Dear Parents, Lower Pottsgrove Elementary has invited Spring

Dear Parents,
Lower Pottsgrove Elementary has invited Spring-Ford Counseling Services to bring the Positive Actions program to
students in third grade.
The following is a listing of the lessons. If you would like to observe one of our lessons please contact your School
Counselor, Mrs. Jennifer Flanagan.
The Positive Actions Lessons
Unit 1: Self-Concept: Definition, Formation, and Importance Lesson 24: The positive action of feeling grateful or thankful.
Lesson 1: Introduce Unit 1.
Unit 4: Getting Along with Others Using Social/Emotional
Lesson 2: Introduce the term self-concept.
Positive Actions
Lesson 3: How to build a positive self-concept.
Lesson 25: Introduce Unit 4.
Lesson 4: Factors that contribute to self-concept; our own opinions Lesson 26: The positive actions for getting along with others.
of ourselves.
Lesson 27: The positive action of looking for the good in others.
Lesson 5: Advantages of having a good self-concept.
Lesson 28: The positive actions of trying to understand how and
Lesson 6: Many factors contribute to one’s self-concept; influence why others feel as they do.
others have on one’s self-concept.
Lesson 29: The positive action of showing empathy.
Lesson 7: Many factors contribute to one’s self-concept; effect
Lesson 30: The positive action of showing empathy.
life’s experiences have on one’s self-concept.
Lesson 31: Allow students to practice saying nice things to others.
Lesson 8: Introduce the Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle.
Lesson 32: The positive actions for getting along with others.
Unit 2: Physical and Intellectual Positive Actions for a Healthy Unit 5: Telling Yourself the Truth Using Social/Emotional
Positive Actions
Lesson 9: Introduce Unit 2.
Lesson 33: Introduce Unit 5.
Lesson 10: Introduce the positive actions for daily exercise.
Lesson 34: Introduce the positive actions for self-honesty.
Lesson 11: Reinforce the positive actions for daily exercise.
Lesson 35: Being realistic and admitting strengths.
Lesson 12: Positive actions helpful in avoiding illness.
Lesson 36: Being realistic and admitting weaknesses.
Lesson 13: Positive actions for being dealing with medicines.
Lesson 37: Liking yourself versus the negative action of self-pity.
Lesson 14: Positive actions for avoiding harmful substances.
Lesson 38: Accepting responsibility instead of placing blame.
Lesson 15: Positive actions for meeting intellectual needs of
Lesson 39: Importance of self-honesty in making decisions.
obtaining information, creative thinking, learning something new, Lesson 40: How peer pressure applies to self-honesty.
problem solving, and strengthening your memory.
Unit 6: Improving Yourself Continually Using
Lesson 16: Introduce the positive actions for problem-solving.
Social/Emotional Positive Actions
Lesson 41: Introduce Unit 6.
Unit 3: Managing Yourself Using Social/Emotional Positive
Lesson 42: Opportunities for improving physical skills.
Lesson 17: Introduce Unit 3.
Lesson 43: The opportunities for intellectual self-improvement.
Lesson 18: The concept of choice in using positive/negative
Lesson 44: The opportunities for social/emotional selfactions.
Lesson 19: Positive Action of managing your resources wisely; to Lesson 45: The concept of potential and review self-improvement.
define the eight resources.
Lesson 46: How students choose their attitudes about selfLesson 20: Reinforce positive actions of developing talents and
Lesson 47: Courage to try is necessary for self-improvement.
Lesson 21: The positive actions of identifying feelings.
Lesson 48: Introduce the importance of persistence.
Lesson 22: The positive actions for managing feelings of anger.
Lesson 23: The positive action for managing feelings of worry.
Our Positive Action facilitators will present the program beginning the week of December 1st
Thank you,
Jennifer Gehret, M.S.
Prevention Coordinator