COMHAIRLE CONTAE CHORCAÍ _____________________________________________________________________ Minutes of Proceedings at Meeting of Cork County Council held in the Council Chamber, County Hall, Cork on 22nd June, 2015. I LATHAIR Comhairleoir A. Ó Colmáin, Méara Chontae Comhairleoiri Mac Craith, Ó Laoghaire, Daltúin, Ní Fhúarthain, D. Ó Donnabháin, Ni Dheasmhumhnaigh, Ó Cainte, S. Ó Coileán, M. Ó Murchú, Ó hEarchaí, Lombard, C. Ó Murchú, Ní Mhurchú-Uí Mhathúna, S. Ó Donnabháin, A. Ó Muimhneacháin, Críod, Ó Gráda, Ó Luasaigh, Ó Riain Ó Conbhuí, P. Ó Suilleabháin, C. MacCárthaigh, Ó Ceocháin, De Barra, Uí Chuileannáin, Rasmussen, N. Ó Coileán, A. Ó Suilleabháin, Ó Buachalla, Ó hEigeartaigh, Léanacháin-Foghlú, N. MacCárthaigh, C. Ó Caoimh, Ó Floinn, Ó Dúghaill, Mhic Dháibhí, J. Uí Mhurchú, Ó Sé, MacGearailt, B. Ó Muimhneacháin, Uí Mhaoláin, T. Ó Coileán, M. Ó Coileán, Ó Cearúill, Ó Donnabháin, C. Ó Suilleabháin, P.G. Ó Murchú, Ó hAodha, Ó hUrthuile. PRESENT Councillor A. Coleman, County Mayor presided. Councillors McGrath, Ó Laoghaire, D’Alton, Forde, Ó Donnabháin, Desmond, Canty, J. Collins, M. Murphy, Harris, Lombard, K. Murphy, Murphy-O’Mahony, J. O’Donovan, A. Moynihan, Creed, O’Grady, Lucey, Ryan, Conway, P. O’Sullivan, K. McCarthy, Keohane, Barry, Cullinane, Rasmussen, N. Collins, A. O’Sullivan, Buckley, Ml. Hegarty, Linehan-Foley, N. McCarthy, O’Keeffe, O’Flynn, Doyle, Dawson, J. Murphy, O’Shea, Fitzgerald, B. Moynihan, Mullane, T. Collins, M. Collins, Carroll, N. O’Donovan, C. O’Sullivan, P.G. Murphy, Hayes, Hurley. Chief Executive, Senior Executive Officer. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 1/6-2 Proposed by Councillor Michael Hegarty. Seconded by Councillor Kevin Murphy. RESOLVED: “That the minutes of meeting of the Council held on 8th June, 2015, be confirmed and signed by the Mayor.” Minjun2.15 Page 1 VOTES OF SYMPATHY 2/6-2 TO: Mary Hickey on the death of her sister-in-law Marian Lee. TO: Bishop Crean and the family of the late Canon Finbar Kelleher. TO: The family of the late Edward Hurley. TO: The families of the six young people who were killed in the Berkley tragedy. PRESENTATION BY ‘BEHAVIOUR AND ATTITUDES MARKET RESEARCH COMPANY’ ON CORK COUNTY COUNCIL – SURVEY RESULTS. 3/6-2 The CE explained to Members that Cork County Council engaged consultants who are national experts in this field to undertake a survey of residents and businesses perception of the Council. One of the reasons for undertaking the survey was to inform the Corporate Planning process. Overall the response has been positive indicating a highly supportive and mature knowledge of what the Council does as an organization and the challenges facing it. The CE introduced John O’Mahony who gave a presentation on the findings. Mr. O’Mahony stated that 500 face to face interviews were conducted with a representative sample of Cork County residents across the Council’s eight municipal districts areas and 200 telephone interviews were conducted with a representative sample of Cork County businesses stratified by company size and geographical region. The CE stated that the outcome of the survey clearly indicates a high level of interest in the Council’s activities and, at a pivotal time in the future development of the Council both in terms of new organisational and political structures introduced over the past 12 months and, the developing leadership role of the organisation in progressing the economic, social and community growth of the county, it is important to be aware of the level of knowledge of the Council, its perceived relevance to residents and businesses and the level of satisfaction with engagement with the Council. While the survey does indicate areas for improvement, particularly in ensuring that those who pay towards services can maximise their use of them through greater knowledge of the range of services provided and, in ensuring that the Council show that it continuously derives value for money, he is particularly pleased with aspects of the survey outcome that demonstrates a high level of satisfaction with the manner in which residents and businesses are dealt with by Council staff and a confirmation that the Council is viewed by a very high percentage of residents and businesses as being courteous, professional, positive and community focused, these being critical values that should underpin the delivery of public services. After the presentation Members made the following points: Thanked the CE for comments and John O’Mahony for the presentation. The recent presentation to the public of the Local Economic & Community Plan was very professional and was to be commended; The results of the survey are very interesting and very positive; It was highlighted that there is room for improvement especially in the area of housing, people should not be conducting business in corridors in full public view. Communication is very important. Minjun2.15 Page 2 It was a disappointment for Members to note that there was nothing much about Social Inclusion in the survey and wanted to know was the new Irish community included in the survey. The survey needs to be used as a platform for further improvement. The overall results indicate a measured and frequently supportive attitude towards Cork County Council from both Cork County Residents and Businesses. STATUTORY BUSINESS The following disposal notices were noted by Members. DISPOSAL OF SUBSTATION SITE AT KENNELL HILL, MALLOW. (ESB). 