PPG Minutes - September 2015

Thursday 3rd September 2015
Attendees:Dr Mandy Caplan - GP
Sister Angela Boucher – Nursing Manager
Debbie Beels – Practice Manager
Carol Elliot – PPG member
Barbara Shaw – PPG member
John Bevans – PPG member
David Lee – PPG member
Pam Crossland – PPG member
Kevin Morley – PPG member
Stuart McKie – PPG member
Phillip Tepper – PPG member
Jackie Brennan – PPG member
Debbie opened the Meeting by welcoming our all PPG members and thanking them for
1. Debbie, Dr Caplan and Sr Boucher discussed the recent CQC report which most
attendees had read. Overall we, the practice, is happy with the results of the CQC
inspection. It was a very positive experience and there were no real surprises
uncovered. There are three main areas that we are working on, although these were
identified before the CQC report was received. These are 1. Formalising the Audit
process 2. Having an annual training day for all mandatory training for all staff 3.
Putting together a more robust medication review policy and procedure. The rating
process was discussed and it was explained what is required to obtain an
“outstanding” rating. The full CQC report is available on the website and the
summary version will be displayed in the waiting area.
2. Debbie then mentioned that we would like members of the PPG (and other patients
if they would like) to help out in the practice on a regular basis. This could include
encouraging patients to use the Friends and Family Test tablet, helping patients to
check in on the automated screen and speaking to fellow patients about the PPG and
becoming a member. If anyone is able to commit to a short amount of time and feel
confident in speaking with other patients, if they could contact Debbie Beels at the
practice to arrange this. All members present agreed to consider this (although we
recognise this is almost impossible for those in full time employment.
It was also mentioned at this point that we may get more engagement from
members of the PPG if the meetings were sometimes carried out during the day. If
you feel this would encourage you to attend, please let Debbie know and she will
look into alternating the times.
3. Debbie highlighted the new TV which has been put up in the waiting room. This is
intended to be an information source for patients (there will be no sound attached).
In order to ensure this goes ahead, the practice wanted ideas of what should be
included on the presentation, how long the presentation should last and required
help with some of the technical issues. David Lee has very kindly agreed to offer his
technical expertise once we have the content together. All agreed that a
presentation of roughly 15 minutes in a continuous loop would be the ideal and
would cover some of the following areas: Instructions for carrying out bowel screening test
 Services available and on which days
 Friends and Family Test info
 Notice re children sitting in chairs
 Flu/Shingles – seasonal issues
 Smoking cessation
 The Patient Participation Group
 Choose Well – Self Help, Pharmacy, GP or A&E
 Travel information
 Signposting for benefits (which Jackie Brennan has kindly offered to help us
It was also agreed that this must be interesting and up to date. We will request
feedback on the presentation after it has been running for a few weeks.
4. AOB – there were a few areas of business highlighted by those PPG members in
 How our appointment system works and the availability of pre bookable
doctors appts. – we had a discussion regarding appts that were not
emergencies but could not wait 2 weeks. When all doctors are in attendance
the waiting time for appts is normally around 7 days but this can go up when
doctors are on holiday. There are book on the day appts available and
emergency slots daily.
 The flu jab being offered by Pharmacies for pts with chronic conditions and
how the GP will be advised of this – the practice is going to look into this as it
is important that we are kept informed of our patients treatments
 How reception staff deal with patients to present at reception with
conditions which would determine they go to A&E – there is a protocol for
patients presenting with certain symptoms which will prompt the reception
staff to call an ambulance immediately. This comes as a guideline and very
often experience is the most valuable tool when making these decisions.
The next PPG meeting will be held at the beginning of December 2015 – the exact
date will be confirmed shortly.