The Guinn Collection of Military Aviation & History

The Guinn Collection of Military Aviation
& History
Originally exhibited at the Thomas Cooper Library, University of South Carolina
Archived October 13, 2013
Archived Online Exhibit ................................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 2
The Guinn Collection of Military
Aviation and History, totaling over
1800 books and pamphlets, was
donated to the Thomas Cooper
Library in late 2001 by Dr. Gilbert S.
Guinn, professor emeritus of history
at Lander University in Greenwood,
SC, and Dr. Susan H. Guinn,
professor of English at Lander
Drawing from H. Barber, A.E.Ae.S, Capt., R.F.C.
The Aeroplane Speaks. NewYork: McBride, 1917.
As with several other collections, the Guinn books, which included
material from World War I onwards, came to Thomas Cooper together
with the parallel donation of archival materials to one of the University's
archival collections.
Dr. Guinn, who earned his BA, MA, and PhD degrees from USC, has
had a continuing research interest in the stories of British airmen who
trained in the US during World War II, and he has donated his oral
history archives about this topic to the South Caroliniana Library.
Cartoon from
James Gould
Cozzens, et
al. Instrument
Flying Technique
in Weather.
Patterson Field,
Fairfield, OH:
Headquarters, Air
Command, 1943.
Although the primary focus of the collection is on aviation itself, it also
includes much incidental material illustrating broader social-historical
The books in the Guinn Collection focus on both British and American
military aviation, across both World Wars, and provide a welcome
complement to the library's previous special collections in military
history. The Guinn Collection also brought to the library additional
volumes of related general history.
Advertisement from R.A.
Gill's The Flyer's Guide,
an elementary handbook
for aviators. London: Hugh
Rees, 1916.
Keith Ayling. R.A.F., The Story
of a British Fighter Pilot .
New York: Henry Holt and
Company, 1941.
James R.
Flying for France,
with the American
Escadrille at
New York:
Doubleday, 1918.