4(a)/6-2 In accordance with the provisions of Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2001, the disposal of property as shown hereunder shall be carried out in accordance with the terms specified in the notice issued to members dated 11th June, 2015: DISPOSAL OF LAND AT BARRACK STREET, BALLYCLOUGH, MALLOW, CO. CORK. 4(b)/6-2 DISPOSAL OF LAND AT AUGHAVILLE, BANTRY, CO.CORK 4(c)/6-2 DISPOSAL OF LAND AT REENROUR WEST, BANTRY, CO.CORK 4(d)/6-2 DISPOSAL OF 17 FERNWAY, BRIDEWOOD, OVENS, CO.CORK 4(e)/6-2 DISPOSAL OF 3 THE WILLOWS, FOTA ROCK, CARRIGTWOHILL, CO. CORK 4(f)/6-2 Minjun2.15 Page 3 Section 4(2) and Sections 32-35 of the Local community Development Committee (Section 128E) Regulations 2014 (SI No. 234 of 2014): FILLING OF CASUAL VACANCY ON THE NORTH CORK LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. 5/6-2 The following was approved by Members: Proposed by Cllr. John Paul O’Shea: Seconded by Cllr. Seamus McGrath. A casual vacancy has arisen on the North Cork LCDC. In accordance with the provisions of Section 4(2) and Sections 32-35 of the Local Community Development Committee (Section 128E) Regulations 2014 (SI No. 234 of 2014), the approval of the members is sought to the appointment of Ms. Margaret Fenton as a replacement representative for Respond Housing Association on the North Cork LCDC. The previous nominee (Mr. Ned Brennan) is hereby de-selected. REPORTS & RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEES West Cork Municipal District: MANAGER’S REPORT UNDER SECTION 179, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT, 2000: 6/6-2 Proposed by Councillor P. Hayes Seconded by Councillor S. McGrath RESOLVED: “Noting that in accordance with Article 179 of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act, 2000, notice of the proposed development was published, that 2 no. submissions were received in respect of the proposal, approval pursuant to Article 179 of the said Act is given for the following:R595 Market Street Upgrade (Skibbereen) Fermoy Municipal District. RELEASING BONDS FOR HOUSING ESTATES NOT TAKEN IN CHARGE 7/6-2 Members noted the following: “The Elected Members of the Fermoy Municipal District call on the Chief Executive to contact the Allied Irish Bank with reference to releasing bonds for housing estates not taken in charge, where works are required to bring the estates to completion, and where AIB are the bond holders”. During a discussion Members made the following points: A.I.B. is not engaging with the Council and is holding up progress; Minjun2.15 Page 4 A test case should be taken against AIB and also write to the Minister for Environment, if the bank is not responding to the bonds, Cork County Council must be in a position to draw down the bond; Unfinished estates are a serious health & safety issue where children are at risk with open manholes. People bought these houses in good faith. Unless we are proactive as a Council, none of these estates are going to see a resolution. Positive steps towards taking many estates in charge in recent years, however a lot more progress should be taken by Cork County Council in drawing down bonds. Developers should be able to draw down part of the bond in order to finish the estates. Very disappointed to hear that a bank is not living up to its responsibilities and disappointed that the Council has to resort to legal action to force the bank to take action; The CE explained to Members that Bonds are a requirement of planning permission and the value of the bond is calculated by the Council’s estates engineers. It is the responsibility of those in charge of the sites to ensure that the sites are safe, this is not the Council’s responsibility. There are 138 unfinished estates listed in Cork County. Of those, 38 are the subject of financial securities provided by AIB. 26 of those 38 are not deemed problematic as efforts to resolve them locally are moving forward. But 12 of the 38 are not advancing in spite of significant correspondence and attempts at engagement. 8 of these 12 cases have been referred to the County Solicitors Department and the remaining 4 are the subject of correspondences with AIB and if these are not advanced they will also be referred to the County Solicitor. Following further discussion it was proposed that the subject of unfinished estates be discussed at a future meeting of the Development Committee. Kanturk / Mallow Municipal District: CAMPERVAN HOLIDAYING 8/6-2 Members noted the following: (a) “That the Kanturk/ Mallow Municipal District office would identify sites/locations within the five towns in the district in order to facilitate people holidaying in campervans. Services required would be overnight parking facilities, water and waste water services. This would encourage the increasing number of people holidaying in campervans across the country from within Ireland and abroad to come to our towns which has the facilities they need while also enjoying the services that these five towns have on offer”. It was agreed that