Description of Organization Served and Projects and Duties
Exemplary— Clear and thorough elaboration of details pertaining to
Grade 0-100%
the organization and duties performed
Proficient— Thorough development but room for refinement
Satisfactory—Some supporting details but more information needed
Unsatisfactory—Insufficient information about organization and/or
project duties
Unacceptable—Lacking in meaningful details
Organization Content—Evidence of Skills Learned and Challenges
Exemplary—Clear and thorough elaboration of skills learned and
Proficient— Thorough development but room for refinement
Satisfactory—Some supporting details but more information needed
Unsatisfactory—Insufficient information about the skills learned
and/or challenges
Unacceptable—Lacking in meaningful details
Organization Content—Project Value and Personal Benefits
Exemplary—Project clearly has significant value to student and
student went beyond expectations of required project
Proficient— Project clearly has value to student and met project
Satisfactory—Project clearly has some value and has met project
Unsatisfactory—Project demonstrates limited or questionable value
Unacceptable—Project clearly has no value
Organization—Length of Presentation
Exemplary—Presentation was within the agreed upon time
constraints with evidence that student rehearsed
Proficient—Presentation was within .5 minutes of agreed upon
time—over or under
Satisfactory—Presentation was within 1 minute of agreed upon
time—over or under
Unsatisfactory—Presentation was within 2 minutes of agreed upon
time—over or under
Unacceptable—Presentation was more or less than 2 minutes of
agreed upon time
Senior English Teachers Name: ___________________________
Grade 0-100%
Grade 0-100%
Grade 0-100%
Delivery- Poise/ Body Language
Exemplary—Uses eye contact to connect with audience, maintains
poise at all times, and body language enhances the presentation
Proficient—Body language and poise is maintained throughout
presentation with good eye contact
Satisfactory—Some eye contact is made with body language and
poise being mostly maintained.
Unsatisfactory—Little eye contact is made and body language
detracts from presentation with difficulty maintaining poise
Unacceptable—No eye contact and/or body language and poise
conveys a negative or indifferent attitude
Delivery—Word Choice/Pronunciation/Volume/Rate
Exemplary—Word choice is highly advanced with volume and rate of
speech varied to enhance presentation
Proficient— Word choice, volume and rate is consistent and adds
Satisfactory—Word choice, volume and rate do not hinder
Unsatisfactory—Word choice errors, volume and/or rate detracts
from presentation
Unacceptable—Word choice simplistic and/or inappropriate, or
volume and rate made presentation difficult to understand
Delivery--Visual Media/Notes
Exemplary—Visual components are well integrated, original,
creative, and effectively organized with no distracting use of notes
Proficient— Visual components are original and creative and add to
the presentation with only slight references to notes
Satisfactory—Visual components support presentation and/or notes
used occasionally
Unsatisfactory—Very little creativity or organization to visual
component and/or reading of slides and/or notes
Unacceptable—No visual aids used and/or total reliance on notes
Exemplary—Attire professional or thematic
Proficient— Attire appropriate
Satisfactory—Attire acceptable
Unsatisfactory—Dress detracts from presentation
Unacceptable—Unacceptable attire
Content—Questions and Answers
Exemplary—Answers reflect thorough understanding or project
experience, responses are fluent and spontaneous or no questions
asked due to the completeness of the project presentation
Proficient— Answers reflect an understanding of project experience
and are fluent and spontaneous
Satisfactory—Answers show some understanding with some short
Unsatisfactory—Unable to answer all questions effectively and/or
answers are short and superficial
Unacceptable—Response are inaccurate or incoherent
Grade 0-100%
Grade 0-100%
Grade 0-100%
Grade 0-100%
Grade 0-100%
Senior English Teachers Name: ________________________________
Cheating Policy
No credit will be given for plagiarized projects/papers. Students who plagiarize, fabricate
and/or falsify their work/hours in any way will be required to repeat the Senior Graduation
Project and formulate a new project proposal.
21st Century Skills
There is evidence supporting the need for students to learn to give and receive information,
offer support and encouragement, work together, negotiate conflict, demonstrate leadership
skills, and learn to communicate effectively. Our Outdoor Education of 21st Century Skills
program will be customized to encourage and enhance personal growth, team building and an
appreciation for the outdoor environment.
As the teachers of The Culminating Project reflect upon the
projects that we have seen the past two weeks, we can’t help but be
amazed at the level of academic integrity and personal
Your assignment today is to reflect upon your own process and your
own project.
1. How have you grown?
2. How did you demonstrate personal responsibility?
3. What did you learn about yourself? Did you learn anything?
4. What did you learn about the process regarding Graduation
Project altogether?
Sample CP Goals for an internship
Main Goal: To identify a career option in ____________.
1. Include a goal for how many weeks, which days and the hours you will job shadow to
complete your project. Example: Job shadow for 6 weeks at Horsham Veterinary
Hospital every Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours each evening.
