Dr Julie Edge - Association of Children`s Diabetes Clinicians

Dr Julie Anne Edge
Qualifications: MB ChB (Bristol, 1980), MD (Bristol, 1996), FRCPCH
Current post:
Consultant in Paediatric Diabetes, Oxford Children’s Hospital since 1997
Lead clinician, Oxford Children’s Diabetes Service
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, University of Oxford
National /Regional Diabetes Commitments Chair, NICE Guideline
Development Group, Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children
Member NICE Guideline Development Group, Diabetes in Children and Young
Committee member Association of Children’s Diabetes Clinicians)
Committee member Peer Review Children’s Strategy Group, NHS England
Improving Quality
Previously member of group producing the Making Every Young Person with
Diabetes Matter guideline.
Previous Chair Thames Valley Paediatric Diabetes Network (until 2013)
Other Diabetes Commitments
Writing Group for International Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes
on Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Surgery
Have had a major role in writing the Curriculum for training consultants and
medical trainees in diabetes, including the T Framework of Competences for
the Level 3 Training Special Study Module in Paediatric Diabetes
Reviewer for Archives of Disease in Childhood, Pediatrics, Pediatric Diabetes,
Practical Diabetes, British Medical Journal.
Member of following Professional Associations
ISPAD (International Society of Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes)
RCPCH (Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health)
ACDC (Association of Children’s Diabetes Clinicians)
BSPED (British Society of Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes)
Julie Anne Edge, MD, MRCP, FRCPCH
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology
Level 2, Oxford Children’s Hospital
Oxford, OX3 9DU
Tel: +44 1 865 231673
Fax : + 44 1 865 234211
Dr Julie Edge has been a Consultant in Paediatric Diabetes since 1997, and is the Lead Clinician for children’s
and adolescent diabetes in Oxfordshire, UK, running a service for over 330 children and young people with
diabetes with very good outcomes. She leads the team which won the British Medical Journal Diabetes Team
of the Year award in 2013, against competition for adult and paediatric diabetes services nationally, for their
work on diabetes in primary schools.
She has been involved in diabetes research since 1987 and major projects include studies on cerebral
oedema and diabetic ketoacidosis. She continues with a research portfolio including several large
collaborative studies, including the Adolescent Diabetes Intervention Trial (AdDIT).
She is currently on the NICE Guideline Development Group for Diabetes in Children and is the chair of the
NICE GDG for Diabetic Ketoacidosis in Children. She has been involved in writing the British Society of
Paediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes (BSPED) guidelines for diabetic ketoacidosis and is also a member of
the writing group for the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes guidelines for diabetic
She is also on the Peer Review Steering Group for Paediatric Diabetes for NHS Improving Quality. She was
until recently the chair of the Association of Children’s Diabetes Clinicians in England and was the diabetes
representative on the Clinical Committee of the BSPED. She talks widely nationally and internationally on DKA
and on clinical diabetes management.