Curriculum vitae - Parimal Sadaphal

D at e of B i rt h : 10 S e pt e mb er , 1961
  
9 8 " A N A N D V A N " A part me nts
A -6 P a sc hi m V i ha r
Ne w De lh i - 110 0 63
91 -1 1 - 25 25 8 541 ( T el ef ax)
91 - 9 86 83 04 12 3 (M o bi l e)
pa r im alsa da p hal @ gm a il .co m
pa r im al@ sus tec h . in
M. S c . (A g ri c ul tu r a l E ngin ee ri ng ) , 19 86
Thesis topic:
Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, INDIA
First (CGPA: 3.06/4)
Studies on the effect of alterations in the delivery valve and air chamber
on the performance of a hydraulic ram.
B .Te c h . ( A g ri cu l tu r a l E ngi nee ri ng ) , 1 984
Thesis topic:
Agricultural Engineering
Punjabrao Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola, Maharashtra, INDIA
First, with distinction (CGPA: 3.59/4)
Design and fabrication of a cooling tower for the PKV cold storage
Gold medal for topping in University in B. Tech. (Agricultural Engineering), 1984
Junior Science Talent Scholarship (Delhi Administration) 1975
Fellowship (1984 - 1986)
Per io d
Oct 2 0 0 3 - pr es e nt
O rg ani z ati on
Ni l
Des ign at io n
F r ee la n c e Co ns u lt a n t
Ju n 2 0 0 0 – Se p 2 0 0 3
C HF - PA R TN E R S , Ca na d a
In dia Pro j e ct Co o rdi na to r
Au g 1 9 9 9 – J u n 2 0 0 0
F r ee la n c e Co ns u lt a n t
Se p 1 9 9 6 – A ug 1 9 9 9
Ni l
In t er na tio na l
Dev e lo pm e nt E nt e rp ri ses
Ap r 1 9 9 5 – A ug 1 9 9 6
Ni l
F r ee la n c e Co ns u lt a n t
No v 1 9 8 5 – Ma r 1 9 9 5
Sr . Ma na g e r – R &D
R ese a r c h Asso cia t e , F e l lo w
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
Experience: 25+ years
Development sector with focus on energy, environment and sustainability
Renewable energy / clean technologies with focus on markets and rural applications:
Solar Photovoltaics
Biomass gasification
Improved cook-stoves, efficient cooking systems and biogas
Mini-micro hydro
Manual / animal operated devices
Rural energy issues
Village electrification through de-centralized mini-grids
Enhancement of livelihoods through renewable energy
Local self management of decentralized systems
Establishment of rural markets for renewable energy products
Business approaches to rural development and entrepreneurship development
NGO networks and institutional development
Cottage and small rural industries / economic activities
Governance and gender issues
Energy efficiency in households and industries
Project evaluation / Impact evaluation / lessons learned
Environment management frameworks and environment safeguards
Project management
Training and capacity building
Market assessment studies
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
O C TO B E R 2003 – P R E SE NT :
Freelance Consultant in Renewable energy, Rural Development, Appropriate Technology and
Capacity Building.
Important Roles:
National Consultant, Internal Evaluation Department, ADB
Advisor, Rural Energy, Winrock International India
Environmental Safeguards Specialist, The World Bank
Lead Consultant, Asia-Pacific Centre for Technology Transfer (UN-ESCAP)
National Consultant, UNDP
Promoter of the non-profit organization: Global Sustech International
Prominent assignments handled
Evaluation of project on promotion of low carbon lifestyles
Commonwealth Games; Management of several other projects
Preparation of Project Proposals on enhancing access to energy in Assam and
Jharkhand states of India, preparation of PIF and related activities
Preparation of Project Proposals and Discussion Paper on Renewable Energy for
Rural Livelihoods for India
The World Bank
Project Preparation: Preparation of Environmental and Social Management
Framework for the following projects of The World Bank, New Delhi:
Orissa Rural Livelihoods Project
Bihar Panchayat Strengthening Project
Kerala Panchayat Strengthening Project
Kerala Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project
Karnataka Panchayat Strengthening Project
Project supervision / evaluation:
Assessment in respect of compliance to the Environmental
Management Plan and Community Benefit Plan in the following
Carbon Finance projects of Community Development Carbon
Fund of The World Bank:
Vertical Shaft Brick Kilns for manufacturing burnt clay
Manufacture of fly ash bricks using FaL-G technology
Asian Development Bank
Evaluation of ADB’s Energy Efficiency initiatives in India and providing inputs to
ADB’s future strategy for supporting Energy Efficiency in India
Other Consultancies
Consultant to the International Finance Corporation (IFC): worked on supervising
compliance to Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for several clients (industries)
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
Consultant to the Indian Farm Forestry Development Cooperative (IFFDC) on sustainable
livelihoods development
Energy audit and clean energy solutions for ERA’s Medical College and Hospital campus,
Providing improved biomass cook-stoves, biomass briquetting solutions and rural
livelihoods solutions to forest fringe villages in Chhattisgarh for the Chhattisgarh Forest
Developing a comprehensive project document for a nation wide programme on Solar
Lanterns through Micro-Credit (SLiM) for the Indian Rural Energy Network.
