Tennessee Tech University Lesson Plan Template Name: Kami Bumpus, Jordan Bush & Sadie Tibbs Date: April 14, 2014 Lesson Title: Bottle Rockets Grade/Level: 4th Curriculum Standards Science Standard 11 - Motion Conceptual Strand 11 Objects move in ways that can be observed, described, predicted, and measured. GLE 0407.11.1 Recognize that the position of an object can be described relative to other objects or a background. SPI 0407.11.1 Describe the position of an object relative to fixed reference points. SPI 0407.11.2 Identify factors that influence the motion of an object. Embedded Technology & Engineering Society benefits when engineers apply scientific discoveries to design materials and processes that develop into enabling technologies. SPI 0407.T/E.1 Select a tool, technology, or invention that was used to solve a human problem. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.MD.A.1 Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units including km, m, cm; kg, g; lb, oz.; l, ml; hr, min, sec. Within a single system of measurement, express measurements in a larger unit in terms of a smaller unit. Record measurement equivalents in a two-column table. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.4.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.4.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Computer Technology Standard 1.0 Students will understand basic operations and concepts of technology. Learning Expectations 1.1 Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. Accomplishments a. Identify the functions of computer components. b. Use input devices, such as mouse, keyboard, and voice/sound d. Save, retrieve, and delete files. 1.2 Students will exhibit a proficiency in the use of technology. Accomplishments a. Use and apply appropriate computer terminology. b. Demonstrate the proper sequence of steps to operate a computer. Standard 3.0 Students will use technology productivity tools. Learning Expectations 3.1 Students will use technology tools to enhance learning, increase productivity, and promote creativity. Accomplishments Revised Spring 2013 b. Use the computer and technology resources as a learning tool. Standard 4.0 Students will use technology communications tools. Learning Expectations 4.1 Students will use telecommunications to collaborate, publish, and interact with peers, experts, and other audiences. Accomplishments a. Use communication tools to participate in projects. c. Publish information in a variety of media including, but not limited to, printed copy, monitor display, Internet documents, and video. 4.2 Students will use a variety of media and formats to communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences. Accomplishments b. Use appropriate applications, including, but not limited to spreadsheets and databases to develop charts and graphs by using data from various sources. Standard 5.0 Students will select and use appropriate technology research tools. Learning Expectations 5.2 Students will use technology tools to process data and report results. Accomplishments b. Identify the need for data to be organized. e. Demonstrate the process through which computers search, sort, delete, update and summarize data. f. Use age appropriate software programs to generate tables, charts, and graphs to display data in various curricular areas. Focus Questions/Big Idea/Goal (List all 3) Focus Question: What factors contribute to the motion of the bottle rocket? Big Idea: Amount of water, pressure, and environmental factors all affect the movement of the rocket. Learning Goals: Students will understand that the amount of water, pressure, and environmental factors all affect the movement of the bottle rocket. Lesson Objective(s) 1. Students will compare and contrast the position of the bottle rocket upon takeoff and landing through observations. 2. Students will identify factors that affect the bottle rocket’s movement and record their responses on a graphic organizer. 3. Students will determine the relationship between the amount of water added to the bottle, the pounds per square inch (psi) of air pressure, and the time the bottle rocket is in the air. Vocabulary/ Academic Language Vocabulary: Cup: a customary unit of measurement for volume to measure liquids. Pressure: ratio of force per unit area. Fin: a thin component or appendage attached to a larger body or structure. Fins typically function as foils that produce lift or thrust, or provide the ability to steer or stabilize motion while traveling in water or air. Cone: a three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a flat base to a point called the vertex. Control: the standard against which the researcher compares the results from each treatment group in the experiment. Environmental: external conditions or surroundings. Factors: one of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation. Academic Language: Processes Experiment Revised Spring 2013 Assessment Partner Share Tools Graphic Organizer Scientific Discourses Observations Record Compare/Contrast Compose Identify Analyze Students will: -Experiment within groups to determine the relationship between the amount of water added to the bottle, the pounds per square inch of air pressure, and the time the bottle rocket is in the air. -Compare and contrast the position of the bottle rocket upon takeoff and landing through observations and partner share. -Identify factors that affect the bottle rocket’s movement and record their responses on a graphic organizer. -Determine the relationship between