2. Identify the various careers available in the ________________ field.
3. Identify and demonstrate the skills/training necessary to gain a career in
____________ field while interning/job shadowing.
4. Complete internship/job shadow in various aspects of the
__________________ field.
5. Identify Pros and Cons of the ____________ career.
6. Identify daily routines in the _____________ career.
7. Create at least 15 -20 interview questions that allow for elaboration.
8. Interview several individuals that have a career in ____________ field.
9. Identify the education and training required for ____________ field.
10. Formulate a personal plan for my future career.
Page 23 and 24
Insert Pathways to Success Pamphlet
ure_for_mentors_2010_2011_Rvd102009 (2).docx
(Turn in to Mrs. Gray, Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) Department Chair in D101)
December 5, 2014
Name: __________________________________________
ID: _________________
☐ Media & Design Arts
☐ Performing Arts
☐ Production & Managerial Arts
Pathway Requirements:
Completion of all courses required with a “C” grade or better
An overall grade point average of 2.5 or higher
Must be a senior
Must have been enrolled in Jurupa Hills High School for at least one complete academic year
Course Requirements:
One year of a world language
Completion of the Culminating Senior Project
Culminating Senior Project Presentation in April
Completion of 2 subject related courses
a. OR 1 subject related course and a signature waiving the completion of an introductory level course based on
expertise and prior knowledge, whereas you have been admitted to the advanced version of a course on the
Completion of 3 industry related courses
Twenty (20) hours of documented and verifiable community service specifically related to the industry pathway and a
copy is turned into Mrs. Gray by April 3, 2015
a. These activities must be completed working with an agency outside of Jurupa Hills High School within the selected
I hereby declare my candidacy for a pathway honor cord in the Arts, Media, & Entertainment Sector. I am committed to completing
all requirements set forth with excellence and request consideration for cord issuance.
Scholar Signature
I support my child and will assist with motivation and encouragement as he/she works through the Pathway Honor Cord
Parent Signature
Pathway Requirements:
☐Completion of all required courses with a “C” grade or better
☐ An overall grade point average of 2.5 or higher
Course Requirements:
☐One year of a world language
☐Completion of the Senior Portfolio
☐Industry Exit Interview completed
☐Completion of 2 subject related courses
☐Completion of 3 industry related courses
☐Twenty (20) hours of documented and verifiable community service specifically related to the
industry pathway and a copy has been submitted to me
I certify that the scholar has completed all requirements for the Arts, Media, & Entertainment Sector pathway honor
Kelsy Gray, Visual and Performing Arts Department Chair
Arts, Media, & Entertainment Sector
Requirements for all students:
World Language- 1 Year
Senior Portfolio
AM&E Industry Exit Interview
Name: _______________________
Class of:
Oracle: ________________
Media & Design Arts
(Orange Cord)
Performing Arts
(Green Cord)
Production & Managerial Arts
(Blue Cord)
Subject Related Courses
Complete 2 with a “C” or better both
 Art 1A/1B
 Digital Photography
 Computer Animation
 Game Design
 Chemistry
 Digital Audio Recording 1
 Geometry
 Health/F.A.S.T.
 Physics
 Psychology & Sociology
 TV Production 1
 World Language-Level 2 or
Subject Related Courses
Complete 2 with a “C” or better both
 Marching Band
 Concert Choir
 Drama 1A/1B
 Guitar 1A/1B
 Health/F.A.S.T.
 Piano 1 1A/1B
 Physics or Physics AP
 Physiology
 Psychology & Sociology
 World Language-Level 2 or
Subject Related Courses
Complete 2 with a “C” or better both
 AP Psychology
 Drama 1A/1B
 Health/F.A.S.T.