Setting up a market for solar photovoltaic products in the carpet-weaving belt of
eastern UP with special innovative finance mechanism for economically weaker sections
for Winrock International India (Project funded by IKEA Trading).
End-of-Project Evaluation of the project entitled “Diffusion Of Efficient Biomass
Utilization Technologies In Non-Formal Industries In Karnataka And Kerala”
implemented by Technology Informatics and Design Endeavour (TIDE), Bangalore. The
study was commissioned by the donor: Indo-Canadian Environment Facility.
End-of-Project Evaluation of the project entitled “Implementation of Renewable Energy
Technologies in rural areas through NGOs” implemented by The Energy and Resources
Institute (TERI), New Delhi. The study was commissioned by the donor: Indo-Canadian
Environment Facility.
Preparation of a Detailed Project Report for electrification of a village in Uttar Pradesh
through bio-fuels including a sustainable institutional mechanism for its operation and
maintenance for Winrock International India (Project funded by Electricite de France
– EDF).
Preparation of a Detailed Project Report for electrification of a village in Chhattisgarh
through bio-fuels including a sustainable institutional mechanism for its operation and
maintenance; project includes installation of equipment and community organization;
for Winrock International India (Project funded by British High Commission, New
Commercialization of Renewable Energy Technologies in India – project involves setting
up sustainable businesses in rural areas that use some renewable energy technology for Winrock International India (Project funded by UNDESA).
Capacity Building of NGOs for setting up rural energy businesses based on renewable
technologies for Winrock International India (Project funded by the Swiss Agency for
Development Co-operation).
Documentation of Lessons Learned during the Canada – India Rural Energy Project for
CHF-PARTNERS Canada (Project funded by CIDA)
Preparation on a detailed report on recommended India Programme Strategy for Lightup-the-World Foundation, Canada
J U NE 2000 – S E P T E M B E R 2003:
India Project Coordinator
PARTNERS in Rural Development
323, Chapel Street,
Ottawa, Canada
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
Description of the organization
PARTNERS is a Canada based NGO that works on capacity building and development issues in a
number of countries such as India, Guyana, El Salvador, Vietnam, etc. In India, they
implemented the Canada – India Rural Energy Project (CIREP) that involved setting up of a
network of more than 50 NGOs and building their capacity to implement renewable energy
programmes in the country. The overall aim of this project is to reduce emissions by promoting
renewable energy technologies in rural areas of India.
Job Description & responsibilities
Heading the Project Office in India and overseeing the implementation of the CIREP. The
responsibilities include, programme implementation, project management & administration,
finance, documentation and reporting, etc.
A National Network of more than 50 NGOs spread over 14 states of the country has been set
up and is functioning. The original project plan was changed and certain new integrated
capacity building activities were designed. The revised action plan, when implemented, was
found to be extremely effective and enlisted a tremendous response from the network
members. The NGO network, known as the Indian Rural Energy Network (IRENet), is now
recognized by the Government of India and various other donor agencies such as Swiss
Development Cooperation, Karl Kubel Foundation, Dorabji Tata Trust, etc. One of the
innovative projects implemented by the network has been judged as runner up for the
prestigious Ashden Award for Sustainable Energy from UK. There was another component of
CIREP that dealt with education. It involved developing curriculum for school children that
makes them aware of renewable energy technologies and associated issues.
