2016 Communication on Progress – Atrenne Computing Solutions Inc. Statement of continued support by the Chief Executive Officer: January 4, 2016 To our stakeholders: I am pleased to confirm that Atrenne Computing Solutions (ACS) reaffirms its support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption. In this annual Communication on Progress, we describe our actions to continually improve the integration of the Global Compact and its principles into our business strategy, culture and daily operations. We also commit to share this information with our stakeholders using our primary channels of communication. Sincerely yours, Chris Boutlier President and CEO Human Rights Assessment, policy and goals: Atrenne Computing Solutions (ACS) is a strong supporter of respecting human rights. It is committed to following all applicable, local minimum wage, overtime wage, child labor and other wage and hour laws and regulations. If national law falls short of international standards, ACS strives to meet international standards and not infringe on human rights. We require our vendors adhere to all applicable domestic laws and encourage them to be consistent with ACS core labor practice principles. Atrenne Computing Solutions is committed to complying with all legislation associated with the use of “conflict minerals” and complies with regulations to enable designation of all ACS products as “DRC Conflict Free”. We work with our suppliers to understand or establish their systems for sourcing of raw materials, including any listed metals which may be used in ACS products. Implementation: In the past year, ACS continues to follow a strict policy abiding by the guidelines associated with not using any materials containing conflict minerals sourced from the DRC. All products are analyzed to confirm they are “DRC Conflict Mineral Free.” Confirmation of adherence has been received from appropriate suppliers. Conflict mineral declarations are provided to all customers requesting said documents. ACS applies a strict policy of not hiring any employee who is under the age of 18 years old. The company “Open Door Policy” allows employees to express concerns to the highest levels of the company without question or risk of reprisal. The company maintains wages at or above the minimum wage levels associated with the countries our factories are located. Measurement of outcomes: Constant diligence by our site Human Resource departments insure we abide by our company policies and practices as they pertain to human rights. ACS submitted 136 conflict mineral declarations in 2015. Labour Assessment, policy and goals: As noted in our Corporate Social Responsibility policy, “We treat each other with courtesy, dignity and respect. Employment decisions are made without regard to race, color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, family status, veteran status, age, disability or other status protected by law. We do not discriminate on the basis of these characteristics in any personnel action. Treating one another with courtesy, dignity and respect means that all employees are entitled to work in an environment that is free of harassment. It is the goal of ACS to promote a workplace that is free of harassment. Harassment of employees occurring in the workplace, or in other settings in which employees may find themselves in connection with their employment, is unlawful and will not be tolerated by this organization. Any retaliation against an individual who has complained about harassment or retaliation against individuals for cooperating with an investigation of a harassment complaint is similarly unlawful and will not be tolerated. To achieve our goal of providing a workplace free from harassment, the conduct that is described in this policy will not be tolerated. We have provided a procedure by which inappropriate conduct will be dealt with, if encountered or practiced by employees. Because ACS takes allegations of harassment seriously, we will respond promptly to complaints of harassment, and where it is determined that such inappropriate conduct has occurred, we will act promptly to eliminate the conduct and impose such corrective action as is necessary, including disciplinary action up to and including termination where appropriate.” Implementation: The labour union formed in 2013 in our Xiamen, China facility continues to function and provide guidance to factory management. The group has sponsored social events for employees and works with site management to provide for employee development. Measurement of outcomes: Monthly employee All Hands meetings are held to share important company information and create a forum for employees to raise questions and concerns. Company “open door” policy serves as an avenue for employees to raise any questions or concerns they have up to the highest level of the company. The company tracks employee retention rates and conducts exit interviews for any employee who voluntary leaves the company. Turnover in our Xiamen, China facility reached a 5 year low in 2015 driven by higher wages and improved employee development program. Environment Assessment, policy and goals: The ACS environmental policy states: “Atrenne Computing Solutions is committed to protecting the environment. As a company and as individuals, we must exercise good judgment with regard to the environmental impact of our business activities. We will constantly work to ensure that we are doing business in an environmentally responsible manner. Atrenne Computing Solutions is committed to meeting all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other applicable requirements. We seek to recycle our resources including water, metals and other consumables. We shall seek to minimize the environmental risks to our employees and the communities in which