the amount of water added to the bottle, the pounds per square inch of air pressure, and the time the bottle rocket is in the air. -Explain why the amount of water affects how the bottle rocket will fly. -Compose a summary about the information they have gained from this activity. -Complete the iPad spreadsheet in order to analyze data. Material/Resources “How to Build a Water Rocket” Video Rocket launcher Bicycle Air Pump Bottle Rockets Water Measuring Cups Bucket Water Hose Rocket Scientist Graphic Organizer (attached within Google Docs) Stopwatch iPads iSpreadsheet App Ponchos (optional) Assessment/Evaluation Formative: A formative assessment will be conducted as students compare and contrast the position of the bottle rocket upon takeoff and landing by sharing with a partner. The students will also discuss the direction the bottle rocket traveled, and how this affected its position. The teacher will move from group to group assessing the students as they partner share. A formative assessment will be conducted as students complete the Rocket Scientists graphic organizer regarding the factors that affect the bottle rockets’ movement. The teacher will use this assessment to gage if students have a clear understanding of what factors are present while launching the bottle rockets, and if they identified them on their graphic organizers. Summative: The students will complete an iPad spreadsheet during the bottle rocket launching to document data from the experiment. This data will be used to compose a write up of their observations. A summative assessment will be conducted by assessing the students’ completed spreadsheet, as well as the closing writing assignment. The students’ work will be checked for completeness. Revised Spring 2013 Instruction (Include a suggested time for each major activity) Total time for lesson: 70 minutes. Set/Motivator (10 minutes): Teacher will play the “How to Build a Water Rocket” video showing the construction process of a water rocket. This video will get the students excited about building and launching bottle rockets. After the video, the teacher will show the launcher and an actual bottle rocket to the class so they will have a better understanding of the materials before the lesson begins. How to Build a Water Rocket. (n.d.). This Old House. Retrieved April 1, 2014, from http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/video/0,,20263020,00.html List Questions for higher order thinking These cannot be answered by yes or no. (Identify Bloom’s Level of Thinking) Explain why the amount of water affects how the bottle rocket will fly. (Bloom level II, Understanding) How will the amount of air pressure pumped into the rocket affect its time in the air? (Bloom level I, Remembering) Identify the environmental factors that influence the motion of the rocket. (Bloom level II, Understanding) Instructional Procedures/Learning Tasks: (50 minutes) “I DO” (10 mins) The teacher will begin this lesson by explaining to the students that they will be learning about objects in motion. The teacher will tell the students that they will be launching bottle rockets and determining the relationship between the amount of water added to the bottle, the amount of air pressure in pounds per square inch, and the time the bottle rocket is in the air. The students will also be considering environmental factors that can possibly affect the bottle rocket’s time in the air. The teacher will explain that there will be a control bottle rocket with specific guidelines for the first launch. Students will be placed in groups, and will choose their own air pressure amount in pounds per square inch, and the amount of water that they will put into their bottle rocket. Before shooting the rockets, the students will complete numbers 1 & 2 on the graphic organizer individually. These are; 1.) Key vocabulary terms/definitions used in the lesson, and 2.) Description of the activity. Compare and contrast the position of the bottle rocket at takeoff and landing. (Bloom level IV, Analyze ) Determine the relationship between the amount of water added to the bottle; the number of pumps of air pressure, and the time the bottle rocket is in the air. (Bloom Level V, Evaluating) Compose a summary of the information obtained from the activity. (Bloom Level VI, Creating) The teacher will explain to the students that they will be working in a small group of three to four students. They will launch the bottle rocket three times. The first launch will be the control launch in which each group will use the same variables (amount of water, pressure in pounds per square inch, and time in air). This information will be provided on the top of their spreadsheet. The teacher will then explain that the students will be choosing their own amounts for each variable on the second and third launches. Each small group will consider how the changing of each variable will affect their outcomes. “WE DO” (10 mins) The teacher will work interactively with the students to complete the first bottle rocket Revised Spring 2013 launch. The teacher will explain that the variables in the experiment are the amount of water added to the bottle rocket and the amount of air pressure pumped into the rocket. The students will understand that during this portion of the experiment these variables will remain the same every time the rocket is shot, because this makes it the control. The teacher will model the control in this experiment and model shooting the first bottle rocket. “YOU DO” (30 mins) In small groups of