A U G U ST 1999 – J U NE 2000:
1. Freelance Consultant in Renewable energy, Rural energy and Appropriate Technology
2. Senior Advisor, (Renewable Energy) Core Sector Information Systems Limited, New Delhi
Prominent assignments handled
Developing a technology transfer package on the bamboo treadle pump for the
International Network on Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR).
Developing a Project Implementation Plan pertaining to the Canada – India Rural Energy
Project for India – Canada Co-operation Office, New Delhi
Institutional review of Project Partners for Swiss Development Co-operation
Study on Energy Conservation in Glass Industry for UNIDO and UNDP-GEF
Advice to Core Sector Information Systems Ltd. on developing information databases /
publications and research studies related to rural sector and renewable energy.
S E PTE M B E R 1996 – A U G U ST 1999:
Senior Manager - R&D
International Development Enterprises (IDE)
C-5/43 Safdarjung Development Area,
New Delhi -110 016
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
Description of the organization
is a non-profit organization with its head offices at Denver, Colorado, USA and Winnipeg,
Canada. It has several Country Programmes run by its branch offices in South-East Asian
countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam, Cambodia, Zambia in addition to India. The
primary aims of this organization are:
To identify and develop simple products based on appropriate technology that are
easily affordable and can add value to the income of marginal farmers and
To promote such products in all potential areas with an aim to establish stable and
vibrant rural markets with a fully developed supply chain.
At the moment the organization is involved in marketing foot operated treadle pumps and
affordable micro-irrigation systems in India. In future, more products are likely to be added to
this range.
Job description
The position is the overall head of R&D activities in the organization reporting to Country
Director, IDE India. The thrust is on two aspects:
Improving currently marketed products in terms of performance, durability and
Developing new products based on new concepts and field testing them thoroughly in
order to enable the organization to launch them amongst the target customers and
establish a market and supply chain.
Major responsibilities
Providing necessary guidance to the R&D team in India in terms of the following:
New product ideas / concepts
Product design and development process / procedures
Work prioritization and planning
Scheduling and allocation of work activities
Developing research methodologies
Defining field test procedures and result interpretation
Market feedback evaluation and product launch
Other functions
Involving and working with foreign and Indian consultants / experts / subject matter
Co-ordination of work with other departments of the organization such as Marketing as
well as other Regional Offices off ide in India.
Co-ordination of work with the Head Office (Denver), other Country Programmes of ide
and other R&D organizations at international level.
Member, International R&D Committee ide International.
Raising of funds for R&D work.
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
Development and operationalization of a rational procedure for introduction of new
products in the system.
Re-organization of R&D staff and manpower for better and more effective conduction
of R&D activities.
Initiation of work on several refinements in current products such as
3.5 inch bamboo treadle pump: Developed tools for easier and more accurate
3.5 and 5 inch metal treadle pump: Developed alternative concepts for better
5 inch and 4 inch concrete treadle pumps: Provided inputs for improvement in
Bamboo tube-well: Developed new tools for installation of bamboo tube-wells
Initiation of work on a number of new product concepts
New concepts on treadle pumps: Tested plastic and cast iron versions of treadle
Agricultural implements: Introducing several improved implements for seeding,
interculture and harvest such as maize sheller, grubber, potato digger, weeder, etc.
Micro-diesel engine: This is a miniature multi-fuel engine that can run on diesel,
kerosene and even liquid bio-fuels. It was developed in 1950 but there was no
knowledge about it for five decades till it was re-discovered last year. The capacity of
the engine is 0.7 bhp and because its components are very uncomplicated in design, it
is likely to be very cheap. This makes it an interesting option for small and marginal
Deep-set treadle pump: Developed a concept treadle pump that could operate at 40 to
60 feet water depth
Low cost tube-well: Worked on reduction of cost of tube-well for treadle pumps
Affordable micro-irrigation systems: These are small and affordable drip and microsprinkler systems developed by IDE to suit the needs of small farmers. Provided inputs
in their design and introduction
Animal driven irrigation pump: Tested a animal driven irrigation pump model
Solar lanterns: Worked on a project financed by Winrock International on
development, testing and marketing of solar lanterns in the states of Bihar, Assam and
Hydraulic ram: Worked on developing suitable designs for the hill program
Low cost bicycle: Tested a low cost bicycle prototype with Vietnamese type carrier
rack design
A PR I L 1995 - A U G U S T 1996
F reel an ce C on s ul t an t
Prominent assignments handled
Developing an energy plan for the blocks Daporijo, Seppa and Roing Dambuk in
Arunachal Pradesh for the Rural Works Department, Government of Arunachal
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
Developing a proposal on design and implementation of efficient Gharats in Arunachal
Pradesh for the Rural Works Department, Government of Arunachal Pradesh.
