Minutes 9-16-2014 - St. Mary & St. Robert Bellarmine Churches

September 16, 2014
Opening Prayer – EDUCATION
1) Roll Call: (13 Absent)
SMPC: C. Becker; J. Bednarek; S. Coelho; G. Griskewicz; K. Hunter; E. Leary; J. Loughran,
D. Payette; S. Quagliaroli; K. Rojas; A. Rucci; G. Staves; M. Stratton (Class)
2) SECRETARY’S REPORT: Joyce Catania
a) Minutes of Previous Meeting: Accepted: 1st P. Van Bramer/2ndF. Borchetta
b) Correspondence: Fr. O’Grady received thank you notes from the two recipients of scholarships
TREASURER’S REPORT (via e-mail):
BALANCE at last Report
$ 2,235.40
K of C Scholarship contribution
$ 3,235.40
Coffee Pause
Emily Leary- Reimbursement
Party for Deacon Ben
Jonathan Dodge, Scholarship
Maria Carrasquillo, Scholarship
$ 2,255.14
$ 2,255.14
We made $2,000 at the scholarship tag sale. Allied Attic came two days in a row to pick up the
leftovers. Next year we are thinking of holding two days (Friday/Saturday). Next year there will
be no collection the day before..
For those volunteering with folding, the next folding will be for the Annual Collection letter. I
will be calling for volunteers.
b) CYO: P. Van Bramer
No Report. We are on hold at this time.
c) EDUCATION: M. Stratton
CCD classes started this week. Current enrollment is 400 with 47 students in Grade 2 – First
Communion classes. There are 50 students in the Confirmation class.
Confirmation is scheduled for Sunday, November 2nd at 3 p.m. at St. Robert’s Church. The
Confirmation retreat will be on October 5th.
There is a need for substitute teachers for the program – all grades. Please consider helping out
for one hour occasionally. Our volunteer teachers give of their time very generously, and deserve
help when needed.
d) EVANGELIZATION – G. Staves/Nancy Stimac
Father Sheehan led a day-long retreat on Saturday, September 13 at the St. Robert Parish Center
on the topic of “Knowing That You Are God’s Beloved.” It was powerful and life-changing.
Forty-five people attended. Fr, Bill will be back for another day on September 19, 2015.
Upcoming programs include:
Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, Masters & Ph.D, Old Testament and Hebrew/Judiac Studies –
Instructor of the Hartford Archdiocese Catholic Bible School, will be doing a presentation on
“How and Why We Suffer” on Wednesday, October 15 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. at the St. Robert
parish Center.
Fr. Michael Holleran, former Jesuit, Carthusian Monk, and currently a NYC diocesan priest,
pastor of Notre Dame, will present “Experiencing the Whirlwind of the Spirit in our Lives”
On Wednesday, November 12 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at St. Robert’s Parish Hall.
To register for one or all events, e-mail prayereventswl@aol.com, or call Gloria 860-6232943 or Rhonda 860-623-4753
Ongoing programs include:
2015 will introduce a four-week Food and Faith series starting February 25th with speakers Bill
Walsh, Ben Winiarski, Fr. Terry and Amy Ekeh presently lined up. For the Lenten Mission,
Deacon Miller is on board. Under study is a well-known program, Alpha – a series of sessions
over 10 weeks, typically preceded by an “Alpha Supper” which often includes the talk “Is there
more to life than this?” and with a possible day away at the end. Each session starts with a
meal, followed by a talk (often a video) and then discussion in small groups. The talks aim to
cover basic beliefs of the Christian faith. Tens of millions all over the world have attended this
The CD display cases at both churches. The focus is on children, teens, and adult topics.
There are books located at the CD display cases at both churches. These cover all age groups.
Centering Prayer continues to be held:
- Sunday 5:30-6:30 P.M. at St. Mary Parish Center
- Wednesday 1-2 P.M. at St. Robert's Rectory (this session includes Lectio Divina scripture
meditation). Details are in the bulletin.
Bible Study continues to meet every Sunday 7-8 P.M. in St. Mary Parish Center. We have
moved to the large room at St. Mary’s Parish Center, as we now have 30 plus attendees.
Details in the bulletin.
Please promote these programs within your committees.
