the firm`s personnel and departments

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Firm Personnel and Departments eLearning Design Document
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Table of Contents
THE FIRM’S PERSONNEL AND DEPARTMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
E-LEARNING CONTENT AND DESIGN .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
MODULE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Project Scope – Content and Design.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Revision Firm’s Personnel and Departments ................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Background ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Project Scope................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Design Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Glossary of Common Terms ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Additional Resources to be Included Module ................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
The Firm’s Personnel and Department Welcome Module ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Welcome Module – Sample Storyboard .................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
The Firm’s Relationship Intelligence Group & InterAction Tool .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Sample Slide – Knowledge Intelligence Group ...................................................................................................................................................................... 12
CLIENT APPROVALS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Content Approved by: _______________________________________
Date: ____________________ ........................................................................ 14
Name ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Content Approved by: _______________________________________
Date: ____________________ ......................................................................... 14
Name ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Content Approved by: _______________________________________
Date: ____________________ ......................................................................... 14
Name ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
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Project Scope – Content and Design
Revision Firm’s Personnel and Departments
Firm’s Personnel and
Reason for Revision
Requested By
Initial Draft
Marcia Hawk
[Company Name] current new hire training is based on a decentralized training model that utilizes local technology trainers in each office to
deliver up to four hours of training for attorneys and up to eight hours for staff. The firm has undergone substantial growth and expansion which makes it
difficult to staff a dedicated trainer at each location. The firm has moved from a centralized learning and delivery model to an on-demand model that is
designed to leverage on-demand content and distance learning programs.
Project Scope
[Company Name] has contracted Confidential to convert the current face-to-face New Hire Onboarding to an eLearning format. Four separate
learning modules will be developed to replace the firm’s live onboarding process. The four modules represent three separate eLearning tracks for
different audiences. Audience of the first track are administrative staff—paralegals, secretaries, etc. Audience of the second track are attorneys new to
the practice of law and the firm. Audience of the third track are laterals—experienced attorneys who have practiced law at another firm.
Design Assumptions
The Firm personnel and departments will be the 1st of four modules designed for each of the three learning tracks.
The design of each learning module should reflect [COMPANY LOGO]’s colors, fonts, images and logos, etc.
Each screen/sub module will be self-paced, and allow bookmarking. Users should also be able to pause and replay each screen/sub module.
Each module will have an introduction slide that explains the objectives that will be covered; one or more sub-modules, and a summary slide of
the topics covered in all the modules.
Allow “Play’ and “Replay” option for videos..
Firm Personnel and Departments eLearning Design Document
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Instructional design of content is based upon Gagne’ Nine Events of Learning.
At the completion of the entire module, there should be an indicator (e.g.: a star, badge or passport…acknowledgement of completion) that
shows the completion of the module or progress indicator.
Navigation will include Backward, Forward, Pause, Exit, Replay, and Home keys. Each module will should be accessible using standard navigation
Users are expected to complete each module in sequence. The Table of Content will be viewable but not accessible (per JKL).
A module may either be informational, instructional or both. An informational module presents information to users (example: Firm’s Personnel
and Departments or the services that a department provides); an instructional module presents instructional content and educates user about
certain topics (Example: how to request services; what do when faced with a scenario). Instructional modules may have one or more
assessments in the form of quizzes or scenarios.
Narration Scripts are scripts that will be narrated.
Video scripts are video interviews with contextual questions and stories that are based upon specific topics.
Screen Content is any content that will be displayed on the screen during narration.
Click “Here” links should allow users to access printable course transcripts or additional resources.
Each topic (notated as SCR0#) within a module will have its own slide.
At the end of each module in a track, users should have the option of requesting module completion prize (T-Shirt, Mug, etc.).
Glossary of Common Terms
Previous Time Management and Billing Tool
Central Word Processing
Office Tiger Team
[Company Name]’s Knowledge Intelligence Tool
Knowledge Management
Attorney’s Time Management and Billing Tool
Radio Frequency Identification—a unique id assigned to files and used to tag documents assigned
to clients’ files.
[Company] Relationship Intelligence Group
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Additional Resources to be Included Module
Department or Group
Email, Phone,
Knowledge Management – Customer
Relationship Management (CRM)
Email, Phone,
Knowledge Management – Research &
Intranet Website Business Intelligence
Email, Phone,
Knowledge Management – Central Word
Intranet Website Processing (CWP)
Email, Phone,
Records Services
Intranet Website
Email, Phone,
Technology Services
Intranet Website
TBP (To be provided)
TBP (To be provided)
TBP (To be provided)
TBP (To be provided)
Tech Services Request:
The Technology Services has a
streamlined help system where you
call one number (X9997) to have a
technical issue resolved over the
phone or to initiate a deskside visit.