this should be forwarded to the Tourism SPC. (b) “That the members of the Kanturk/ Mallow Municipal District seek approval from the Department of Environment, Community & Local Government for Cork County Council to employ additional frontline staff in order to continue to deliver core services throughout the district in a safe, efficient and effective manner. The area offices in the district currently have insufficient staff numbers to deliver core services with the retirement of a number of frontline staff since the recruitment embargo was put in place in 2009” Members agreed that the above matter was adequately discussed at a previous meeting. Minjun2.15 Page 5 REPORTS & RECOMMENDATIONS OF COMMITTEES 9/6-2 Quarterly report of the Chief Executive on Economic Development. This is the second report to Council in 2015. The first report in March outlined the Councils Economic Development activities in 2015. This report covers activities for the first five months of 2015. Mr. Louis Duffy Director of Services explained the report under the various headings: 1. Regional and Local planning for Economic Development and Jobs. 2. Local Economic and Community Plans. 3. Local Enterprise Offices 4. Local Enterprise Office Objectives 5. LEO Facts and figures 6. Food Sector Activities in 2015 to date: 7. Design and Craft Activities in 2015 8. Economic Development Fund 9. Economic Development Infrastructure 10. Tourism Infrastructure. 11. Training and Marketing 12. Tourism 13. EU Affairs Team. Members thanked Mr. Duffy for his comprehensive report and made the following points: Would like the general public to be aware of all the good work that is happening in the Cork region. Complimented the staff and says the public will appreciate the work the Council are involved in. Interested in the cycle routes and the Greenway Project that is to be launched. Members asked what the land in Dunmanway and Clonakilty will be used for. The Director of Services informed the Members that the message is getting out to the public and referred to the stand at the Cork Summer Show. The lands in Dunmanway will be for an enterprise centre and uses for the lands at Clonakilty are still being looked at. Minjun2.15 Page 6 NOTICES OF MOTION MUNICIPAL DISTRICT CHAINS 10/6-2 Councillor Kevin O’Keeffe proposed, seconded by Councillor Timmy Collins, the following motion:“That this Council does not support the creation of Municipal District Chains.” In a discussion that followed, Members made the following points: It is not appropriate to have chains of office commissioned. Municipal Districts are in operation for the past 12 months and they have worked efficiently without chains. If a chain is given to a chairperson of a Municipal District the person in charge of every committee would be looking for a chain. Deputy Mayor’s chain is very skimpy and would need extra links. Municipal Districts need to concentrate on increasing meetings and lobbying government and need to get the public at large to associate with the Municipal Districts, not chains of office. Think it is very important that Municipal Districts are recognised, chairs don’t get the recognition they deserve and a chain of office would assist this. Difficult to help people identify with the chairperson position and the Municipal District role, a chain would help. Produce more Deputy Chains as a solution. The CE said this is a political decision, not an executive decision. The role of the Chair is to chair meetings. There is a vacuum in terms of recognition of local government generally. Municipal Districts do perform significant reserve functions and they need to be recognised as leaders to the town that they govern, there is a challenge to the Municipal District representational role. CE believes a chain would assist with the role of Municipal Districts. After the discussion, the Mayor requested that a vote be taken on the proposal, which resulted as follows:Councillors O Laoghaire, D’Alton, Ó Donnabhain, Ml. Murphy, O’Grady, Ryan, Conway, Keohane, Cullinane, Rasmussen, N. Collins, Buckley, Linehan – Foley, O’Keeffe, June Murphy, T. Collins, M. Collins, Hayes. [18] Against the Motion: Councillors McGrath, Forde, Canty, J.A. Collins, Harris, Lombard, K. Murphy, Murphy O’Mahony, J. O’Donovan, Creed, Lucey, P. O’Sullivan, Barry, Ml. Hegarty, N. McCarthy, O’Flynn, Doyle, Dawson, O’Shea, Fitzgerald, B. Moynihan, Carroll, N. O’Donovan, P.G. Murphy, Hurley. [25] The Mayor declared that the Motion was defeated. For the Motion: VOTES OF CONGRATULATIONS 11/6-2 TO: Cllr. Margaret Murphy – O’Mahony on the nomination to contest the forthcoming General Election. Minjun2.15 Page 7 TO: Cllr. James O’Donovan on his success in the recent Road Bowling Competition. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 12/6-2 Water Supply in Kildorrery Members spoke of ongoing issues with the water supply in Kildorrery and the dreadful impact it is having on businesses and residents. Members would like the Council to write to Irish Water and ask that the water problem would be addressed urgently. It was agreed that the remaining items on the Agenda would be deferred to the Council Meeting on 13th July, 2015. This concluded the business of the Meeting Minjun2.15 Page 8