Supporting Information Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article: Appendix S1 {Correlation of WORLDCLIM bioclimatic variables } Table S1 {Pearson-product correlation matrix of bioclimatic variables* for UK and Ireland} Appendix S2 {Number of records per species} Table S2 {Number of records per species for each time period following the removal of spatial autocorrelation, as used in linear mixed models. The total number of records for each species was used to predict climatic suitability models in Maxent } Appendix S3 { Model summaries and climatic suitability maps } Table S3 { Minimal model summary for each species } Fig S1 { Climatic suitability maps predicted by Maxent models with raw species presence data } Appendix S1. Correlation of WORLDCLIM bioclimatic variables Table S1. Pearson-product correlation matrix of bioclimatic variables* for UK and Ireland, calculated using monthly data for MarOct, along with altitude and slope. Bio1 Bio2 Bio3 Bio4 Bio5 Bio6 Bio7 Bio12 Bio13 Bio14 Bio15 altitude slope Bio1 1.00 0.34 0.09 0.15 0.89 0.86 0.34 -0.63 -0.68 -0.63 -0.48 -0.73 -0.53 Bio2 Bio3 Bio4 Bio5 Bio6 Bio7 0.34 0.09 0.15 0.89 0.86 0.34 1.00 0.50 0.41 0.66 -0.04 0.80 0.50 1.00 -0.56 0.05 0.21 -0.12 0.41 -0.56 1.00 0.51 -0.33 0.86 0.66 0.05 0.51 1.00 0.54 0.73 -0.04 0.21 -0.33 0.54 1.00 -0.18 0.80 -0.12 0.86 0.73 -0.18 1.00 -0.56 -0.16 -0.30 -0.73 -0.40 -0.53 -0.53 -0.10 -0.32 -0.77 -0.45 -0.53 -0.56 -0.26 -0.19 -0.69 -0.43 -0.45 -0.71 -0.16 -0.46 -0.70 -0.15 -0.70 -0.14 -0.28 0.23 -0.55 -0.83 0.04 -0.28 -0.24 0.05 -0.46 -0.48 -0.15 -0.63 -0.68 -0.63 -0.48 -0.73 -0.53 -0.56 -0.53 -0.56 -0.71 -0.14 -0.28 -0.16 -0.10 -0.26 -0.16 -0.28 -0.24 -0.30 -0.32 -0.19 -0.46 0.23 0.05 -0.73 -0.77 -0.69 -0.70 -0.55 -0.46 -0.40 -0.45 -0.43 -0.15 -0.83 -0.48 -0.53 -0.53 -0.45 -0.70 0.04 -0.15 1.00 0.97 0.98 0.78 0.56 0.56 0.97 1.00 0.91 0.74 0.53 0.53 0.98 0.91 1.00 0.75 0.61 0.60 0.78 0.74 0.75 1.00 0.19 0.36 0.56 0.53 0.61 0.19 1.00 0.58 0.56 0.53 0.60 0.36 0.58 1.00 Bio12 Bio13 Bio14 Bio15 altitude slope *Bio1 = Annual Mean Temperature Bio2 = Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp - min temp)) Bio3 = Isothermality (BIO2/BIO7) (* 100) Bio4 = Temperature Seasonality (standard deviation *100) Bio5 = Max Temperature of Warmest Month Bio6 = Min Temperature of Coldest Month Bio7 = Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6) Bio12 = Annual Precipitation Bio13 = Precipitation of Wettest Month Bio14 = Precipitation of Driest Month Bio15 = Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) Appendix S2. Number of records per species. Table S2. Number of records per species modelled for each time period, following the removal of spatial autocorrelation. The total number of records for each species was used to predict climatic suitability models in Maxent . Species Time period Pre1960 Total 1960-80 1981-12 B. barbutellus 51 114 93 258 B. campestris 65 120 161 346 B. distinguendus 107 50 46 203 B. humilis 224 149 600 973 B. monticola 28 59 135 222 B. muscorum 78 85 212 375 B. ruderarius 90 79 151 320 B. ruderatus 49 19 47 115 B. rupestris 74 43 144 261 B. soroeensis 33 23 85 141 B. sylvarum 99 64 48 211 B. vestalis 33 310 410 753 Appendix S3. Model summaries and Maxent climatic suitability maps. Table S3. Minimal model summary for each species where presence/absence per 10km square in the UK is fitted as the response variable in a linear mixed