“Seek the Lord while you can find Him. Call upon Him now while He is near.” (Isiah,
In our ministry at the entrances to our churches, we hope to initiate action to the persons entering
the Lord’s Temple. A smile and encouraging salutations are the earmarks of this ministry.
f) HEALTH MINISTRY: T. Farr/S. Quagliaroli
No Report, but we are still looking for more volunteers for home visits
g) LITURGY: Fr. O’Grady
Advent books have been ordered as well as the Lenten books. Confirmation retreat will be held at
St, Robert’s. A musician and his wife will hold the retreat for the kids. We will have pizza and
Confirmation will be on November 7th at St. Robert’s.
Blessing of the animals will be the first Sunday of October.
h) PRO-LIFE: Hal Larson /Jim Loughran
No report.
i) REFLECTIONS: K. Dwelley
Our last meeting was last Saturday, 9/12. The group listened to inspirational songs and meditated
on their feelings while the songs played. Through discussion, the thoughts were tied to God and
Jesus, and how they are a part of our lives. Our next meeting will be moved from October 11 to
October 4.
K of C
We had a busy summer. Cruise Knights are every Thursday night. We have two more this year –
weather permitting. Raffles each week are raising money for the scholarship fund.
Bingo has picked up. Last week’s (9/8 ) Must Go $1,700 had 181 in attendance. Yesterday
(9/15) we had 113 in attendance, and they enjoyed a free pasta dinner.
Saturday, October 11, we will have a Comedy Knight with dinner. Flyers will be in the bulletin.
As of September 1st, there are seven Small Christian Communities. Times and meeting places are
on the web site. We are celebrating our 30th year anniversary, and there will be a dinner on
October 8th at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield.
Mary Ann Danyluk is taking over the Chairmanship of Small Christian communities.
k) SOCIAL ACTIVITIES – E. Leary (via e-mail)
A Harvest Dinner will be held on October 18, 2014 at the new St. Robert Hall.
This will be a full course dinner, consisting of soup, entrée, salad and dessert. Doors will open at
5:30, and dinner will be served at 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 and everyone is invited to bring their
own beverage. The only beverage available will be cider.
Tickets will be sold after all Masses starting on October 4, and are also available from Carole
Cook and Emily Leary.
This party has been a great success in past years, and we hope our first venture at the new facility
will be successful. We count on your help. Please purchase tickets and join us for a fun night.
l) SOCIAL JUSTICE: - E. Leary for G. Grisewicz/K. Rojas(via e-mail)
We did a barbeque in August for the residents, and it went very well. The men loved it. The
collection of items for the shelter during the last several months was very successful, and thanks
to everyone who contributed.
Our first dinner will be Monday, October 6. Details appear in the bulletin. We also contributed
$100 for snacks to be used for the people who participated in the “Give Me Shelter” walk which
took place on September 13.
Two TV’s were stolen over the summer, so we had to order replacements.
The Council voted in Judy Klocker and Terry O’Leary as Council members.
Nancy told us she spoke with Eileen Pearce, and Eileen said that all committees should send her
complete information to be posted…any format. Any questions on the calendar should go to Rick.
Eileen does not do the calendar.
No Report
Fr. O’Grady will arrange to have a Mass said for Deacon Don.
The wake and funeral for Don was attended by over 1,000 people. Don did a great job for us, but we
must move on. Many people are asking how they can help. Steve Linde and his wife are taking over the
Baptismal program (which starts the first of the month) from Deacon Ben. Fr. Tran will handle the
recruiting and scheduling of altar servers. Diane Macaluso will handle scheduling of Eucharistic
Ministers. Fr, Tran will also handle the schedules for hospital and nursing home visits. We will need
volunteers to represent the church by visiting the hospitals.
Veronica Rachel is retiring on October 3. Michelle Basile will be taking over, and already does a
beautiful job.
Gerry Staves’ son was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident Sunday night. He is in serious but
stable condition. Please keep him in your prayers.
Fr. O’Grady is looking for Deacons, and is on the list. Most Deacons have already been placed in other
9) NEXT MEETING DATE: October 7, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m.
12) ADJOURN: Accepted: 1st J. Klocker/2nd T. Farr
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Catania