Market assessment study for Renewable Energy Systems Hyderabad on solar pumps;
A PR I L 1994 - M A R C H 1995
Vis i ti ng F el l o w
Tata Energy Research Institute, (TERI); now The Energy and Resources Institute
Darbari Seth Block, India Habitat Centre, Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110 003, India
Areas of work
Rural Energy Research and Extension
Renewable Energy Technology
Job Description
The work involved research projects on non-conventional energy sources with respect to
rural areas. Functioned as team leader in about two projects, reporting to Area Leader while
being member in the teams of additional projects. The terms and conditions were similar to the
earlier position at the same place (see below) except that the inputs were more in the nature
of expert guidance to the research team along all stages of the project and more involvement
at planning level in the organization.
A PR I L 1993 - M A R C H 1994
Visiting Research Associate
Tata Energy Research Institute, (TERI)
9 Jor Bagh, New Delhi - 110 003, India
Areas of work
Rural Energy Research and Extension
Renewable Energy Technology
Energy and Environment
Energy Policy
Job Description
The work involved research projects on non-conventional energy sources with respect to
rural areas. Functioned as team leader in about two projects, reporting to Area Leader while
being member in the teams of additional projects. The terms and conditions were similar to the
earlier position at the same place (see below) except that there was more focus on research
inputs, lesser involvement in administrative matters and scope to take up independent
assignments. Areas of work remained broadly the same as earlier job (see below).
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
N O V E M B E R 1986 - M A R C H 1993
Research Associate
Tata Energy Research Institute, (TERI)
7 Jor Bagh, New Delhi - 110 003, India
Areas of work
Rural Energy Research and Extension and Renewable Energy Technology
Energy and Environment
Industrial Energy
Energy Policy
Social Forestry
Description of the organization
The TATA ENERGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (TERI) is a non-profit research organization of international
repute dealing in policy level issues and applied research on energy: from conventional as well
as non-conventional sources. With its Head Office in Delhi and liaison offices in USA, Europe and
other places, TERI undertakes research studies for a number of National and International
funding agencies.
Job description
Worked in capacity of a team member and team leader for different research projects related
to the following:
Rural energy planning
Renewable energy technologies (particularly solar photovoltaics and mini/micro hydro)
Social forestry
Energy conservation in agricultural pumpsets (diesel & electric)
Energy Policy
Within a given research project, the work involved providing inputs at all stages during the
entire execution of the project upto the point it was completed. The prominent stages were:
Conceptualization (proposal writing)
Methodology formulation
Organization and planning of data collection procedures
Conduction of data collection exercises
Data analysis and report writing
The job entailed the following functions:
Coordinating work with a team of two to ten professionals
Taking the lead in certain projects
Providing methodological and analytical inputs
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
Organizing and conducting field data collection exercises
Monitoring and critical assessment of work done with respect to targets
Data analysis and report writing
Participation in organization of seminars / workshops / conferences
Participation in meetings and group discussions on implementation issues
Interaction with funding agencies
S U M M E R 1983
Student Trainee
Milk Processing Plant
Delhi Milk Scheme, Patel Nagar, New Delhi
Job Description
Spent one week each at the following departments of the plant under the guidance of the
Section Incharge:
Milk Procurement and Chilling section
Pasteurization Plant
Bottling section & Cold Storage
Milk Products section
S U M M E R 1982
Student Trainee
Escorts Limited (Tractor Division), Faridabad
Job description
Spent one week each at the following sections under the supervision of the Section In-charge:
Engine assembly section
QC section (vendor supplied parts)
Engine test bench section
Final tractor assembly line
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
(This list pertains to various funded projects undertaken at TERI. The work done at IDE and
PARTNERS has already been described earlier)
Jan 95 - Mar 95: Evaluation of the (pedal operated) Treadle pump for micro-irrigation
applications in India; Project sponsored by International Development Enterprises, New
Jul 93 - Mar 94: Preparation of a country report on the feasibility of mini-micro hydro
technology in India; Project sponsored by the International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu.
