references - Academic Science,International Journal of Computer

Steganography using LSB Technique
Ms. Arati Appaso Pujari
Mrs. Sunita Sunil Shinde
PG Student
Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering
department, ADCET, Ashta, India
Assistant Professor
Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering
department, ADCET, Ashta, India
Assistant Professor
Electronics and
Telecommunication Engineering
department, ADCET, Ashta, India
Ms. Pradnya P. Mirajkar
In the world of Computer and Internet; most of the data travel
over computer network and it becomes challenging task to
secure this data. So there is need of an efficient and simple
way of securing the electronic documents from being read or
used by people other than authorized one. Steganography is
one of the categories of information security. This paper
discussed a technique based on the LSB (least significant bit).
The secret image will be hidden in another image so attacker
will not recognize the secret image.
There are 4 different types of steganography:
Image steganography is widely use for hiding process of the
data. Because it is quite simple and secure way to transfer the
information over the internet. Image steganography has
following types:
Steganography, LSB, Carrier Image, Stego Image.
Steganography is the science of hiding secret information in
other information. It implies that the message to be
transmitted is not visible to the informal eye. Steganography
has been used for thousands of years to transmit data without
being intercepted by unwanted viewers. Images are ideal for
information hiding because of the large amount of redundant
space is created in the storing of images. Steganography is
very close to cryptography. Cryptography is about encrypting
the content of the message. At the same time encrypted data
package is itself evidence of the existence of valuable
information. Steganography goes a step further and makes the
ciphertext invisible to unauthorized users. Two other
technologies that are closely related to steganography are
watermarking and fingerprinting. These technologies are
mainly concerned with the protection of intellectual property.
But steganography is concern with the hiding of text in
another information like image, text, audio, video. The paper
is organized as follows: The section 2 presents brief
description of Steganography, section 3 includes LSB
technique along with its algorithm, section 4 presents results
obtained by LSB method of Image Steganography and finally,
conclusion is presented in section 5.
Steganography is a technique that facilitates hiding of a
message that is to be kept secret inside other message. Secret
messages are transferred through unknown cover carriers so
that the existence of the embedded messages is undetectable.
Carriers may be images, audio, video, text or any other
digitally represented code. Images are ideal for information
hiding because of the large amount of redundant space is
created in the storing of images. The hidden message may be
plaintext, cipher text or anything that can be represented as a
bit stream.
a. Image
b. Audio
c. Video
d. Protocol
Text steganography using digital files is not used very often
since text files have a very small amount of redundant data.
Audio/Video steganography is very complex in use.
a. Transform domain
b. Spread spectrum
c. Image domain
i. LSB and MSB in BMP
ii. LSB and MSB in JPG
LSB is most efficient (in term of data hiding) method of
image steganography. Because the intensity of image is only
changed by 1 or 0 because the change at last bit after hiding
the information.
Carrier image
Message image
Fig.1: Steganography process at sender side
After hiding Message image in Carrier image by
steganography method results in Stego Image while
encrypting. This is shown in figure 1. At the decryption side,
again by using steganography, carrier image and message
image is separated from Stego image. This is shown in figure
Carrier image
Applying steganography algorithm, encryption is achieved
and is displayed on next page in fig. 4 to fig. 6.
In fig. 4 selection of message image and original image is
shown. LSB steganography is applied on it to obtain stego
image which is shown in fig. 5. In fig. 6 decryption process of
recovering message image and original image is shown.
Message image
Fig.2: Steganography process at sender side
In LSB technique intensities of message image and cover
image are obtained. After that LSB bit of cover image is
replaced by LSB bit of message image. Least significant bit
for the patching of data is used because the intensity of image
is only changed by 1 or 0 after hiding the information. The
change is only one bit so that the intensity of image is not
affected too much and we can easily transfer the data.
Steganography Algorithm
1. Read the original image (Cover image) and the image
(Message image) which is to be hidden in the original image.
2. Convert both Cover image and Message image in binary
3. Replace the LSB bit of each pixel of Cover image with
LSB bit of respective pixel of Message image.
4. Obtain Stego image.
In this paper steganography is used which makes it difficult to
detect the presence of hidden message from prying eyes. By
doing so eavesdropper will not be able to detect that secret
image is present in the image which is visible to eyes. This
paper discussed LSB (least significant bit) technique of
steganography. To improve information security
Steganography along with Cryptography may be some of the
future solution.
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Consider a mask of 3X3 for Message image is as shown
[4] David Kahn, “The History of Steganography”, Proc. of
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[5] Artz, D, “Digital Steganography: Hiding data within
Data”, IEEE Internet Computing, May/June 2001.
and a mask of 3X3 for Message image is as shown below:
Then by applying LSB steganography the mask for Stego
image will be
This is the reverse process of Encryption
[6] Li Zhi,Sui Ai Fen., “Detection of Random LSB Image
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[7] Vijay Kumar Sharma, Vishal Shrivastav, “A
steganography algorithm for hiding image in image by
improved LSB substitution by minimize detection”,
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information
Technology, 15th February 2012.
Fig.3: Selection of message image and cover image (Original image)
Fig.4: Encryption (Process of hiding message image into original image)
Fig.5: Decryption (Process of extracting message image and cover image from stego image)