CITY OF OXFORD MINUTES December 8, 2015 . The regular meeting of the Oxford City Council was called to order by Mayor Gary L. Wilkinson at 7:00 PM on December 8th, 2015, at the Oxford City Hall. Members present: Ealy, Weppler, Morlan, Cooling, and Jiras. Absent: None It was moved by Morlan and seconded by Weppler to approve November 10th , 2015 minutes, motion carried. It was moved by Cooling and seconded by Ealy to approve the clerk’s report. Motion carried. It was moved by Morlan and seconded by Cooling to approve the accounts payables. Motion carried. Mark Struzynski, gave the maintenance report. Mark stated that he met with the DNR for inspection and the report was good. The written report will arrive in approximately two weeks. Brett Mehman also reported that the inspection went well. Mark also stated that there is a very high infiltration rate at the sewer plant. Mayor Wilkinson presented the letter and $500.00 check from MidAmerican Energy. He read the letter and stated that Mid American Energy is very appreciative for all the help and cooperation that occurred during the October 18th, 2015 gas leak. Mayor Wilkinson also stated that the water and sewer report is doing well with the numbers. It was moved by Ealy and seconded by Morlan to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2015-34 SETTING THE DATE OF JANUARY 12TH FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON AMENDING ORDINANCES 2014-06 TO AMEND CHANGES FROM THE JOHNSON COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTIONS AND TO AMEND ORDINANCE 60, 8-13-1080, AND AMENDING THE 2015 CODE, TO ESTABLISH AN APPEAL PROCESS FOR WATER SHUT OFFS. Ayes: Jiras, Morlan, Weppler, Ealy, and Cooling Nays: None Sara Morlan stated that the new business in Oxford to be operated by Stephanie Jiras has been postponed until January. Sara Morlan gave the Vision Report and stated they will be holding off until after the first of the year regarding progress. It was moved by Cooling and seconded by Ealy to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2015-32, APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A LOAN AND DISBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $116,000.00 FROM THE FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK IN OXFORD, IOWA FOR OXFORD HEIGHTS REHABILITATION PROJECT. Ayes: Jiras, Morlan, Weppler, Ealy, and Cooling Nays: None It was moved by Ealy and seconded by Morlan to approve RESOLUTION NO. 2015-33 APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING A LOAN AND DISBURSEMENT AGREEMENT PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $108,000.00 FROM FIRST TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK IN OXFORD, IOWA FOR AUGUSTA AVENUE SEWER PROJECT CHANGE ORDER CITY OF OXFORD, IOWA. Ayes: Jiras, Morlan, Weppler, Ealy, and Cooling. Nays: None It was moved by Morlan and seconded by Cooling to accept the unit price for the L.L. Pelling proposal for the 2016 year. Mayor Wilkinson stated that bids for the Oxford Culvert project will be delayed until January 12TH when bids will be opened AT 4:00 p.m. Mayor Wilkinson discussed the Helterbran building and the pros and cons of such a project. He discussed the process of acquiring title to the building and the procedures, costs and liabilities of demolition, asbestos testing and possible removal of materials. He discussed that grants may be available especially if building materials could be recycled. He stated that experts could inspect the property after ownership is acquired. Jiras stated that she is aware of someone who might be interested in purchasing the property so the subject was tabled for now. Many Oxford business owners discussed the Oxford sewer project and the impact the closing of Augusta Avenue and the entire project had on residents and business owners. Mayor Wilkinson discussed the many problems and unexpected variables during the project that impacted costs and created delays for the project. Mary Sue Jiras expressed concern that the city had spent too much on road repairs in the past and wanted the council to review and approve any future work before it is contracted for. She also questioned whether we could get a different contractor for Oxford’s road work. Business owners expressed their concerns regarding how the contractor preformed while replacing the sewer lines on Augusta Avenue. Their assessment was quite negative and will provide guidance for future projects. Jeri Satinsky, owner of the Augusta Restaurant, expressed her dismay that Oxford residents are not supporting their restaurant. She hopes for more support for local businesses from Oxford in the future. ` It was moved by Cooling and seconded by Ealy to adjourn the meeting. Sincerely, Brenda Galante Deputy Clerk