we operate. This policy is the responsibility of all ACS employees Water Consumption Policy: ACS recognizes how valuable water is as a natural resource. Given this recognition, we will constantly strive to reduce our water consumption by recycling process water usage where ever possible and taking steps to minimize water usage in none process related areas. Water Pollution Policy: In order to insure ACS minimizes its impact on the environment it operates in, we will strive to reduce our impact on the water in our surrounding community. To this end, ACS has policies and procedures for dealing with any unexpected chemical spill to insure ground water is not impacted. Implementation: As evidence of ACS’s commitment to the environment, we have implemented the following actions and practices: The installation of 190 solar panels producing electricity for our Randolph, MA facility. We vacated this building at the end of 2015 however we benefited from the renewable energy generated by these solar panels throughout the year. All floor drains are plugged in the Randolph, MA facility preventing any risk of exterior water pollution due to a process spill. We maintain CAT 4 status with the Massachusetts Water Resource Association. We recycle 100% of our scrap aluminum, sheet metal, plastic and cardboard. Measurement and outcomes: We monitor electricity, water and gas usage on a monthly basis and address any abnormalities. Anti-corruption Assessment, policy and goals: The Atrenne Computing Solitions Business Ethics Policy states: At Atrenne Computing Solutions, we promote responsible business practices at every level of the company. We strive to conduct business ethically, honestly and in accordance with the laws of the land in which we operate and we expect all business partners to meet our high ethical standards. Conflict of Interest: Employees of ACS have a duty of loyalty to the company and should always take actions that are in the best interest of ACS. Employees should avoid activities, interests or relationships that would create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest. Employees should not have any direct or indirect interest in, or involvement with, any competitor of the Company if it might interfere with, influence, or appear to influence, that employee’s performance of their job. A full and prompt disclosure of facts regarding potential conflicts is required. Relations with Vendors: ACS selects vendors on the basis of price, quality and performance. Employees must avoid personal, financial or other involvement with a vendor with whom he or she does,or is likely to do, business. Vendors should not be solicited to engage in activities outside of the business relationship. Good business relationships are built through trust and integrity, not through the exchange of gifts or other favors. All employees are strictly prohibited from accepting bribes, kickbacks, payoffs or other types of payments from anyone currently doing business with ACS or seeking to do business with ACS. Gifts from vendors of any type, including invitations to meals and entertainment should be reported immediately to the employee’s direct manager. Preserving Company Assets: ACS’s assets are acquired, used and disposed of for the benefit of the Company. Any act of theft, fraud, embezzlement or misappropriations of property is strictly prohibited. Safeguarding Company Information: ACS’s information is a valuable asset. All nonpublic information and records concerning any aspect of ACS business is considered confidential. Employees may not disclose or use for their benefit or for the benefit of another, any confidential ACS information. Intellectual Property: ACS respects other companies’ intellectual property. Violations of copyright and intellectual property laws are not tolerated or condoned. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: Employees are strictly prohibited from using Company funds or other Company assets for any illegal, unethical or improper purpose. This policy is global, regardless of the norms in a particular country. Employees may not give, offer or promise to pay a bribe, kickback or other similar payment or gift to any foreign official, department or agency, foreign political party or political party official, or candidate for foreign political office for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. Software Piracy: Software piracy will not be tolerated at ACS and will be subject to disciplinary action. Software piracy is the unauthorized install, use, and/or distribution of illegal software (commercial software purchased by someone, but copied and used by someone else). Pirated illegal software is also defined as the use of software not licensed and registered to ACS, or the unauthorized copying and distribution of legally licensed and registered software by ACS for use by others. This is not only against the licensing agreements of software, but it is in violation of copyright and intellectual property laws, and subjects the Company to fines and litigation. All employees are encouraged to report suspected or observed violations of law or company policy by contacting the appropriate manager. Atrenne Computing Solutions will not retaliate against anyone who reports, in good faith, suspected violations of the law or company policy. Any concerns, issues or problems observed with regards to this policy should be reported immediately to your supervisor or to Human Resources. The President and CEO of ACS and the Human Resource Department are ultimately responsible for this policy. This policy applies to all ACS employees and facilities. Implementation: We review this policy and expectations with all employees and monitor closely. Measurement and outcomes: In 2015 we did not experience any known violations to this policy.