Chapter 14
Supplementary Activity #14a: Industry Guest Speaker/Health in the
Invite an industry guest speaker into the classroom to discuss his or her company’s
approach to dealing with health-related issues. The speaker may highlight the business
aspects of these issues (cost, worker productivity, absenteeism, etc.) as well as the
importance of avoiding abusive health practices to an individual’s overall well-being.
Supplementary Activity #14b: Guest Speaker/Substance Abuse
Invite a guest speaker from the health profession into the classroom to discuss with
students the ways substance abuse can impact career success and strategies for
avoiding substance abuse.
Supplementary Activity #14c: Research Paper on a Health-Related Issue
As a project, assign students a research paper on a health-related issue that affects the
workplace. The paper can be presented to the class and be used as a basis for class
discussion or can be turned in and evaluated directly by the instructor.
Supplementary Activity #14d: Debate on a Contemporary Issue
Contemporary issues in the workplace are usually topics that generate much debate
due to varying opinions on the subjects. As a classroom activity, invite a varied group of
professionals from industry and from a state or local agency dealing with a given issue.
Have the group present their viewpoints and then debate the issue while entertaining
questions and comments from the class. You may conduct this type of debate without
outside speakers by having students in the class be the debaters.
Supplementary Activity #14e: Research Paper
The following is a resource list for researching contemporary issues in the workplace.
How students cite references from appropriate professional journals to support the
findings they present in their papers. Issues and articles chosen should be from the last
five years. Grades will be determined by the content and clarity with which the outline is
covered, as well as the validity of the student’s reasoning.
Suggested Topics for Independent Study
• Abuse of Privileges
• Affirmative Action
• Substance Abuse in the Workplace
• Business Ethics
• Computers in the Workplace
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Chapter 14
• Corporate Cultures
• Corporate Politics
• Day Care
• Drug Testing
• Employee Assistance Programs
• Employee Theft
• Flextime
• Job Sharing
• Legal Issues in Hiring and Firing
• Negotiating a Raise
• Performance Appraisals
• Personality Conflict on the Job
• Sexual Discrimination
• Sexual Harassment
• Smoking in the Workplace
• Stress and Time Management
• Training and Development Programs
• Violence in the Workplace
• Women in the Workplace
• Working Couples
Career Directions Handbook 6e Instructors’ Tool:
Supplementary Activity 14f: Exploring Contemporary Issues in the
Using the Career Directions Handbook 6e, have students review the lists of Trade
Associations and Professional Associations that may provide current information on
contemporary issues in the workplace. By using the resources listed specifically for their
industry of interest, students can explore how some contemporary issues are impacting
their career field.
Students can submit a report on an area of choice to share with the class or use the
information found in the Trade Associations and Professional Associations to complete
Supplementary Activities 14b, 14c, 14d, 14e.
#1 Have students use their favorite search engine to explore, in greater depth, a topic in
Chapter Fifteen that they are most interested in or that will better prepare them to
answer the career decision making questions in the end of chapter Reflection Exercise.
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Chapter 14
#2 After asking students to read the Chapter Fifteen real life story(ies) in preparation for
class discussion, have them use the internet to explore another chapter real life story,
that interests them, and use their research to contribute to the class discussion.
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