three or four, the students will conduct their two using their desired amount of water and air pressure in each rocket. After the students select how they will adjust each variable for their second and third launches, they will identify the time in air of each rocket launched. As a group, students will complete the iPad spreadsheet in order to analyze data. This spreadsheet will include the control experiment, as well as a provided space for students to record their personal data as a group. The three variables in this experiment will include amount of water, pressure per square inch, and time in air, all of which will be accounted for on the spreadsheet. Each small group will complete one spreadsheet, and will later compile their data with the entire class. Individually, the students will also complete numbers 3 and 4 on their graphic organizers. These are; 3.) Visual representation and questions raised about the experiment, and 4.) Students will draw a picture of the experiment and will write questions that they may have concerning the experiment. The section on environmental factors will also be individually completed during the activity. The environmental section includes, marking of environmental factors that are present during this experiment, such as temperature, wind, rain or other factors. After students have completed all three launches they will continue the remainder of the graphic organizer, numbers 5 and 6, and assure that all parts of the iPad spreadsheet have been completed. The remaining questions on the graphic organizer include; 5.) Students will explain what they discovered during the experiment, and 6.) Explain where something like this takes place in the real world. The students will then be instructed to collaborate with their small group and discuss what they experienced during the experiment. The teacher will model how to compare and contrast the results based on the change of the variables. The students will start by comparing their results based on their desired amount of water. They will then do the same based on pounds per square inch of air pressure and time in air. They will discuss any trends or results they are able to witness when comparing each of these variables. Closure: (10 minutes) Using their completed iPad spreadsheet and graphic organizer, students will compose a summary about the information they have gained from this activity. This write up should be a paragraph in length (minimum of 5 sentences) and should be written in complete sentences. Adaptations to Meet Individual Needs: Gardner’s Learning Styles (1991): Howard Gardner of Harvard identified nine distinct intelligences. This lesson will include Visual-Spatial, Bodilykinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Linguistic, and Logical-Mathematical. Visual-Spatial will be accomplished by watching the starter video, as well as by using the iPads for recording the data. Revised Spring 2013 Bodily-kinesthetic will be achieved when students are participating in the launching of the bottle rockets. Interpersonal will be accomplished when the students are working together in groups. Intrapersonal will be addressed during the individual completion of the graphic organizer. Linguistic will be achieved when the class is having a dialogue during the lesson. Logical-Mathematical will be achieved when students are explaining their reasoning about the experiment. Struggling learners- For the students who have trouble with understanding the assignment or content, the teacher will help guide them one on one in completing the activity. They will also have access to books and visuals on motion that they can use as reference tools. Middle level learners- The lesson plan is geared towards these learners and is on track with their learning capabilities. These students will have access to books on motion to use as an additional resource when composing their summaries. High-level learners- These students will be paired with a lower level learner during the group activity to assist with their work. They will also be given the opportunity to do online research in order to expand their knowledge on motion. The internet access will be monitored and specific websites for the students to visit will be outlined. The teacher will provide them with questions and topics to focus on. These students can use the information gained from their research to teach the class more about motion. Whole class- The teaching assistant will provide extra help to hand raisers. There will also be a classroom center set up prior to the day this lesson is taught to pre-teach the standards of this activity. Management Issues: 1.) The teacher will need to make sure that the students are staying on task and working productively. Safety Issues: 1.) The teacher will ensure that all students know how to use the rocket launcher beforehand. 2.) The teacher will make sure an adult is supervising each group during the launching. 