Jan 94 - Nov 94: Scope for entrepreneurship development in energy conserving technologies;
Project sponsored by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC).
Jan 92 - Jun 94: Environmentally Sound Energy Development (Agricultural Sector Study);
Project sponsored by United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Jan 94 – Jun 94: Developing an energy plan for the blocks Daporijo, Seppa and Roing Dambuk
in Arunachal Pradesh; Project sponsored by the Rural Works Department, Government
of Arunchal Pradesh.
Apr 93 - Aug 93: Developing an action plan for the use of Renewable Energy Technologies for
the North-Eastern region of India; Project sponsored by North Eastern Council.
Sep 92 - Mar 93: Setting up of a Reference Urjagram in Himachal Pradesh; Project sponsored
by Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (MNES), Government of India.
May 91 - Mar 93: Evaluation of Solar Photovoltaic Power plants; Project sponsored by MNES.
Aug 92 - Oct 92: Alternate Energy Action Plan: Evaluation of Improved Cookstoves and microhydel power; Project sponsored by United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP)
Jun 91 - Mar 92: Evaluation of Coal Briquetting Technologies for promotion of coal briquettes
as a domestic fuel in India; Project sponsored by Coal India Ltd.
Jan 89 - Jan 91: Efficiency Enhancement Studies on Agricultural Pumpsets in Dhanawas village
(district Gurgaon, Haryana); Project sponsored by TERI.
Jun 88 - Feb 91: Installation and monitoring of Solar Photovoltaic Pumps in India; Project
sponsored by Department of Non-Conventional Energy Sources (DNES), Ministry of
Energy, Government of India.
May 89 - Nov 90: Case studies on the performance of Improved Cookstoves in the states of
Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh. Project sponsored by Consortium
on Rural Technology (CORT) New Delhi.
Dec 86 - Jan 89: Evaluation of the "National Programme on Improved Chulhas", Project
sponsored by DNES.
Sep 87 - Nov 87: Activity impact and user need survey in village Dhanawas (Haryana); Project
sponsored by Government of Haryana.
Nov 86 - May 88: Biomass Development Studies in Dhanawas village (Haryana); Project
sponsored by Government of Haryana.
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
V. Joshi, et al; "Sustainable energy development in Dhanawas - a case study" TERI monograph,
June 1994.
P. M. Sadaphal; "Photovoltaics for Rural Power" Urja Bharati, Special Issue on Rural Energy,
Vol. 3, No. 3, Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, New Delhi, March 1993.
A. Chaurey, P. M. Sadaphal and D. Tyagi; "Performance Evaluation of PV Pumping Systems",
communicated to RERIC International Energy Journal, Asian Institute of Technology,
A. Chaurey, P. M. Sadaphal and D. Tyagi; "Experiences with SPV Water Pumping Systems for
Rural Applications in India". Accepted for publication in Renewable Energy, Pergamon
Press, Oxford
S. Deambi, A. Chaurey, P. M. Sadaphal and D. Tyagi; "Socio-economic Impact of PV based
Community Power Packs for Rural India" accepted for publication in Appropriate
Technology, Intermediate Technology Publications Limited, England.
P. M. Sadaphal, R. C. Pal and Veena Joshi; "Improved Stove Promotion in three Indian States",
Boiling Point, December 1991, No. 26.
A. Chaurey, P. M. Sadaphal and D. Tyagi; " Experiences with SPV Water Pumping Systems for
Rural Applications in India". Accepted for publication in International Journal of
Renewable Energy.
P. M. Sadaphal and Bhaskar Natarajan; "Constraints to Improving Efficiency in Agricultural
Pumpsets: The Case of India", Natural Resources Forum (A United Nations Journal),
August 1992.