 Physics or Physics AP
 Pre Cal & Trig
 Psychology & Sociology
 Television Broadcasting 1
 World Language-Level 2 or
Industry Related Courses
Complete 3 with a “C” or better both
semesters that have not been reported
in another pathway:
Industry Related Courses
Complete 3 with a “C” or better both
that have not been reported in
another pathway:
Industry Related Courses
Complete 3 with a “C” or better both
that have not been reported in
another pathway:
3D Animation
Art 2A/2B
Art 3A/3B
IB Art
Digital Photography 2
Digital Audio Recording 2
Digital Audio Recording (ROP)
Fashion Design (ROP)
Film & Digital Media
Stagecraft Construction (ROP)
Stagecraft Design (ROP)
TV Production 2
Website Design
Technical Theatre
Advanced Computer Game
Chamber Singers
Drama 2A/2B
Guitar 2A/2B
IB Theatre SL 1/HL1
IB Theatre SL2/HL2
Piano 2A/2B
Extra-Curricular On Stage
Performance Practicum (pre-approved by
VAPA Department Chair)
______ (write in)
______ (write in)
______ (write in)
Drama 2A/2B
Digital Audio Recording ROP
Digital Photography
Film & Digital Media
Stagecraft Construction
 Stagecraft Design (ROP)
 Technical Theatre
 Television Broadcasting 2
 Yearbook
Extra-Curricular Production &
Managerial Practicum (pre-approved by
VAPA Department Chair)
_______ (write in)
Arts, Media, & Entertainment Pathway
Media & Design Arts
(Orange Cord)
Performing Arts
(Green Cord)
Production &
Managerial Arts
(Blue Cord)
The Media & Design Arts
Pathway includes those
occupations that use
tools and material as the
primary means of
creative expression. This
career pathway requires
the development of
knowledge and skills by
which individuals are
able to express
individuality by
manipulating physical
objects. Careers in Media
and Design Arts may be
found in the following
broad fields:
The Performing Arts
Pathway focuses on
the direct creation of
art and entertainment
by the individual artist
instead of through a
secondary physical
medium. Performing
artists are themselves
the medium of creative
expression. The
Performing Arts
Pathway includes the
following career
Whatever the form or
medium of creative
expression, all careers in
the Arts, Media and
Entertainment sector
require “publication” or
a public presentation in
one way or another.
Consequently, the
Production and
Managerial Arts
Pathway focuses on the
organizational, and
managerial knowledge
and skills necessary to
bring arts, media and be
found in the following
 Traditional Fine
 Designer in Various
 Commercial Artist
 Architect
 Sound Engineer
 Writer
 Publisher
 Printer
 Scriptwriter
 Poet
 Computer
Graphics Artist
 Computer Game
 Web designer
Voiceover Artist
Music Arranger
Stunt Worker
 Stage illusionist
 Technicians
 Talent Managers
for Actors
 Producers
(Theatre, Music,
TV, Movies)
 Manager
(Stage, Theatre,
 Talent Managers
(Acting, Music,
Voice, Writers)
 Acquisition Editors
in Publishing
 Proofreaders
 Music Copyists
 Publishers
A career pathway sequence of courses with rigorous work at multiple levels; OR
A VAPA-Approved course of study in a career pathway; OR
≥One college course in the career pathway area with prior VAPA Department Chair
Approval; OR
A career pathway included in the IEP (Individualized Education Plan).
Early Declaration
*Important* Junior’s electing to begin their project before the start of
their senior year must complete the early declaration form and return
it to the their culminating senior project coordinator. Submission for
early declaration begins on November 1st.
Jurupa Hills High School
Culminating Senior Project Early Declaration
This form must be typed to be accepted.
Class of:
Homeroom Teacher:
Project Title:
Please check the type of project you plan to complete:
Community Service/Volunteer/Partnership
Internship/Entrepreneur (not to be completed with a family owned business)
Personal/Creative/Performing Arts
Describe your project. Please be specific and provide as much detail as possible. Include details,
such as who, what, where, when, why and how. (Paragraph Format)
Indicate the main goal of your project and include supporting goals. Goals must be measurable!
(Complete Sentences)
Main Goal –
1. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________________
Discuss your understanding of the requirements of this project. (How many hours, paperwork,
deadlines, rules, etc.)
Project mentor’s name:
(An adult who has some expertise in the area of your project and someone who will help you through this
process.) Not a parent unless you have spoken to and been given permission
Mentor’s qualifications:
Explain the role of the mentor in your project. (Paragraph Format)
Mentor’s address:
E-mail address:
Mentor’s phone number:
Mentor’s Signature_________________________________________
Mentor Name: I ___________________________________________ have seen the document
entitled “Guidelines for Mentors” and hereby agree to act as the mentor for the child who’s
name appears on this declaration.
Student Name:
Student Signature ___________________________________________
Parent Name:
Parent Signature: I ____________________________________ have read this entire
declaration. I verify that all information is accurate and that this document is written to the best
of my child’s ability.
Commitment/Authenticity Oath:
“I understand all of my responsibilities in completing this project, including meeting all deadlines, meeting
with my mentor, handing in my completed portfolio and written reports, and completing the final
presentation. Furthermore, I am responsible for attaining all goals listed in my proposal. I agree that each
goal represents a requirement in completing my graduation project and none of these goals are optional.
If I discover a goal is/was not attainable, I will promptly notify my instructor and, with their assistance, an
appropriate change will be made. I will then complete a “Change of Goal” form. I also understand that all
work on my Graduation Project must be my original work. I will properly cite all sources used in
accordance with school district policy. Any plagiarism will invalidate my project and will jeopardize my
Once completed and approved, no changes may be made to the contract/proposal without the approval
of the instructor.
Have you discussed this project with you parent/guardian? (please circle) YES
Student Signature: _________________________________________________________
Parent Signature: __________________________________________________________