3.) The teacher/supervisor will make sure that students remain at a safe distance when rocket is launched. Rationale/Theoretical Reasoning: Rationale: Modeled after Piaget’s (1953) constructivist theory of how learning occurs best when students are actively engaged and involved in their learning. Scriven (2011): The assessment of this lesson is based on Michael Scriven’s original thoughts of formative and summative assessment, and how he believed the two types require distinction. The formative assessment that will be conducted as the students work in groups will allow me to recognize those who are struggling and provide one-on-one assistance. This will be where I gather information to assess the effectiveness of our curriculum from this lesson. By assessing the students’ verbal partner-share responses along with the handout, I will be able to see what they are struggling with and what needs to be retaught. The assessment of checking their iPad spreadsheets and write-ups allows me to see if they completed their assignment as instructed. This will show me how the formative assessments helped me better teach my lesson. Dewey: Learning By Doing, John Dewey’s theory (1938), is also conducted in this lesson. The students will interactively learn about factors of motion by comparing and contrasting their rocket’s position at takeoff and landing. As well as when considering the amount of water and psi to add to the bottle rocket, and the effects they will have on its movement. Bruner: This lesson will also feature one of Jerome Bruner’s three modes of representation (1966). Enactive representation (action-based) will be represented when the students participate in the group conversation and hands-on activities. This strategy is called the concrete stage and is extremely important. It is the first stage and involves a tangible hands-on method of learning. Bruner believed that, "learning begins with an action - touching, Revised Spring 2013 feeling, and manipulating." By letting the students engage in a hands-on activity, they are working in a series of actions that are right for achieving some result. In this lesson it is to have the bottle rocket with the longest flight. Bloom: Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956) is incorporated into the lesson by asking questions that require the students to develop higher order thinking. The prompting questions have the students remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. These questions allow the student to gain a better grasp on the different factors that affect motion. Common Misconceptions: According to Leo C. Singleton IV (2001), many of the most common misconceptions about bottle rockets depict how far the rocket will go or how long the rocket will stay in flight. Singleton shares some of the most common myths about bottle rockets and then tells us the correct thing, backing it up with research and data. Below you will find the misconceptions in bold and the factual information beneath it. Duct tape is the best material for attaching rocket parts, because it is strong. Duct tape is stronger than necessary for most rocket parts. It adds unnecessary weight to the rocket, which greatly decreases the rocket’s performance. Packaging tape or mailing tape is a much lighter alternative, and offers sufficient strength. The amount of water in a rocket has little effect, as long as it is around 50%. This is false for two reasons: 1. The amount of water has a great effect on the rocket’s height. In bottle rockets, water is thrust, but it also adds excess weight. You must reach a compromise between thrust and weight to find the optimum water level. 2. 50% is too much water for a typical rocket. The optimum water level varies for each rocket, depending on weight and drag, but it is typically between 40% and 45% of the bottle’s actual volume. Adding fins, no matter what type or where they are placed, will improve a rocket’s height. Height is a result of many factors—most importantly, stability. Fins will improve stability only under two conditions: 1. The fins must be rigid. They must be able to “push” against the wind, even when the rocket is travelling at speeds over 80 MPH. 2. The fins must be located behind the center of gravity of the rocket. Otherwise, they will have the opposite effect, making the rocket less stable and decreasing the height. References: Bloom B. S. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc. Bruner, J. S. (1966). Toward a theory of instruction, Cambridge, Mass.: Belkapp Press. Department of Education. (n.d.). Science Standards. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from http://www.tennessee.gov/education/ci/sci/ Department of Education. (n.d.). Computer Curriculum Standards. Retrieved April 12, 2014, from http://state.tn.us/education/ci/computer/ Dewey, J. Experience and Education. New York: Macmillan, 1938. Dodge, J. (2009). 25 quick formative assessments for a differentiated classroom. New York: Scholastic. English Language Arts Standards. (n.d.). Common Core State Standards. Retrieved April 11, 2014, from http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/ Revised Spring 2013 Gardner, Howard. The Unschooled Mind: How Children Think and How Schools Should Teach (New York: Basic Books, 1991) How to Build a Water Rocket. (n.d.). This Old House. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/video/0,,20263020,00.html iSpreadsheet. (n.d.). iTunes App Store. Retrieved April 13, 2014, from https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ispreadsheet/id292040857?mt=8 IV, L. S. (2001, January 1). Bottle Rocket Handbook. Acema. Retrieved April 10, 2014, from http://www.acema.com.ar/biblioteca/databases/download/Bottle_rocket_handbook.pdf Mathematics Standards. (n.d.). Common Core State Standards. Retrieved April 10, 2014, from http://www.corestandards.org/Math/ Piaget J (1953) The Origins of Intelligence in Children. Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, UK . Scriven, M. (2011). Evaluation, bias and its control. Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation, 7(15), 79-98. Reflections/Future Modifications: Revised Spring 2013