Email, Phone,
Intranet Website
Email, Phone,
Intranet Website
Email, Phone,
Intranet Website
Finance Department
Training Request: TBD
TBP (To be provided)
TBP (To be provided)
Practice Support Group
TBP (To be provided)
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The Firm’s Personnel and Department Welcome Module
Slide/Screen No: SCR001
Topic: Welcome
On Screen Content:
Firm Personnel and Departments Module Objectives:
Relationship Intelligence Group
Research and Business Intelligence Group
Centralized Word Processing Department
Record Services Group
Technology Services Group
Finance Department
Engineering Group
Click the NEXT button to begin learning about each of the service that our Practice Support Group provides.
On Screen Topic(s)
This is the (introduction) It’s what the
user hears when the first slide in the
module is launched.
Audio Narration
Welcome to the Firm Personnel and Departments
module. [Company Name] is organized by groups and
departments that provide specific services to the firm’s
personnel and its clients.
In this module, you will learn about [Company Name]’s
personnel, groups, and department. You will learn
about the services that each the following group or
department provides:
Relationship Intelligence Group
Research and Business Intelligence Group
Centralized Word Processing Department
Record Services Group
Technology Services Group
Finance Department
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Engineering Group
navigate this eLearning Module, click
To navigate this eLearning module, click the NEXT
button to advance to the next slide; the PREVIOUS
button to access the previous slide; the HOME button
to access the main slide in the current eLearning
module, the PAUSE button to pause your slide; the
REPLAY button to replay the slide. You may also use
the EXIT to exit this module.
2 or 3-frame slide.
When you are ready to begin your orientation, click the
NEXT button to begin learning about the first group,
[Company] & [Company]’s Relationship Intelligence
Group and the firm’s Knowledge Intelligence toolInterAction.
User Function Keys
Status/Progress Bar
NEXT, PREVIOUS (do not include on the first slide) EXIT,
Percentage of module
completed by user
Welcome Module – Sample Storyboard
The Firm’s Relationship Intelligence Group & InterAction Tool
Slide/Screen No: SCR002
Topic: Knowledge Intelligence – The InterAction Tool
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On Screen Content:
[Company Name]’s InterAction Tool:
Web interface
Integrates with Outlook
Shows You Who Knows Whom In the Firm
Shows You How You Are Connected on LinkedIn
Integrated with Business Intelligence – Lexis Nexis News and Business
Shows News and Biographies
Focused on Client/Matter Information
Provides Event Management and Client Alert Meetings
Manage Contacts and Mailing List
Click here to Learn more about InterAction and its innovative team.
On Screen Topic(s)
Audio Narration
Like many other organizations, [Firm Name] uses
Knowledge Management to help the firm leverage
knowledge that can increase the firm’s success. The
firm’s Knowledge Management Group manages the
Relationship Intelligence tools—InterAction.
Images (sample)
What do we mean by Knowledge Management?
Knowledge Management represents the strategies
that an organization uses to identify and collect
information that can be leveraged and shared by
members in the organization. [Firm Name] uses the
InterAction "Relationship Intelligence" tool for its firm's
knowledge management.
The InterAction tool allows the firm to collect and track
information about people, companies, relationships,
clients, matters, experience and expertise. The tool
also allows the firm to uncover unique and complex
connections that exist between people, internally and
Firm Personnel and Departments eLearning Design Document
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externally, and companies. This knowledge empowers
[Firm Name] to uncover new revenue opportunities,
differentiate the firm from its competitors, and
enhance our client service.
SCR002.1 The Web interface
Provides a 360 View of all contact
Everyone benefits from the collective
Single firm-wide knowledgebase of
Relationship Intelligence.
SCR002.2 Integrates with Outlook
Allows easy contribution and sharing
of Outlook contacts and their
Allows you to search for contacts
InterAction, while you are in Outlook
There are several features and benefits to the firm’s
InterAction software.
The Web Interface feature provides you with a 360view of all contacts allowing everyone to benefit from
the firm’s collective intelligence about a contact
through a single firm-wide knowledgebase of
Relationship Intelligence.