effects model. Climatic suitability (C), distance to coast (D) and time period (T1: pre1960, T2: 1960-80 and T3: 1981-12) are fitted as fixed factors and 10km square ID is considered a random factor. The number of recorders per 10km square for each time period was also fitted as a random factor to account for possible variation in recorder effort. Species Fixed effects Estimate S. E z-value P AIC LogLiklihood B. barbutellus T2 1.1 0.235 4.723 2.32e-6* T3 0.391 0.238 1.642 0.1006 T2 -9.019 2.154 -4.186 2.84e-5* T3 2.517 1.629 1.55 0.122 C -0.538 2.234 -0.241 0.81 D -1.522 3.569 -0.427 0.669 T2:C 17.369 4.354 3.99 6.62e-5* T3:C -2.634 3.09 -0.853 0.394 T2:D 19.728 6.909 2.855 0.004* T3:D -3.404 4.99 -0.682 0.495 C:D 2.53 6.41 0.395 0.693 T2:C:D -34.477 13.650 -2.526 0.12 T3:C:D 7.398 9.112 0.812 0.417 792.3 -391.1 664.7 -318.4 B. campestris B. distinguendus T2 -10.954 1.944 -5.634 1.76e-8* T3 -15.637 2.370 -6.597 4.19e11* C -14.227 2.816 -5.052 4.38e-7* D -8.003 4.027 -1.988 0.047* T2:C 17.626 3.416 5.160 2.47e-7* T3:C 27.857 4.092 6.808 9.93e-12* T2:D 8.361 5.443 1.536 0.125 T3:D 19.322 7.866 2.457 0.014* C:D 15.550 7.524 2.067 0.039* T2:C:D -13.453 10.066 -1.336 0.181 T3:C:D -47.602 15.375 -3.096 0.002* T2 1.035 1.756 0.589 0.556 T3 -5.493 1.679 -3.271 0.001* C -5.701 2.355 -2.421 0.016* D -2.921 3.013 -0.969 0.332 T2:C -2.714 3.301 -0.822 0.411 T3:C 9.457 3.139 3.013 0.003* T2:D -5.932 4.345 -1.365 0.172 T3:D 7.810 4.160 1.877 0.061 C:D 4.890 5.524 0.885 0.376 T2:C:D 12.010 7.905 1.519 0.129 T3:C:D -13.831 7.580 -1.825 0.068 0.285 0.486 0.587 0.557 539.47 -255.73 703.71 -337.85 B. humilis B. monticola T2 664.74 -323.37 T3 2.815 0.478 5.889 3.89e-9* C 0.88 0.706 1.25 0.213 D 0.193 1.166 0.165 0.869 T2:D 2.168 1.463 1.482 0.138 T3:D -1.617 1.445 -1.119 0.263 T2 -0.17 0.348 -0.487 0.626 T3 2.044 0.328 6.218 5.02e-10* B. muscorum D 1.359 0.73 1.861 1130.75 -557.37 925.62 -448.81 381.02 -182.51 0.06274 T2:D -0.151 1.031 -0.147 0.883 T3:D -2.973 0.980 -3.032 0.002* T2 -6.583 1.501 -4.385 1.16e-5* T3 -9.192 1.437 -6.394 1.61e-10* C -9.252 2.147 -4.310 1.64e-5* D -7.010 2.913 -2.406 0.016* T2:C 11.939 2.937 4.065 4.79e-5* T3:C 17.640 2.867 6.152 7.64e-10* T2:D 9.332 4.26 2.191 0.029 T3:D 15.515 3.964 3.914 9.06e-5* C:D 12.75 5.687 2.242 0.025 T2:C:D -16.950 7.999 -2.119 0.034 T3:C:D -28.158 7.590 -3.710 0.0002* -5.417 1.662 -3.259 0.001* B. ruderarius B. ruderatus T2 T3 -7.361 1.635 -4.502 6.74e-6* C -7.195 2.173 -3.311 0.001* T2:C 7.661 3.185 2.406 0.016* T3:C 13.939 3.108 4.485 7.29e-6* T2 -2.7 0.746 -3.619 2.96e-4* T3 -3.121 0.813 -3.841 1.23e-4* C -4.056 0.924 -4.389 1.14e-5* D -0.668 0.834 -0.801 0.423 T2:C 8.412 1.292 6.514 7.33e-11* T3:C 3.21 1.369 2.345 0.019* T2:D -0.238 1.131 -0.210 0.834 T3:D 2.652 1.208 2.197 0.028* T2 -2.658 1.107 -2.401 0.016* T3 -0.015 0.991 -0.015 0.988 C -4.948 1.616 -3.062 0.002* D 3.863 1.286 3.004 0.003* T2:C 5.518 2.216 2.49 0.013* T3:C 8.258 2.117 3.9 9.61e-5* T2:D -1.157 1.768 -0.654 0.513 T3:D -9.429 1.754 -5.376 7.62e-8* -2.941 0.816 -3.602 3.15e-4* B. rupestris 780.86 -385.43 379.32 -178.66 717.74 -350.87 B. soroeensis B. sylvarum T2 T3 -4.511 0.931 -4.845 1.26e-6* C -3.144 1.064 -2.955 0.003* T2:C 4.085 1.513 2.7 0.007* T3:C 6.019 1.677 3.589 3.32e-4* T2 -1.924 0.989 -1.946 0.05* T3 4.232 0.977 4.332 1.48e-5* C -0.288 1.501 -0.192 0.847 T2:C 6.609 1.863 3.547 3.89e-04* T3:C -1.257 1.856 -0.677 0.498 B. vestalis 977.72 -480.86