P. M. Sadaphal and Bhaskar Natarajan; "Energy Conservation in Agricultural Pumpsets: Issues
and Prospects", Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1991, p 51-67.
S. Kohli, V. V. Ranga Rao, R. C. Pal, P. M. Sadaphal and Veena Joshi; "Impact of Energy
Development Activities and Users' Needs - A Case Study", TERI Internal Discussion Paper,
P. M. Sadaphal and A. K. Bhattacharya; "Effect of changes in stroke and weight of delivery
valve on the performance of a Hydraulic Ram," Journal of the Solar Energy Society of
India, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1991, p25-33.
P. M. Sadaphal, R. C. Pal and Veena Joshi; "Acceptability of Improved Cookstoves in the states
of Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal - Part I",Changing Villages Vol. 7, No. 4,
Oct-Nov 1990.
S. Kohli, V. V. Ranga Rao, R. C. Pal, P. M. Sadaphal and Veena Joshi; "Energy Development
Activities in a Rural Community - A Case Study", S. Kohli, V. V. Ranga Rao, R. C. Pal, P.
M. Sadaphal and Veena Joshi; "Changing Villages Vol. 9, No. 2, Apr-May 1990.
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
A. Chaurey, S. Deambi, P. M. Sadaphal and D. Tyagi; "Scope for Innovation in Design and
Installation of Small PV Power Plants", 11th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Conference and Exhibition, Montreux, Switzerland, October 12 - 16, 1992.
S. Deambi, A. Chaurey, P. M. Sadaphal and D. Tyagi; "Demand Emancipation from Community
Based Photovoltaic Power Pack Users vis-à-vis Socio-Economic Impact as assessed in
Rural India", 11th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition,
Montreux, Switzerland, October 12 - 16, 1992.
A. Chaurey, S. Deambi, P. M. Sadaphal and D. Tyagi; "Performance Evaluation of PV Power
Packs", Proceedings of the Sixth International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering
Conference, New Delhi, India, February 11 - 14, 1992; pp 583 - 586.
P. M. Sadaphal and Pradeep Monga; "Options for water-lifting in the North-East: A Case for
Hydrams", presented at the All India Exhibition on Renewable Energy Options in the
North-Eastern Region held at Shillong, 29 - 30 October 1991.
P. M. Sadaphal; "Irrigation in Hilly Areas - A Case for Hydrams", Background Paper presented at
National Workshop on Energy and Environmental Issues in Mountain Development,
Shimla, September 24 - 25, 1991.
P. M. Sadaphal; "Energy Effiency in Agricultural Pumpsets: Some Issues" Proceedings of the
Regional Seminar on Energy Conservation of the Western Regional Electricity Board
held at Gwalior, March 10 - 11, 1991.
A. Chaurey, P. M. Sadaphal and Arvinder Singh; "Field Performance Studies on a SPV Water
Pumping System", Proceedings of the National Solar Energy Convention 1989 held at
Udaipur entitled Renewable Energy and Environment, editors A. N. Mathur and N. S.
Rathore, Himanshu Publications, pp 409 - 414.
S. Kohli, V.V. Ranga Rao, R.C. Pal, P.M. Sadaphal and V. Joshi; "Energy Development
Activities in a Rural Community - A Case Study", presented at the Seminar on Interrelations between Science & Technology and Social, Structural, Environmental and
Cultural Changes for Eradicating Rural Poverty, organized by National Council for
Applied Economic Research, Nov 1 - 3, 1988.
P. M. Sadaphal; “Transfer of Technology Module (TOTEM) report on the Bamboo treadle pump”
submitted to the International Network on Bamboo and Rattan, 1999, Bejing, China
P. Venkata Ramanna, P. M. Sadaphal, A. Kumar, A. K. Varshney and H. C. Thakur; "MMHP
Status Report - India", report submitted to the International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (a wing of the United Nations Development Programme),
P. Venkata Ramanna and P. M. Sadaphal; "MMHP Case Studies", report submitted to the
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD, a wing of the United
Nations Development Programme), Kathmandu.
Soma Dutta and P. M. Sadaphal; "Sector Study in view of Sector Policy of SDC in the area of
Environment andn Energy in India", a report on the scope of entrepreneurship
development in energy conserving technologies submitted to the Swiss Development
Co-operation, New Delhi.