The Outlook Integration feature of the tool allows you
to easily contribute and share your Outlook contacts
and their information. You can also search InterAction
for individual and company information from within
SCR002.3 Shows You Who Knows
Whom In the Firm
Reveals which employees have
relationship with a particular contact
Great when preparing for client
meetings—lets you know who-knowswhom before contacting a potential
The Who-Knows-Whom feature reveals employees who
have a relationship with a particular contact. Suppose
you are preparing for a client meeting or meeting with
a prospect, you can avoid the embarrassing situation
of contacting the client when one of your colleagues
has already contacted the client. This can make the
difference between winning the business of a client
and losing the business to the competition.
SCR002.4 Shows You How You Are
Connected on LinkedIn
The LinkedIn connections feature allows you to see
how you are connected to a contact based upon your
LinkedIn Connections. It also allows you to search for a
contact’s profile in LinkedIn.
LinkedIn feature shows you how you
are connected to other contacts in
Allows search for a contact’s profile.
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SCR002.5 Integrated with Business
Intelligence – Lexis Nexis News and
Business Intelligence feature
connects you to Lexis News and
Business Directly.
Allows you to view market and
industry databases, recent M&A
Transactions, SEC filings and U.S.
Private and public company reports.
SCR002.6 Shows News and Biographies
News and Biographies feature
connect you to Lexis News directly
Allows you to view recent news,
executive’s bios, job changes and
recent blog posts.
SCR002.7 Focused on Client/Matter
Allows you to view client and matter
information imported from the CMS
Open, the firm’s time and billing
SCR002.8 Provides Event Management
and Client Alert Meetings
Used for identifying contacts to use
for events; client alerts,
announcements and other mailings.
Provides online registrations,
distribution, and management of
SCR002.9 Manage Contacts and
Mailing List
Manage Contacts and Mailing List
The Business Intelligence feature connects you to
Lexis News and Business directly from InterAction. You
can view market and industry databases, recent M&A
transactions, SEC filings and, U.S. private and public
company reports.
The News and Biographies feature connects you to
Lexis News and Business directly from Interaction
where you can view recent news, executive bios, job
changes and recent blog posts.
The Focused Client/Matter feature allows you to view
client and matter information imported from CMS
Open, the firm’s time and billing system.
Is this still the firm’s time and billing system…what
about Intapp?
The Event Management and Client Alert Mailings is
InterAction’s central application and is used for
identifying contacts to use for events, client alerts,
announcements and other mailings. It also provides
online registrations, distribution, and management of
The Manage Contacts and Mailing List features allows
you to control which contacts you wish to share with
the firm. You also have the option to add your contacts
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Allows you to determine which
contacts to share with the firm
Allows you to add your contacts to
marketing mailing list;
Used for Client alerts,
announcement and other mailings
SCR002.10 Reports
Allows you to print a variety of
reports for companies, individual
contacts, and a list of contacts.
SCR002.11 Closing Summary
to marketing mailing lists, used for client alerts,
announcements and other mailings.
Finally, the Reports feature allows you to view and
print a variety of reports for companies, individual
contacts, and a list of contacts
In this module, you learned about the [Firm Name]’s
Relationship Intelligence tool-InterAction and the
features of the tool.
In the next module you will learn about the firm’s
Research & Business Intelligence Group.
Click the Next button to begin learning about the
Firm’s Business Intelligence Group.
SCR002.12 Short Quiz
User Function Keys
Status/Progress Bar
2 or 3-frame slide.
Percentage of module
completed by user
Sample Slide – Knowledge Intelligence Group
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Slide#: SCR002
Module Topic: Knowledge Intelligence Tool
Cutout image of
someone presenting each
The Firm’s Knowledge Intelligence Tool: InterAction
Include Images, logos, etc. of each of the
products feature. Include Outlook, LinkedIn,
Lexis Nexs, etc. logos for each feature’s
Web interface
Integrates with Outlook
Shows You Who Knows Whom In the Firm
Shows You How You Are Connected on LinkedIn
Integrated with Business Intelligence – Lexis Nexis News and
Shows News and Biographies
Focused on Client/Matter Information
Provides Event Management and Client Alert Meetings
Manage Contacts and Mailing List
Audio narration for each topic/feature
included in storyboard.
Click the NEXT button to begin learning about the features of the
InterAction Tool.
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Content Approved by: _______________________________________
Date: ____________________
Content Approved by: _______________________________________
Date: ____________________
Content Approved by: _______________________________________
Date: ____________________
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