Biome Project Rubric and Directions

Chapter 4: Ecosystems & Biomes Project
You will make a Google presentation (slide show). The majority of this project should be
completed in school, during class time! You may, however want to do some research at
home ahead of time so that you will be prepared and can utilize your time in class making
your presentation. I have put links to some biome websites on my webpage to help get
you started. When struggling to find some information for your biome, please see me
sooner than later so I can help.
I will assign you a biome.
You will research your biome. Most information should be able to be found through the
internet. You may also bring books from home or check out books from the WGMS or
public library.
Slide #1
Include the name of your biome, your name, and class period
Slide #2
Write a description/definition of your biome. Include a picture.
Include/Identify specific physical features such as types of plant life, soil, landforms and
water sources that may be key to describing your biome.
Slide #3
Must include a map of the world with your biome highlighted/colored/identified.
The map should be titled: Areas where (your biome) are located on Earth (include a key).
Identify (list) locations/major countries where the biome is found.
Slide #4
Identify the climate and weather of your biome.
This should include an average temperature range in Fahrenheit or Celsius (annual high &
low temperatures), average amount of precipitation in inches or centimeters (monthly,
seasonally or yearly depending on your biome) and types of weather your biome has.
Using charts and graphs with this information can be helpful.
Slide #5
Identify (name) and provide pictures of at least 4 biotic factors (be specific: instead of
writing bear, write grizzly bear) in your biome. Show a variety!
Slide #6
Identify (name) and provide pictures of at least 4 abiotic factors in your biome.
Slide #7
Identify (species names) and include pictures of a complex food web that includes at least 5
organisms. Identify the energy role of each organism: producer, consumer: herbivore, omnivore,
carnivore or scavenger and place them at the correct level in the pyramid. You may also choose
to include known decomposers in your biome – place these at the top or bottom and make sure
they are labeled as we do not usually place these in food webs or pyramids.
Slide #8
Identify and include pictures of a predator-prey relationship between 2 animals in your
biome. Describe the special features (adaptations) that help them survive the relationship
OR list 2 organisms in your biome and decribe at least 3 adaptations that help each
survive in this biome.
Slide #9
Describe (and if possible include a picture of) a negative human or environmental
problem that has impacted your biome. Also provide a solution or prevention to make it
better in the future.
Slide #10 Choose 1 of the 4 choices below.
Any additional slides on the topics below will be extra credit if completed.
Choice #1
Identify, provide a picture of and explain an example of dispersal in your biome.
Choice #2
Identify, provide a picture of and describe an example of an exotic (invasive) species in
your biome. Explain how this organism impacted your biome & how it got there.
Choice #3
Identify, provide a picture of and explain a limit to dispersal (limiting factor) in your biome.
Choice #4
Identify, provide a picture and explain an example of succession that has taken place in
your biome. Identify when it happened and what has happened since that time.
Slide #11
extra credit (+5)
Slide #12
extra credit (+5)
You will have 4 days in class to complete this project. Your Google slides/presentation will
save on your DRIVE and is accessible as long as you log in to your Google Account.