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
P. Venkataramanna, D. Singh, P. M. Sadaphal, R. C. Pal, J. N. Malviya and T. Baishya,
"Renewable Energy Technology Systems in the North-Eastern Region of India", Final
Report submitted to the North Eastern Council, Shillong, July, 1994.
P. M. Sadaphal; “Energy plan for the blocks Daporijo, Seppa and Roing Dambuk in Arunachal
Pradesh”, report submitted to the Rural Works Department, Government of Arunachal
Pradesh, Itanagar, 1994.
P. M. Sadaphal and A. Sharma; "Setting up a reference Urjagram in Himachal Pradesh", final
report submitted to the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources, January 1993.
P. V. Sridharan, V. V. N. Kishore, V. Joshi, P. R. Sobhanbabu, Anjana Das, P. M. Sadaphal,
Nupur Kukreti and S. Saksena; "Evalution of Coal Briquettes as a Domestic Fuel - A
Systems Approach", final report submitted to Coal India Limited.
A. Chaurey, S. Deambi, P. M. Sadaphal and D. Tyagi; "Performance Evaluation of pv Power
Plants", report for phase 1 of the study sponsored by the Ministry of Non-Conventional
Energy Sources, January 1992, p 50.
A. Chaurey, P. M. Sadaphal, Arvinder Singh and D. Tyagi; " Training, Installation and Study of
Ten Solar Photovoltaic Pumping Systems", submitted to DNES, Minstry of Energy,
February 1991.
P. M. Sadaphal and Neeraj Mittal; "Factors influencing efficiency of Agricultural Pumpsets in
India with special reference to village Dhanawas", TERI internal report, December 1988.
P. M. Sadaphal, Veena Joshi and R. C. Pal; "Evaluation of Improved Chulha Programme in
Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan and West Bengal", submitted to DNES, Minstry of Energy, January
S. Kohli, V. V. Ranga Rao, R. C. Pal, P. M. Sadaphal and Veena Joshi; "Report of the Activity
Impact and User Need Survey in Dhanawas" TERI Internal Report, December 1988.
Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers
Operating system: Microsoft DOS 6.0, Microsoft Windows 3.1, Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000
Spread-sheet software: Lotus-123, Quattro-Pro, Microsoft Excel
Word-Processing software: WordPerfect 5.1, Wordstar 4, Wordstar 5, Microsoft Word 6.0 / Win
95, Microsoft Word 2000, Microsoft Office 2000
Graphics / Presetation softwares: Harvard Graphics, Codraw, DrawPerfect, CorelDraw,
Microsoft Powerpoint
Computer Aided Design software: Elementary AutoCad
Programming Ability: Elementary BASIC and FORTRAN
Network: Netscape 4.0, Internet Explorer, Eudora Light, Winfax
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Curriculum Vitae – PARIMAL M. SADAPHAL
Available on request
Learning North Indian Classical Music (Instrumental - Sitar) since the age of 7.
Receiving training from renowned Sitar Maestro: Pt. Ravi Shankar since 1985.
Won several momentos and recognition in several music competitions in India and one in
the USA. Prominent amongst those are
(1) the award for Best Instrumentalist at the age of 9 in the Sangeetayan All India
Music Competition held in New Delhi.
(2) award of National Cultural Talent Scholarship of the Ministry of Education and
Culture, Government of India (1974).
Performed since the age of 10 on All India Radio, Doordarshan and US Television.
Gave a number of solo performances in India and abroad.
Performed with Pt. Ravi Shankar's troupe at the Festival of India in the USSR, Moscow (1988)
and on several other occasions at Delhi and Mumbai.
Performed in solo concerts assisting Pt. Ravi Shankar in Mumbai, London and several
places in the USA.
Marital status:
Married on 22 November, 1990; Spouse: Ms. Shruti Sadaphal is B.Sc., B.Ed., B.Mus. and is
working as Trained Graduate Teacher in Nutan Marathi Senior Secondary School, Aram Bagh,
Pahar Ganj, New Delhi.
Issues / Dependents:
Daughter, Dhwani born on 29 November, 1993
Son, Dhruv born on 14 August, 1996
LAST UPDATED 21 Feb 2012
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